storybook mui 5 - listbox not found - material-ui

I write test in storybook for my Select component. Which is basically styled Select from MUI ver. 5. I have trouble to access role="listbox" since it is outside root.
<div id="root"> Storybook render Select here</div>
<div role="presentation">
Here are my Select options
<ul role="listbox" ></u> - cannot acces this role after click. Unable to find an accessible element with the role "listbox"
This is my story.
const Template: ComponentStory<typeof StyledSelect> = (args) => <StyledSelect {...args} />;
export const ChangeOption = Template.bind({});
ChangeOption.args = {
labelId: 'dafault-select-label',
id: 'default-select',
label: 'select-under-test',
sx: { width: 240 },
value: 1,
children: [
<StyledMenuListItem key={'none1'} value={-1}>
<StyledMenuListItem key={1} value={1}>
Option 1
<StyledMenuListItem key={2} value={2}>
Option 2
<Divider key="div3" />,
<StyledMenuListItem key={3} value={3}>
Option 3
}; = async ({ canvasElement, globals }) => {
// Arrange
const canvas = within(canvasElement);
const selectElement = canvas.getByLabelText(/select-under-test/i);
await expect(selectElement).toHaveTextContent(/option 1/i);
// Act
const listbox = await canvas.getByRole('listbox');
// Unable to find an accessible element with the role "listbox"


AgGrid Custom Cell Editor does not refresh when calling refreshCells()

TLDR; the cell editor does not rerender when we invoke the api.refreshCells method.
The following code renders a simple table with 2 rows. The value of the data is irrelevant since it uses both a custom cell renderer and a custom cell editor that reaches into context to pluck a value.
When context updates we need to call refreshCells, since no change is detected to the actual cell data value.
Note when clicking increment the value of the context is incremented and the value of the cells updates accordingly. Observe the console log messages for each view renderer.
Now double click cell to enter into edit mode and then click the increment button. Note that the cell editor is not re-rendered when the increment takes place.
I can get the editor to update using events but the props (and so the context) are stale.
Presume this is a design decision, but I need to rerender the cell editor component when my context data updates. Any ideas?
const EditRenderer = (props) => {
console.log('render edit cell')
return (
const ViewRenderer = (props) => {
console.log('render view cell')
return <React.Fragment>{props.context.appContext.cellValue}</React.Fragment>;
const Grid = () => {
const [rowData] = useState([{ number: 10 }, { number: 3 }]);
const columnDefs = useMemo(
() => [
field: 'number',
cellEditor: EditRenderer,
cellRenderer: ViewRenderer,
editable: true,
width: 200,
const [context, setContext] = useState({ cellValue: 1 });
const gridApiRef = useRef();
return (
<p>Context value: {JSON.stringify(context)}</p>
onClick={() => {
setContext({ cellValue: context.cellValue += 1 });
gridApiRef.current.refreshCells({force: true});
<div style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}>
height: '400px',
width: '200px',
className="ag-theme-alpine test-grid"
onGridReady={(e) => {
gridApiRef.current = e.api;
context={{ appContext: context }}
render(<Grid />, document.querySelector('#root'));

Adhoc styling in Material-UI 5

Trying to upgrade from MUI 4 to 5. In MUI 4, I used to be able to introduce adhoc classes using makeStyles:
const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) => ({
root: {
cursor: 'pointer',
export const FakeLink = ({ children }) => {
const classes = useStyles();
return (
<span className={classes.root}>
Now trying to put the same cursor: 'pointer' on an ImageListItem. How do I do this?
<img ... />
I thought I could do it using sx, but it doesn't implement the cursor property. What am I missing?
The cursor property should be supposed by the sx and styled API. Maybe you are facing a TypeScript issue?

Tooltip MUI and React testing library

I'm trying to test an Info HOC on my react app :
const InfoHOC = (HocComponent) => ({ message }) => (
<Tooltip title={message}>
<InfoIcon />
export default InfoHOC;
I've simplified it. But as it's using material ui Tooltip component, I can't test if message is displayed on mouseover...
it('should display info message on <div /> mouseover', () => {
const Component = InfoHoc(<div>jest div</div>)({ message: 'jest infoHoc message' });
const { getByTitle, getByDisplayValue } = render(Component);
const icon = getByTitle('jest infoHoc message');
act(() => {
new MouseEvent('mouseover', {
bubbles: true,
expect(getByDisplayValue('jest infoHoc message')).toBeInTheDocument();
My last line is wrong... I think it's because mui tooltip display the message in a div at the end of the body, so not really in my rtl tree... BUT the first element of this tree is body !
I know that I should not test mui component, but here is not the purpose, I just want to be sure that InfoHoc has the right comportment, using mui tooltip or something else.
Here is the RTL tree after mouseover action :
jest div
class="MuiSvgIcon-root icon--right"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
d="M12 2C6.48 2 2 6.48 2 12s4.48 10 10 10 10-4.48 10-10S17.52 2 12 2zm1 15h-2v-6h2v6zm0-8h-2V7h2v2z"
The event is good because icon has a title attr with message as value till mouseover is fired. As title attr is not here on my tree, I assume my event is well executed ;p
I am wrong testing that ? If not do you have an idea to solve my problem ?
Thank you all !
I think this is the cleanest way.
it('Renders tooltip when hovering over button', async () => {
render(<Search />);
const button = await screen.findByRole('button');
await userEvent.hover(button);
const tip = await screen.findByRole('tooltip');
In case this can still help you, you need to findBy instead of getBy as the Tooltip is showing the tooltip after a delay
it('should display info message on <div /> mouseover', async () => {
const Component = InfoHoc(<div>jest div</div>)({ message: 'jest infoHoc message' });
const { getByTitle, findByDisplayValue } = render(Component);
const icon = getByTitle('jest infoHoc message');
act(() => {
new MouseEvent('mouseover', {
bubbles: true,
// Wait for the tooltip to show up
const tooltipText = await findByDisplayValue('jest infoHoc message')
Side note 1: I am not sure if you really need the act around fireEvent. testing-library should do it for you.
Side note 2: you can use user-event which has a cleaner syntax (and a .hover function)

