KnokBack of Player - unity3d

I want a knock Back effect with this code but I dont know how.
I am new to coding still learning stuff !
This is my code where i want the KnockBack to have effect.
PlayerMovement.MyBody is a script with the rigidbody attached.
/// <summary>
/// If We CanDamage LifeScorecount minus 1 and stes CanDamage to false and starts Coroutine.
/// If Life is higher than 0 change thet text to the new life
/// If life is 0 then stop Time and start Coroutine RestartGame
/// </summary>
public void DealDamage()
Vector2 direction = (transform.position, 0);
PlayerMovement.myBody.AddForce(direction * -10f);
if (LifeScoreCount >= 0)
TextLife.text = "x" + LifeScoreCount;
if (LifeScoreCount == 0)
Time.timeScale = 0f;
CanDamage = false;

It depends on how you implemented your Movement and how you want your knock back to look like.
Assuming you simply want to push the rigidbody away, you can add a force like you already tried. To use a "one-time" push, you can use ForceMode.Impulse.
For the direction you want to use two points. The transform.position of the object, getting pushed away, subtracted by the transform.position of the object, which is pushing the character away.
So if you want an enemy to push away the player, you could try something like this:
Vector3 playerPosition = new Vector3(transform.position.x, 0, transform.position.z);
Vector3 enemyPosition = new Vector3(enemy.transform.position.x, 0, enemy.transform.position.z);
Vector3 knockbackDirection = (playerPosition - enemyPosition).normalized;
float power = 2f
rb.AddForce(knockbackDirection * power, ForceMode.Impulse);
If you also want the knockback to work along the y-axis, just use the Transform positions instead of the new Vector3.
If you don't have the reference to the enemy, you maybe want to add a parameter, so whenever an enemy damages the player, he will pass his own position as a parameter.
And maybe consider using a SerializeField for the knockback force, so you can easily edit it in the editor.


How to prevent the player from going on top of object when moving?

The player goes on top of some objects when he walks toward them, how can I prevent that from happening? Here is an example image of that:
I did not jump to be on the couch but yet it still goes on top of it when I walk to it. Here is my player information:
I don't want to change the player's movement, but I don't want it to go on top of objects when I'm walking.
Make the Step Offset in character controller 0. More info on it here
The character controller Step Offset solves this problem by increasing it value, but you may find that after adding the value, the character controller does not generate any gravitational force on its own.
To solve the problem of gravity, it is enough to first get the component.
private CharacterController controller;
public void Start()
controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
And then apply gravity to the object with the following instructions, you have already obtained the moveInput axis with the Input.GetAxis method.
private Vector3 velocity;
private void Update()
var moveInput = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0f, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
velocity += Physics.gravity * Time.deltaTime;
controller.Move(velocity); // Apply Gravity
if (controller.isGrounded) velocity =;

turning towards an object in Unity

Good times. How do I implement the NPC rotation towards the selected object?
public GameObject BufferObject;
public float MoveSpeed = 1f;
void Update()
float step = MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
transform.position = Vector2.MoveTowards(transform.position, BufferObject.transform.position, step);
Here is the script for moving the NPC to the selected object (Buffer Object) and the movement works perfectly, but the implementation of the rotation causes Me difficulties, please advise.
For Unity2D.
Simply get the desired direction
var direction = (BufferObject.transform.position - transform.position).normalized;
and then the desired rotation using Quaternion.LookRotation like e.g.
var targetRotation = Quaternion.LookDirection(direction);
Then either apply it directly if you want it immediately
transform.rotation = targetRotation;
Or if you want it smooth you could use e.g. Quaternion.RotateTowards like
transform.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(transform.rotation, targetRotation, anglePerSecond * Time.deltatime);
Have in mind though that it might look awkward if the rotation is too slow since your NPC could move back/sidewards already while still not fully looking towards the target ;)
So you might want to wait until
if(Quaternion.Angle(targetRotation, transform.rotation) <= certainThreshold)
... your movement code
So the answer and the solution from Me, albeit stupid, but working. In order to reflect the sprite, you need to get a variable, either 1 or -1 (For Scale). This code will show the distance from one NPC to the object:
BufferObject.transform.position.x - transform.position.x
And here I get a lot of values as if to the left of the NPC, then -x... , and if to the right, then x... thereby it is possible to determine which side of the object, so also level the value from here (Optional) to 1 or -1 and apply this result to transform.localScale and thereby solve the problem of how to reflect (Rotate the sprite) towards the object. Use it for your health :)
Complete code:
float localPositionAmount = BufferObject.transform.position.x - transform.position.x;
if (localPositionAmount >= 1)
gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);
if (localPositionAmount <= -1)
gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);
if (localPositionAmount == 0)
gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);
Yes, the code is the simplest and without enumerations and other things, but it works perfectly. I still had to figure it out myself...

