I have a problem deploying the Django project - deployment

When deploying the Django project, I am facing this problem: There is no module with this name (main project folder).
I tried another project with a different name, but still no response.
The command prompt gives me this message: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named eg 'tamrin_project'


Module not found error (JavaFX) -- running a cloned repo on my Eclipse

Please help. I am trying to run an app that is cloned from a GitHub repository. I could run it fine from the terminal (with ./gradlew run (I'm using MacOS)), but if I open the project in Eclipse and run it from there, it fails. (My goal is not just to run the app on my computer but to run it from Eclipse so that I could add a feature or two in the future for personal use).
I searched for solutions all day and tried different things, but solving one error led to another.
What I've done in detail:
Open the project from "Open Projects from File System.."
Right click on the project and "Configure" -> "Add Gradle Nature" (Not sure if this is the right step to take)
Right click on project -> build path -> library -> move the "project and external dependencies" library (includes all jar files such as javafx-controls-17-mac.jar) from classpath to modulepath (This step gets rid of all errors except one within the src/test/java folder, which I believe does not directly affect running the app).
If I run the app I get the following error:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.controls not found
I tried adding
--module-path /Users/julie/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.openjfx/javafx-controls--add-modules javafx.controls
under VM Arguments in Run Configurations but it would give me this error:
Error: Could not find or load main class javafx.controls
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javafx.controls
The path is what I found by looking at "project and external dependencies" library that came with the code (provided by the author). Not sure if that's the right way to do it, but I thought it makes sense to use something within the cloned repo rather than downloading a new javafx and use that path.
I've tried many more things for 8+ hrs.. I don't recall all of them but here are some different error messages I got:
Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.FindException: Error reading module: . . .
module-info 2.class found in top-level directory
I think the last error has to do with creating second .class files in bin folder.. I don't know what's causing it but I had to delete all duplicate .class files manually many times. (If somebody can tell me why this is happening, it will be greatly appreciated...)
I've never used Gradle nor JavaFX in my life so this might be a dumb question but please help me out.
FYI, the repo I cloned is

Deployment descriptor in web.xml file is failing to load

I have a web-application that I'm developing using JSP. I'm running the application on Tomcat Server (version 8). In the project explorer view of Eclipse IDE, I'm getting an error saying that the source code could (a JSP file) not be run on server.
I have written my web.xml from scratch. It includes some server options or parameters which are defined by certain xml tags (display names). These display names were missing so I had to modify the web-app tag so that these tags are available. So far so good. The application is fine, but I get a pop-up message from the IDE giving a null pointer exception. I found that it is related to the Project View of Eclipse IDE, and when I switched to package explorer the error is gone but this time when I pick a server page to run on server (the server is running fine) i get another error which says the selection (the jsp file) could not be run on server. I believe this is still a dev environment problem. How can I fix it?

Dont recognize the controller created in one Zend based project and then copy it into another Zend Project

In Zend project named pro1 I have one module named Admin.In this module I have a controller named DeliveryCentersController.Now I run this project everything is running fine.But Now I have one project pro2 .And I copy the folder Admin of pro1 to pro2 .Now In pro2 I have module named Admin which was created in pro1.Now I run zend command in pro2 to create action as
zf create action act DeliveryCenters -m Admin
But it says an error as An Error Has Occurred Controller DeliveryCenters was not found.To recognize it What should be done??Should change in application.ini file??
When I create another contoller named control in pro2 in Admin module (created in pro1 and copied in pro2) and run zend command to create action in control it runs fine.
There is a file named .zfproject.xml in the directory above application. It contains an XML-document which maps the directory structure.
You'd have to copy the moduleDirectory-XML-tag of Admin from the .zfproject.xml of Project 1 to Project 2.
You probably have to copy the folder tests/application/modules/admin from Project 1 to Project 2 too. Otherwise there's another ugly error message.

Running Rails in Rubymine from subproject

I'm using RubyMine 3.1.1 with Rails 3.0.9.
I have the Spree project cloned from Github, and I want to debug the server while working on the code. To do this, Spree includes a sandbox rake command that creates a subfolder (called sandbox) that contains an instance of the rails app, one that refers to the parent directory containing the source as its spree gem.
If I close the original project and open the sandbox subfolder as a new probect, I get the correct run configurations for development and production and I can successfully debug. However, this doesn't let me edit the spree code in the parent directory.
If I'm in the parent directory, the subfolder is there of course, but there's no rails run configurations and you can't add one as it says there is no rails server launcher in the project (or some facsimile of that message).
Anyone know how to make RubyMine recognize the run configurations for a subfolder?
I ran across this conversation that resolved a very similar issue to what you're reporting.
The gist is that you can go into settings | project structure and then add your subdirectory as a source root. Then you can set up your run configuration with that subdirectory instead of the project root.

Building a workspace (J2ME) on Eclipse 3.6.0

I am beginning work on development/maintenance of a J2ME MIDlet application that uses the Nokia N97 SDK. As a first step (I have never developed J2ME/Java applications before), I completed the following steps on Eclipse 3.6.0 Helios:
Imported the project using the following step:
File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace
Select root directory as TeleDB1 (the name of the directory that contains the files).
When I click on Finish after these steps, Eclipse automatically builds my new workspace. This step is unsuccessful. I get the following errors:
Errors running builder 'Preverification' on project 'TeleDB1'.
This is what I have tried:
1. Right-click on the project, Properties -> Java Build Path shows the following libraries:
a. org-netbeans-modules-mobility-antext.jar - missing
b. J2ME Library (failed to get library information).
These are my questions:
1. How can I get this project to compile?
2. How do I resolve the errors in the Libraries/Build Path?
I think I have set up my environment for running J2ME applications correctly.
I have situation as yours, and I find the way to solve it.
Right-click on the project---->properties---->j2me---->device---->manage device,choose a device you like.