The task was to Create an XLISP program that simulates the stack implementation of push and pop. Remember, the push and pop of a stack happens only on the top of stack (which is different from a queue)
In this case, we assume that the right most part of your list is the top portion.
Push operation description
Ask the user to enter a number
Insert the data into your stack
0 or negative number is not allowed. If so, simply print "Invalid Input"
Simply removes the top data from your stack.
You have a list called mystack initialized as an empty list.
Example Run:
(setq myStack())
*** When I try to run the code it says that undefined function NIL
(setq myStack(nil))
> (push)
> (pop)
; PUSH Function
(defun push ()
(let ((num (read)))
(if (and (numberp num) (> num 0))
(setq myStack (append myStack (list num)))
(print "Invalid Input"))))
; POP Function
(defun pop ()
(if (null myStack)
(print "Stack is empty")
(setq myStack (butlast myStack))
(print myStack))))
Your Problem first of all is
(setq myStack (nil))
In Common Lisp, one would write it:
(defparameter *my-stack* nil)
In Common Lisp, there is the equality: NIL == () == '() == 'NIL.
What you want is an empty list, which is one of those.
Remember, an empty list () or '() already contains an implicit NIL
as its last CDR. Proof:
(cdr ()) ;; => NIL
(cdr '()) ;; => NIL
(cdr NIL) ;; => NIL
(cdr 'NIL) ;; => NIL
At least in Common Lisp it is defined like this.
However, in Racket/Scheme this is not defined like this. Therefore, this is not universal to Lisps:
$ racket
Welcome to Racket v6.11.
> (cdr NIL)
; NIL: undefined;
; cannot reference undefined identifier
; [,bt for context]
> (cdr '())
; cdr: contract violation
; expected: pair?
; given: '()
; [,bt for context]
> (cdr ())
; readline-input:4:5: #%app: missing procedure expression;
; probably originally (), which is an illegal empty application
; in: (#%app)
; [,bt for context]
> (cdr 'NIL)
; cdr: contract violation
; expected: pair?
; given: 'NIL
; [,bt for context]
Therefore, in XLISP this must not be ...
However, for all lisps, it will be true that you need '() as an empty list.
So at least, your line must be:
(setq my-stack '())
If you forget the quote ', the interpreter/compiler thinks it is a function call and searches the function name nil and doesn't find it. Therefore your error.
Later you ask in your pop function: (null my-stack). If you start with '(nil), the problem is you don't start with an empty list.
In Common Lisp:
(null '(nil)) ;;=> nil
In Racket:
(null? '(nil)) ;;=> #f
Why? because your list then contains still and element which has as value NIL.
In both languages, you can do:
(cdr '(nil)) ;;=> '() <-- Now the list is empty!
I would define your push und pop in Common Lisp:
(defparameter *my-stack* '())
(defun my-push (x)
(setf *my-stack* (cons x *my-stack*))
(defun my-pop ()
(let ((x (car *my-stack*)))
(setf *my-stack* (cdr *my-stack*))
As you see I don't append it at the end because this is very inefficient (otherwise one has to traverse the entire list).
In Lisp, one adds at the start by cons-ing. And pops from the start by car-ing and cdr-ing.
Also, your pop doesn't return the pop-ed value.
Actually, your function to behave like the in-built push and pop in Common Lisp, must be:
(defmacro my-push (x lst)
`(setf ,lst (cons ,x ,lst)))
(defmacro my-pop (lst)
`(let ((x (car ,lst)))
(setf ,lst (cdr ,lst))
(defparameter *stack* '())
(my-push 1 *stack*) ;;=> (1)
(my-push 2 *stack*) ;;=> (2 1)
(my-push 3 *stack*) ;;=> (3 2 1)
*stack* ;;=> (3 2 1)
(my-pop *stack*) ;;=> 3
(my-pop *stack*) ;;=> 2
(my-pop *stack*) ;;=> 1
(my-pop *stack*) ;;=> NIL
(my-pop *stack*) ;;=> NIL
;; whether the list is empty or the first element's value is NIL
;; you can check by (length *stack*) => if that is 0, the stack is empty
In racket:
(define-syntax-rule (push x lst)
(set! lst (cons x lst)))
(define-syntax-rule (pop lst)
(let ((x (car lst)))
(set! lst (cdr lst))
> (define stack '())
> (push 1 stack)
> (push 2 stack)
> (push 3 stack)
> stack
'(3 2 1)
> (pop stack)
> (pop stack)
> (pop stack)
> (pop stack)
; car: contract violation
; expected: pair?
; given: '()
; [,bt for context]
I'm trying to make my own union function and realizing how much I dislike LISP. The goal is to give the function two lists and it will return a set theoretic union of the two. My attempted solution has grown increasingly complex with the same result: NIL. I can't change that from being the result no matter what I do.
I was thinking of building a separate list in my "removeDuplicates" function below, but then idk how I'd return that with recursion. I think what's happening is my "removeDuplicates" function eventually returns an empty list (as intended) but then an empty list is return at every level of the stack when the recursion unfurls (starts returning values up the stack) but I could be wrong. I've always had trouble understanding recursion in detail. The code is below.
