Upload image error -> blob:http://localhost:3000/48c7da66-42c0-4ed3-8691-2dedd5ce4984:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND [duplicate] - mongodb

I build a MERN app and hosted on heroku.
I saved the user's images on server by multer and it works fine for some time i.e. uploaded image is fetched successfully.
But after closing the application for long that image is not available on server.
On searching I found that each dyno on heroku boots with a clean copy of the filesystem from the most recent deploy.
But then how and where to save images?

Dyno file system is ephemeral so you need to store the file on an external storage (ie S3, Dropbox) or use an Heroku plugin (ie for FTP).
Check Files on Heroku to understand (free) options for storing/managing files (the examples are in Python but the concept is valid for other stacks too).


Firebase hosting is making my js bundle size go to 4.5mb

I have the following pictures of my storage window compare to my build folder
the issue is some answers regarding similar cases, here on stack, say that firebase compresses your bundle before sending to client, in my case it is tripling the size of my js bundle, is this an issue in fire store on at my end , I am building my react app using this script ,
"winBuild": "set "GENERATE_SOURCEMAP=false" && react-scripts build"
npm run winBuild
and then
firestore deploy --only hosting
when I delete those to files from cache my cache storage goes from 6mb to 1.5 .. 2 js files 4.5mb is kind of weird.
my site was deployed to heroku and I was serving using node.js express and compress middle ware and didn't have this problem.

Sitefinity site in local machine with out any changes, but image is not loading

Hosted sitefinity site in local machine with existing code and db backup. But the image is not loading in the site front end and also in the admin side. Need some help on this. The existing live site is having images but trying to replicate it in local, it is not showing any images.
From your screenshot it looks the images are stored in the File System.
Make sure you manually copy all files from App_Data / Storage folder.

Tableau Server Client - Embedded Dashboard Images Not Loading To Server

While using server.workbooks.publish() from the TableauServerClient in python, the images that I have embedded in a dashboard do not load into Tableau Server. These load fine when I manually load to Server from desktop. I've attempted using images saved from the Tableau default images location and from dropbox and from OneDrive with no success. Its obviously not a critical element of the dashboard but something that the client wants to see. Has anyone done this successfully?
For anyone running into the same issue, you must be loading a .twbx file for the images to be included. This was answered by a developer on github.

Auto upload remote files into Google cloud storage via FTP?

I download a lot of csv files via ftp from different sources on a daily basis. I then upload these files into Google Cloud Storage.
Are there any programs/api/tools to automate this?
Looking for a best way, if possible, to load these files directly into Google Cloud Storage without having to locally download them. Something that I can deploy on Google Compute, so I don't need to run a local programs like Filezilla/CrossFTP. The program/tool will keep checking the remote location on a regular basis and load new files into Google Cloud Storage; ensuring a checksum match.
I apologize in advance if this is too vague/generic question.
Sorry, no. Automatically importing objects from a remote FTP server is not currently a feature of GCS.

Meteor Framework save image to server

I am using Meteor Framework with MongoDB in my project. I am trying to save uploaded profile images to Meteor server (under public folder). How to save profile images on Meteor without additional package ?
I've recently looked in to this for a project and the conclusion is came to is that you should not upload files to the Meteor app folders at all (not sure you can do it even). Instead, use a separate storage service for static file storage. It seems like the majority of the developers out there use Amazon S3 (and so do I) but there are other options, like Rackspace Cloud Files. You can use S3 for free for a year and I believe there is something similar for Cloud Files.