For what example would Maekawa's algorithm allow out of timestamp order access to the critical section - mutex

For what example would Maekawa's algorithm allow out of timestamp order access to the critical section. It is mentioned that ordering is not satisfied in Maekawa's algorithm. But in what scenario would this be true?
From my understanding, we will always have the queue at each process that follows FIFO and will ensure that whichever process requested access to critical seciton first, gets votes from the voting set first. Doesn't this satisfy ordering?


Change priority rule and reorder queued agents in runtime using Reinforcement Learning

I am developing a model comprised of m consecutive machines in which n agents must be processed in random sequences of machines. I want to have an intelligent agent (Reinforcement Learning) to, in each action, set the priority rule to rank queued agents in each machine.
The problem I have is that I am not sure if I am correctly changing the queueing order of agents in each queue, whenever the ranking rule is changed.
After some googling, I found this post, which seems to be what I want.:
Change priority rule of a Queue block at runtime in Anylogic
In this post, user Stuart Rossiter posted an interesting solution, (case 2 - using service block), which consists of sorting the agents queued on the embedded service's queue, using self.queue.sortAgents().
However, AnyLogic does not recognize this expression, as when I try to use it, I get the error "queue cannot be resolved or is not a field". After some more googling, I was able to find that the embedded queue of services can be accessed through service.seize.queue; however, even through this way, the method sortAgents() cannot be used, as I get an error saying that the method is undefined.
So, I am asking how can I reorder the agents in the embedded queue of a service after changing the ranking rule in runtime?
Obviously, I am assuming that playing with the task priority of the service would not be enough, as that would only be used to rank the order of agents that arrive to the queue after the ranking rule is set, i.e., it does not update the order of jobs queued before the ranking rule is changed (this is also clearly explained by the same user Stuart Rossiter).
Thank you.

How to replay in a deterministic way in CQRS / event-sourcing?

In CQRS / ES based systems, you store events in an event-store. These events refer to an aggregate, and they have an order with respect to the aggregate they belong to. Furthermore, aggregates are consistency / transactional boundaries, which means that any transactional guarantees are only given on a per-aggregate level.
Now, supposed I have a read model which consumes events from multiple aggregates (which is perfectly fine, AFAIK). To be able to replay the read model in a deterministic way, the events need some kind of global ordering, across aggregates – otherwise you wouldn't know whether to replay events for aggregate A before or after the ones for B, or how to intermix them.
The simplest solution to achieve this is by using a timestamp on the events, but typically timestamps are not fine-granular enough (or, to put it another way, not all databases are created equal). Another option is to use a global sequence, but this is bad performance-wise and hinders scaling.
How do you solve this issue? Or is my basic assumption, that replays of read models should be deterministic, wrong?
I see these options:
Global sequence
if your database allows it, you can use timestamp+aggregateId+aggregateVersion as an index. This usually doesnt work well in the distributed database case.
in the distributed database you can use vector clock to get a global sequence without having a lock.
Event sequence inside each read model. You can literally store all events in the read model and sort them as you want before applying a projection function.
Allow non-determinism and deal with it. For instance, in your example, if there is no group when add_user event arrives - just create an empty group record to the read model and add a user. And when create_group event arrives - update that group record.
After all, you have checked in UI and/or command handler that there
is a group with this aggregateId, right?
How do you solve this issue?
It's known issue, and of course nor simple timestamps, nor global sequence, nor event naïve methods will not help.
Use vector clock with weak timestamp to enumerate your events and vector cursor to read them. That guarantees some stable deterministic order to intermix events between aggregates. This will work even if each thread has clock synchronization gap, which is regular use case for database clusters, because perfect timestamp synchronization is impossible.
Also this automatically gives possibility to seamless mix reading events from event store and event bus later, and excludes any database locks inter different aggregates events.
Algorithm draft:
1) Determine real quantity of simultaneous transactions in your database, e.g. maximum number of workers in cluster.
Since every event had been written in only one transaction in one thread, you can determine it's unique id as tuple (thread number, thread counter), where thread counter is amount of transactions processed on current thread.
Calculate event weak timestamp as MAX(thread timestamp, aggregate timestamp), where aggregate timestamp is timestamp of last event for current aggregate.
2) Prepare vector cursor for reading events via thread number boundary. Read events from each thread sequentially until timestamp gap exceed allowed value. Allowed weak timestamp gap is trade between event reading performance and preserving native events order.
Minimal value is cluster threads synchronization time delta, so events are arrived in native aggregate intermix order. Maximum value is infinity, so events will be spitted by aggregate. When using RDBMS like postgres, that value can be automatically determined via smart SQL query.
You can see referent implementation for PostgreSQL database for saving events and loading events. Saving events performance is about 10000 events per second for 4GB RAM RDS Postgres cluster.