(defun rember (A LAT)
((null LAT) ())
((EQ (car LAT) A) (cdr LAT))
(T (cons (car LAT)(rember A (cdr LAT))))
(defun my_member (A LAT)
((null LAT) nil)
((EQ (car LAT) A) T)
(T (my_member A (cdr LAT)))
(defun removeDuplicates (L)
((null L) '())
((my_member (car L) (cdr L)) (rember (car L) L) (removeDuplicates (cdr L)))
(T (removeDuplicates (cdr L)))
(defun my_union (A B)
(setq together(append A B))
(removeDuplicates together)
I'm aware most people are not a fan of this format of LISP code, but I prefer it. It allows me to see how parentheses line up better than if you just put all the closing parentheses together at the end of functions and condition blocks.
If I run (my_union '(a b) '(b c)) for example, the result is NIL.
When you call removeDuplicates recursively in the last condition, you're not combining the result with the car of the list, so you're discarding that element.
You're also not using the result of rember.
(defun removeDuplicates (L)
((null L) '())
((my_member (car L) (cdr L))
(cons (car L)
(rember (car L) (cdr L))
(T (cons (car L) (removeDuplicates (cdr L))))
Here's a simple, obvious, union function:
(defun union/tfb (&rest lists)
;; compute the union of any number of lists, implicitly using EQL
(labels ((union/spread (l1 ls)
;; UNION/SPREAD just exists to avoid the impedance
;; mismatch in argument convention
(if (null ls)
(let ((result l1))
(destructuring-bind (l2 . more) ls
(dolist (e l2 (union/spread result more))
(pushnew e result)))))))
(union/spread (first lists) (rest lists))))
I think this is reasonably natural CL, although of course the whole point of using a language like CL is avoiding endless wheel-reinvention like this.
So the rules of the game perhaps say you're not allowed to use PUSHNEW: well, you can easily can replace it with a conditional involving MEMBER:
(defun union/tfb (&rest lists)
;; compute the union of any number of lists, implicitly using EQL
(labels ((union/spread (l1 ls)
;; UNION/SPREAD just exists to avoid the impedance
;; mismatch in argument convention
(if (null ls)
(let ((result l1))
(destructuring-bind (l2 . more) ls
(dolist (e l2 (union/spread result more))
;; Really use PUSHNEW for this
(unless (member e result)
(setf result (cons e result)))))))))
(union/spread (first lists) (rest lists))))
And perhaps you are also not allowed to use MEMBER: well you can easily write a predicate which does what you need:
(defun union/tfb (&rest lists)
;; compute the union of any number of lists, implicitly using EQL
(labels ((union/spread (l1 ls)
;; UNION/SPREAD just exists to avoid the impedance
;; mismatch in argument convention
(if (null ls)
(let ((result l1))
(destructuring-bind (l2 . more) ls
(dolist (e l2 (union/spread result more))
;; Really use MEMBER for this, and in fact
(unless (found-in-p e result)
(setf result (cons e result))))))))
(found-in-p (e list)
;; is e found in LIST? This exists only because we're not
;; meant to use MEMBER
(cond ((null list) nil)
((eql e (first list)) t)
(t (found-in-p e (rest list))))))
(union/spread (first lists) (rest lists))))
If you want the result to be a set with unique elements even if the first list is not you can trivially do that (note CL's UNION does not promise this, and you can get the same result with the earlier version of UNION/TFB by (union/tfb '() ...)):
(defun union/tfb (&rest lists)
;; compute the union of any number of lists, implicitly using EQL
(labels ((union/spread (l1 ls)
;; UNION/SPREAD just exists to avoid the impedance
;; mismatch in argument convention
(if (null ls)
(let ((result l1))
(destructuring-bind (l2 . more) ls
(dolist (e l2 (union/spread result more))
;; Really use MEMBER for this, and in fact
(unless (found-in-p e result)
(setf result (cons e result))))))))
(found-in-p (e list)
;; is e found in LIST? This exists only because we're not
;; meant to use MEMBER
(cond ((null list) nil)
((eql e (first list)) t)
(t (found-in-p e (rest list))))))
(union/spread '() lists)))
Finally if the rules prevent you using iterative constructs and assignment you can do that too:
(defun union/tfb (&rest lists)
;; compute the union of any number of lists, implicitly using EQL
(labels ((union/spread (l1 ls)
;; UNION/SPREAD just exists to avoid the impedance
;; mismatch in argument convention
(if (null ls)
(union/loop l1 (first ls) (rest ls))))
(union/loop (result l more)
;; UNION/LOOP is just an iteration
(if (null l)
(union/spread result more)
(destructuring-bind (e . remainder) l
(union/loop (if (found-in-p e result)
(cons e result))
remainder more))))
(found-in-p (e list)
;; is e found in LIST? This exists only because we're not
;; meant to use MEMBER
(cond ((null list) nil)
((eql e (first list)) t)
(t (found-in-p e (rest list))))))
(union/spread '() lists)))
The final result of all these changes is something which is, perhaps, very pure, but is not natural CL at all: something like it might be more natural in Scheme (albeit not gratuitously replacing MEMBER with a home-grown predicate like this).
One way to test your Common Lisp code is to ask your interpreter to TRACE functions:
(trace removeDuplicates my_member rember)
To avoid having too many traces, use small examples.
First, let's try with an empty list; this is an example from the REPL ("read eval print loop"), tested with SBCL, while in the "SO" package (StackOverflow); the trace is printed a bit indented, a is numbered according to the depth of the recursion. Here the call is not recursive and terminates right away:
SO> (removeduplicates nil)
This works, let's try an example with a singleton list, where there is obviously no duplicate:
SO> (removeduplicates '(1))
1: MY_MEMBER returned NIL
removeDuplicate calls my_member, which correctly returns nil, followed by a recursive call to removeDuplicates with nil, which correctly returns nil. There is however a problem because then, the outermost call returns nil too, which is incorrect.
