command not recognized in a command prompt - command-line

g++ is not recognized in the command prompt, but I can see it in the bin file of Mingw64
I downloaded msys2-x86_64-20221028.exe and all the packages and toolchains, and I can see the g++,gcc and gdb file in the bin folder. I added the file path to the environment variable, then hit the g++ --version command to check on the installation. But the console replied me with "'g++' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file." I expected it to be recognized.


How to fix 'zsh: command not found: pytest'?

I have python3 and pip3 installed. I also install pytest but when I enter the command pytest, it does not work. It shows me the following:
<zsh: command not found: pytest>
How do I fix this please?
You need to specify the location of the pytest executable—the program that executes pytest—to your computer in order to use the pytest command.
You can do this by adding the directory path where the pytest executable is located to your computer's list of locations it should search for applications.
The PATH environment variable is the name given to this list.
You may use your computer's settings to update the PATH environment variable or you can execute a program in the terminal to add the path of the directory containing the pytest executable to it.
Your computer should then will be able to locate and launch pytest once the PATH environment variable has the path to the directory containing the pytest executable.

flutter 'crumb' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I installed the flutter But I want to run it in CMD, I get this error:
'crumb' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error: Unable to find git in your PATH.
All addresses are correct
Prerequisites installed

jupyterbook is not recognised as an internal or external command

I am trying to install jupyterbook on Windows 10
I do have Python3.9 installed so at the Dos prompt in c:\Users\kirst\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39
I typed
py -m pip install -U jupyter-book
which placed files in the lib\site-packages folder
but when I type
jupyter-book --help
I get an error
jupyterbook is not recognised as an internal or external command
Jupyter-book.exe is in the python39\Scripts folder
changing to this folder worked.

sbt command not found

I am installing sbt in my cloudera distribution.
I have downloaded sbt.0.13.15
Moved file to /usr/local
Then I had updated profile
sudo nano profile
Added export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbt/bin
Saved file and exited.
But now if I issue "sbt about" command, I am getting sbt: command not found.
Could you please help to resolve this issue.
Some suggestions:
Check your PATH variable: echo $PATH
The PATH variable is not updated automatically by writing into .profile, either open a new shell or do source .profile
The file is called .profile, not profile

Netbeans - php is not recognized as an internal or external command

I'm trying to run Composer -> install (no-dev) with Netbeans IDE 7.4 but i get the following error:
Error Output: 'php' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I already put php.exe path on Netbeans.