Color theme totally messed up [duplicate] - visual-studio-code

This suddenly happened after I created a new file while working on a project. Almost all characters are simply white text (except for brackets, because I have bracket pair colorization enabled)
I already tried resetting my configurations, checked my configurations (both globally and in my workspace), and tried this extension that offers an alternative syntax highlighting (which worked, but I would prefer using the Visual Studio Code one).

I think this was caused by the extension called JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly. This was causing the syntax highlighting for .js and .ts files (.jsx and .tsx too). This was more of a bug with the latest version (currently 1.73.1).
You can disable the extension to enable the syntax highlighting.
This extension has now been updated and this issue is fixed.

What user Haneen said was correct, but instead of disabling it, you can install an old version that works just fine.
Click the cog on the bottom right → 'Install Another Version' → select an older version.
Cog at bottom right

Yes, this is exactly caused by the JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly extension.
You can disable or install another version (I recommend installing the prior version since the current version has a bug).
I am currently using the version which was released 2022-11-13.

The current version (v5.0.20221116) for JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly seems to be breaking the syntax highlighting. Downgrading to a previous version might resolve this issue.
This was resolved in v5.0.20221117 however.

Also, I deleted this JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly package, and now it works fine for me.
The module on the marketplace: JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly

I think this was caused by the extension called JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly. This was causing the syntax highlighting for .js and .ts files This was more of a bug with the latest version

As others mentioned, the two latest versions are causing issue for me, but 5.20221115 is working for me.

It was fixed with the latest update of JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly.


VSCode 'The file is in the program because: Default library for target 'es3''

I'm using VSCode. After the last update of the IDE, I see this error (Even if I didn't open any project to work on).
I googled it, and I tried several actions according to this link:
but none of them seems to work.
Anyone faced the issue? (I'm not using TypeScript in any of my projects and I don't have any tsconfig.ts file). Is it related to one of my VSCode extensions?
It is a general update problem about visual-studio-code with the last update. Issue can be followed from here:
Installing JavaScript and TypeScript Nightly extension is helpful for me.
Configure .eslintrc.json in your folder again and reload the vs code
.eslintrc.json file for salesforce
you can refer below link to config your eslint file

VSCode Latex-workshop: No AutoBuild for onFileChange

I have a problem with the AutoBuild function in VSCode Latex-Workshop:
"": "onFileChange"
the project is not build if I change (and save) my tex-file, even though the Latex Workshop logger tells me:
[10:54:26] File watcher: responding to change in /path/presentation.tex
[10:54:26] Parsing /path/presentation.tex
But nothing more happens.
If I change the settings to
"": "onSave"
things work as expected:
[10:59:28] File watcher: responding to change in /path/presentation.tex
[10:59:28] Parsing /path/presentation.tex
[10:59:28] Auto-build /path/presentation.tex upon save.
[10:59:28] BUILD command invoked.
(... building commences ...)
All other settings are kept on default values.
I am using LaTeX-Workshop version 6.0.0
Thank you very much for your help!
I experience the same problems with LaTeX Workshop 8.16.1 in vscode 1.54.3.
It is a known problem, see this FAQ.

