Error installing MongoDb Compass on Windows - mongodb

I am having trouble installing mongodb compass 1.34.0 on windows 11 and the error shows up saying "Error while validating preferences from: Command Line". Is there a solution to this?
I tried redownloading the application and restarting the laptop, however nothing changed.

I just downloaded latest version of Mongo Compass, and I had the exact same error. My solution was to download de MSI installer instead of the .exe


Mongodb : An error occurred while loading navigation: Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document

I installed MongoDB Compass, and I get error message “An error occurred while loading navigation: Invalid UTF-8 string in BSON document”. I can't visualize my data.
Version MongoDB 5.0.3(current)
Windows 10
I tried reinstalling a different version of MongoDB but it didn't help.
I download it on another other computer of the same configuration, everything seems to work.
What could have happened?
P.S. Console commands work without problem.
This is what I see after i click on connect
I just had the same problem with MongoDB Compass and fix it by doing the following:
Uninstall the version of MongoDB Compass that comes by default with the Mongo installation.
I downloaded one of the older versions.
I leave you the link so you can download the previous version which has managed to correct this error.
I fixed this problem with the same MongoDB Compass version shared by Wlogz (1.21.2).
The link is in the previous comment...

Why MongoDB folder is not generated inside programs files after successfully installation at windows 10?

I am trying to install MongoDB inside my machine as a local , after install the installation exe of MongoDB but MongoDB folder did not generated even checked inside programs files and x86 also in both.
Please help me out what should i try to install it successfully.
See MongoDB 3.6.2 2008R2 Plus Not Installing - basically during install you need to uncheck the "Install compass" option for some reason. Not sure why, but installing without Compass works.

MongoDB 3.6.2 2008R2 Plus Not Installing

I'm trying to install MongoDb 3.6.2 2008R2 plus on my 64bit Window 10 (build no 1709) but the setup after some time says "setup wizard ended prematurely because of an error.your system has not been modified.To. Install this program at a later time run setup wizard finish button to exit the setup." Any one know any fix regarding this issue?
I solved this problem by declining to install Compass together with Mongo in the installer wizard.
I have the same issue. I solved it by choosing the following way:-
Choose Custom Installation
Uncheck Compass Installation with MongoDb
Finish the Setup
Again start setup and click on change the installation
Tick Compass Installation with MongoDb
Finish the Setup
I had same problem and solved it by removing these folders that created on previous setup and running the setup again:
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\MongoDB Compass Community
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\MongoDB Inc
and some files like this in Prefetch folder:
I tried the suggestion above but none works for me. Instead, I ended up downloading the archive version and extract that and place that in the folder structure below (on Windows 10, 64 bit)
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6.5\
Then I configured the system environment path and it works fine. As this is for testing, it would be fine for now.
I unselected ".NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)" in the Windows Features (Turn Windows features on or off). After restarting mongodb and Compass got installed successfully.
I tried to install MongoDB Enterprise 2008R2 for Windows 10 64-bit and had the exact same problem.
I already had Compass installed, so here is what I did:
Uninstall Compass
Select install when needed (this will get you to the next page where you're prompted to install Compass or not. If you choose Install Everything you WON'T get the option to NOT install Compass (the other comments here might be earlier versions of Mongo... I'm not sure).
Now re-install Compass.
That fixed it for me.

MongoDB Compass loading forever

My MongoDB Compass won't launch. It was working an hour ago, but now it just shows this screen forever.
I've tried rebooting. And even uninstalling and re-installing Compass. But every time I launch it, it just shows the loading screen and never proceeds. If I go to Connect > Connect to..., it just opens another window that does the same thing.
Version 1.10.9
Windows 10 x64
How can I get this program to launch correctly? What should I investigate to try to figure this out?
Had the same issue today, with the Version 1.10.9 on Mac OSX. I then reinstalled MongoDB Compass Community Edition to the latest Beta version (Version 1.11.0-beta.1), the loading proceeded and everything went fine.
Same here. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling. No joy.
I reinstalled an older version 1.8.2 which worked fine. Must be an issue with the latest release.
Edit: I upgraded to 1.10.9 this morning and reverted to 1.8.2 after coming across this issue.
After having the same issue today (november 24:th) i used the latest stable version (1.10.10) and it solved the problem. I´m on Mac OS Sierra (10.12.6).
On window 7, i found the issue was because of two reason and both were related to power shell.
First problem was because of execution policy related to power shell script, which can be solved by running the following with administrator privilege.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
After this, please check the power shell version, in case you are trying to install latest version of mongodb on window 7, power cell version needs to me minimum of 3.0, in my case it was 2.0 and because of that installation was getting stuck. After upgrading power shell to latest, installation went through quickly.
I managed to surprisingly fix this issue by restarting my computer. I was on Ubuntu 18.04, Compass v1.x (somewhere this year).
I understand that the poster is on Windows but this was the first hit on Google.
This seems to be forever error, even in 3.6.3 version, that i've tried today. There are questions about the error everywhere.
The link below
Installation/Update of MongoDB 3.6.2 on Windows Hangs
explains the problem - the install trying to run execute the PowerShell script to download/install MongoDB Compass, which seems to hang due to insufficient rights.
DO NOT install Compass, or install it later with appropriate rights.
The same problem here.
My MongoDB version v4.2.1, compass-1.23 on Win 10 OS.
In MongoDB Compass screen panel, I went to View-> Toggle DevTools.
In Console section there was error indication in red :
"""Error: Command failed: powershell (...'powershell' is not recognized as an internal ..."""
Powershell can be added to environment variables paths:
Please check this:
Powershell' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
So, I closed MongoDB Compass window. Then I added path to environment variables:
And it solved my problem.
You can also add this line too, to enable MongoDB cmd line commands (your location and version can be different):
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.2\bin\
Please check this: How to Install MongoDB on Windows 7/8/10 | How to Install Mongo Compass as separate installer

MongoDb initial startup says hot fix not installed but it is

I am trying to install MongoDB on Windows 7 Enterprise (32bit) VM running in VirtualBox on Windows7 Ultimate 64bit.
The MongoD.exe start up reports a missing Microsoft Hotfix, KB2731284. I downloaded and installed the hot fix on the VM. The hotfix was not required on the Host PC.
Mongod.exe still reported it was not installed. Ran the hotfix a second time and it reported that it was already installed.
I tried uninstalling an reinstalling mongoDB, no luck.
Stuck, any ideas? lists stackoverflow as the support portal.
per SO
I think you can run MongoDb without applying the Hotfix, but I would not recommend it. In long time you may run into problems. They have included some fixes in MongoDB to workaround the problem.
On Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 when applying the hotfix you get a better file allocation performance what is relevant for MongoDB
So when using mongo 2.6.0 there is workaround implemented.