Filter documents that do not have a property set - Prisma - prisma

I have this example data:
const example = [
productId: 1,
name: "Husdady",
age: 21
name: "Vereth",
age: 19
name: "Mikaela",
age: 17
name: "Richard",
age: 20
productId: 4,
name: "Markus",
age: 24
productId: 8,
name: "Cecilia",
age: 18
productId: 1,
name: "Anton",
age: 16
I have a 'User' model in prisma. So what I must achieve is to filter all those users that do not have a defined productId and also filter by productId.
For example, I want to filter all users that have product Id 1 and also all users that do not have a productId defined
I have tried with the following filter
where: {
OR: [
{ productId: undefined },
{ productId: 1 }
This query gets me all the users that have '1' as the value of their 'productId' but it does not bring me the users that do not have a defined productId.
The expected result of the above query would be:
const result = [
productId: 1,
name: "Husdady",
age: 21
name: "Vereth",
age: 19
name: "Mikaela",
age: 17
name: "Richard",
age: 20
productId: 1,
name: "Anton",
age: 16
I only get the users 'Husdady' and 'Anton'
const resultObtained = [
productId: 1,
name: "Husdady",
age: 21
productId: 1,
name: "Anton",
age: 16
How I can resolve this problem?


How can I have array filter count from nested array

_id: ObjectId(''),
restaurantId: ObjectId(''),
orderId: ObjectId(''),
reviews: [
type: "food",
tags: ["good food", "nice food"]
type: "pricing",
tags: ["best price", "good price"]
Group by restaurant id
Get total reviews by type: Ex: food: 3, pricing: 2, ambience: 1
Group by type and tags and get counts:
Ex: food-superb: 1, food-loudt:2, pricing-superb: 2, ambience-superb: 1
Expected result:
_id: restaurantId,
types: {
food: 4,
tags: {
nicePrice: 20

MongoDB : projection matches all element corresponding to query

Supposing the following data format
_id: "1234",
tag: "MyTag",
members: [{
name: "James", age: 54
}, {
name: "John", age: 22
}, {
name: "Eric", age: 36
_id: "7896",
tag: "MyTag2",
members: [{
name: "Philip", age: 6
}, {
name: "Mark", age: 14
}, {
name: "Maya", age: 64
How can I request all the person over 30 to get that result
_id: "1234",
tag: "MyTag",
members: [{
name: "James", age: 54
}, {
name: "Eric", age: 36
_id: "7896",
tag: "MyTag2",
members: [{
name: "Maya", age: 64
Basically this request
db.MyDB.find({'members':{'$elemMatch':{'age':{'$gt':30}}}}, {'tag:1', 'members.$':1})
but where the .$ operator does not return only the first or each list
(I'm using python api but I think the question applies more generally)
Thanks a lot!
The positional operator $ and the $elemMatch projection operator both only match the first element that matches the query.
If you want to get all elements that match, use aggregation and $filter the array.

Mongoose: Get the data from 2 collections, like get products that have same category type like fruits

I am very new to mongoDB and mongoose and I also know questions like this has been already asked but still I didn't get any luck.
So what I am trying to do is I have 2 collections one is products and second is categories and I am trying to get the products that are of category type: fruits
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const productSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
category: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Category'
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
price: {
type: Number,
required: true
image: {
type: String,
required: true
description: {
type: String,
required: true
const Product = mongoose.model('Product', productSchema)
module.exports = Product
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const categorySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
lowercase: true
const Category = mongoose.model('Category', categorySchema)
module.exports = Category
products collecction
[ { _id: 5ffc9795355f3707ec326f51,
name: 'apple',
price: 80,
image: 'apple1.jpg',
'Do you really need description for this ??',
category: 5ffc94e8a7542a37101a119c,
__v: 0 },
{ _id: 5ffd54409793c33b183376b8,
name: 'Beef',
price: 180,
image: 'beef1.jpg',
description: 'Don\'t you dare to ask about beef in india',
category: 5ffc94dda7542a37101a119b,
__v: 0 },
{ _id: 5ffd54969793c33b183376b9,
name: 'Mango',
price: 100,
image: 'mango1.jpg',
'Have some manog because you cannot eat the bottle of slice like katrina kaif do, its crazy',
category: 5ffc94e8a7542a37101a119c,
__v: 0 } ]
categories collection
[ { _id: 5ffc947ea7542a37101a119a, name: 'vegitables', __v: 0 },
{ _id: 5ffc94dda7542a37101a119b, name: 'non-veg', __v: 0 },
{ _id: 5ffc94e8a7542a37101a119c, name: 'fruits', __v: 0 } ]
Now I want to the get the products whose category are fruits
I know I have to use aggregation and lookup for this I also tried but didn't get any luck, this is my code
const Product = require('./models/product')
const Category = require('./models/category')
const test = async () => {
try {
var query = [
$lookup: {
from: "product",
localField: "category",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "product"
const productCate = await Product.aggregate(query)
// const productCat = await Product.find().populate({
// path: 'category',
// match: {name: 'fruits'}
// }).exec()
// console.log(productCat)
}catch(e) {
I also tried ppuplate but still didn't get the response as expected, this is my code:
const test = async () => {
try {
const productCat = await Product.find().populate({
path: 'category',
match: {name: 'fruits'}
}catch(e) {
this is my output
[ { _id: 5ffc9795355f3707ec326f51,
name: 'apple',
price: 80,
image: 'apple1.jpg',
'Do you really need description for this, how dumb are you ??',
category: { _id: 5ffc94e8a7542a37101a119c, name: 'fruits', __v: 0 },
__v: 0 },
{ _id: 5ffd54409793c33b183376b8,
name: 'Beef',
price: 180,
image: 'beef1.jpg',
description: 'Don\'t you dare to ask about beef in india',
category: null,
__v: 0 },
{ _id: 5ffd54969793c33b183376b9,
name: 'Mango',
price: 100,
image: 'mango1.jpg',
'Have some manog because you cannot eat the bottle of slice like katrina kaif do, its crazy',
category: { _id: 5ffc94e8a7542a37101a119c, name: 'fruits', __v: 0 },
__v: 0 } ]
Here I also get the beef that is fall under non-veg category but with the category null. Actually I only want the fruits category products.
you can following this code
const test = async () => {
try {
let categoryId = await Category.findOne({name:"fruits"}).select("_id")
const productCat = await Product.find({category:categoryId}).populate(
}catch(e) {
you can do with with populate match without using aggregation:
path: 'category',
match: { 'name': 'fruits' }

