Should I update ecs service through CloudFormation or ecs directly - aws-cloudformation

I want to create a CI/CD pipeline for deploying micro-services using AWS ECS.
Everything is ok until new image uploaded to ECR (trigger build new Docker image when new code is committed, pushes new Docker image to ECR).
The next step is i need to update service with new Docker image, then i have to options:
Update CloudFormation for ecs(which i need to design 1 stack contain only ecs infrastructure for each mirco-service)
Update ecs serivce directly via update-service cli
Which approach should i choose?
At the first, i prefer the option 1, it have advantages like:
Rollback if deployment failed
Avoid dirty data (compare with direct update resource)
But the thing i concern is only one stack for each ecs infrastucture, this will create many stacks, does this lead too hard to manage stacks ?
Thank all!!

If you are using IaC such as CDK or CFN to manage resources then it is always suggested to make updates to those resources via IaC. Making updates directly to the resources could cause your stack to drift and cause you bother in the long term.

The best practice is to always use CloudFormation or CDK.
You can see version history to track changes. You can do auto rollbacks if there are any deployment issues.


Dependency among different ecs tasks

I have developed a backend server using multiple microservices, using spring cloud.
I have discovery service, config service, and different other services.
Right now for testing purposes, I use docker-compose to run them in the right order. Now I have decided to deploy my application on AWS.
I thought of using running them using ECS using fargare, But I am not able to understand how can I define dependency among my tasks.
I found this article
It defines dependency among containers in the same task.
But I do not think that I can run all my services with just one task as there will be complications in assigning vCPUs, even if I use 4vCPUs and huge memory then also I am not sure how well my containers will run. and after that scaling them will be another issue. Overall having such huge vCPUs and memory will incur a lot of costs as well.
Is there any way to define dependency among ECS tasks?
CloudFormation supports the DependsOn attribute which allows you to control the sequence of deployment (you basically trade off speed of parallelism for ordered deployments when you need them).
Assuming your tasks are started as part of ECS services you can set the DependsOn to a service that needs to start first.
- AppService
Out of curiosity, how did you move from Compose to CloudFormation? FYI we have been working with Docker to add capabilities into the Docker toolset to deploy directly to ECS (basically converting docker compose files into CloudFormation IaC). See here for more background. BTW this mechanism honors the compose dependency chain. That is, if you set one service being dependent on the other in compose, the resulting CFN template uses the DependsOn attribute I described above.

GKE automated pod recycling ideas

I'm thinking of a solution to do a rolling update on a schedule without really releasing something. I was thinking of an ENV variable change through kubectl patch to kick off the update in GKE.
The context is we have containers that don't do garbage collection, and the temporary fix and easiest path forward and is cycling out pods frequently that we can schedule on a nightly.
Our naive approach would be to schedule this through our build pipeline, but seems like there's a lot of moving parts.
I haven't looked at Cloud Functions, but I'm sure there's an API that could do this and I'm leaning towards automating this with Cloud Functions.
Or is there already a GKE solution to do this?
Any other approaches to this problem?
I know AWS's ec2 has this feature for ASG, I was looking for the same thing so I don't to do a hacky ENV var change on manifest.
I can think of two possibilities:
Cronjobs. You can use CronJobs to run tasks at a specific time or interval. Suggested for automatic tasks, such as backups, reporting, sending emails, or cleanup tasks. More details here.
CI/CD with CloudBuild. When you push a change to your repository, Cloud Build automatically builds and deploys the container to your GKE cluster.

How to set automatic rollbacks in CodeDeploy with CloudFormation?

I'm creating a Deployment Group in CodeDeploy with a CloudFormation template.
The Deployment Group is successfully created and the application is deployed perfectly fine.
The CF resource that I defined (Type: AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup) has the "Deployment" property set. The thing is that I would like to configure automatic rollbacks for this deployment, but as per CF documentation for "AutoRollbackConfiguration" property: "Information about the automatic rollback configuration that is associated with the deployment group. If you specify this property, don't specify the Deployment property."
So my understanding is that if I specify "Deployment", I cannot set "AutoRollbackConfiguration"... Then how are you supposed to configure any rollback for the deployment? I don't see any other resource property that relates to rollbacks.
Should I create a second DeploymentGroup resource and bind it to the same instances that the original Deployment Group has? I'm not sure this is possible or makes sense but I ran out of options.
First i like to describe why you cannot specify both, deployment and rollback configuration:
Whenever you specify a deployment directly for the group, you already state which revision you like to deploy. This conflicts with the idea of CloudFormation of having resources managed by it without having a drift in the actual configuration of those resources.
I would recommend the following:
Use CloudFormation to deploy the 'underlying' infrastructure (the deployment group, application, roles, instances, etc.)
Create a CodePipline within this infrastructure template, which then includes a CodeDeploy deployment action (,
The pipeline can triggered whenever you have a new version inside you revision location
This approach clearly separates the underlying stuff, which is not changing dynamically and the actual application deployment, done using a proper pipeline.
Additionally in this way you can specify how you like to deploy (green/blue, canary) and how/when rollbacks should be handled. The status of your deployment also to be seen inside CodePipeline.
I didn't mention it but what you are suggesting about CodePipeline is exactly what I did.
In fact, I have one CloudFormation template that creates all the infrastructure and includes the DeploymentGroup. With this, the application is deployed for the first time to my EC2 instances.
Then I have another CF template for CI/CD purposes with a CodeDeploy stage/action that references the previous DeploymentGroup. Whenever I push some code to my repository, the Pipeline is triggered, code is built and new version successfully deployed to the instances.
However, I don't see how/where in any of the CF templates to handle/configure the rollback for the DeploymentGroup as you were saying. I think I get the idea of your explanation about the conflict CF might have in case of having a drift, but my impression is that in case of errors during the CF stack creation, CF rollback should just remove the DeploymentGroup you're trying to create. In other words, for me there's no CodeDeploy deployment rollback involved in that scenario, just removing the resource (DeploymentGroup) CF was trying to create.
One thing that really impresses me is that you can enable/disable automatic rollbacks for the DeploymentGroup through the AWS Console. Just edit and go to Advanced Configuration for the DeploymentGroup and you have a checkbox. I tried it and triggered the Pipeline again and worked perfectly. I made a faulty change to make the deployment fail in purpose, and then CodeDeploy automatically reverted back to the previous version of my application... completely expected behavior. Doesn't make much sense that this simple boolean/flag option is not available through CF.
Hope this makes sense and helps clarifying my current situation. Any extra help would be highly appreciated.
Thanks again