Looking at the trace, we have to look back at the code to find a place where my_member is called, followed by a recursive call to removeDuplicates. There is only one place wher my_member is called, as a test to the second clause in the cond;
Since the result is nil for that test, the next clause is tried, in that case the default case:
;; this is the call to my_member (= nil)
((my_member (car L) (cdr L)) ...)
;; this is the recursive call
(t (removeDuplicates (cdr L))))
The value of the cond is the one given by the last (removeDuplicates (cdr L)), which just does not retain the existing elements in front of L. If you were mutating a sequence, you could just recurse down the subsequence and ignore the previous elements: in that case the caller would still hold a reference to the original sequence, which would get its element removed by a side-effect of your functions. But here you are following a strictly immutable approach, and you have to recontruct a list as a return value.
In other words, removeDuplicates is expressed as: return a new list which contains the same elements as the original list, but without duplicates.
So you have to add (car L) in front of (removeDuplicates (cdr L)).
(defun removeDuplicates (L)
((null L) '())
((my_member (car L) (cdr L)) (rember (car L) L) (removeDuplicates (cdr L)))
(T (cons (car L)
(removeDuplicates (rest L))))))
Let's test:
SO> (removeduplicates '())
SO> (removeduplicates '(1))
1: MY_MEMBER returned NIL
0: REMOVEDUPLICATES returned (1)
You can test with a longer list (without duplicates), the result is correct, but the trace is longer.
Now, let's add duplicates:
SO> (removeduplicates '(1 2 2 1))
1: (SO::MY_MEMBER 1 (2 2 1))
2: (SO::MY_MEMBER 1 (2 1))
3: (SO::MY_MEMBER 1 (1))
3: MY_MEMBER returned T
2: MY_MEMBER returned T
1: MY_MEMBER returned T
1: (SO::REMBER 1 (1 2 2 1))
1: REMBER returned (2 2 1)
2: (SO::MY_MEMBER 2 (2 1))
2: MY_MEMBER returned T
2: (SO::REMBER 2 (2 2 1))
2: REMBER returned (2 1)
3: (SO::MY_MEMBER 2 (1))
4: MY_MEMBER returned NIL
3: MY_MEMBER returned NIL
4: MY_MEMBER returned NIL
3: REMOVEDUPLICATES returned (1)
2: REMOVEDUPLICATES returned (2 1)
1: REMOVEDUPLICATES returned (2 1)
0: REMOVEDUPLICATES returned (2 1)
(2 1)
The result is correct (order does not matter).
So far, our tests are good.
You might not have identified the other problem in that function, namely that all calls to rember are useless, and frankly this is not necessarily easy to spot with the trace. But looking at the code, it should be clear if you write code to have little side-effects that the following clause calls (rember ...) for nothing:
((my_member (car L) (cdr L)) (rember (car L) L) (removeDuplicates (cdr L)))
A cond clause has for syntax (TEST . BODY), where BODY is a sequence of expressions that evaluates like a PROGN: the value of a PROGN is the value of its last clause, all intermediate clauses are only used for their side-effects. For example:
(print "I am here")
(* 10 3))
Here above, the call to PRINT returns a value, but it is discarded: the value of the enclosing PROGN is 30.
In your code, rember does no side-effect, and its return value is discarded. Just remove it:
(defun removeDuplicates (L)
((null L) '())
((my_member (car L) (cdr L))
(removeDuplicates (cdr L)))
(T (cons (first L)
(removeDuplicates (rest L))))))
I would write the same code as follows, personally:
(defun remove-duplicate-elements (list)
(when list
(let ((head (first list))
(tail (remove-duplicate-elements (rest list))))
(if (member head tail) tail (cons head tail)))))
Here is a remove-dupes that removes duplicates from a list in O(n) time using a hash table. It supports a custom equality function (which must be eq, eql, equal or `equalp) and a custom test function, so that any aspect of an item can be treated as the key.
(defun remove-dupes (list &key (test #'eql) (key #'identity))
(let ((hash (make-hash-table :test test)))
(loop for item in list
for item-key = (funcall key item)
for seen = (gethash item-key hash)
unless seen collect item and
do (setf (gethash item-key hash) t))))
For instance, suppose we have the assoc list ((a . 1) (a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 4) (b . 4)). We'd like to remove duplicates by car:
[1]> (remove-dupes '((a . 1) (a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 4) (b . 4)) :key #'car)
((A . 1) (B . 3) (C . 4))
Only the leftmost A, B and C entries are reported; the duplicates are suppressed. Now let's do it by cdr:
[2]> (remove-dupes '((a . 1) (a . 2) (b . 3) (c . 4) (b . 4)) :key #'cdr)
((A . 1) (A . 2) (B . 3) (C . 4))
The (b . 4) got culled due to the duplicated 4 value.
But, why do all this, when Common Lisp provides a remove-duplicates function (not to mention union).
remove-duplicates is more general than what I have here: it handles sequences, rather than just lists, so it works on vectors and strings. It has more keyword parameters.
I have a representation of a tree using lists.
