ADF Update the record if column not matched (in 2nd condition) - azure-data-factory

I am beginner in adf and trying to update SQL table through adf in Dataflw activity,
Source - Excel file
Sink - SQL table
Source and SinkColumns - AccountID, LegacyAccID, AccountGroupCD
Now I only want update the record in sink if below condition matched
if(FileAccountID == DBLegacyID && FileAccountID != DBAccountID)
I can map the FileAccountID == DBLegacyID in sink mapping , How can I add 2nd condition,
really appreciate any help

Add an Alter Row transformation and set that conditional expression in the rule for the Update property.

One quick thing which I can think , is to use the stored proc actvity on the sink side ( Since you have only few incoming columns ) and use the Update logic in the stored procedure .


Datastage multiple parametric (conditionned) query execution

I would like to create a job than based on some values in Table A, execute a Select query in Table B where the WHERE CONDITION must be parametric.
For example: I have 10 columns in A with 100 rows filled. 9 of my columns can be nullable so I have to create a query that controls the nullability of a value, if null then it must NOT be considered a research criteria in the Select statement.
I thought about using a SPARSE lookup where I'd pass a string that I created with the concatenation of the research parameters if they're not null but the job fails because you need to map the columns.
I even created a file with queries as string and then I loop the file and pass the string as a variable for the DB2 connector stage. It works... but I have more than 10000 rows means 10000 queries.. not that fast.
Thanks for your help.
PS: I'm new to this stuff :D
what you can do is to use Before SQL option at your source/target stage. Namely, your job will have at least two stages. One source db2 stage and one copy or sequential or peek stage as target or Row generator and target db2 connector.
In your input db2 connector you can pass your sql script as parameter into before sql provided that it is generated in advance and pass it as value to your before sql of db2 connector. Your actual sql statement will use "dummy" script such as "select current date from sysibm.sysdummy1" to complete your execution.
Hope it makes sense.

Updating an "Inserted" column inside my "Insert" Trigger - a little different

I have researched quite a bit but couldn't find what I wanted-
(I have shallow knowledge on TRIGGERS in SQL- pardon me!)
Qn: I have all the THREE Triggers on my table (Insert, Update & Delete)
In my AFTER INSERT Trigger: I need to "update" the "inserted" column
and I was using :
UPDATE Table_name
SET Column_name = #Input
But I was requested to use something like:
UPDATE "Inserted.column_name"
SET Column_name = #Input
But this generally cannot happen as it throws me an error:
The logical tables INSERTED and DELETED cannot be updated
Can someone help me out please?
I have seen posts on using INSTEAD OF TRIGGER but that doesn't serve my purpose.. Thanks in advance! Appreciate your help!
You need to update the actual, underlying table - not the Inserted pseudo table....
You need to join the tables on the primary key, and then update your actual data table - something like
CREATE TRIGGER trg_Insert_Sample
ON dbo.YourTableName
UPDATE dbo.YourTableName
SET SomeColumn = i.SomeValue
FROM Inserted i
WHERE dbo.YourTableName.PrimaryKey = i.PrimaryKey
or something along those lines....
You also need to be aware that the trigger is called once per statement - not once per row - so if your INSERT statements inserts 10 rows at once (from e.g. a SELECT), your trigger is called once, and Inserted will contain 10 rows - so you need to make sure your trigger code is capable of handling this situation and is written in a proper, set-based manner (no SELECT #Value = SomeColumn FROM Inserted - that won't work!)

How to update an XML column in DB2 with XMLQuery?

I want to update an XML column in DB2 with dynamic values or you can say with values that I'll pick from another table and insert them in the xml column.
I know how to insert a node along with its value that we provide by
hard coding it, e.g.
I want to do it in the following way:
UPDATE my_table SET my_table_column = XMLQuery(..... <data>???</data>)
WHERE my_table_id = other_table_id;
Where I place ??? I need a kind of select statement here which will come up with actual value for the node.

How to Retrieve autoincremnt value after inserting 1 record in single query (sql server)

I am have two fields in my table:
One is Primary key auto increment value and second is text value.
lets say: xyzId & xyz
So I can easily insert like this
insert into abcTable(xyz) Values('34')
After performing above query it must insert these information
xyzId=1 & xyz=34
and for retrieving I can retrieve like this
select xyzId from abcTable
But for this I have to write down two operation. Cant I retrieve in single/sub query ?
If you are on SQL Server 2005 or later you can use the output clause to return the auto created id.
Try this:
insert into abcTable(xyz)
output inserted.xyzId
I think you can't do an insert and a select in a single query.
You can use a Store Procedures to execute the two instructions as an atomic operation or you can build a query in code with the 2 instructions using ';' (semicolon) as a separator betwen instructions.
Anyway, for select identity values in SQL Server you must check ##IDENTITY, SCOPE_IDENTITY and IDENT_CURRENT. It's faster and cleaner than a select in the table.

Conditional dynamic SQL with cursor

I have a query which uses a cursor to cycle through the results of a select statement.
The select statement in short selects all of the records from a mapping table I have. One of the columns is 'SourceTableName'.
I use this field to generate some dynamic SQL.
I am looking to add a parameter to my stored procedure wrapped around this, which will allow me to only create dynamic SQL for the 'SourceTableName' that I want - IF I pass in a 'SourceTableNameFilter'.
I am stuck with some logic which wraps my dynamic SQL.
IF #SourceTableNameFilter(SP parameter) = #SourceTableName(from mapping table)
Generate and execute some dynamic SQL based on the SourceTableName.
The problem is, I want this to either work on all tables that come back from a select against 'SourceTableName' BUT if a #SourceTableNameFilter parameter is present and not null - then only generate dynamic SQL for any rows in the cursor which match my filter parameter.
Is there a way for me to accomplish this with an IF statement without copying the logic inside the IF/ELSE twice?
WHILE (##fetch_status <> -1)
IF (##fetch_status <> -2)
IF (#SourceTableName = #SourceTableNameFilter)
The generate dynamic SQL string is the same in both the if and the else, any way to change the conditions so that I'm not duplicating the dynamic SQL generation and to not generate dynamic SQL when the #SourceTableName != #SourceTableNameFilter?
Thank you
Consider adding this logic to the cursor definition, rather than having that logic within the processing of each cursor record.
So if the cursor is normally:
SELECT SourceTableName, SourceInColumn, SourceOutColumn
,TargetTableName, TargetLookupColumn
,TargetLookupResultColumn, MappingTableID
FROM MappingTable
--get source tables when filter is specified; otherwise get all
WHERE (SourceTableName = #SourceTableNameFilter) OR (LEN(ISNULL(SourceTableNameFilter,'')=0)
Now you can execute your business logic within the cursor without having to detect the filtered table or not. The cursor is loaded with the records you need to care about. It sounds, from the question, that the business logic is the same, no matter if the filter was passed in or not. If this is incorrect, or if it doesn't satisfy your requirement, please comment.
Knowing nothing about the dynamic sql you're building, I'd recommend doing something along the lines of:
SET #DynamicCommand = '<whatever, first part>'
+ isnull(#SourceTableNameFilter
,'<no special action, perhaps just empty string>'
,'<add conditional text dependent upon contents of #SourceTableNameFilter>')
+ '<whatever, second part>'