What is the correct way to add JBoss EAP 7.4.3 cipher-suite configuration? please explain in detail - jboss

I want to add this cipher in jboss EAP 7.4.3 how could i with SSL=true for "TLSv1.2"
we tried to add ciphers in ManagementRelam but i think the way i put the ciphers are not correct as well as
location where i put it is also not correct.


Wildfly jboss ssl configuration with windows-my or windows-root

How to configure wildfly jboss with a DNS named cert like myapp.mydomain.com installed in windows-my keystore.
I have added sunMSCAPI module as well.
I believe that should work as any other keystore type. Make sure proper security providet is installed in java. And use proper keystore type.
I recommend to use Elytron for that.

Jboss EAP 6 : HttpRequest http-header validation

As a security measure my organization requires me to validate a header attribute to allow a request to go through the business rules. Where would I need to configure this in the Jboss eap 6.3? This configuration was done before me and i am not sure how it was achieved before in the earlier jboss 5.x. Please let me know how would I configure the container security without making any application changes.
You could do this in a Global Valve, which is like a servlet filter but with more access to JBossWeb (Tomcat) internals and applies to all requests. Details are in the documentation at https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/JBoss_Enterprise_Application_Platform/6.4/html/Administration_and_Configuration_Guide/chap-Global_Valves.html
That is not portable between containers, and will not work in WildFly or EAP 7+ since the web container has changed from JBossWeb to Undertow.
In my understanding, this has to be done in applications. Not sure if this can be done generally in JBoss configuration.
Try this https://www.owasp.org/index.php/How_to_add_validation_logic_to_HttpServletRequest
Turns out we had a different way of handling it. We used the single sign on feature of Jboss 5 and at the container level validated the header. When the header was validated, a generic role name was exposed which was used by Applications to limit the resources to the specific role name.

Datasource configurations compatible with JBOSS versions

There are couple of datasource configuration files for XA and NON-XA datasource in JBOSS v4.2.3 for the various need of the deployed applications in the jboss environment. Also the DB passwords are encrypted using the JBOSS provided techniques (some datasources are created using JaasSecurityDomain and some use SecureIdentityLoginModule) .
How these datasource configurations and these encryption methodologies are going to behave in jboss v5 and jbossv7 ?
Is there any JBOSS tool/utility to convert the datasource to the corresponding new JBOSS version and also take care of the encryption password part ?
What is the best way to migrate these datasources created with the password encrypted.
Any help in this topic is highly appreciated .
Take a look at Windup project http://windup.jboss.org/
that is aiming to provide as automated upgrade as possible.

Jboss adding zecmd.war

When i start my jboss it is adding zecmd.war, iesvc.war and wstats.war in deploy/management folder. How to get rid of this.
Please suggest
It's a worm, see:
JBoss Worm Analysis in Details
Statement Regarding Security Threat to JBoss Application Server

Removing NTLM from Eclipse's

I'm having an issue trying to connect through a proxy from Eclipse 3.6. The proxy supports both NTLM and Basic Auth schemes.
Eclipse seems to prefer NTLM auth scheme, instead of the basic one. However, after the selection is done, the proxy seems to hang and Eclipse retries the downloads forever. Using wireshark to monitor the traffic I can see:
Eclipse is trying to auth through NTLM
The proxy sends back a 407 response.
This happens 3 times, then the proxy stops responding and Eclipse retries the download until I hit cancel.
Is there a way to tell Eclipse to try Basic Auth instead of NTLM?
Best regards,
I don't know about the Basic Auth, but regarding NTLM proxy, check the bug 281384, also discussed at length in bug 281472.
It introduces a workaround for NTLMv2 Proxies.
The first property disables the httpclient provider (and so uses the URLConnection-based provider, which does have support for NTLMv2 proxies),
and the next 5 properties are as specified by Sun for the URLConnection-based provider.
The problem is that standard Eclipse HTTP client can't manage the so named HTLM proxies. The method, proposed by #VonC was good till Kepler version of Eclipse.
The trick is to turn off the Eclipse HTTP client. But starting from Kepler, its name had changed. Add the following to the eclipse.ini file:
Also look here for a very good explanation and here for an "official" explanation of the Eclipse team.
You don't need to set the proxy parameters in the eclipse.ini. The settings in Windows-preferences-General-Net are enough. But you should check the global proxy settings on the OS, paying attention to possible automatic settings.