For example:
(1 ((2 (3)) (3 (2)))) (2 ((1 (3)) (3 (1)))) (3 ((1 (2)) (2 (1)))))`
Now I need to traverse it level by level while maintaining the hierarchy tree. For instance:
Traversing root node (1)
Traversing depth 1 (1 2) (1 3) (2 1) (3 1) (3 1) (3 2)
Traversing depth 2 (1 2 3) (1 3 2) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (3 1 2) (3 2 1)
I can't figure out how to do it in Lisp. Any help (even a pseudo code) is appreciated. I have thought of several approaches but none of them seems legit.
Breadth-first search using an agenda
The classic way to do a breadth-first search is by maintaining an agenda: a list of things to look at next. Then you simply peel objects off the start of the agenda, and add their children to the end of the agenda. A very simple-minded approach to such an agenda is a list of nodes: to add to the end of the list you then use append.
I can't understand your tree structure (please, when asking questions which need specification of a data structure or an algorithm give that specification: it is a waste of everyone's time to try to second-guess this) so I have made my own in terms of lists: a tree is a cons whose car is its value and whose cdr is a list of children. Here are functions to make and access such a tree structure, and a sample tree.
(defun tree-node-value (n)
(car n))
(defun tree-node-children (n)
(cdr n))
(defun make-tree-node (value &optional (children '()))
(cons value children))
(defparameter *sample-tree*
(make-tree-node 2 (list (make-tree-node 3)))
(make-tree-node 4 (list (make-tree-node 5) (make-tree-node 6)))
(make-tree-node 7 (list (make-tree-node 8 (list (make-tree-node 9))))))))
Now I never have to worry about the explicit structure of trees again.
Now here is a function which uses an agenda which will search this tree for a given node value:
(defun search-tree/breadth-first (tree predicate)
;; search a tree, breadth first, until predicate matches on a node's
;; value. Return the node that matches.
(labels ((walk (agenda)
(if (null agenda)
;; we're done: nothing matched
(return-from search-tree/breadth-first nil)
(destructuring-bind (this . next) agenda
(if (funcall predicate (tree-node-value this))
;; found it, return the node
(return-from search-tree/breadth-first this)
;; missed, add our children to the agenda and
;; carry on
(walk (append next (tree-node-children this))))))))
(walk (list tree))))
For comparison here is a depth first search:
(defun search-tree/depth-first (tree predicate)
;; search a tree, depth first, until predicate matches on a node's
;; value
(labels ((walk (node)
(if (funcall predicate (tree-node-value node))
(return-from search-tree/depth-first node)
(dolist (child (tree-node-children node) nil)
(walk child)))))
(walk tree)))
You can now compare these implementations by having a predicate which prints its argument but always fails, thus causing a traversal of the whole tree:
> (search-tree/breadth-first *sample-tree*
(lambda (v)
(print v)
> (search-tree/depth-first *sample-tree*
(lambda (v)
(print v)
Appendix 1: a better agenda implementation
One problem with this naive agenda implementation is that we end up calling append all the time. A cleverer implementation allows items to be appended to the end efficiently. Here is such an implementation:
(defun make-empty-agenda ()
;; an agenda is a cons whose car is the list of items in the agenda
;; and whose cdr is the last cons in that list, or nil is the list
;; is empty. An empty agenda is therefore (nil . nil)
(cons nil nil))
(defun agenda-empty-p (agenda)
;; an agenda is empty if it has no entries in its list.
(null (car agenda)))
(defun agenda-next-item (agenda)
;; Return the next entry from the agenda, removing it
(when (agenda-empty-p agenda)
(error "empty agenda"))
(let ((item (pop (car agenda))))
(when (null (car agenda))
(setf (cdr agenda) nil))
(defun agenda-add-item (agenda item)
;; add an item to the end of the agenda, returning it
(let ((item-holder (list item)))
(if (agenda-empty-p agenda)
(setf (car agenda) item-holder
(cdr agenda) item-holder)
(setf (cdr (cdr agenda)) item-holder
(cdr agenda) item-holder))
Note that there is no way of copying one of these agendas provided.
Here is an explicitly iterative function which uses this 'clever' agenda:
(defun search-tree/breadth-first/iterative (tree predicate)
(loop with agenda = (make-empty-agenda)
initially (agenda-add-item agenda tree)
while (not (agenda-empty-p agenda))
for node = (agenda-next-item agenda)
when (funcall predicate (tree-node-value node))
do (return-from search-tree/breadth-first/iterative node)
else do (loop for c in (tree-node-children node)
do (agenda-add-item agenda c))
finally (return nil)))
Finally, any agenda-based search can easily be modified to be restartable: it simply needs to return the current agenda at the point it matched, and allow passing in of an agenda. Here is a variant of the above function which supports restarting searches:
(defun search-tree/breadth-first/iterative (tree predicate
&optional (agenda
;; search TREE using PREDICATE. if AGENDA is given and is not empty
;; instead restart using it (TREE is ignored in this case). Return
;; the node found, or nil, and the remaining agenda
(loop initially (unless (not (agenda-empty-p agenda))
(agenda-add-item agenda tree))
while (not (agenda-empty-p agenda))
for node = (agenda-next-item agenda)
when (funcall predicate (tree-node-value node))
do (return-from search-tree/breadth-first/iterative
(values node agenda))
else do (loop for c in (tree-node-children node)
do (agenda-add-item agenda c))
finally (return (values nil agenda))))
Appendix 2: general search with an agenda
It is in fact possible to further generalise the agenda-based approach to searching trees. In particular:
if the agenda is a queue (FIFO) then you get breadth-first search;
if the agenda is a stack (LIFO) then you get depth-first search.
