How can I determine current directory of executing YAML pipeline in azure pipelines? - azure-devops

We have a large Azure DevOps monorepo, containing many applications and YAML pipelines.
We try to maximise autonomy of our solutions, so we define pipelines in a \Pipelines\ sub directory within the solution root directory. The solutions are in various depths from the repo root.
Every time we need to reference a source file from YAML to pass it to a built-in task such as MSBuild, DotNetCLI or NuGet, we refer to it as relative to $(Build.SourcesDirectory), which seems to indicate the repo root. For example, to pass my-solution.sln to a task, we refer to it as $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\path\to\my-solution.sln. This works, but makes the relation between the pipeline and the solution less atomic, as it requires to explicitly define the full path from the repo root to the solution. If a solution ever moves as a whole unit (which happens), this unit breaks if we don't update the YAML file. This as opposed to most other entities within our ecosystem (in our case .Net), which refer to other entities (e.g. solution --> project; project --> referenced project) by relative path from the source location.
My question:
Is there any pipeline variable (or any other accessible variable e.g. environment variable) which captures the location of the currently executing YAML pipeline? Or is that information lost when Azure compiles the pipelines for execution?
If there is no such variable, is there any other (simple) way to retrieve said location? I understand that I can query the Azure DevOps API, but this seems like it would add more code and maintenance than it would save in the long run.
I've looked here, but if any of those is what I want, then I must have missed it.

Every time we need to reference a source file from YAML to pass it to a built-in task such as MSBuild, DotNetCLI or NuGet, we refer to it as relative to $(Build.SourcesDirectory), which seems to indicate the repo root. For example, to pass my-solution.sln to a task, we refer to it as $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\path\to\my-solution.sln.
You can still use related path, don't need have to use full path. Accoridng to the folder/file structure, use ../ to parent folder, use ./ as current folder. For example:
- task: DotNetCoreCLI#2
displayName: 'dotnet build'
projects: ../Bank/Bank.csproj # related path
arguments: '--configuration $(BuildConfiguration)'
In DevOps pipeline, your source code will be checked out to agent machine, by default it's $(Build.SourcesDirectory) which points to c:\agent_work\1\s for example. The pipeline tasks are executed with the files(source code) under this folder. Unless you define workingDirectory for some tasks, please check the doc description below:
In addition, DevOps support "File matching patterns reference", you can specify **/*.proj to match the files.
Hope it answers.


Accessing Published Artifacts from yaml pipeline tasks

I have a PowerShell task that processes published artifacts from another stage.
I have noticed these are put into a folder "s". Random sampling shows its "s" all the time but I doubt if it will be the case always!
Wondering what's the best way to refer to these files safely?
Here's my publish artifacts task:
Published artifacts:
And the PowerShell task that consumes these artifacts:
The variable that you use does not work with the s folder. As described on the documentation Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory is the local path on the agent where any artifacts are copied to before being pushed to their destination. For example: c:\agent_work\1\a . You will find those files under a folder. The folder that is referred with the s letter is where the sources are downloaded Build.SourcesDirectory.
Documentation on Azure devops predefined variables that can be used and where the folders are located.
The predefined variable you are looking for is $(Pipeline.Workspace). If you look at the documentation for the download pipeline artifact task you can see the default path. Note if you are downloading more than one artifact they will be within subfolders
Edit - Having just looked again at the pipeline are you publishing and downloading the artifact, or are you just doing all of these tasks as a single pipeline?
The best way imo to have these setup would be to have two pipelines. The CI to build and publish the artifact, then the CD pipeline to download and use the artifact

Azure pipeline yml: publish or file copy?

At the end of my pipeline I want to copy the bin directly to a network share from which it can be used to deploy.
I see there are two possible task typed that could do this:
copy files that makes a task: CopyPublishBuildArtifacts#1; or
_ copy and publish build artefacts_ that makes a CopyPublishBuildArtifacts#1.
And this publish is different to dotnet publish?
Which one should I pick and why?
They appear to have identical parameters.
What is the # for?
Azure pipeline yml: publish or file copy?
The task CopyPublishBuildArtifacts is deprecated. If you're using Team Foundation Server 2017 or newer, we recommend that you use Pipeline Artifacts.
And if you want to know the different between publishbuildartifacts vs publishpipelineartifact, you could check below thread for the details:
What is the difference between Build Artifact and Pipeline Artifact tasks?
And this publish is different to dotnet publish?
The answer is yes. The dotnet publish task is to serve the specific project. Its function is similar to that we choose the Publish option for net core project in Visual Studio.
But we could specify the folder or files to publish for the publishbuildartifacts or publishpipelineartifact task.
Which one should I pick and why?
We recommend to use the publishpipelineartifact task if you just want to copy the bin directly to a network share.
You could check the reason from here:
For build artifacts, it's common to copy files to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) and then use the Publish Build Artifacts task to publish this folder. With the Publish Pipeline Artifact task, you can just publish directly from the path containing the files.
By default, the Download Pipeline Artifact task downloads files to $(Pipeline.Workspace). This is the default and recommended path for all types of artifacts.
File matching patterns for the Download Build Artifacts task are expected to start with (or match) the artifact name, regardless if a specific artifact was specified or not. In the Download Pipeline Artifact task, patterns should not include the artifact name when an artifact name has already been specified. For more information, see single artifact selection.
What is the # for?
The role of # is to specify the version of the task. For example, #1 is to use the version 1.0 of the task.

