Windchill REST API Get all WorkItems - rest

We want to create a list with tasks of all users by using the Windchill REST API.
We used the GET/WorkItems Endpoint to get the list.
It works fine for those tasks, who are associatet with the user who posts the request. But we need a list with workitems of all users. Is there any possibility to get a response for that need?
If it is not possible to get such a response, is it possible to do an expand on objects like a change Request, to get the ID of associatet WorkItems?


Azure Devops API - Can't find a way to get permission groups/membership using API

I am looking for a way to use the Azure DevOps API to get membership of permission groups. The data I am looking for is in the following location on the front end:
I had the same requirement to get team membership within Azure DevOps and was able to do so using the following URI:{organization}/_apis/projects/hrs/teams/{teamname}/members?api-version=6.0
I could not find a similar URI to get permission groups and need a way to pull this information using the API.
I've tried many of the API endpoints on the official api documentation (below) focusing on any that seem like they may pull security group related information. In all cases I came up short either because the endpoint did not provide me with what I was looking for, or the documentation for an endpoint wasn't clear on how parameters need to be structured for more advanced use cases.
I also tried asking this question to ChatGPT however the endpoints the chatbot provided me with did not work either.
I found a way to get what I am looking for, but I am not a big fan of the approach.
You can use the graph API to list all permission groups
once you have the permission groups, you can write a script to filter for the group object within the API response you want to get the members of.
The group object has the appropriate API endpoint to hit to get the member objects within the _links.memberships property.
Call the API with the memberships link from above. It will return an array of descriptors which can be used in further API calls.
For each descriptor, hit the appropriate API endpoint to resolve the object for that descriptor. If the descriptor starts with aad then it is a user and you can use the user get api. If the descriptor starts with aadgp then it is a group and you use the group get api.
This strategy is rather complicated and requires an API call for each member of the group. I'd hope there is a better solution.

Http Get vs Http Post to get data, which one is recommended?

recently I come across an issue that I don't know which is a good (standard) way to handle it in REST Api.
The problem is very simple. We all know that in standard REST Api, we use Get request to get data and Post request to send data to server to create/update resources.
For that, if we want to get a list of all users in our application, we would use a GET request with url like this: HTTP GET /users
That's easy right. Let's get to our scenario. Our application allows users to create their own post and people can comment, like, or follow posts created by them or other users. On top of that, we have billions of existing users.
Now, let's say we have a post that has been interacted with thousands of users (popular post) and we want to return that list of users. For this to work, we would at least need to send to server the post Id to look up. Obviously, we do not want to return a list of thousands of users at one time. That would be too much for front end to handle. For that, we would introduce a pagination number and page size to limit the number of users returned. Therefore, on top of the post Id, we will need to send page number and page size as well.
Now, we will have two ways to construct our request:
GET request: /users?postId=123&pageNumber=1&pageSize=10
POST request /users with body request
"postId": 123,
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 10
GET seems to be a standard one because it is querying and returning data to front end, but again, the postId is exposed to public.
POST, on the other hand, is a bit more safer since parameters do not store in browser
Which one is the more standard one and recommended in this case ?
Use Get.
What concerns you about the post id appearing in a URL?
If all relevant endpoints are secured, there's nothing a user can do with that id unless authenticated and authorized to perform an action on that post.
Besides, the body of a posted request can be viewed in the browser's dev tools so a post just obfuscates the data a little. It doesn't actually secure it.
You should Secure the program so that it is not misused.
If you send a post request to get thousand data, your server go down.
you should use get and pagination to get best result.

Is it possible to retrieve build definition ID related to a work item using Azure DevOps REST API?

The requirement is to fetch all the work items between different releases and create a report. The list of work items can be fetched using below API call.{organizationName}/{projectName}/_apis/release/releases/{currentReleaseId}/workitems??api-version=6.0&baseReleaseId={baseReleaseId}
Now, for each of this work item, we also need to know the build version when it is delivered. I'm not able to find any entries related to build/release in the work item data fetched using{organizationName}/_apis/wit/workItems/{ID}
Is there any relationship between work item tasks and respective build or release definition ID when it was delivered?
Is it possible to retrieve build definition ID related to a work item using Azure DevOps REST API?
The answer is yes.
You could use the REST API Work Items - Get Work Item with $expand to get the commit links:
Get{org name}/{project name}/_apis/wit/workitems/{id}?$expand=relations&api-version=6.0
Then you would see the commits in relations part of the response body:
Then we could use the REST API Statuses API for Commit. It seems that when starting and ending build, the appropriate status is posted.
So when we call
We will get all last builds associated with the Commit and their statuses.

Endpoint to get the currently authenticated Rally user?

I generated an API key for my Rally account. Is there a REST API to retrieve my basic user information, such as name, ObjectID, and ObjectUUID?
Sure, you can just read the /user endpoint and fetch whatever fields you need. This endpoint can both be used to query for multiple users, or if just read without any parameters it will return yourself.
So, to get yourself:
Or to query for users (which you're probably familiar with):
GET contains "Bob")

Linkedin REST API retrieve status updates of a user

I'm trying to retrieve the status updates of the authenticated user with the REST API. Is there a way to do that? I only can find a way to retrieve the status updates of the companies the user has admin rights of.
It is no longer possible with the standard LinkedIn API (If you look at their REST console, you can see all the public methods:
You now need to join their partner program in order to access additional API methods now: