Google Analytics 4 Attribution Report - google-analytics-4

We setup attribution report more than 2 months ago and we only still see "direct" as the only channel on this report but nothing else.
Originally we saw "direct" and "unassigned" and we thought it's going to take some time to learn about our data to see attributions from other channels. But two months later, we still only see direct as our channel.
Does anyone know how to resolve the issue?
We are currently using "cross channel data-driven model"
Thank you!!!
We are expecting a report that includes other channels like paid, organic, 3rd party etc.


Google Analytics 4 (GA4) - Analytics Data API - When will this be out of Alpha, Beta?

Based on the Analytics Data API Banner ("Keep in mind that these APIs are pre-release and subject to change. Code built using these APIs should not be pushed to production. While we will try to notify you of upcoming changes, you should expect to encounter breaking changes before the APIs are publicly released."), the APIs are pre-release and subject to change.
When is the Analytics Data API expected to be out of Alpha?
When is it expected to be out of Beta?
Is this timeline a few months, a few quarters, or will it take a year or more to stabilize and publish?
Followup question, if this is going to take some time to move out of Alpha / Beta, do you expect to allow "App+Web" upgrades to downgrade back to "Universal Analytics"?
I have also sent an email to the address in the documentation with no response.
I don't believe there is a public timeline on the API release cycle, but we hope to move on to Beta fairly soon. As for your second question, it is not possible to downgrade GA4 (formely App+Web) properties back to "Universal Analytics", as they are fundamentally different.
The Google Analytics Team
I imagine most developers are waiting until the official release of the API before incorporating it into their workflows. But I would recommend that we all spend some time testing the API and provide feedback to Google. That way we can point out any issues and suggest features that will be of value.
For example, I want to pull up to 50+ dimensions and metrics but the API limits runReport requests to 9 dimensions and 10 metrics. I doubt Google will budge on those quotas so I figured I'd run multiple queries and merge them programmatically. Unfortunately, that's not a viable approach since there is no universal key/column available to effectively join data across those queries.
However, if the Google Analytics session id were a dimension it could serve as that universal column. So I made an entry under the Google Analytics Issue tracker requesting just that (feel free to star Issue#: 188980721).
So get involved, the sooner we do and vocalize our needs (especially at this stage of development) the more likely the API will meet those goals.

Google Fit Rest Api Step Counts inconsistent and different from Fit App

This seems to be a common enough problem that there are a lot of entries when one googles for help but nothing has helped me yet.
I am finding that the results provided by the REST API for estimated_steps are wildly different from those that appear in the device app.
I am running a fetch task for users via cron job on a PHP/Laravel app.
I'm using this - estimated_steps to retrieve the step count.
Some days the data is correct. Some days its wildly different. For instance, on one given day, the REST API gives step count of 5661 while the app shows 11,108. Then there are six seven days when the stream is correct.
Has anyone faced this sort of behavior? I've tested for timezone differences, logged and analyzed the response json to see if i'm making some obvious mistake, but nope.
You may check this How do I get the same step count as the Google Fit app? documentation. Be noted that even when using the right data source, your step count may still be different from that of the Google Fit app.
This could be due to one of the following reasons:
On Wear, the Fit MicroApp when connected will display step counts queried on the phone and transferred over via the Wearable APIs. Other MicroApps accessing local-only data will only get watch steps. We are working on making this easier for developers.
Sometimes the step calculation code for the Google Fit app is updated with bug fixes before we are able to release the fixes to developers (which requires a Google Play Services release). We are also working on making it possible for developers to access fixes at the same time.
The Fit app uses a specific data source for steps and it adds some functionality (which can be seen on the documentation) on top of the default merged steps stream.
You can access the "estimated" steps stream as shown here:
Hope this helps!

GAPI Class, Google Analytics API

I am about to start a new project in the Google Analytics API & PHP.
I read that Google Analytics will be deprecating XML v2.3 and v2.4 and in 6 months time, so aparently you will only be able to use v3 and retrieve information in JSON format.
My question is the following: Does this means that GAPI class won't work any longer? Anyone who has used this class before can help me answering this question ??
In that case, any alternative suggestions of PHP classes that do the same thing.
Thanks so much
I've been using GAPI for a while now. And I can say with some confidence that yes it will break, if not due to XML it will be due to some other change google makes.
Having said that GAPI is the best solution I have found out there for php. It does break every 6 months to a year, usually needs one or two lines changing to fix. But GAPI is pretty popular so at least you know when your clients are calling saying analytics is throwing errors at them, you wont be the only dev tearing your hair out.
9 times out of 10, by the time I've got a problem someone else has found the fix - which is nice.
There are a few other php options out there but GAPI seems to be the most popular (usually the best way to go imho)
My approach is to build an analytics summary in the dashboard and provide a link to google analytics underneath so clients can see the full data or go there when GAPI breaks. I have been putting all my sites on the same modular system for a while now. I keep GAPI as a library in my admin layout module, this means I can make the fix once and roll it out to all my sites without too much drama.
In summary, use it but expect it to break - that way you wont be disappointed when it does.

iPhone: Weather report APIs library

I am planning to add weather report for selected country->state->city, for daily, weekly, monthly averages. I have googled it and also went through couple of discussion on stackoverflow threads and I got confused! Could anyone please tell me if there is already Weather report APIs library available? What could be the best way to implement my requirements? I am just expecting overview so that I don't chose wrong path.
See WorldWeatherOnline.
I compiled a set of information about different weather APIs looking for a similar solution. My general consensus was the WorldWeatherOnline seemed to be the best bang for the buck (free) and seemed pretty feature rich.
UPDATE (12/18/2013): This response was from 2011, since that time some different providers have made updates. I tried to keep the link semi-up to date, but you'll want to take the list provided and do your own research.

Where can I get Professional Crystal Reports developer support?

I have been struggling for days with a crystal report now. No one can answer my query on stack overflow so is there anywhere I can get some developer support for crystal.
Ideally I want a business objects developer to connect to my machine, look at my code and tell me why the database name refuses to change in any of the examples crystal have provided.
If anyone knows of anyone offering this kind of service, or has some working code to change the database of a crystal report at runtime.
I have asked the question at
Why is something that should be so simple such a waste of time!?
Part of the problem with your other question is that you didn't include the "Crystal-reports" tag, just the "Crystal-reports 2008" tag. The former is more common and gives you a much wider audience. Fixed.
This doesn't happen too often, but your other question is actually giving users a case of "information overload". I did a print preview and it came out to 7 pages. Can you cut back on some of the code? (Yes, you might accidently omit the real source of the problem, but that's just life)
Paid consultants may be more dedicated to finding the answer, but he/she isn't necessarily smarter. Try the official support page # If you purchase a "maintenance agreement" with SAP, you'll get exactly the professional support you're looking for.
(After all this talking, I'd like to just answer your question and be done with it, but I don't know ASP.)
You could also try BOB.