Duplicate hints while typing expression in Visual Studio Code

Why do I have the same suggestions while typing expression?
I had exactly the same problem. After a week or so, it get really annoying.
basically, as the comments hint to, there are probably multiple linting or intelisense tools. In my case (for python) i had the pylance extension added.
When i disabled this, the problem went away, but features were missing. So i added it back...
For some reason (i dont know why), this fixed the problem !!!
I can only hypothesise that in some way the extension was corrupted. Nevertheless, it worked.
I can also confirm that unchecking this setting appears to work:
Jupyter: Pylance Handles Notebooks
My current system is Windows 11, with python 3.10.
Final edit (8 Dec 2022):
This is resolved here:
Please could you install VS Code 1.74 and the latest Jupyter, PyLance and Python extension and confirm this still exists.
Visual Studio Code provides an API so third-party extensions and built-in modules can contribute suggestions for auto-completion pop-ups. The system is currently designed so suggestions are merely appended—there's no duplicate detection or removal (perhaps because extensions can also take care of sorting suggestions and such algorithm would get on the way). That means that if you have more than one extension or module for a given language you can easily get duplicate entries.
Having several extensions for PHP is not necessarily a bad idea since they can address different needs (for instance, PHP DocBlocker just creates annotations, it doesn't provide auto-completion suggestions) but you have at least two extensions (PHP Intelephense and PHP Intellisense) that do exactly the same things. That's likely to hurt performance (all your workspace files will be scanned several times) and just adds noise.
I suggest you read the extension descriptions carefully to learn what they do exactly and then figure out which ones you need. Remember that extensions can be enabled/disabled in a per-workspace basis.
The following is just my own totally subjective opinion. Among the PHP extensions that provide code intelligence only two of them seem mature enough:
PHP Intelephense
PHP Intellisense
I've tried both. PHP Intelephense works best for me than PHP Intellisense so that's the one I've kept. I've also disabled php.suggest.basic following the installation instructions because basic suggestions didn't add any value to me (they were blind string matching):
Turn off the php.suggest.basic setting for best results.
... as well as taming builtin Emmet support, which was providing really dumb suggestions:
"emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation": "inMarkupAndStylesheetFilesOnly"
TLDR; Installing pre-release version of Jupyter solves (v2022.11...)
Ok, so after some more extensive experimentation I think I found what's causing this in my case. After looking at the processes I noticed that there were two Pylance processes running, and consistently this would only be a problem if I was working in a session with a jupyter notebook open or one that had been opened.
saun89 17740 37.3 0.3 1008004 199492 ? Sl 20:58 0:22 /home/saun89/.vscode-server-insiders/bin/fef85ea792f6627c83024d1df726ca729d8c9cb3/node /home/saun89/.vscode-server-insiders/extensions/ms-python.vscode-pylance-2022.11.32/dist/server.bundle.js --cancellationReceive=file:9178e897a2b78b36bfd167f79b36c3bdad2931d71b --node-ipc --clientProcessId=17651
saun89 18743 257 0.7 1304584 382288 ? Sl 20:59 0:20 /home/saun89/.vscode-server-insiders/bin/fef85ea792f6627c83024d1df726ca729d8c9cb3/node /home/saun89/.vscode-server-insiders/extensions/ms-python.vscode-pylance-2022.11.32/dist/server.bundle.js --cancellationReceive=file:8744a321767eed92821fd737be4dc7dcfb728284e5 --node-ipc --clientProcessId=17651
Pylance basically spins up a service for the workspace, and then spins up a separate service for the notebook.
Output from "Python Language Server" logs:
Disabling Jupyter removes the duplication, and after installing an earlier version of the extension (v2022.4) this appears to have fully resolved the issue. I'm going to go ahead and log the extension bug once I have something reproducible.
As of 11/30/22, Jupyter Extension Pre-Release version v2022.11.1003281132 is the latest version fixes this issue. Click the gear icon next to the extension and you should see "install another version..." Then you can select version v2022.11.1003281132.

Netbeans 8.2 : Scrollbar not following cursor

So i updated from Netbeans 8.0.2 to 8.2 and now i have this very annoying bug : when i move the cursor down, the scrollbar won't auto scroll, so the cursor simply disappears ! I need to manually scroll to get the cursor visible again.
I'm on Mac Os 10.13.4. Anyone had this bug and could fix it ? Otherwise i'll have downgrade to get my things done properly again.
Thanks !
I don't know about MacOS but I have noticed that behavior on Linux too. It happens every time I type an accented character (e.g. á, é).
The solution I've found is adding env XMODIFIERS="" to the beginning of the command line in the .desktop file (the default is XMODIFIERS=#im=ibus on Ubuntu 20.04). Or simply starting it from the command line as XMODIFIERS="" netbeans
I'm posting this a little late because it's becoming increasingly difficult to find old versions of NetBeans after they moved from Oracle to Apache. So if you are stuck with a specific version and can't downgrade/upgrade, this answer might be helpful.
I checked NetBeans bugs and don't see an exact match for your problem, but there are plenty of similar ones. Note that bugs marked as RESOLVED haven't necessarily been applied to the released version of 8.2.
However, you could use a DEV version of NetBeans that would have the fixes applied, and as an added bonus you could also use JDK9 which you can't do on 8.2. That approach might be preferable to downgrading. Also note that the DEV version of NB could run concurrently with 8.2.

Rendering Problems: class could not be instantiated: -

I recently changed over to Android Studio from Eclipse and when starting new projects with a blank activity template have come across the following message in my main layout xml file
I looked up SO and tried the following solutions:
*Raising the minSDK in the build.gradle file - it raised additional problems of missing styles
*Trying to update Android Studio - I was up-to-date even in the "Canary" setting
*Reducing the API level of the layout - when I went down to API 22, the image disappeared altogether.
In Eclipse, I would go to Properties/Android and see if anything needed to be updated, or go to Build Path to see if it looked OK.
What can I do here? Thanks:)
I have just found an answer on SO that worked for me. (I am sorry but I haven't figured out how to quote the question no.)
I also got this problem today,
Check your build.gradle file, do you use support design lib version
23.2, like
compile '' if so, change it to
version 23.1.0
compile '' then rebuild your
project... seems version 23.2 is still buggy