Raycast2D hits only one side of Collider

I want to make sure that various objects moving at high speed cannot pass through walls or other objects. My thought process was to check via Raycast if a collision has occurred between two moments of movement.
So the script should remember the previous position and check via Raycast for collisions between previous and current position.
If a collision has occurred, the object should be positioned at the meeting point and moved slightly in the direction of the previous position.
My problem is that works outside the map not inside. If I go from inside to outside, I can go through the walls. From outside to inside not.
Obviously I have misunderstood something regarding the application with raycasts.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ObsticalControll : MonoBehaviour
private Vector3 positionBefore;
public LayerMask collisionLayer = 9;
private Vector3 lastHit = new Vector3(0, 0, -20);
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
positionBefore = transform.position;
private void OnDrawGizmos()
Gizmos.DrawCube(lastHit, new Vector3(.2f,.2f,.2f));
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
Vector3 curruentMovement = transform.position;
Vector2 dVector = (Vector2)transform.position - (Vector2)positionBefore;
float distance = Vector2.Distance((Vector2)positionBefore, (Vector2)curruentMovement);
RaycastHit2D[] hits = Physics2D.RaycastAll((Vector2)positionBefore, dVector, distance, collisionLayer);
if(hits.Length > 0)
for (int i = hits.Length -1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
RaycastHit2D hit = hits[i];
if (hit.collider != null)
lastHit.x = hit.point.x;
lastHit.y = hit.point.y;
Vector3 resetPos = new Vector3(hit.point.x, hit.point.y, transform.position.z) + positionBefore.normalized * 0.1f;
transform.position = new Vector3(resetPos.x, resetPos.y, transform.position.z);
positionBefore = transform.position;
Theres a better way to deal with this that unity has built in.
Assuming the object thats moving at a high speed has a RigidBody(2d in your case) you can set its Collision Detection to Continuous instead of Discrete.
This will help collisions with high speed collision, assuming that its moving at high speed and the wall is not moving.
If for some reason you cannot apply this to your scenario, Ill try to help with the raycast solution.
However, I am still wondering about the collision behavior of my raycast script. That would be surely interesting, if you want to calculate shots or similar via raycast
Alright, so your initial idea was to check if a collision had occurred, By checking its current position and its previous position. And checking if anything is between them, that means a collision has occurred. And you would teleport it back to where it was suppose to have hit.
A better way todo this would be to check where the GameObject would be in the next frame, by raycasting ahead of it, by the distance that it will travel. If it does hit something that means that within the next frame, it would have collided with it. So you could stop it at the collision hit point, and get what it has hit. (This means you wouldn't have to teleport it back, So there wouldn't be a frame where it goes through then goes back)
Almost the same idea but slightly less complicated.
Problem would be that if another object were to appear between them within the next frame aswell, it could not account for that. Which is where the rigidbody.movePosition shines, And with OnCollisionEnter you can detect when and what it collided with correctly. Aswell as without the need to teleport it back