The actual search implementation can be identical for these two cases, which is neat.
Below is some code which demonstrates this. This defines generic functions for tree access (with methods for cons-based trees) so nothing needs to care about that, and further defines a protocol for agendas with two concrete classes, queue and stack which have appropriate methods. The search function is then completely agnostic about whether it does depth-first or breadth-first search, and is restartable in either case.
This is a fairly substantial chunk of code: I'm leaving it here just in case it's useful to anyone.
;;;; Trees
(defgeneric tree-node-value (n)
(:documentation "The value of a tree node"))
(defgeneric tree-node-children (n)
(:documentation "The children of a tree"))
;;;; Consy trees
(defmethod tree-node-value ((n cons))
(car n))
(defmethod tree-node-children ((n cons))
(cdr n))
(defun make-cons-tree-node (value &optional (children '()))
;; consy trees: I could do some clever EQL method thing perhaps to
;; abstract this?
(cons value children))
(defun form->tree (form &key (node-maker #'make-cons-tree-node))
(labels ((walk-form (f)
(destructuring-bind (value . child-forms) f
(funcall node-maker
(mapcar #'walk-form child-forms)))))
(walk-form form)))
(defparameter *sample-tree*
(form->tree '(1 (2 (3))
(4 (5) (6))
(7 (8 (9))))))
;;;; Agendas
(defclass agenda ()
(defgeneric agenda-empty-p (agenda)
(:documentation "Return true if AGENDA is empty"))
(defgeneric agenda-next-item (agenda)
(:documentation "Return the next item from AGENDA.
If there is no next item, signal an error: there is a before method which does this.")
(:method :before ((agenda agenda))
(when (agenda-empty-p agenda)
(error "empty agenda"))))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((agenda agenda) &key
(item nil itemp)
(items (if itemp (list item) '()))
(ordered nil))
(agenda-add-items agenda items :ordered ordered))
(defgeneric agenda-add-item (agenda item)
(:documentation "Add ITEM to AGENDA, returning ITEM.
There is an around method which arranges for ITEM to be returned.")
(:method :around ((agenda agenda) item)
(defgeneric agenda-add-items (agenda items &key ordered)
(:documentation "Add ITEMS to AGENDA.
If ORDERED is true do so in a way that AGENDA-NEXT-ITEM will pull them
off in the same order. Return AGENDA (there is an around method which
arranges for this). The default method just adds the items in the
order given.")
(:method :around ((agenda agenda) items &key ordered)
(declare (ignorable ordered))
(:method ((agenda agenda) items &key ordered)
(declare (ignorable ordered))
(loop for item in items
do (agenda-add-item agenda item))))
;;;; Queues are FIFO agendas
(defclass queue (agenda)
((q :initform (cons nil nil)))
(:documentation "A queue"))
(defmethod agenda-empty-p ((queue queue))
(null (car (slot-value queue 'q))))
(defmethod agenda-next-item ((queue queue))
(let* ((q (slot-value queue 'q))
(item (pop (car q))))
(when (null (car q))
(setf (cdr q) nil))
(defmethod agenda-add-item ((queue queue) item)
(let ((q (slot-value queue 'q))
(item-holder (list item)))
(if (null (car q))
(setf (car q) item-holder
(cdr q) item-holder)
(setf (cdr (cdr q)) item-holder
(cdr q) item-holder))))
;;;; Stacks are LIFO agendas
(defclass stack (agenda)
((s :initform '()))
(:documentation "A stack"))
(defmethod agenda-empty-p ((stack stack))
(null (slot-value stack 's)))
(defmethod agenda-next-item ((stack stack))
(pop (slot-value stack 's)))
(defmethod agenda-add-item ((stack stack) item)
(push item (slot-value stack 's)))
(defmethod agenda-add-items ((stack stack) items &key ordered)
(loop for item in (if ordered (reverse items) items)
do (agenda-add-item stack item)))
;;;; Searching with agendas
(defun tree-search (tree predicate &key (agenda-class 'stack))
;; search TREE using PREDICATE. AGENDA-CLASS (default STACK)
;; defines the type of search: a STACK will result in a depth-first
;; search while a QUEUE will result in a breadth-first search. This
;; is a wrapper around AGENDA-SEARCH.
(agenda-search (make-instance agenda-class :item tree) predicate))
(defun agenda-search (agenda predicate)
;; Search using an agenda. PREDICATE is compared against the value
;; of a tree node. On success return the node matched and the
;; agenda, on failure return NIL and NIL. If the returned agenda is
;; not empty it can be used to restart the search.
(loop while (not (agenda-empty-p agenda))
for node = (agenda-next-item agenda)
when (funcall predicate (tree-node-value node))
do (return-from agenda-search
(values node agenda))
else do (agenda-add-items agenda (tree-node-children node)
:ordered t)
finally (return (values nil nil))))
so I have a program:
(defun add (L)
(cond((endp L) nil)
(t(cons(1+(first L)))(add(rest L)))))
that will add 1 to each member of the list. I want to check if the list is all numbers and return nil if not, and don't know how to go about doing that within the defun.
I thought of doing
(defun add (L)
(cond((endp L) nil)
((not(numberp(first L))) nil)
(t(cons(1+(first L)))(add(rest L)))))
but that will still return the beginning of the list if the non number is in the middle. How would I pre check and return nil at the beginning?
