perl, build strings from several variables content - perl

Here is my starting point:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
my %hash_a = (
"num" => 7,
"date" => 20221104,
"prath" => "1.1.10",
"antema" => "1.1.15" );
my %hash_b = (
"num" => 8,
"date" => 20221105,
"prath" => "1.1.16",
"antema" => "1.1.19" );
my %hash_c = (
"num" => 9,
"date" => 20221112,
"prath" => "1.1.20",
"antema" => "1.1.39" );
from this I want to make these strings using a loop, if possible without using any trick like building variable names through a loop to get 'hash_a', 'hash_b', 'hash_c'. I was used to use multidimensional arrays for such things in python.

I take it your question is more about looping over the variables, and not so much about building the string.
Usually you would not make a bunch of one record hashes and then try to loop over them, like you are doing with %hash_a, %hash_b etc. I would put them all in a single structure, in this case an array:
my #all = (
"num" => 7,
"date" => 20221104,
"prath" => "1.1.10",
"antema" => "1.1.15"
"num" => 8,
"date" => 20221105,
"prath" => "1.1.16",
"antema" => "1.1.19"
"num" => 9,
"date" => 20221112,
"prath" => "1.1.20",
"antema" => "1.1.39"
Then you can simply loop over the array:
for my $record (#all) {
my $num = $record->{num}; # etc...
And build your string with sprintf

Here is an example:
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use experimental qw(declared_refs refaliasing);
my %hash_a = (
"num" => 7,
"date" => 20221104,
"prath" => "1.1.10",
"antema" => "1.1.15"
my %hash_b = (
"num" => 8,
"date" => 20221105,
"prath" => "1.1.16",
"antema" => "1.1.19"
my %hash_c = (
"num" => 9,
"date" => 20221112,
"prath" => "1.1.20",
"antema" => "1.1.39"
sub get_str {
my \%hash = $_[0];
sprintf "%02d_class_date_%s_-_starting_verse_%s_-closing_verse_%s.mp4",
$hash{num}, $hash{date}, $hash{prath}, $hash{antema};
for my $ref (\%hash_a, \%hash_b, \%hash_c) {
my $str = get_str($ref);
say $str;


how to create reference to a value of a subhash member in Perl?

I would like to use reference to make the code shorter
I make it simple, only one level of depth here :
my %cx = ( 'a' => ( "A" => 7, "B" => 8), 'b' => ( "Z" => 20 ));
# I want a ref to the B's value for testing, with a possible increment action :
my $ref = \$cx{a}{B}; # so I just put a \ before
if ($$ref and $$ref < 10) { $$ref ++; } # will give $cx{a}{B} = 9
# I have the same need for inner references, for example :
my $ref = \$stock{$stockName}->{places}->{$otherHashRef->{andItsKey}}
But this doesn't work
Parens don't contruct anything; they just change precedence. So,
my %cx = ( 'a' => ( "A" => 7, "B" => 8), 'b' => ( "Z" => 20 ));
is just a weird way of writing
my %cx = ( 'a' => "A", 7 => "B", 8 => 'b', "Z" => 20 );
Curlies create a hash and returns a reference to a hash, so you want
my %cx = ( 'a' => { "A" => 7, "B" => 8 }, 'b' => { "Z" => 20 });
For example,
$ perl -MData::Dumper -e'
my %cx = ( 'a' => { "A" => 7, "B" => 8 }, 'b' => { "Z" => 20 });
my $ref = \$cx{a}{B};
my %stock;
my $stockName = "abc";
my $otherHashRef = { andItsKey => 'def' };
my $ref = \$stock{$stockName}->{places}->{$otherHashRef->{andItsKey}};
$VAR1 = {
'a' => {
'A' => 7,
'B' => 9
'b' => {
'Z' => 20
$VAR1 = {
'abc' => {
'places' => {
'def' => 1

Declare hash variable in loop

I need to use a hash and loop in my code. Please see the sample code it's not working. i wanted to print the variable wafer, site and res side by side so it will look like this
1, 1, 63
1, 2, -53
1, 3, 9.47
1, 4, 9.55
1, 5, -8.32
my #wafer = ("1","1","1","1","1");
my #site = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5");
my #res = ("63","-53","9.47","9.55","-8.32");
my %hash;
foreach my $result(#res) {
$hash{$wafer[0]}{$site[0]} = $result;
print "$wafer{$wafer[0]}{$site[0]} \n";
When you want to iterate several arrays synchronously, iterate over the indices:
for my $index (0 .. $#wafer) {
print "$wafer[$index] $site[$index] $res[$index]\n";
You also might want to build a hash keyed by the site (as it's the only unique value):
for my $index (0 .. $#wafer) {
$hash{ $site[$index] } = { wafer => $wafer[$index],
res => $res[$index] };
This will create a hash like this:
%hash = (
'4' => {
'res' => '9.55',
'wafer' => '1'
'3' => {
'wafer' => '1',
'res' => '9.47'
'1' => {
'res' => '63',
'wafer' => '1'
'2' => {
'res' => '-53',
'wafer' => '1'
'5' => {
'res' => '-8.32',
'wafer' => '1'

sorting keys (which are also values) on the basis of values in hashes in perl

For example, this is my hash
'Level1_A' => {
'Level2_A' => 1071,
'Level2_B' => 3429,
'Level2_C' => 3297
'Level1_B' => {
'Level2_A' => 702,
'Level2_B' => 726
And I want an output which should look like
'Level1_A' => {
'Level2_B' => 3429,
'Level2_C' => 3297,
'Level2_A' => 1071
'Level1_B' => {
'Level2_B' => 726,
'Level2_A' => 702
Ultimately, I want to the keys corresponding to the highest values.
Hashes are inherently unordered and there is no way to sort them. However, you can find the maximum of the values of a hash and it is best to use a module to help
List::UtilsBy provides max_by and will allow you to find the hash key corresponding to the maximum numeric value
Like this
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use List::UtilsBy 'max_by';
my $data = {
'Level1_A' => {
'Level2_A' => 1071,
'Level2_B' => 3429,
'Level2_C' => 3297,
'Level1_B' => {
'Level2_A' => 702,
'Level2_B' => 726
for my $k1 ( sort keys %$data ) {
my $v1 = $data->{$k1};
my $k2 = max_by { $v1->{$_} } keys %$v1;
printf "%s %s %s\n", $k1, $k2, $v1->{$k2};
Level1_A Level2_B 3429
Level1_B Level2_B 726

How to dig into an certain hash depth?

I have a hash where I don't know its depth. I got it with DBI::selectall_hashref where the second parameter is given by the user.
So depending on the query I can have something like this for a 2-levels hash.
hash_ref = (
aphrodite => (
foo => (
name => aphrodite,
foobar => foo
a => 1,
b => 2,
bar => (
name => aphrodite,
foobar => bar
a => 1,
b => 2,
apollo => (
ares => (
As you can see the key columns are redundant into the hash. I would like to remove the redundant keys.
If I know that this is a 2-levels hash I can easily solve my problem with this:
for my $name (keys $hash_ref) {
for my $foobar (keys $hash_ref->{$name}) {
my $h = $hash_ref->{$name}{$foobar};
delete $h->{name};
delete $h->{foobar};
However with a 3-levels hash I will need 3 cascaded for-loop and so on.
How can I dynamically remove the redundant keys from $hash_ref i.e. name and foobar?
My initial idea was to recursively iterate trough my hash:
iterate($hash_ref, scalar #keys);
sub iterate {
my ($ref, $depth) = #_;
for(keys $ref) {
if ($depth > 0) {
iterate($ref->{$_}, $depth - 1);
else {
delete $ref->{$_} for(#keys);
It works but It's ugly, very ugly... Before going any further I would like to know if I missed something. Perhaps the solution could be much simpler that I think.
Any ideas?
More details?
I am writing a database fetcher that takes a user configuration that contains the SQL query $sql and the hash keys #keys. So I get the values from the database with:
$dbh->selecthall_hashref($sql, \#keys, {}, #bind);
I also have to clean fetched data according to additional. Do apply these rules, I have to iterate into the deepest level of $hash_ref to access the keys/values.
I think this does what you need. Essentially it recurses through the hash until it finds a layer where the hash values aren't references. Then it removes the elements from that layer with the keys in #keys
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Data::Dump;
use List::Util 'any';
my $hash_ref = {
aphrodite => {
bar => { name => "aphrodite", foobar => "bar", a => 3, b => 4, },
foo => { name => "aphrodite", foobar => "foo", a => 1, b => 2, },
apollo => {
bar => { name => "apollo", foobar => "bar", a => 7, b => 8, },
foo => { name => "apollo", foobar => "foo", a => 5, b => 6, },
ares => {
bar => { name => "ares", foobar => "bar", a => 11, b => 12, },
foo => { name => "ares", foobar => "foo", a => 9, b => 10, },
my #keys = qw/ name foobar /;
remove_dups($hash_ref, \#keys);
dd $hash_ref;
sub remove_dups {
my ($href, $keys) = #_;
if ( any { ref } values %$href ) {
remove_dups($_, $keys) for values %$href;
else {
delete #{$href}{#$keys};
aphrodite => { bar => { a => 3, b => 4 }, foo => { a => 1, b => 2 } },
apollo => { bar => { a => 7, b => 8 }, foo => { a => 5, b => 6 } },
ares => { bar => { a => 11, b => 12 }, foo => { a => 9, b => 10 } },

Perl push a key before a hash data set

I managed to create a hash data set with a subroutine,
my %check_ip = (
"data1" => $ip1,
"data2" => $ip2,
"data3" => $ip3
'data1' => '',
'data2' => '',
'data3' => ''
This is a simple hash.
I am looking to put another key behind this, so that this would become a hash of hash, and look like
config1 =>
'data1' => '',
'data2' => '',
'data3' => '',
What is the best way to do this?
To create a nested hash, you need a hash reference.
my %check_ip = (
data1 => $ip1,
data2 => $ip2,
data3 => $ip3,
my %config = ( config1 => \%check_ip );
use strict;
use warnings;
my $ip1='';
my $ip2='';
my $ip3='';
my %check_ip = (
config1 => { "data1" => $ip1,
"data2" => $ip2,
"data3" => $ip3, },
Access like below:
print $check_ip{config1}{data1}; #output
Since a hash key can only have one value, the nested hash needs to be stored as a hash reference, which is what the curly braces {} are used for:
my %check_ip = (
config1 => { "data1" => $ip1,
"data2" => $ip2,
"data3" => $ip3, },
See perldoc perldsc for more information on Perl data structures.