this singleton has way can be improved? - unity3d

i was using google's singleton but this must need too many reference.
example, when I have to use another class in my Player class that used singleton, I must be using reference three time. Like this : Player.instance.another.blank=0;
my singleton
public static Player instance;
public void Awake()
if(instance ==null){

Is there any reason to destroy the instance? Even so, we are not updating the existing instance immediately after destroying it whenever a player is added.

I have a singleton Gist that I usually use:
It has decent comments for anyone unfamiliar with singletons, and is threadsafe. You can remove everything except the lazy field and the constructor region. I use this as the basis for Manager classes.
using System;
// Update namespace as needed
namespace WhatsYourName
This is the name of your threadsafe Singleton - change "SingletonLazyThreadsafe" to value that makes sense, and be sure to use your
editors [Rename] option, or update all values to match.
Just because the Singleton itself is threadsafe does not mean that all methods that might be contained are automatically threadsafe.
If threading is important, use threadsafe variables, such as:
rather than:
Alternatively, lock() can be used in a pinch, but there is the potential for slight performance hits.
Any field, property, or method not marked with "// REQUIRED" means that it's just a sample and can be removed or changed as needed.
Comments are inline as a reminder and as a point of education for those not familiar with Singletons.
Initial snippet added 12/08/2018 - JSW (Xepherys).
public class SingletonLazyThreadsafe
#region Fields
// Private
private static readonly Lazy<SingletonLazyThreadsafe> lazy = new Lazy<SingletonLazyThreadsafe>(() => new SingletonLazyThreadsafe()); // REQUIRED
private int changeCount;
private int myInteger;
private string myString;
// Public
public char MyPublicChar; // Note: Even though it's a field, if it's publicly accessible, I generally capitalize the first letter. This is a personal design choice. Most folk tend to use lowercase for fields regardless of their accessibility level.
#region Properties
// Note: Private getter/setter for private field.
private int ChangeCount
return this.changeCount;
this.changeCount = value;
// Note: Public getter/setter for private field.
public int MyInteger
return this.myInteger;
this.myInteger = value;
// Note: Public getter / protected setter for private field. This allows a {get} from anywhere, but only a {set} from inside the class or derived classes.
public string MyString
return this.myString;
protected set
this.myString = value;
#region Constructors
private SingletonLazyThreadsafe() // REQUIRED
{ }
public static SingletonLazyThreadsafe Instance // REQUIRED
return lazy.Value;
#region Methods
// Note: This is a public method that just changes the myInteger field. It's useless since the property is public, but it's just an example. It also call IncreaseCount().
public void IncrementInteger(int value)
this.MyInteger = value;
// Note: This is a public method that just changes the myString field. It's useless since the property is public, but it's just an example. It also call IncreaseCount().
public void ChangeString(string value)
this.MyString = value;
// Note: This is a private method, which means it can only be called by other methods in this class, and not publicly or outside of the class. While it could directly change
// 'changeCount', I also have it making changes via the private 'ChangeCount' property, which is also only accessible inside the class.
private void IncreaseCount()


Autofac - InstancePerLifetimeScope vs InstancePerRequest in Application_Start in ASP.NET Web Forms

I am using Autofac With ASP.NET Webforms. I would like to understand the difference between InstancePerLifetimeScope and InstancePerRequest when i register dependencies in the App_Start method of the global.asx.
It look like that for both of them a new instance of the dependency is created just once at Every HttpRequest (verified with a breakpoint into the constructor of the dependency and with the HashCode of the object).
Any ideas?
Thank you
#Travis gave good link to the documentation describing how it works. However, I prefer to give examples additionally to illustrate the theory better. So, let's take a look at simple example.
Suppose you have two classes ClassA and ClassB implementing some simple interfaces IClassA and IClassB.
public class ClassA : IClassA
public ClassA() {
public class ClassB : IClassB
public ClassB() {
Now, let's see what happens when we register them in different ways.
Example A
builder = new ContainerBuilder();
Then, in the controller, you do this:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IClassA _classA;
private readonly IClassB _classB;
private readonly IComponentContext _ctx;
public HomeController(IClassA classA, IClassB classB, IComponentContext ctx) {
_classA = classA;
_classB = classB;
_ctx = ctx;
public string Get() {
using (var scope = _ctx.BeginLifetimeScope()) {
var newClassA = scope.Resolve<IClassA>(); // Object.ReferenceEquals(newClassA, _classA) == false
var newClassB = scope.Resolve<IClassB>(); // Object.ReferenceEquals(newClassB, _classB) == false
return "Ok";
In this example both 'new' variables in Get() method will receive new instances since they are both registered to be unique per lifetime scope. We began new lifetime scope - we got new instances.
Now, let's take a look at another example.
Example B
builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.RegisterType<ClassB>().As<IClassB>().InstancePerRequest(); // now they have different life time!
// controller:
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IClassA _classA;
private readonly IClassB _classB;
private readonly IComponentContext _ctx;
public HomeController(IClassA classA, IClassB classB, IComponentContext ctx) {
_classA = classA;
_classB = classB;
_ctx = ctx;
public string Get() {
using (var scope = _ctx.BeginLifetimeScope()) {
var newClassA = scope.Resolve<IClassA>(); // Object.ReferenceEquals(newClassA, _classA) == false
var newClassB = scope.Resolve<IClassB>(); // Object.ReferenceEquals(newClassB, _classB) == true
return "Ok";
See what happened here? Even though we began new lifetime scope - ClassB still gets resolved from request scope and not from our new one. This is the difference between InstancePerLifetimeScope() and InstancePerRequest().
And as documentation suggests, internally it is based on another Autofac concept - InstancePerMatchingLifetimeScope().
In many cases it amounts to the same thing. This is an FAQ on the Autofac doc site.

How do I combine a Controlled Lifetime relationship type (i.e. Owned<T>) with a delegate factory?

In my application, I have a service that requires a constructor parameter not resolved by Autofac, that I instantiate using a delegate factory:
public class Service
public Service(string parameter /*, ... other dependencies */)
public delegate Service Factory(string parameter);
This works great! I really love this feature.
I also like the Controlled Lifetime relationship, so I can let my component depend on a Func<Owned<ISomething>> like this:
public class Component
private Func<Owned<ISomething>> _somethingFactory;
/* constructor omitted for brevity */
public void DoSomethingUseful()
using (var ownedSomething = _somethingFactory())
/* Lots of useful code here */
My problem is that now I want to combine the two. I can't have an instance of Func<Owned<Service>> injected, because it needs that parameter, so my current solution is to abstract the factory away into another service, say IServiceFactory:
public interface IServiceFactory
Service Create(string parameter);
...implemented as such:
public class ServiceFactory : IServiceFactory
private Service.Factory _internalFactory;
public ServiceFactory(Service.Factory internalFactory)
_internalFactory = internalFactory;
public Service Create(string parameter)
return _internalFactory(parameter);
My component then becomes this:
public class Component
Func<Owned<IServiceFactory>> _serviceFactoryFactory;
/* ... */
The need for such a field name leaves a bad taste in my mouth to the point that I suspect there must be a cleaner way to handle this case.
Is there another way?
You could change your injected factory to include the string parameter:
private Func<string, Owned<ISomething>> _somethingFactory;
Then you can pass the string to the factory when you want to create a new instance:
public void DoSomethingUseful()
using (var ownedSomething = _somethingFactory("my parameter"))
/* Lots of useful code here */
I've created a .NET Fiddle with a small working sample.

Could you explain me one OOP confusion?

I am creating a program for testing a website. Site has a registration process, which I am testing.
I have created a class named "Client", which should store the information about the client (name, family name, e-mail etc.).
Since I am testing, I use random number generator to generate a name for the client (I have the list of names, one of which is chosen randomly).
Obviously, I should create a method "generateName ()".
But the question is: in which class I should create it?
Lots of programmers would create the method in the Client class. And would do something like that:
client = new Client ();
client.generateName ();
But I have read, that this approach is incorrect - because the client does not generate name for himself. Program does.
Based on that information, I do as follows:
class Program
private void generateName ();
class Client
public void name ( String name )
{ = name;
program = new Program ();
client = new Client (); ( program.generateName () );
But as I know, this approach is not used by the developers.
Could you clarify, how to know "what is right and what is wrong" here? And what information source should I use as an arbitrary for the cases of this kind?
It sounds like generateName() could be a static method in Client, since it's independent of instances:
class Client {
private String name;
public Client(String name) { = name;
public static String generateRandomName() {
String generatedName = ...;
return generatedName;
You could the simply pass it's value to the Client object as you currently are, or via the constructor:
client = new Client(Client.generateRandomName());
Otherwise, I'd suggest a ClientNameGenerator to handle name generation, to keep inline with SRP and to raise cohesion. This would be the better choice, seeing how you may be needing more name generation methods in the future:
class ClientNameGenerator {
public String generateRandomName() {
String generatedName = ...;
return generatedName;
//other name generation methods...
You can now use a ClientNameGenerator object to manage the generation of client names:
ClientNameGenerator nameGenerator = new ClientNameGenerator();
client = new Client(nameGenerator.generateRandomName());
Anytime you need to generate a name, simply use the ClientNameGenerator object you created.
There are a number of places which might be appropriate locations for this functionality.
You could have it as a private method on the Client class, used by a static factory method for generating Clients with a random name.
public class Client {
public static Client randomlyNamed() {
return new Client(randomName());
private static String randomName() {
return ...;
But that private method might be better extracted to a more appropriate class for generating random Strings...
public class Client {
private static final int defaultNameLength = 8;
public static Client randomlyNamed() {
return new Client(Strings.randomString(defaultNameLength));
public class Strings
private static String randomString(int length) {
return ...;
You could then expand the static method into a general purpose ClientBuilder class, with an instance method named something like 'withRandomName()'.
public class Client {
public class ClientBuilder {
private static final int defaultNameLength = 8;
public ClientBuilder randomlyNamed() { = Strings.randomString(defaultNameLength);
public Client build() {
return new Client(name);
public class Strings
private static String randomString(int length) {
return ...;
An alternative would be an implementation of a NamingStrategy (e.g. ``) object which is given to a ClientBuilder object.
public class RandomNames implements NamingStrategy {
private static final int defaultNameLength = 8;
public String name() {
return String.randomString(defaultNameLength);
public class ClientBuilder {
private final NamingStrategy nameSource;
public ClientBuilder(NamingStrategy nameSource) {
this.nameSource = nameSource;
public Client build() {
return new Client(;
The pure way to go would be to have a separate class ClientGenerator that produces clients. Because generating clients is not typical client behavior and in your application model a client is no more than a passive data container for client properties. However, generating clients is an activity in "the client domain". Therefor it would be defendable to create a static method Client.NewClient(), like the .NET feamework does with Guid. On the other hand, a guid's very nature is to be generated, it does not represent something in the real world. It IS a spawnable id. So the comparison may not be all that ligitimate.
A common similar mistake (or impurity if you wish) is a Save method on an object. Instead one should have a Persister class that does the job. Or a Manager. Because Save is something you can do to or with the class, not behavior of the class ifself.

How should I design a game character class with a large number of attributes?

I am a student who is currently learning Java and trying to write a small text-based RPG game with it. The first problem I encountered in the design of the game is the 'character' class, which represents all the playable heroes and enemy characters, and is now implemented by myself as the following:
class RPGActor {
private String name;
private int HP; // hit points
private int MP; // mana
private int AP; // attack
private int DP; // defense
... // followed by tens of other attributes.
public Actor(int actorID)
... // Reads all attributes from a file based on the 'actorID'.
public void printStatus()
System.out.println("HP :" + HP);
System.out.println("MP :" + MP);
... // And print all the attributes one by one.
public void setHP(int newHP)
HP = newHP;
public int getHP()
return HP;
public void setMP(...)
// And tens of accessors and mutators for each attribute
The problem I see with this design is that there are too many things that needs to be hand-coded: There are some 20-30 attributes in the class, and a separate accessor/mutator needs to be implemented for each of them. And the function for displaying the current status of the hero, printStatus, must output each attribute separately even though every line of output follows the exact same format. This makes the class definition tediously long.
Plus, if later I want to add one more attribute to the game, then I must remember to modify 'printStatus', and add a pair of accessor/mutator for it.
So my question is: is there a way to design the class so that I can use ONE pair of set/get functions to set all attributes. Something like:
public void set(String attribName, int attribVal)
and print the attributes iteratively like this:
public void printStatus()
for (...)
System.out.println(curAttribName + ": " + curAttribVal);
Thank you very much!
I'll show you a solution, to set all attributes with one method, but you shouldn't use it, I'll tell you the reasons afterwards.
class RPGActor {
private static final String NAME = "Name";
private static final String HP = "HP";
private static final String MP = "MP";
private static final String AP = "AP";
private static final String DP = "DP";
// ... followed by tens of other attributes.
private Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
public RPGActor(int actorID) {
this.attributes.put(NAME, nameFromFile);
// ... Reads all attributes from a file based on the 'actorID'.
public void setAttribute(String attributeName, Object value) {
this.attributes.put(attributeName, value);
public int getAttribute(String attributeName) {
return this.attributes.get(attributeName);
This has several disadvantages:
no code-completion for setting specific attributes
less readable
Although you are using classes and objects, this isn't very object-oriented. Especially you're violating the encapsulation paradigm.
You shouldn't set the HP explicitly from outside the class itself. Only in rare use cases that is needed. Instead you should think about what the actor really does: attacking, defending, casting spells.
Therefore it should look more like this:
class RPGActor {
private String name;
private int HP; // hit points
private int MP; // mana
private int AP; // attack
private int DP; // defense
// ... followed by tens of other attributes.
private Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
public RPGActor(int actorID) {
// ... Reads all attributes from a file based on the 'actorID'.
public void attacks(RPGActor defender) {
public void defend(Attack attack) {
switch (attack.getType()) {
// This actor is resistant against physical attacks.
this.HP = this.HP - attack.getStrength();
public void castSpell(Spell spell, Set<Target> targets) {
// targets could be other actors, equipment or chickens dependent on the spell
// ...
With inheritance or more advanced design patterns like the Strategy pattern you can make each actor react differently on attacks.

Service Class + Instantiating new classes

I wanted to know if this was thread safe/ good practice. My IOC is ninject, everything service layer call is via the default setting (In transient scope I think?).
Question, is instantiating new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo) correct? The best way? What is the best way to do this? This is a domain class that holds logic that could be called from various services, there are usually a few database calls involved, most of the time no persistance is necessary...
Anyway, I call my service method via an interface e.g.
void SaveFile(int reportid, stream file); //Interface name: IReportFileService
public Class FileService: Servicebase, IReportFileService
private readonly IRepoSession _repo;
public FileService(IUserSession user, IRepoSession repo, IUpdateSession update)
: base(user,update)
_repo = repo;
//save file if users 'counter' is ok..
public void SaveFile(int reportid, stream file)
//here I want to instantiate a new class that I store in my domain and store the counters
//etc and do related db calls to check up relevant values
//note loggedonuser is a prop on my *base class*
var userChecks = new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo);
userChecks.CountEmUp(); //exception is thrown if 0, less than "limit" etc...
base.update(userChecks.mycompany); //persist
base.commit(); //base class method includes try, catch block...
public class FileAllocation
private readonly IRepoSession _repo;
private readonly Loggedonuser _user;
private int CompanyUploads;
private int UserUploads;
public Company mycompany;
public FileAllocation(Loggedonuser user, IRepoSession repo)
_repo = repo;
_user = user;
public void CountEmUp()
//do error checking,
//load up other tables can user upload - permissions, count is ok etc...
// check the upload type if of certain type we cannot proceed - call another method on this class
//set myCompany variable to new limits etc...
Base Service includes a prop, I dont want to instantiate this from other services i.e. more that once, how do I avoid that?
private LoggedonuserDTO _currentuser = null;
protected LoggedonuserDTO loggedonuser
if (_currentuser == null)
_currentuser = _user.GetCurrentUser(); //make db call here...
return _currentuser;
#Darin suggested:
public interface IFileAllocation
CountEmUp(Loggedonuser currentuser);
//pass in loggedonuser to any method that requires it...
public class FileAllocation: IFileAllocation
CountEmUp(Loggedonuser currentuser)
//do whatever here...
var userChecks = new FileAllocation(loggedonuser,_repo);
introduces a strong coupling between the FileService and the FileAllocation classes. If this is not a problem for you then you can leave it that way. Otherwise you could abstract the operations of this FileAllocation class into an interface and then inject it into FileService. This way the FileService is weakly coupled with FileAllocation and could be reused in different contexts and unit tested in isolation.