Ionic native googleplus how to get the current user info - ionic-framework

I can't find anywhere any information about getting the current logged in users information for #ionic-native/google-plus. I can sign in the user and get their information at login. But I don't have a clue how to get a logged in users information at any other page with some code like getCurentUser. Does anyone have any solution to this?


Facebook insights return empty data

I ll try to explain what I want to do step by step.
I have a web page which post some things to facebook using his API. I have the next permissions:
The user accepts these permissions at the facebook login. I post some info to facebook, the post is shared successfully, and I get the postID.
Then, I want to get the insights. Before coding, I am testing this on the facebook developer console. Can you please, tell me if I am miss doing something?
I choose the app
When I want to create the token, which is the right option? User Access Token, App Token or Page Token?
I get this result for the user access token
With the apptoken
and the fb_traceid value is this:
And this is not a page, then I can't try with the last option.
Could you tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
Please give a ad account for this as the app give its id for getting the insight

Hybridauth: How can I allow user to choose Facebook account after they log out?

I'm using HybridAuth with Laravel. How can I allow the user to choose a (different) Facebook account after logging out of my UI?
Currently, when the user logs out then in, it auto logs them into my site because they have received a token previously. They are not given an option to log into a Facebook account. Therefore, the user can only use one Facebook account with my site, ever. I tried deleting session data as well as $hybridAuth->logoutAllProviders(); and it still happens.
I could set the Force Web OAuth Reauthentication setting in Facebook for my app, but I don't want the user to log into Facebook every time they visit my site. I would like them to be able to switch Facebook accounts they want to use with my site.
I get expected behavior when logging as a Google user. Thanks for any advice!

Getting user info without authenticating App

We can get user profile info after user can authenticates out app.
Is there any way/possible so that we can get any fb profile info without authenticating? like when user click's on login button.
No, you can't retrieve a user's data without them authorising your app to do so using one of the Login methods.
If you ever find a way to get a user's data without their consent you should report it via Facebook's Whitehat security program, possibly for a cash bounty

PHP Facebook SDK persistent logged user

I am having a situation here. You can check my installation at:
The problem is that when I logged once I can't make a true logout. Even when I logout from Facebook I can still see my user info as if I was sign in.
Why is Facebook keep showing the same info?
In my opinion if an user choose to logout the app shouldn't accept the same user and should ask Facebook to log in a user and show only the information if user is logged in. Am I missing the point?
My direct question is. How can I definitely log out from facebook in this situation. I saw many sites like PHP Classes that just let the last user that used Login With Facebook to log in without being logged in at Facebook. This is a security problem right? That means that If I use Log in with Facebook once, even if I logout facebook and the app in question the next person that uses the same option will be logged in at my own account!!
Thanks for any help clarifying this... :)
In your case - you have to remove the PHPSESSID cookie:

Getting Session in facebook

Can we get session key in Facebook in below mentioned scenario? Through my app, I called facebook login, dialog appeared:
I logged in Facebook then second dialog for permissions appear
I denied permissions for accessing some user information by pressing deny.I called Fb.logout but it gives me error "logout called without session", but if open a new tab and type it shows me logged in.
So, I was wondering that session has to exist but I do not know how to get that?
can somebody please help or guide or correct me, if wrong.
Thanks and Regards,
Prashant Verma
NOTE: You can only log out a user that is connected to your site.
The user does get logged-in to Facebook but not authorized your application. Your app does not hold the session, and it can't log-out the user.