Error when creating a multi-factor user in Firebird 3 (RedDatabase) - firebird

An error occurs when trying to create a multi-factor user in RedDatabase.
When I try to create a new multifactor user using the command
create user "SYSDBA" password 'masterkey' using plugin multifactor_manager
I get the error
Resource Exception. add record error; Unexpected call to
Firebird::LongJump::stuffException() [SQLState:HY000, ISC error
Message in logs:
Cryptographic operation is failed. Error: specified plugin not found
Settings were made to configure the plugin in firebird.conf. The error is repeated on several databases. Reinstalling Firebird does not help. Please help with solving this problem.


Scala- Conscript - "An unexpected error occurred: Please check your internet connection"

Context: I'd like to install conscript and giter8 so that I can more efficiently create and work with Scalatra project files. I've followed the instructions here and here to download and run the jar. When I do so I get the following error. I get the same error when running the Powershell script. While I am on a private network, my internet connection is fine. And when I follow the location in the exception message I hit a strange page which looks like a list of Github directories - not sure what to do with that.
"An unexpected error occurred: Please check your internet connection.
Exception message:"
Question: Can someone please let me know what I'm doing wrong? And explain how I can get conscript up and running properly?
UPDATE: running the jar still is not working but I re-tried running the powershell script and that does look like it was able to successfully install conscript. When I cd into the .conscript\bin directory and run cs foundweekends/giter8 I'm still getting this strange error which indicates to me either conscript or giter8 is still not up and running correctly.
c:\Users\e.b\.conscript\bin>cs foundweekends/giter8
An unexpected error occurred: Please check your internet connection.
Exception message:
When I navigate to the URL provided I then get a message that reads.
{ "message": "Not Found", "documentation_url":
"" }
I found some additional documentation that seems to resolve the issue:
When I run cmd and execute sbt new scala/scala-seed.g8 I'm able to successfully setup Scalatra templates.

MongoDB quick start fails during setup

I'm trying to deploy the mongo db quick start as seen here.
Unfortunately, it quickly fails with status CREATE_FAILED with the following error which I can't understand a lot from:
Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-****** was not successfully created:
The following resource(s) failed to create:
[NAT1EIP, NAT2EIP, PublicSubnet1RouteTableAssociation, PrivateSubnet2ARouteTableAssociation, PublicSubnetRoute, PrivateSubnet1ARouteTableAssociation, PublicSubnet2RouteTableAssociation].
I tried using both my own user's role and a new role I created where the trusted entity was CF and permissions of power user. It failed in both cases.
I'm surely missing something very basic, any thoughts?
Thank you
If you are unable to create these networking resources, it could be very well due to IAM user restrictions.

Domain Creation ERROR

I'm trying to create a standalone domain using QS Templates but I'm facing an error after I configure user, password and port for the domain, the error occurrs during creation time:
CFGFWK-64254:Error occurred in "OPSS Processing" phase execution.
Encountered error:java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
I've already configured QS_TEMPLATE variable.
The error was because I runned the installer on jdk1.7.0_51 and tried to create the domain on jdk1.8.0_151, after I runned everything on the same version everything worked.

jBPM Workbench & KIE Server interaction

I am running 7.0.0.CR2 of workbench and server in a docker container. It looks on first view that they are working perfectly together. However, when I select the tasks tab in the workbench I get the following error:
Unable to complete your request. The following exception occurred:
Can't lookup on specified data set: jbpmHumanTasksWithUser.
This lead me to this bug:
There they are saying that this is caused by a user not having the kie-server role. There is no kie-server role in my installation, there is however a kie-server group, and the user I am using is a member of this group.
Dockerfile and user and role files can be found here:
I believe it could be due to a missing login module in your set up, to ensure the role/authentication is passed on to the Kie Server, you need to add a custom login module. Please check this example as reference:

Could not initialize class DSRA0010E: SQL State = 28P01, Error Code = 0

Can I get assistance with the error codes coming from eclipse when I try to deploy enterprise application on websphere. I followed craig st jean, I also face another problem with configuration i.e websphere data sources using postgresql. i am using a windows machine, 64bit arch. the error codes are the topic of this question. i hope this question can be seen as relevant, since not much solutions exist for the first issue concerning, thus if one doesn't overcome the first, how can one press on and attempt to solve the second. thanks.
Webspere logs
The test connection operation failed for data source AppDb on server server1 at node Lenovo-PCNode01 with the following exception: java.sql.SQLException: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "listmanagerremote" DSRA0010E: SQL State = 28P01, Error Code = 0. View JVM logs for further details.
I have fixed the issues with deployment in the eclipse neon IDE. I think it is either as a result of the installation of the IBM WebSphere Application Server Traditional v8.0x Developer tools for Neon, and IBM jre.
Eclipse console final message
00000063 CompositionUn A WSVR0191I: Composition unit WebSphere:cuname=ListManager in BLA WebSphere:blaname=ListManager started.
Postgre documents the 28P01 SQL State as an invalid password:
"28P01 INVALID PASSWORD invalid_password"
Check your data source configuration to ensure that you have specified the correct password, or if using an authentication alias for your data source, confirm that the authentication data configuration contains the correct password, and that you have configured the data source and/or resource reference to use that authentication data.