Set the ECS Cloudformation Update Stack timeout?

When updating a Cloudformation EC2 Container Service (ECS) Stack with a new Container Image, is there any way to control the timeout so if the service does not stabilize it rolls back automatically?
The UpdatePolicy attribute which is part of the Auto Scaling Group does not help since instances are not being created.
I also tried a WaitCondition but have not been able to get that to work.
The stack essentially just stays in the UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS state until it hits the default timeout (~3 hours), or you trigger a Cancel the update.
Ideally we would be able to have the stack timeout after a short period of time.
This is what my Cloudformation template looks like:
I've created a workaround for this problem until AWS creates a ECS UpdatePolicy and CreationPolicy that allows for resourcing signaling:
Use AWS::CloudFormation::WaitCondition with a Macro that will create new WaitCondition resources when the service is expected to update. Signal the wait condition with a non-essential container attached to the task.
The Macro for the above example can be found here:
My workaround for this problem is that before triggering an update stack, run a script in the background
./ &
And for the script
sleep 600
$deploymentStatus = (aws cloudformation describe-stack --stack-name STACK_NAME | jq XXX)
if [[ $deploymentStatus == YOUR_TERMINATE_CONDITION ]]then
aws cloudformation cancel-update-stack --stack-name STACK_NAME
If your WaitCondition is in the original create you need to rename it (and the Handle). Once a waitcondition has been signaled as complete, it will always be complete. If you rename it and do an update, the original WaitCondition and Handle will be dropped and the new ones created created and signaled.
If you don't want to have to modify your template you might be able to use Lamba and Custom resources to create a unique WaitCondition via the aws cli for each update.
It's not possible at the moment with the provided CloudFormation types. I have the same problem and I might create a custom CloudFormation resource (usineg AWS Lambda) to replace my AWS::ECS::Service.
The other alternative is to use nested stacks to wrap the AWS::ECS::Service resources — it won't solve the problem, but it at least will isolate the individual service and the rest of the stack will be in a good state. My stacks have multiple services and this would help, but the custom resource is the best option so far (I know other people that did the same thing).

cloudformation best practices in AWS

We are at early stages with running our services on AWS. We have our server hosted in AWS, in a VPC, having private and public subnets and have multiple instances in private and public subnets using ELB and autoscaling setup (using AMIs) for frontend web servers. The whole environement(VPC, security groups, EC2 instances, DB instances, S3 buckets, cloudfront) are setup manually using AWS console at first.
Application servers host jboss and war files are deployed on the servers.
As per AWS best practices we want to create whole infrastructure using cloudformation and have setup test/stage/prod environment.
-Would it be a good idea to have all the above componenets (VPC, security groups, EC2 instances, DB instances, S3 buckets, cloudfront etc) using one cloudformation stack/template? Or we should we create two stacks 1) having network replated components and 2) having EC2 related components?
-Once we have a prod envoronemtn running with cloudformation stact and In case we want to update the new AMIs on prod in future, how can we update the live running EC2 instances using cloudformation without interruptions?
-What are the best practices/multiple ways for code deployment to multiple EC2 notes when a new release is done? We dont use Contineus integration at the moment.
It's a very good idea to separate your setup into multiple stacks. One obvious reason is that stacks have certain limits that you may reach eventually. A more practical reason is that you don't really need to update, say, your VPC every time you just want to deploy a new version. The network architecture typically changes less frequently. Another reason to avoid having one huge template, or to make changes to an "important" template needlessly, is that you always run the risk of messing things up. If there's an error in your template and you remove an important resource by accident (e.g. commented out) you'll be very sorry. So separating stacks out of sheer caution is probably a good idea.
If you want to update your application you can simply update the template with the new AMIs and CFN will know what needs to be recreated or updated. You can read about rolling updates here. However, I'd recommend considering using something a bit more straightforward for deploying your actual code, like Ansible or Chef.
I'd also recommend you look into Docker for packaging and deploying your application's nodes. Very handy.