react-google-maps StandaloneSearchBox set specific country restriction?

I am trying to set a specific country restriction using react-google-maps StandaloneSearchBox.
I have tried componentRestrictions, but I'm not sure how to use it.
Sharing my code below:
export const AutoCompleteSearchBox = compose(
loadingElement: <div style={{ height: `100%` }} />,
containerElement: <div style={{ height: `400px`, top:'3px' }} />,
componentWillMount() {
const refs = {}
types: ['(regions)'],
componentRestrictions: {country: "bd"},
onSearchBoxMounted:ref =>{ refs.searchBox = ref; },
const places = refs.searchBox.getPlaces();
const options = {
types: ['(regions)'],
componentRestrictions:{ country: 'bd' }
)`(props =>
<div data-standalone-searchbox="">
How can I solve this problem?
You can't add such restrictions for the SearchBox results, but you can specify the area towards which to bias query predictions. Predictions are biased towards, but not restricted to, queries targeting these bounds.
If you want to show only specific places, then you can Google Place Autocomplete feature. For it you don't event need to use additional React libraries for Google Maps. Here's the example:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Script from 'react-load-script'
class LocationMap extends Component {
handleScriptLoad() {
const inputEl = document.getElementById('address-input');
/*global google*/
var options = {
//types: ['address'],
componentRestrictions: {country: 'by'}
this.autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(inputEl, options);
this.autocomplete.addListener('place_changed', this.handlePlaceSelect.bind(this));
handlePlaceSelect() {
render() {
return (
<div className="form-group">
<label htmlFor="address-map">Enter address</label>
<input type="text"
export default LocationMap;
Don't forget to add react-load-script package: npm i react-load-script --save

React: how to use child FormItem components without getting Warning: validateDOMNesting: <form> cannot appear as a descendant of <form>

Given the parent component, I am using a child component DynamicFieldSet that is a grouping of FormItems. But I am receiving the error:
Warning: validateDOMNesting(...): <form> cannot appear as a descendant of <form>. See CreateTopic > Form > form > ... > DynamicFieldSet > Form > form.
I have tried to remove the <Form> </Form> tags in my child component, but then it is a compile error.
Is there a way I can disable rendering of the child Form view?
Parent component
class CreateTopic extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="create-topic-container">
<h3>Create an event</h3>
<Form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
style={{ marginBottom: SPACING_FORM_ITEM }}
{getFieldDecorator('results', {
rules: [
required: true,
message: 'Results cannot be empty.',
DynamicFieldSet - Child component
export class DynamicFieldSet extends React.Component {
render() {
getFieldDecorator('keys', { initialValue: ['0', '1'] });
const keys = getFieldValue('keys');
const formItems =, index) => {
return (
{getFieldDecorator(`results[${k}]`, {
validateTrigger: ['onChange', 'onBlur'],
rules: [
required: true,
whitespace: true,
message: 'Result name cannot be empty.',
validator: this.validateLength,
})(<Input placeholder={`Result #${index + 1}`} style={{ width: '80%', marginRight: 8 }} />)}
{keys.length > 2 ? (
disabled={keys.length === 1}
onClick={() => this.remove(k)}
) : null}
return (
<FormItem {...formItemLayoutWithOutLabel}>
{keys.length < 10 ? (
<Button type="dashed" onClick={this.add} style={{ width: '80%' }}>
<Icon type="plus" />Add Result
) : null}
I faced this issue when using ant design table and turns out its not ant design which throws the warning. It's the web standards description
"Every form must be enclosed within a FORM element. There can be several forms in a single document, but the FORM element can't be nested."
So, there should not be a form tag inside a form tag.
To solve the issue (in our case), remove the Form tag inside the DynamicFieldSet "return" and replace with a div tag
Hope it helps :)
You can portal a form like this:
import Portal from '#material-ui/core/Portal';
const FooComponent = (props) => {
const portalRef = useRef(null);
return <>
First form
<div ref={portalRef} />
<Portal container={portalRef.current}>
<form>Another form here</form>
In the example above I use the react material-ui Portal component. But you can try to implement it with React Portals as well
If you're using MUI, the Box component contains an attribute that identifies them as any native HTML container; form is one of them. E.g:
"& > :not(style)": { m: 1, width: "25ch" },
In such case, we just need to delete that attribute, it will default to a DIV. The form will continue to work as expected, and the error will disappear off the console.
In my case this is occur bcoz of i declared <form> inside another <form/> tag.