Player stops move the character direction resets [Unity 2D]

My character is a car and I try to rotate it the direction it move, so far so good I succeeded to do that but once I stop moving the character flips back to the direction it was on the start.
Also how can I make my turns from side to the opposite site smooth ?
Here is my code so far:
[SerializeField] float driveSpeed = 5f;
Rigidbody2D myRigidbody;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
myRigidbody = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
private void Move()
//Control of velocity of the car
float HorizontalcontrolThrow = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Horizontal"); // Value between -1 to 1
float VerticalcontrolThrow = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis("Vertical"); // Value between -1 to 1
Vector2 playerVelocity = new Vector2(HorizontalcontrolThrow * driveSpeed, VerticalcontrolThrow * driveSpeed);
myRigidbody.velocity =playerVelocity;
**//Direction of the car**
Vector2 direction = new Vector2(HorizontalcontrolThrow, VerticalcontrolThrow);
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
myRigidbody.rotation = angle;
I'm not sure about this, but maybe that last line "myRigidbody.rotation = angle" being called every frame is what is making your car reset its rotation.
Maybe change it to "myRigidbody.rotation *= angle" or "myRigidbody.rotation += angle".
It looks like it may be because HorizontalcontrolThrow and VerticalcontrolThrow are going to be reset when you release the controls. If it's resetting to its original orientation, then what's happening is that until you move, those two values are going to be at their default value. You then move and it affects the rotation. But when you release the controls, those values are back to the starting values again, and so is your rotation.
What you therefore need to do is try to separate the HorizontalcontrolThrow and VerticalcontrolThrow from the rest of the code, which should only be activated when at least one of these two variables are not at their default setting (I can't remember what the axis functions return at the moment).
An IF statement should suffice (some rough pseudo code):
if (horizontalAxis != default || verticalAxis != default)
I solved the snap rotation using Quaternion at rotation, the issiu I had with it was to convert it from 3d to 2d, through the guide of this clip: and made my adjustments it works just fine !

GameObject Follow cursor yet also follows enemies?

I'm making a simple character that follows the player's cursor. What I also want is for when the game object "enemy" appears the character then goes to that location to alert the player. Once the enemy is gone the character continues to follow the cursor like normal. Is there a reason why my script won't work. How else can I paraphrase it?
public class FollowCursor : MonoBehaviour
void Update ()
//transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint( new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x,Input.mousePosition.y,8.75f));
if (gameObject.FindWithTag == "Enemy")
if (gameObject.FindWithTag != "Enemy")
transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x,Input.mousePosition.y,8.75f));
You are not using FindWithTag correctly, as it is a method that takes a string as parameter you need to use it like this:
GameObject.FindwithTag("Something") as stated in the Unity scripting API
Now to apply this to your code you would need to do the following to set your players position based on wether or not an enemy is found (assuming this script is on your actual player object):
//If an enemy is found with the tag "Enemy", set the position of the object this script is attatched to to be the same as that of the found GameObject.
transform.position = GameObject.FindWithTag("Enemy").transform.position;
//when no enemy with the tag "Enemy" is found, set this GameObject its position to the the same as that of the cursor
transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint( new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x,Input.mousePosition.y,8.75f));
However this code will just snap your player instantly to the position of the found Enemy. If this is not the desired behaviour you could use a function like Vector3.MoveTowards instead to make the player move to it gradually.
This code also has room for optimisation as searching for a GameObject every update frame is not the ideal solution. But for now it should work.
I'm going to code coding all the function for you, I'm not pretty sure about the beavihour of your code, I understand a gameobject will be attached to the mouse position, so not really following....
Vector3 targetPosition;
public float step = 0.01f;
void Update()
//if there is any enemy "near"/close
//targetPosition = enemy.position;
//targetPosition = MouseInput;
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetPosition , step);
For the f you can use a SphereCast and from the enemies returned get the closest one.