I am trying to build an uno game on python, and I can't access specific cards - class

I am trying to build an uno game on python, I am using a 2d array to store my cards. I am also trying to access specific cards from the deck(for later use), but I am not sure how to do it
This is what I tried:
enter image description here


Getting IP Camera Output to Render on an Object in Unity Game

I'm new to Unity so I don't really have much experience nor knowledge about subject. But I want to make a project that IP Camera will be projected on an object. For example, let's say I want to virtualize my security room. I have 2 security cameras in real life. So I need 2 monitors to show that real time capture in game. I was able to project my own webcam but I don't know how to do it with IP Cameras. I tried WebRTC but it works as exactly opposite of what I want to. Is this possible? Because I still don't know the capabilities of Unity.

Do I need to make custom model in order to find similar products as the captured one by using Google ml kit?

I'm using google ml kit with the object detection and tracking api, what I need that when the user capture an image my app will display similar products as the captured on, my question is should I train a model with Tensorflow or whatever to do that or I will not need for a custom model to track the similar products ?

Is there a way to perform multiple 3d object recognition in unity using vuforia?

I'm using vuforia scanner to detect and recognize a 3D object. It works well with one object but now i want to recognize multiple objects at once. I have gone through so many links but they only speak of multiple image targets and not 3d objects. If not using vuforia, is there any other sdk to do so?
I messed with object recognition once but I'm pretty sure the databases are basically the "same" as 2D image target databases. That is, you can tell Vuforia to load more than one of them and they'll run simultaneously. I don't have Vuforia installed at the moment, but I know the setting is in the main script attached to the camera (you have to fiddle with it when creating your project in the first place to get it to use something other than the sample targets).
There is, however, the limit on how many different targets Vuforia will recognize at once (IIRC is something really small, like 2 or 3). So be aware of this when planning your project.

How to capture player moment with webcam and use that as an input in a game?

I want to make a boxing game and move the player with the help of capturing moment of the player by using image processing. I have tried capturing moment in python using OpenCV but how could i use that input in a game environment ?
and which tool i should use for that ??
This is my first question here please cooperate.
Just buy a kinect and use Microsoft's SDK. It has skeleton tracking built into it.
As far as game input, you can build standard serial stuff in unity3d in its background scripts. Either implement the camera directly into unity or else create a serial forwarder that runs on the computer, which reads the camera data, processes it, and then streams computed information to unity.

Is there any way in unity for number recognition?

I am trying to create a AR app which recognizes numbers.I was able to do the text recognition using vuforia but numbers I didn't find any such SDK.I am also ready to write the code using c# but I am not sure where to start.