Kafka Streams: Understanding groupByKey and windowedBy

I have the following code.
My goal is to group messages by a given key and a 10 second window. I would like to count the total amount accumulated for a particular key in the particular window.
I read that I need to have caching enabled and also have a cache size declared. I am also forwarding the wall clock to enforce the windowing to kick in and group the elements in two separate groups. You can see what my expectations are for the given code in the two assertions.
Unfortunately this code fails them and it does so in two ways:
it sends a result of the reduction operation each time it is executed as opposed to utilizing the caching on the store and sending a single total value
windows are not respected as can be seen by the output
Can you please explain to me how am I misunderstanding the mechanics of Kafka Streams in this case?

How Axon framework's sequencing policy works in terms of statefulness

In Axon's reference guide it is written that
Besides these provided policies, you can define your own. All policies must implement the SequencingPolicy interface. This interface defines a single method, getSequenceIdentifierFor, that returns the sequence identifier for a given event. Events for which an equal sequence identifier is returned must be processed sequentially. Events that produce a different sequence identifier may be processed concurrently.
Even more, in this thread's last message it says that
with the sequencing policy, you indicate which events need to be processed sequentially. It doesn't matter whether the threads are in the same JVM, or in different ones. If the sequencing policy returns the same value for 2 messages, they will be guaranteed to be processed sequentially, even if you have tracking processor threads across multiple JVMs.
So does this mean that event processors are actually stateless? If yes, then how do they manage to synchronise? Is the token store used for this purpose?
I think this depends on what you count as state, but I assume that from the point of view your looking at it, yes, the EventProcessor implementations in Axon are indeed stateless.
The SubscribingEventProcessor receives it's events from a SubscribableMessageSource (the EventBus implements this interface) when they occur.
The TrackingEventProcessor retrieves it's event from a StreamableMessageSource (the EventStore implements this interface) on it's own leisure.
The latter version for that needs to keep track of where it is in regards to events on the event stream. This information is stored in a TrackingToken, which is saved by the TokenStore.
A given TrackingEventProcessor thread can only handle events if it has laid a claim on the TrackingToken for the processing group it is part of. Hence, this ensure that the same event isn't handled by two distinct threads to accidentally update the same query model.
The TrackingToken also allow multithreading this process, which is done by segmented the token. The number of segments (adjustable through the initialSegmentCount) drives the number of pieces the TrackingToken for a given processing group will be partitioned in. From the point of view of the TokenStore, this means you'll have several TrackingToken instances stored which equal the number of segments you've set it to.
The SequencingPolicy its job is to drive which events in a stream belong to which segment. Doing so, you could for example use the SequentialPerAggregate SequencingPolicy to ensure all the events with a given aggregate identifier are handled by one segment.

How to resequence after filtering for aggregation /Spring Integration/

I'm doing a project in Spring Integration and I have a big problem.
There are some filtering components in the flow and later in the flow I have an aggregation element.
The problem is that the filtering component does not support to "apply-sequence" property. It filters out some records without modifying the original sequence number however the number of messages are reduced.
Later in the flow I need an aggregation which fails releasing elements since some messages are filtered out.
I don't want to use any special routing elements which have apply-sequence property.
Can you suggest me any common solution for this type of filtering problem?
I'd say you misunderstand the behaviour of the filter and aggregator.
I guees you have some apply-sequence-aware component upstream. So, all messages in that group accept several headers - correlationId - to group messages in the default aggregator; sequenceNumber - the index of the message; sequenceSize - the number of messages in the group.
Filter just checks messages for some condition and sends them to the outpu-channel or does discard logic. It doesn't modify messages. However even if we could do that, it doesn't sounds good anyway.
Assume we have just only two messages in the group. The first on is OK for filtering - we just send it to the aggregator. But the second is discarded, and, yes, it won't be sent to aggregator. And the last one never releases that group, because the sequenceSize isn't reached.
To overcome your requirement you need to have some custom ReleaseStrategy on the aggregator (by default it is SequenceSizeReleaseStrategy). For example to check some state in your system that all messages in the group have been sent independently of true or false result after filter. Or have some fake message for the same reason and check its availability in the group.
In this case you will need just take care about correlationId to group messages in the aggregator.
What is the suggested release strategy for such a scenario? Would it be a good strategy to use timeout as release stretegy?
What I can say that sometimes it is really difficult to find good solution for some integration scenarios. The messaging is stateless by nature, so to correlate and group an undetermined number of messages may be a problem.
There is need to see requirements and environment.
For example when all your messages are processed in the single thread you can safely send some fake marker message in the end directly to the aggregator and check it from ReleaseStrategy. And it will work even when all your messages from the group may be discarded.
If you process those messages in parallel or they are received from different threads, you really won't be able to determine the order of messages and the time for each process.
In this case the TimeoutCountSequenceSizeReleaseStrategy really can help. Of course, there will be need to find the good timeframe compromise according to the requirements to your system.