VSCode only shows Live Preview in status bar when server is running - visual-studio-code

Microsoft's Live Server addon is no longer a tick-able option in the status bar right click menu, and only shows up as the "Port:3000" after I start the server using CtrlShiftP.
My guess is that either an update or the Live Server (Five Server) extension I installed afterwards may have botched some JSON settings lines.
Status bar screenshots:
Tried reinstalling VSCode, reinstalling the extension, tried both pre-release and release versions AND older versions (newer versions don't even want to start the server at all anymore, right now it only works on a version from 3 months ago).


code-server on a Chromebook doesn't show any target devices and I cannot debug my Flutter project

I installed code-server on a Pixelbook Go (x86 Intel i3 with 8GB RAM, 64 GB SSD). I installed it as a user, not a root, not sure if that's a problem or not. The code-server service is enabled and starts when I start the Developer Linux VM (penguin). As far as I know I'm upgraded to the latest Crostini (104.0.5112.83) and the VM is a Bullseye Debian, I installed it not so long ago.
Outside of the VM I started the Chrome browser and I can view the GUI portion of the code-server by visiting http://localhost:8080 (as per .config/code-server/config.yaml). I installed the Flutter and the Dart extensions in the GUI. I also opened the root folder of my Flutter project (which is a regular project (https://github.com/TrackMyIndoorWorkout/TrackMyIndoorWorkout): no embedded or multi-module things in it).
I connected my phone (OnePlus Nord, Android 12), it displayed the bottom sheet related to the connection and I allowed Transfer. The Crostini detected this connection and popped up a notification about it. I could use that notification bubble to shuttle to the connected USB devices settings and enabled the Nord device.
Here is where things started to differ from starting the "regular" VS Code (installed into the penguin VM from a package) itself: VS Code shows a device selection in the footer section, which lists target devices such as the Pixelbook Go and also the Nord (AC2003) - see screenshot later. However the GUI of the code-server doesn't have selector for the devices. When I start to initiate a debug session it displays an error message:
Unable to launch Flutter project in a Dart-only workspace. Please open a folder close to your Flutter project root or increase the value of the "dart.projectSearchDepth" setting.
Here is how it should look like in the "regular" VS Code:
I opened the root folder of the Flutter project just as I did when I use the "regular" VS Code, so this project search depth doesn't make any sense to me, the dart files are there including the main.dart in the lib folder. And the VS Code kinda works, except that the build hangs due to possibly low resources, hence I'm trying to get code-server working so I can migrate at least the VS Code GUI portion out of the anemic VM. I suspect that the main problem might not be the Flutter / Dart settings, but first I have to figure out whey the GUI doesn't show a device selector. Then I can lament on this error message if still persists.
How to proceed?

Ionic serve / ionic run not reflecting changes

Both ionic serve and ionic run are not reflecting any of my latest changes. ionic serve is showing them from a few hours ago, and ionic run is showing them from about an hour later. Since then, I've discarded all my changes, and created a new branch from the parent--yet it's still showing those same versions from a few hours ago on the first branch. In short, there's code showing up that I don't have in any files in this, or any, branch. And no uncommitted changes.
Your system information:
Cordova CLI: 6.5.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.2.2
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.2.1
ios-deploy version: 1.9.0
ios-sim version: 5.0.8
OS: macOS Sierra
Node Version: v6.10.1
Xcode version: Xcode 8.3.1 Build version 8E1000a
I've tried things including ionic state restore and ionic state reset as well as removing and adding platforms back manually.
Also, this is what shows up in my console currently:
Static file server running # http://localhost:8000/index.html
CTRL + C to shut down
200 /service-worker.js
Whereas it previously displayed a list of html, css, etc. requests when the page loaded. Currently, I can make it work as expected by unregistering and removing all ServiceWorkers at chrome://serviceworker-internals/ and chrome://inspect/#service-workers
#stephen, it's been some time now, but I faced a similar issue before. Turns out I had registered the service worker that ships with projects created with the CLI, check your index.html and see if the lines that register the service worker are commented out. If they are you may be having a different problem, if they aren't and you didn't plan to use a service worker, comment them out again, and on your browser (you said chrome), after running ionic serve, open "Inspect" (Ctrl+Shift+I), go to the "Application" tab - "Service Workers" and unregister it.
This happens because the service worker that ships with new projects created using the cli will cache all resources, next time you update your code the browser will load the previous version, that's why you don't see the changes.
Hope it helps
Open the developer console, right click on the button to reload the page and click on empty cache and reload in a forced way (Last option).

Check out from Version Control is no longer available in Android Studio

Suddenly on my Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit PC Android Studio version 0.5.1 no longer has an "active" Check out from Version Control link on its main page. Any suggestions about how I might get that link to become active again, or what I might have done to cause it to become inactive? I can still see the link, it's just grayed-out now (and it was active a few days ago).
Note: I actually want to check out from a Mercurial repository, not Git.
Sorry about that, I discovered that somehow all of my VCS-related plugins were unchecked - I'm not sure how I did that, but after I checked them again the "Check out from Version Control" link became active again.

Blackberry webview can not connect to internet and/or display a web page

I am creating a simple app using Eclipse and Blackberry JRE 7.0 as per the example given at:
I am trying to load a simple HTML page hosted on a remote server inside browser field in the app.
When running the app on 9930 Simulator I always get the error 'Local connection timeout after 120000 on simulator'. The same remote page shows up fine on the web browser of the same simulator..
I am making sure to start the MDS simulator.
The same link shows up fine in simulator browser. Its only when using browserfield, I am having the problem.
I get the folling error when clicking the icon to launch the app:
Error displaying content for: http://yahoo.com
Error message: java.lang.runtimeException:ApplicationRegistry:wai​tFor
(0xd0fe7d7338fourd7f0d) timeout
On waiting further I get the 'Local connection timeout error..
I know that in Android one has to enable internet connection when using the webview in the manifest file - is there any similar setting one has to do in blackberry?
I tried to run the BrowserField demo app on 9930 (JRE 7.0.0) and encounter the same issues as you did. On the other hand, the demo worked fine on 9800 (JRE 6.0.0). I tried again on 9930 and noticed that though I definitely enabled MDS (enabled the 'Launch Mobile Data System Connection Service (MDS-CS) with simulator' in the Run/Debug Configurations in Eclipse), the MDS window didn't appear which seemed very strange.
I googled a little and found this post on BlackBerry's forums. According to this post:
An incorrect version of MDS-CS simulator was included in 7.0. To correct it you can delete it and copy the version from 6.0.
Well done, RIM!
Then, I deleted the MDS folder from JRE 7.0.0 and copied the one from JRE 6.0.0 as described in the aforementioned post. Closed and rerun simulator and voilà, the MDS window appeared. Rerun application, and everything worked like a charm!

gwt developer tools IE8 plugin install problem on Windows 7

Today I started testing a gwt application on a new notebook with Windows 7. Testing with Firefox went OK, then I started it in IE8. The "Development Mode requires the Google Web Toolkit Developer Plugin" comes up, fine, click on Download. A moment (and a download) later, an IE security warning window comes up ("Do you want to run this software?"), click Run. BTW, I started IE as Administrator...
Then a nice progress bar is displayed, with an "Initializing..." the text above, and it stays stuck forever.
Any ideas?
I had same issue, I think the installer isn't registering the plugin dll correctly. You can do this manually in a command prompt via:
regsvr32.exe "C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Local\Google\Google Web
Toolkit\Developer Plugin\IE\oophm.dll"
This is based on a post on the GWT groups.