Customize Kubernetes HPA Scaling Algorithm - kubernetes

I'm trying to auto scale pods on kubernetes using HPA ,but I need to customize HPA scaling algorithm which is (desiredReplicas = ceil[currentReplicas * ( currentMetricValue / desiredMetricValue ) .It's not suitable for my requirements, can we use our own HPA scaling algorithm
The current HPA scaling algorithm use average value of metrices for pod scaling but I don't want to scale using average value.
In my case the issue with average value is that suppose there are three pod running pod-A cpu utilization is 90% ,Pod-B cpu utilization is 20% and Pod-C is 20% and targetAverageCPUUtilization is 80% so Pod-A cpu usage is above 80% but HPA will calculate average of all three pods which would be 43% so it won't scale up .that's the issue with average value


How to implment Horizontal Pod Autoscaling on external metrics?

I want to autoscale pods based on external metric, which is predicted CPU usage. I have an AI module that can predict what the CPU usage for pod will look like for the next 1 minute, based on last 5 minutes. I want HPA to autoscale based on these predictions and not on actual CPU usage. What is the best way to achieve this?

GKE Autoscaling metrics in absolute value

I am trying to set an horizontal pod autoscaling metrics on my GKE deployment based on absolute value but still didn't get the difference between the absolute value and the percentage :
let's say i'm requesting 500mCPU per Pod for a starting number of 3 pods.
If i want to replace the autoscaling metrics of "50% of CPU Usage" by an absolute value : will it be "250 mCPU" ?
is it based on an average user per pod or is it the total use for all the pods ?
thank you in advance
If you use targetAverageValue ( or even targetAverageUtilization ), the metric value used by the scaling algorithm is based on the average across all matching pods.
From the Horizontal Pod Autoscaling docs:
When a targetAverageValue or targetAverageUtilization is specified,
the currentMetricValue is computed by taking the average of the given
metric across all Pods in the HorizontalPodAutoscaler's scale target.

What Kubernetes uses to calculate the CPU ratio, request or limit?

When you specify and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler in Kubernetes for example with targetCPUUtilizationPercentage of 50, what does Kubernetes use to calculate the CPU ratio, the request or the limit of the container?
So for example, with a request=250 and limit=500 and you want to scale up when is half its limit:
If it used the request, I would put the target to 100% at least as it can raise to 200%.
If it used the limit, I would use target = 50% as 100% would mean the limit is reached.
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage of 50 means that if average CPU utilization across all Pods goes up above 50% then HPA would scale up the deployment and if the average CPU utilization across all Pods goes below 50% then HPA would scale down the deployment if the number of replicas are more than 1
I just checked the code and found that targetUtilization percentage calculation uses resource request.
refer below code
currentUtilization = int32((metricsTotal * 100) / requestsTotal)
here is the link

Kubernetes HPA Auto Scaling Velocity

We have defined HPA for an application to have min 1 and max 4 replicas with 80% cpu as the threshold.
What we wanted was, if the pod cpu goes beyond 80%, the app needs to be scaled up 1 at a time.
Instead what is happening is the application is getting scaled up to max number of replicas.
How can we define the scale velocity to scale 1 pod at a time. And again if one of the pod consumes more than 80% cpu then scale one more pod up but not maximum replicas.
Let me know how do we achieve this.
First of all, the 80% CPU utilisation is not a threshold but a target value.
The HPA algorithm for calculating the desired number of replicas is based on the following formula:
X = N * (C/T)
X: desired number of replicas
N: current number of replicas
C: current value of the metric
T: target value for the metric
In other words, the algorithm aims at calculating a replica count that keeps the observed metric value as close as possible to the target value.
In your case, this means if the average CPU utilisation across the pods of your app is below 80%, the HPA tends to decrease the number of replicas (to make the CPU utilisation of the remaining pods go up). On the other hand, if the average CPU utilisation across the pods is above 80%, the HPA tends to increase the number of replicas, so that the CPU utilisation of the individual pods decreases.
The number of replicas that are added or removed in a single step depends on how far apart the current metric value is from the target value and on the current number of replicas. This decision is internal to the HPA algorithm and you can't directly influence it. The only contract that the HPA has with its users is to keep the metric value as close as possible to the target value.
If you need a very specific autoscaling behaviour, you can write a custom controller (or operator) to autoscale your application instead of using the HPA.
This - - expains the algorithm HPA uses, including the formula to calculate the number of "desired replicas".
If I recall, there were some (positive) changes to the HPA algo with v1.12.
HPA has total control on scale up as of today. You can only fine tune scale down operation with the following parameter.
The good news is that there is a proposal for Configurable scale up/down velocity for HPA

How to make Horizontal Pod Autoscaler scale down pod replicas on a percentage decrease threshold?

I am looking for a syntax/condition of percentage decrease threshold to be inserted in HPA.yaml file which would allow the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to start decreasing the pod replicas when the CPU utilization falls that particular percentage threshold.
Consider this scenario:-
I mentioned an option targetCPUUtilizationPercentage and assigned it with value 50. minReplicas to be 1 and MaxReplicas to be 5.
Now lets assume the CPU utilization went above 50, and went till 100, making the HPA to create 2 replicas. If the utilization decreases to 51% also, HPA will not terminate 1 pod replica.
Is there any way to conditionize the scale down on the basis of % decrease in CPU utilization?
Just like targetCPUUtilizationPercentage, I could be able to mention targetCPUUtilizationPercentageDecrease and assign it value 30, so that when the CPU utilization falls from 100% to 70%, HPA terminates a pod replica and further 30% decrease in CPU utilization, so that when it reaches 40%, the other remaining pod replica gets terminated.
As per on-line resources, this topic is still under community progress "Configurable HorizontalPodAutoscaler options"
I didn't try but as workaround you can try to create custom metrics f.e. using Prometheus Adapter, Horizontal pod auto scaling by using custom metrics
in order to have more control about provided limits.
At the moment you can use horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-stabilization:
--horizontal-pod-autoscaler-downscale-stabilization option to control
The value for this option is a duration that specifies how long the autoscaler has to wait before another downscale operation can be performed after the current one has completed. The default value is 5 minutes (5m0s).
On the other point of view this is expected due to the basis of HPA:
Applications that process very important data events. These should scale up as fast as possible (to reduce the data processing time), and scale down as soon as possible (to reduce cost).
Hope this help.