You can wrap it in a condition-case
(defun add (L)
(condition-case nil
(mapcar '1+ L)
(error nil)))
Another possibility is to use iteration:
(defun add (l)
(loop for x in l
if (numberp x)
collect (1+ x)
else do (return-from add nil)))
The function is immediately exited with nil on the first non numeric element.
You would not implement iteration using recursion, since Lisp already provides iteration constructs. Example: MAPCAR.
Common Lisp also provides control flow constructs like RETURN-FROM, where you return from a block. A function defined by DEFUN has a block with its name and BLOCK can also create a named block explicitly. Examples for both:
CL-USER 62 > (block mapping
(mapcar (lambda (item)
(if (numberp item)
(1+ item)
(return-from mapping nil)))
'(1 2 3 nil 5 6)))
CL-USER 63 > (block mapping
(mapcar (lambda (item)
(if (numberp item)
(1+ item)
(return-from mapping nil)))
'(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
(2 3 4 5 6 7)
As function:
CL-USER 64 > (defun increment-list (list)
(mapcar (lambda (item)
(if (numberp item)
(1+ item)
(return-from increment-list nil)))
CL-USER 65 > (increment-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
(2 3 4 5 6 7)
CL-USER 66 > (increment-list '(1 2 3 nil 5 6))
I'd say that an idiomatic way, in Common Lisp, of checking that all elements in a list are numbers would be (every #'numberp the-list), so I would probably write this as:
(defun add-1 (list)
(when (every #'numberp list)
(mapcar #'1+ list)))
It would be possible to use (if ...) or (and ...), but in this case I would argue that (when ...) makes for the clearest code.
The difficulty is that propagating nil results in the nil at the end of the list causing everything to be nil. One solution is to check that add returns nil but (rest xs) is not nil. However, IMO it is more straightforward to just iterate over the list twice, checking for numbers the first time and then doing the addition on the second iteration.
Try this:
(defun add (xs)
(cond ((endp xs) nil)
((not (numberp (car xs))) nil)
(t (let ((r (add (rest xs))))
(cond ((and (not r) (rest xs)) nil)
(t (cons (1+ (first xs)) r)))))))
Barring mistakes on my end, this results in:
(add '()) => nil
(add '(1 2)) => '(2 3)
(add '(x y)) => nil
(add '(1 2 y)) => nil
EDIT: Without let. This results in 2^(n+1)-1 calls to add for a list of length n.
(defun add (xs)
(cond ((endp xs) nil)
((not (numberp (car xs))) nil)
(t (cond ((and (not (add (rest xs))) (rest xs)) nil)
(t (cons (1+ (first xs)) (add (rest xs)))))))))
I'm new to lisp, and have been trying to learn Common Lisp by diving in and writing some code. I've read plenty of documentation on the subject, but it's taking a while to really sink in.
I have written a couple of macros (? and ??) for performing unit tests, but I'm having some difficulty. The code is at the end of the post, to avoid cluttering the actual question.
Here is an example of usage:
(? "Arithmetic tests"
(? "Addition"
(= (+ 1 2) 3)
(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
(= (+ -1 -3) -4))))
And an example of output:
[Arithmetic tests]
(PASS) '(= (+ 1 2) 3)'
(PASS) '(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)'
(PASS) '(= (+ -1 -3) -4)'
Results: 3 tests passed, 0 tests failed
Now, the existing code works. Unfortunately, the (? ...) macro is ugly, verbose, resistant to change - and I'm pretty sure also badly structured. For example, do I really have to use a list to store pieces of output code and then emit the contents at the end?
I'd like to modify the macro to permit description strings (or symbols) to optionally follow each test, whereupon it would replace the test literal in the output, thus:
(? "Arithmetic tests"
(? "Addition"
(= (+ 1 2) 3) "Adding 1 and 2 results in 3"
(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
(= (+ -1 -3) -4))))
[Arithmetic tests]
(PASS) Adding 1 and 2 results in 3
(PASS) '(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)'
(PASS) '(= (+ -1 -3) -4)'
But unfortunately I can't find a sensible place in the macro to insert this change. Depending on where I put it, I get errors like you're not inside a backquote expression, label is not defined or body-forms is not defined. I know what these errors mean, but I can't find a way to avoid them.
Also, I'll be wanting to handle exceptions in the test, and treat that as a failure. Currently, there is no exception handling code - the test result is merely tested against nil. Again, it is not clear how I should add this functionality.
I'm thinking that maybe this macro is over-complex, due to my inexperience in writing macros; and perhaps if I simplify it, modification will be easier. I don't really want to separate it out into several smaller macros without good reason; but maybe there's a terser way to write it?
Can anyone help me out here, please?
A complete code listing follows:
(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest names) &body body)
`(let ,(loop for n in names collect `(,n (gensym)))
(defmacro while (condition &body body)
`(loop while ,condition do (progn ,#body)))
(defun flatten (L)
"Converts a list to single level."