How to include my config transformation files in the web deploy zip?

Im setting up a new build and deploy pipeline in Azure Devops. It is an older Web application with some transformation files for the web.config. In the old days we would build the same code x times depending on how many environments. This this is no longer necesary as I read from here
it looks like the deploy pipeline can pick up the changes from my transform file.
But the problem is that my other transform files does not get included in the package so I get these warning message:
[warning]Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.
[warning]1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the <DependentUpon> tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild.
[warning]2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.
And yes when i download the artifact the Web.[stage].config files are not there as suggested.
Is there some setting somewhere that let me include these files? Or stop them from being transformed?
For Web applications
MSBuild knows how to transform the web.config files based on the following settings/properties/parameters (in order)
Build Configuration dotnet publish --configuration Release
Publish profile dotnet publish --configuration Release /p:PublishProfile=FolderProfile
Environment dotnet publish --configuration Release /p:EnvironmentName=Production
Custom file transform dotnet publish --configuration Release /p:CustomTransformFileName=custom.transform
I think it's typical for developers to make this happen based on build configuration only, and I believe MSBuild (and dotnet) know how to do this based on the <DependentUpon>Web.config</DependentUpon> element in the Web.[configuration].config item in the project or build script file.
Azure DevOps Release Pipelines is a little different.
The pipeline wants to transform your web.config after the project has been built/published and doesn't know how to do that if MSBuild (or dotnet) has already made an attempt at it. Thus:
[warning]Unable to apply transformation for the given package. Verify the following.
[warning]1. Whether the Transformation is already applied for the MSBuild generated package during build. If yes, remove the tag for each config in the csproj file and rebuild.
[warning]2. Ensure that the config file and transformation files are present in the same folder inside the package.
The warning text states:
Remove the <DependentUpon> tag for each config in the csproj
Thus: you need to remove the tag from the csproj to prevent MSBuild from transforming the files
Or: you need to use the /p:TransformWebConfigEnabled=False argument to MSBuild. (note: I believe it is correct that this can be used w/o removing the dependent upon tag, but I could be wrong)
Make sure the transform source and target files are in the same folder inside the package.
There may be several ways to do this. I've chosen to mark the transform source config files as content to force MSBuild to include them in the published package.
Now you need to organize your release pipeline in accordance with the File Transforms and Value Substitutions documentation.
[section]Starting: IIS Web App Deploy
Task : IIS Web App Deploy
Description : Deploy a website or web application using Web Deploy
Version : 0.0.51
Author : Microsoft Corporation
Help : More information
...[command]C:...\ctt\ctt.exe s:C:...\Web.config t:C:...\Web.Release.config d:C:...\Web.config pw i
[command]C:...\ctt\ctt.exe s:C:...\Web.config t:C:...\Web.Development.config d:C:...\Web.config pw i
XML Transformations applied successfully
For Non-Web Applications Needing .config Transformation
Getting your .config files to the release pipeline can happen several ways. Here are two.
Your release should have "access" to the repository as a part of the artifact, which will ensure that the deploy agent downloads the source (not desirable IMHO).
You will need to include the web.[stage].config files as part of your build artifact with a copy task, or a minimatch that picks them up.
Once you have the .config files available to the release pipeline
You can use the File Transform Task or XDT Transform Task to perform the transformation operations.
Option 2 is the route I've gone.
Here is an image of what that task looks like for me.
That task puts the config in the artifact from the build that I can then use in the release pipeline without rebuilding xx times.
If you're in a position where you care to not have the transform files persisting on the agent after the release is complete, then you'll need to add that to your pipeline.

Azure build pipeline - published zip file

I am fairly new to Azure Build pipelines, but I am having issues finding the answer to this.
When I build my artifact, the results include my server code files (vb and cs). How do I construct a build pipeline where the artifacts that are dropped are only the files I need to publish a site? Meaning, I want to exclude vb and cs files, but include necessary dll's and html/java script files.
You're publishing the wrong thing as an artifact. You're probably specifying $(Build.SourcesDirectory) or $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) as the root folder for your artifacts.
Look at your build step. Are you specifying an output directory as an MSBuild argument? If not, specify one. Specifically, $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory). So you'd pass the MSBuild argument /p:OutDir=$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
Then publish $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) instead of whatever folder you're currently publishing.

VSTS copy files to : filenames with variables

I am configuring VSTS build and release process.
I have a scenario where I have DEV and QA environments. I have different config files for each of the environments, think of the naming convention Test.Dev.Config
In the "Copy files to" step of the build process, in the "contents" field, are you able to use the BuildConfiguration variable in order to tell the build process to copy the configuration files relevant to the BuildConfiguration:
so that the output of the package contains the Test.DEV.config files for the Dev build step and the Test.QA.config file for the QA build step.
I am basically testing out a options for config transforms in VSTS
Using a VSO variable combined with a string literal often doesn't work as expected within a task like File Copy. Also, you don't want to do that in every task that requires build configuration specific config file. What you can do instead, is to have a separate variable in your build definition that derives from BuildConfiguration variable like so:
Variable Value
BuildConfigFile *.$(BuildConfiguration).config
And then, within the File Copy task, you can directly use this variable as:
For more details on defining one variable in terms of the other, refer this SO post.