Assure order when using $skip and $limit in MongoDB

I have data like this in my collection:
{ name: 'ad1cvbc', price: 300 },
{ name: 'tbcvbc3', price: 500 },
{ name: 'yjc5vbc', price: 500 },
{ name: 'at7vvbc', price: 500 },
{ name: 'a86v5bc', price: 500 },
{ name: 'a23dvbc', price: 500 },
{ name: 'adth4bc', price: 500 },
{ name: 'e34bc', price: 700 },
And I have an aggregate like this:
{ $match: { ... } },
{ $sort: { price: -1 } },
{ $skip: x },
{ $limit: 20 }
Where x is increased with 20 every single time I wants more data, but the problem is that, because I have multiple price with same value( and I have more than 20) sometimes I get the same document. How cand I assure that the order is the same and I don't get duplicates when I have many rows with the field for the sort having the same value.
Edit: So if I want to get 3 items each time I may have the following results:
1st call result:
{ name: 'ad1cvbc', price: 300 },
{ name: 'tbcvbc3', price: 500 },
{ name: 'yjc5vbc', price: 500 } // <- this
2st call result:
{ name: 'a23dvbc', price: 500 },
{ name: 'yjc5vbc', price: 500 }, // <- this
{ name: 'at7vvbc', price: 500 }
1 document is repeated because MongoDB doesn't get each time the items in order when the documents has the same value for the sort field.
Something like
{ $match: { ... } },
{ $sort: { name:-1, price: -1 } },
{ $skip: x },
{ $limit: x + 20 }

How to redirect to a nested dynamic segments in EMberjs

If we have several books,each books contains several chapters and each chapter contains several pages.
In an App,
when user navigate to
list all the books,clicking a book(eg:book_1) will directly "linkTo"
show the content of "chapter_1/page_1" within the selected book.
I am now trying to use the "redirect" hook,but I am confused with these:
1,How to sent muti params to a redirect hook;
2,How to update the URL correctly after redirecting?
3,What is the "Ember way" to do this?
App.Book = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
chapters: DS.hasMany('chapter',{async:true}),
color: DS.attr('')
App.Chapter = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
author: DS.attr(''),
pages: DS.hasMany('page',{async:true})
App.Page = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
App.Book.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: 'book1',
color: 'red',
chapters: [1,2]
id: 2,
name: 'book2',
color: 'blue',
chapters: [3,4]
App.Chapter.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: 'Chapter1',
author: 'jhon',
id: 2,
name: 'Chapter2',
author: 'jhon',
id: 3,
name: 'Chapter3',
author: 'peter',
id: 4,
name: 'Chapter4',
author: 'tom',
App.Page.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: 'page1',
id: 2,
name: 'page2',
id: 3,
name: 'page3',
id: 4,
name: 'page4',
id: 5,
name: 'page5',
id: 6,
name: 'page6',
id: 7,
name: 'page7',
id: 8,
name: 'page8',
redirect is deprecated, use the afterModel hook. I'm sending in ids of 1 and 1 to the chapter and page route, which should hit their model hooks. How is your data separated, does the book model have all the necessary info?
afterModel: function(model, transition){
var self = this;
var ch = chs.get('firstObject');
var page = pages.get('firstObject');
self.transitionTo('page', model, ch, page);