(if (null L)
(if (atom (first L))
(cons (first L) (flatten (rest L)))
(append (flatten (first L)) (flatten (rest L))))))
(defun starts-with-p (str1 str2)
"Determine whether `str1` starts with `str2`"
(let ((p (search str2 str1)))
(and p (= 0 p))))
(defmacro pop-first-char (string)
`(with-gensyms (c)
(if (> (length ,string) 0)
(setf c (schar ,string 0))
(if (> (length ,string) 1)
(setf ,string (subseq ,string 1))
(setf ,string ""))))
(defmacro pop-chars (string count)
`(with-gensyms (result)
(setf result ())
(dotimes (index ,count)
(push (pop-first-char ,string) result))
(defun format-ansi-codes (text)
(let ((result ()))
(while (> (length text) 0)
((starts-with-p text "\\e")
(push (code-char #o33) result)
(pop-chars text 2)
((starts-with-p text "\\r")
(push (code-char 13) result)
(pop-chars text 2)
(t (push (pop-first-char text) result))
(setf result (nreverse result))
(coerce result 'string)))
(defun kv-lookup (values key)
"Like getf, but works with 'keys as well as :keys, in both the list and the supplied key"
(setf key (if (typep key 'cons) (nth 1 key) key))
(while values
(let ((k (pop values)) (v (pop values)))
(setf k (if (typep k 'cons) (nth 1 k) k))
(if (eql (symbol-name key) (symbol-name k))
(return v)))))
(defun make-ansi-escape (ansi-name)
(let ((ansi-codes '( :normal "\\e[00m" :white "\\e[1;37m" :light-grey "\\e[0;37m" :dark-grey "\\e[1;30m"
:red "\\e[0;31m" :light-red "\\e[1;31m" :green "\\e[0;32m" :blue "\\e[1;34m" :dark-blue "\\e[1;34m"
:cyan "\\e[1;36m" :magenta "\\e[1;35m" :yellow "\\e[0;33m"
:bg-dark-grey "\\e[100m"
:bold "\\e[1m" :underline "\\e[4m"
:start-of-line "\\r" :clear-line "\\e[2K" :move-up "\\e[1A")))
(format-ansi-codes (kv-lookup ansi-codes ansi-name))
(defun format-ansi-escaped-arg (out-stream arg)
((typep arg 'symbol) (format out-stream "~a" (make-ansi-escape arg)))
((typep arg 'string) (format out-stream arg))
(t (format out-stream "~a" arg))
(defun format-ansi-escaped (out-stream &rest args)
(while args
(let ((arg (pop args)))
(if (typep arg 'list)
(let ((first-arg (eval (first arg))))
(format out-stream first-arg (second arg))
(format-ansi-escaped-arg out-stream arg)
(defmacro while-pop ((var sequence &optional result-form) &rest forms)
(with-gensyms (seq)
`(let (,var)
(do () ((not ,sequence))
(setf ,var (pop ,sequence))
(progn ,#forms))
(defun report-start (form)
(format t "( ) '~a'~%" form))
(defun report-result (result form)
(format-ansi-escaped t "(" (if result :green :red) `("~:[FAIL~;PASS~]" ,result) :normal `(") '~a'~%" ,form))
(defmacro ? (name &body body-forms)
"Run any number of test forms, optionally nested within further (?) calls, and print the results of each test"
(with-gensyms (result indent indent-string)
(if (not body-forms)
(setf result () indent 0 indent-string " ")
((typep (first body-forms) 'integer)
(setf indent (pop body-forms))))
(format t "~v#{~A~:*~}" ,indent ,indent-string)
(format-ansi-escaped t "[" :white ,name :normal "]~%")
(with-gensyms (test-results)
(setf test-results ())
,(while-pop (body-form body-forms `(progn ,#(nreverse result)))
( (EQL (first body-form) '?)
(push `(progn
(setf test-results (append test-results (? ',(nth 1 body-form) ,(1+ indent) ,#(nthcdr 2 body-form))))
(format t "~%")
) result)
(push `(progn
(format t "~v#{~A~:*~}" ,(1+ indent) ,indent-string)
(report-start ',body-form)
(with-gensyms (result label)
(setf result ,body-form)
(format-ansi-escaped t :move-up :start-of-line :clear-line)
(format t "~v#{~A~:*~}" ,(1+ indent) ,indent-string)
(push (report-result result ',body-form) test-results)
)) result))))))))))
(defun ?? (&rest results)
"Run any number of tests, and print a summary afterward"
(setf results (flatten results))
(format-ansi-escaped t "~&" :white "Results: " :green `("~a test~:p passed" ,(count t results)) :normal ", "
(if (find NIL results) :red :normal) `("~a test~:p failed" ,(count NIL results))
:yellow `("~[~:;, ~:*~a test~:p not run~]" ,(count :skip results))
:brown `("~[~:;, ~:*~a empty test group~:p skipped~]" ,(count :empty results))
:normal "~%"))
For my part, the ? macro is rather technical and it's hard to follow the logic behind the formatting functions. So instead of tracking errors I'd like to suggest my own attempt, perhaps it'll be of use.
I think that actually your ?? doesn't want to evaluate anything, but rather to treat its body as individual tests or sections. If the body includes a list starting with ?, this list represents a section; other elements are test forms optionally followed by descriptions. So in my implementation ?? will be a macro, and ? will be just a symbol.
