TinyMCE 4 filemanager and "link" plugin - plugins

For use TinyMCE 4 filemanager I had to replace original folder in the root "tiny_mce_4\plugins\link" whit the folder "link" present in the filemanage package. The problem is that with the original "link" plugin the user had the opportunity to set "Link title" attribute when insert a link, with the new plugin (necessary for use the filemanager) the opportunity to insert the "link title" is no longer present.
The version is the TinyMCE 4 and I can't move to TinyMCE 5 or 6. Any ideas?
I try to read the plugin.min.js to undestand the difference between old and new plugin but is very difficult.


How to access pages without adding .HTML extention to the urls in AEM 6.3

I'm working in an AEM project and part of development we are accessing the content using http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/xyz/en/app.html.
While navigating to another page it is redirecting me to http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/xyz/en/inko-app (observe carefully the link is without .html extension) and in order to see the new webpage I had to add .html extension manually.
Is there anyway I can automate this only for development environment?
Versions used:
AEM: 6.3
build version :20170420
I have gone through Adding .html extension to page selected but it is not quite useful
Can you check if in your sightly or java where you are declaring the page path, have you added .html as extension or not?.
For exmaple :
In your sightly if you are getting page path as "${currentPage.path}", the value will be without html, you need to explicitly add .html to
"${currentPage.path}.html" like this.

TinyMCE 5 - Is there a way to accept only uploaded Image, using the "image" plugin?

I want to allow uploaded images only, not images linked from external websites. Is there a way to only display the "Upload" section of the "image" plugin/dialog?
The image plugin does not have a built in configuration option to do what you want. As TinyMCE is released under an open source license you could certainly modify the code of that plugin to get your desired outcome.

TYPO3 news extension - show the whole article

I'm using the news extension for TYPO3. I have a page named "News" where I want to show ALL complete news records that exist. But the article is cut with a button "Read on" which leads you to the detail page.
What do I need to do that it shows the whole article on the news page of each article that exists?
TYPO3 version: 7.6.14
Set TypoScript constant plugin.tx_news.view.partialRootPath to a path of your choice (preferrably to an extension holding your concrete site‘s configuration and assets), create a subfolder named 'List' in this path and copy file EXT:news/Resources/Private/List/Item.html over to the newly created folder.
Then adopt this file to your needs. Apparently, you‘d have to change stuff around line 52 to use bodytext only and remove the f:format.crop…
It‘s worth understanding how fallback in template root paths works in news and in TYPO3 in general - I suggest you read up a bit about it

how to run external js plugin function in AEM

how to run a java script function which belongs to an external plugin after the DOM gets loaded in
adobe Experience Manager ?
currently it run in console but not on local file.
Please have a look at this Adobe Helpx Articles:- https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/custom-carousel-components.html
//Creating Custom Carousel components for Adobe Experience Manager
It covers, how to use third party Javascript/JQuery plugins in AEM components.
[From Article] Add the JQuery Carousel API to a CQ:ClientLibraryFolder node
You add CSS files and JQuery framework files to a cq:ClientLibraryFolder node to define the style of the client JSP. The JQuery framework file that is added is named jquery-1.6.3.min.js.
In addition to the JQuery framework file, add the JQuery Carousel API library. This library enables you to create a CQ widget that retrieves images from the CQ DAM and displays the images within a carousel.
You can download the Carousel API library from the following URL:
You need to retrieve the following JS file from the downloaded file: jquery.infinitecarousel.js. To add CSS files and JQuery framework files to your component, add a cq:ClientLibraryFolder node to your component. After you create the node, set properties that allow the JSP script to find the CSS files and the JQuery library files.
To add the JQuery framework, add a new node named clientlibs to your component (as discussed later). Add these two properties to this node.
Name Type Value
dependencies String[] cq.jquery
categories String[] jquerysamples
The dependencies property informs CQ to include the CSS files and JQuery libraries in the page. The categories property informs CQ which clientlibs must be included.
After you create the Clientlibs folder, add the stlye.css file, the JQuery library files, and two map text files.
Text files
You have to add a text file to the clientlibs folder that maps to the JS files. The name of the text file is: js.txt. The js.txt file contains the JS file names: jquery-1.6.3.min.js and jquery.infinitecarousel.js.
Add the files to the ClientLibs folder
Right-click /apps/carousel/components then select New, Node.
Make sure that the node type is cq:ClientLibraryFolder and name the node clientlibs.
Right click on clientlibs and select Properties. Add the two properties specified in the previous table to the node.
On your file system, navigate to the folder where the JQuery JS files are located. Drag and drop the JS files to the clientlibs node by using CRXDE.
On your file system, navigate where you placed the CSS files. Drag and drop the CSS files to the clientlibs folder by using CRXDE.
Add a TXT file to the clientlibs folder named js.txt. Add the content specified in this section.
Some More Reference links are:-
Link:- http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manager.topic.html/forum__3vab-is_there_anytoolre.html
Link:- http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manager.topic.html/forum__rwhk-i_have_a_requirement.html
Link:- http://help-forums.adobe.com/content/adobeforums/en/experience-manager-forum/adobe-experience-manager.topic.html/forum__6l3s-i_would_liketocrea.html
I hope this will help you.
Thanks and Regards
Kautuk Sahni

TYPO3 - How to Create a System Folder page

I have TYPO3 4.5.2 ; I want to create a a System Folder page for "" as see in these documentation http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/sr_feuser_register/2.5.4/view/1/4/, but I don't know how.
Can one help ?
Thanks a lot.
the SysFolder has been renamed to Folder in TYPO3 4.5. You can make a page of type Folder by editing the page properties and changing the Type field (the first one in the form).