I'm trying to set a strategy with CE indicator - pine-script-v5

I want to add this:
When CE (Chandelier Exit) indicator in buy --> Only Long Signals
When CE (Chandelier Exit) indicator in sell --> Only Short Signals
At my script:
longcondition = rsi>80 and macd>0
shortcondition = rsi<20 and macd<0
In addition to these conditions, I am trying to add what I want in the CE indicator, can you help me?
I tried to add buySignal variable, but it works poorly. When I tried to add this, it gave me only the CE changes
I'm trying to get signals with rsi and macd. The CE indicator will filter it with buy and sell lines. I hope I explain myself.


Anylogic, using different time unit

I'm having an issue configuring passing time on an Anylogic model: I would like to configure every tick of the model time to be 5 minutes at 1x.
To be clearer, all the things I did were done on the project components shown on the "Projects" tab.
Reading guides and manuals I saw that by clicking on the project root I could configure the time unit in minutes, and this allows me to run it with 1 minute per tick.
I tried to modify the Simulation options setting the "Real-time with scale" at 5, but when I run the experiment it automatically starts at 5x.
Is there any way to achieve my needing?
Thanks a lot.
No matter what, the best option to control this, is by doing it programmatically.
getEngine().setRealTimeMode(true); // to be sure you are not using virtual mode
getEngine().setRealTimeScale(5); // 5 would be the 5x, otherwise put a different number
For instance, you can run this at 1x when your model starts (on your "on startup" action on your main properties) and with a button, or after some time, you can change it to whatever you want.

Trouble with agent state chart

I'm trying to create an agent statechart where a transition should happen every day at 4 pm (except weekends).
I have already tried:
1. a conditional transition (condition: getHourOfDay() == 16)
2: A timeout transition that will "reinsert" my agent into the chart every 1 s and check if time = 16.
My code is still not running, does anyone have any idea how to solve it?
This is my statechart view. Customer is a single resource that is supposed to "get" the products out of my stock everyday at 4pm. It is supposed to happen in the "Active" state.
I have set a timeout transition (from Active-Active) that runs every 1s.
Inside my "Active" state in the "entrance action" i wrote my code to check if it is 4 pm and run my action if so.
I thought since i set a timeout transition it would check my condition every 1s, but apparently it is not working.
Your agent does not enter the Active state via an internal transition.
Redraw the transition to actually go out of the Active state and then enter it again as below:
Don't use condition-based transitions, for performance reasons. In your case, it also never triggers because it is only evaluated when something happens in the model. Incidentally, that is not the case at 4pm.
re your timeout approach: Why would you "reinsert" your agent into its own statechart? Not sure I understand...
Why not set up a schedule or event with your recurrence requirement and make it send a message to the statechart: stateChart.fireEvent("trigger!");. In your statechart, add a message-based transition that waits for this message. This will work.
Be careful to understand the difference between the Statechart.fireEvent() and the Statechart.receiveMessage() functions, though.
PS: and agree with Felipe: please start using SOF the way it is meant, i.e. also mark replies as solved. It helps us but also future users to quickly find solutions :-) cheers

Creating an hourglass for long calculations

I was wondering is there a way I can create an hourglass that pops up when my calculations are running on my access form? My calculations, which are in a textbox, are taking a little while to complete and I just do not want my user to think the program is not working.
Thanks in advance!
Try this:
DoCmd.Hourglass True
DoCmd.Hourglass False

Why does it take so long for background color to change?

I am running into a problem with a simple program that changes the color of the background when it receives a command from a different machine through TCP. It takes like thirty seconds to change the color. I am running this through the local network so it should be near instant response. I am using wxPython for the frame. I don't think I have overly complicated code. Relevant code:
def threading(self):
print "Connected"
while 1:
if not data:
if pin == 1:
if reading<20:
elif pin == 2:
if reading<20:
elif pin == 3:
if reading<20:
elif pin == 4:
if reading<20:
I need this code to be instant as this will be going on a robot that will tell if objects are too close(which is why there is red background when it gets within 20 cm of object). Any help will be greatly appreciated!
It appears that you are attempting to update wxPython code from a thread. This action is unsupported / undefined in wxPython. You need to use thread-safe methods to update the wxPython UI, such as wx.CallAfter or wx.PostEvent. See the following wxPython wiki page for some examples:
Basically, you'll want to do something like this in your if statements:
wx.CallAfter(self.bottom_right.SetBackgroundColour, "red")

How can I make a 'trial version' of a matlab GUI

My aim is to make a GUI, then by using deploytool to make an exe file from it.
Since I don't want the user to be able to use it for ever I want to make it as a trial version meaning that it will work only for a certain time.
I thought maybe by somehow connecting to the user's computer clock and date, and using the code for a time limit, but I found some problems it this logic.
Any ideas, how it can be done?
Using the computer's clock seems a reasonable way to go. Sure, the user than thwart that by changing the clock, but this will most likely create sufficient inconvenience that they rather pay the reasonable price of the software.
Simply put the following inside the OpeningFcn of your GUI
expiryDate = '2012-12-31';
if now > datenum(expiryDate)
h = errordlg('please upgrade to a full license');
return %# or throw an error