I start with wishful thinking. I suppose I can create individual tests using a function make-test-item and test sections using a function make-test-section (their implementation is unimportant for now), that I can display them using an auxiliary function display-test and compute results using the function results, which returns two values: the total number of tests and the number of passed ones. Then I'd like the code
(? "Arithmetic tests"
(? "Addition"
(= (+ 1 2) 3) "Adding 1 and 2 results in 3"
(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
(= (+ -1 -3) 4))
(? "Subtraction"
(= (- 1 2) 1)))
(= (sin 0) 0) "Sine of 0 equals 0")
to expand into something like
(let ((tests (list (make-test-section :header "Arithmetic tests"
:items (list (make-test-section :header "Addition"
:items (list (make-test-item :form '(= (+ 1 2) 3)
:description "Adding 1 and 2 results in 3"
:passp (= (+ 1 2) 3))
(make-test-item :form '(= (+ 1 2 3) 6)
:passp (= (+ 1 2 3) 6))
(make-test-item :form '(= (+ -1 -3) 4)
:passp (= (+ -1 -3) 4))))
(make-test-section :header "Subtraction"
:items (list (make-test-item :form '(= (- 1 2) 1)
:passp (= (- 1 2) 1))))))
(make-test-item :form '(= (sin 0) 0)
:passp (= (sin 0) 0)
:description "Sine of 0 equals 0"))))
(loop for test in tests
with total = 0
with passed = 0
do (display-test test 0 t)
do (multiple-value-bind (ttl p) (results test)
(incf total ttl)
(incf passed p))
finally (display-result total passed t)))
Here a list of tests is created; then we traverse it printing each test (0 denotes the zero level of indentation and t is as in format) and keeping track of the results, finally displaying the total results. I don't think explicit eval is needed here.
It may not be the most exquisite piece of code ever, but it seems manageable. I supply missing definitions below, they are rather trivial (and can be improved) and have nothing to do with macros.
Now we pass on to the macros. Consider both pieces of code as data, then we want a list processing function which would turn the first one into the second. A few auxiliary functions would come in handy.
The major task is to parse the body of ?? and generate the list of test to go inside the let.
(defun test-item-form (form description)
`(make-test-item :form ',form :description ,description :passp ,form))
(defun test-section-form (header items)
`(make-test-section :header ,header :items (list ,#items)))
(defun parse-test (forms)
(let (new-forms)
(when (null forms)
(return (nreverse new-forms)))
(let ((f (pop forms)))
(cond ((and (listp f) (eq (first f) '?))
(push (test-section-form (second f) (parse-test (nthcdr 2 f))) new-forms))
((stringp (first forms))
(push (test-item-form f (pop forms)) new-forms))
(t (push (test-item-form f nil) new-forms)))))))
Here parse-test essentially absorbs the syntax of ??. Each iteration consumes one or two forms and collects corresponding make-... forms. The functions can be easily tested in REPL (and, of course, I did test them while writing).
Now the macro becomes quite simple:
(defmacro ?? (&body body)
`(let ((tests (list ,#(parse-test body))))
(loop for test in tests
with total = 0
with passed = 0
do (display-test test 0 t)
do (multiple-value-bind (ttl p) (results test)
(incf total ttl)
(incf passed p))
finally (display-result total passed t))))
It captures a few symbols, both in the variable name space and in the function one (the expansion may contain make-test-item and make-test-section). A clean solution with gensyms would be cumbersome, so I'd suggest just moving all the definitions in a separate package and exporting only ?? and ?.
For completeness, here is an implementation of the test API. Actually, it's what I started coding with and proceeded until I made sure the big let-form works; then I passed on to the macro part. This implementation is fairly sloppy; in particular, it doesn't support terminal colours and display-test can't even output a section into a string.
(defstruct test-item form description passp)
(defstruct test-section header items)
(defun results (test)
(etypecase test
(test-item (if (test-item-passp test)
(values 1 1)
(values 1 0)))
(test-section (let ((items-count 0)
(passed-count 0))
(dolist (i (test-section-items test) (values items-count passed-count))
(multiple-value-bind (i p) (results i)
(incf items-count i)
(incf passed-count p)))))))
(defparameter *test-indent* 2)
(defun display-test-item (i level stream)
(format stream "~V,0T~:[(FAIL)~;(PASS)~] ~:['~S'~;~:*~A~]~%"
(* level *test-indent*)
(test-item-passp i)
(test-item-description i)
(test-item-form i)))
(defun display-test-section-header (s level stream)
(format stream "~V,0T[~A]~%"
(* level *test-indent*)
(test-section-header s)))
(defun display-test (test level stream)
(etypecase test
(test-item (display-test-item test level stream))
(display-test-section-header test level stream)
(dolist (i (test-section-items test))
(display-test i (1+ level) stream)))))
(defun display-result (total passed stream)
(format stream "Results: ~D test~:P passed, ~D test~:P failed.~%" passed (- total passed)))
All the code is licenced under WTFPL.
I'm trying to branch out and learn lisp. One of the basics would be to implement a simple stack. Everything works but my pop function.
;Returns and removes the first element of the stack
(defun my-pop ()
(let (temp (car *stack*))
(setq *stack* (cdr *stack*))
This correctly removes the "top" of the stack, but does not return it. Earlier, I had this:
;Returns and removes the first element of the stack
(defun my-pop ()
(print (car *stack*)
(setq *stack* (cdr *stack*)))
But I'd rather return the top.
What am I doing wrong? (I assume this has something to do with scope...)
Nothing to do with scope, it's a syntax problem. The syntax of LET is:
(let ((var1 val1)
(var2 val2)
Additionally, a (varN valN) may be abbreviated to just varN, which is equivalent to (varN nil). So what you wrote is equivalent to:
(let ((temp nil) ; bind TEMP to NIL
(car *stack*)) ; bind CAR to value of *STACK*
(setq *stack* (cdr *stack*))
You need an extra set of parentheses in your LET-bindings:
(let ((temp (car *stack*)))
(setq *stack* (cdr *stack*))
You could also use the built-in operator PROG1:
(car *stack*)
(setq *stack* (cdr *stack)))