I need to disable advanced table options - tinymce

I am trying to disable the advanced options of the table, cells and rows and I am applying the code according to the documentation but I am not getting results.
my code is as follows:
selector: '#mensaje',
height: 520,
language: 'es_MX',
menubar: false,
plugins: ['table', 'lists'],
toolbar: [
{ name: 'history', items: [ 'undo', 'redo' ] },
{ name: 'formatting', items: [ 'bold', 'italic', 'underline' ] },
{ name: 'alignment', items: [ 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'alignjustify' ] },
{ name: 'listas', items: [ 'bullist', 'numlist'] },
{ name: 'tablas', items: [ 'table' ] }
table_advtab: false,
table_cell_advtab: false,
table_row_advtab: false

Those options seem to work when I load your configuration into a TinyMCE Fiddle:
What is different in your environment?


ExtJs 5 bind store to cell editor in grid

I'm trying to bind store to combobox editor in grid. My view is subclass of grid with cellediting plugin. I'm trying to bind at least static store with yes/no option. I tried many options and nothing worked.
Grid class:
Ext.define('App.view.school.room.RoomGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
alias: 'widget.school-room-grid',
controller: 'school-room-grid',
requires: [
reference: 'roomGrid',
viewModel: {
type: 'room'
bind: {
store: '{rooms}',
title: '{currentRoom.name}'
border: false,
itemId: 'testGrid',
glyph: 0xf0ce,
forceFit: true,
plugins: [
ptype: 'cellediting',
pluginId: 'editing'
header: {
title: 'Title',
padding: '4 9 4 9'
columns: [
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'general',
text: 'SomeColumnYesNo',
xtype: 'combobox',
bind: {
store:'{yesnoCombo}' //not working
displayField : 'name',
valueField : 'id',
selectOnFocus: true
buttons: [
itemId: 'addButton',
xtype: 'button',
width: 70,
scale: 'small',
text: 'Dodaj',
glyph: 0xf067
itemId: 'printButton',
xtype: 'button',
width: 70,
scale: 'small',
text: 'Drukuj',
glyph: 0xf02f
xtype: 'tbfill'
itemId: 'rejectButton',
xtype: 'button',
width: 22,
scale: 'small',
text: 'Anuluj',
glyph: 0xf021,
bind: {
disabled: '{!storeDirty}'
itemId: 'saveButton',
xtype: 'button',
width: 22,
scale: 'small',
text: 'Zapisz',
glyph: 0xf00c,
bind: {
disabled: '{!storeDirty}'
initComponent: function () {
ViewModel class:
Ext.define('App.view.school.room.RoomGridViewModel', {
extend: 'Ext.app.ViewModel',
alias: 'viewmodel.room',
requires: [
stores: {
data: {
currentRoom: null
ViewController class:
Ext.define('App.view.school.room.RoomGridController', {
extend: 'Deft.mvc.ViewController',
alias: 'controller.school-room-grid',
requires: [
inject: [
bind: {
currentRoom: '{currentRoom}',
store: '{rooms}'
config: {
currentRoom: null,
/** #type App.store.RoomStore */
roomStore: null,
/** #type App.context.ViewContext */
viewContext: null
control: {
'#': {
boxready: 'onBoxReady',
select: 'onSelect'
'#addButton': {
click: 'onAddButtonClick'
'#rejectButton': {
click: 'onRejectButtonClick'
'#saveButton': {
click: 'onSaveButtonClick'
onStoreLoading: function () {
Deft.Logger.info(this.$className + '.onStoreLoading');
var me = this;
onStoreLoaded: function () {
Deft.Logger.info(this.$className + '.onStoreLoaded');
var me = this;
static store:
Ext.define('Perykles.store.local.YesNoStore', {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
alias: 'store.local.yesnostore',
data : [
{"id":"true", "name":"Tak"},
{"id":"false", "name":"Nie"}
When I click on column binded to store to edit value instead of showing yes/no option in combobox i receive following error:
[E] Cannot modify ext-empty-store
Uncaught Error: Cannot modify ext-empty-store
Any help would be appreciated.

Highcharts Pie Chart.How to set labels in two lines

I'm creating a pie chart in highcharts.
Does anybody know how to set data labels in two lines?
I'm finding this problem when the data labels are too long.
$(function () {
chart: {
plotBackgroundColor: null,
plotBorderWidth: null,
plotShadow: false
title: {
text: 'Browser market shares at a specific website, 2010'
tooltip: {
pointFormat: '{series.name}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>'
plotOptions: {
pie: {
allowPointSelect: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
color: '#000000',
connectorColor: '#000000',
format: '<b>{point.name}</b>: {point.percentage:.1f} %'
series: [{
type: 'pie',
name: 'Browser share',
data: [
['Firefox jandler glander gramenauer gramen', 45.0],
['IE', 26.8],
name: 'Chrome',
y: 12.8,
sliced: true,
selected: true
['Safari', 8.5],
['Opera', 6.2],
['Others', 0.7]
You can simply set width for dataLabels, see: http://jsfiddle.net/Fusher/fSjnD/1/
style: {
width: '100px'
You can simply insert in the data labels:
data: [
['Firefox jandler glander <br><b>gramenauer gramen</b>', 45.0],
Note, for some reason, the second line loses the bold formatting unless you addit back in using tags.

Sencha touch nested list no data

I am new for sencha touch. I using mvc method. Please see my code below
Ext.define('test.view.Main', {
extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',
xtype: 'main',
requires: [
config: {
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
items: [
title: 'Welcome',
iconCls: 'home',
styleHtmlContent: true,
scrollable: true,
items: {
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Welcome to Sencha Touch 2'
html: [
"You've just generated a new Sencha Touch 2 project. What you're looking at right now is the ",
"contents of <a target='_blank' href=\"app/view/Main.js\">app/view/Main.js</a> - edit that file ",
"and refresh to change what's rendered here."
title: 'Get Started',
iconCls: 'action',
items: [
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Getting Started'
xtype: 'nestedlist',
Ext.define('bluebutton.view.NestedList', {
extend: 'Ext.NestedList',
xtype: 'nestedlist',
requires: [
config: {
store : { xclass : 'Test.store.data'},
detailContainer: detailContainer,
detailCard: true,
Ext.define('Test.store.data', {
extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore',
config: {
model: 'Test.model.data',
defaultRootProperty: 'items',
root: {
items: [
text: 'Drinks',
items: [
text: 'Water',
items: [
{ text: 'Still', leaf: true },
{ text: 'Sparkling', leaf: true }
{ text: 'Soda', leaf: true }
text: 'Snacks',
items: [
{ text: 'Nuts', leaf: true },
{ text: 'Pretzels', leaf: true },
{ text: 'Wasabi Peas', leaf: true }
Ext.define('Test.model.data', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
config: {
fields: ['text']
But nested list no able to get the data. I get empty list. Any solution?
If you are providing inline data in store shouldn't it be data attribute instead of root?
Ext.define('Test.store.data', {
extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore',
config: {
model: 'Test.model.data',
defaultRootProperty: 'items',
data: {
items: [
text: 'Drinks',
items: [
text: 'Water',
items: [
{ text: 'Still', leaf: true },
{ text: 'Sparkling', leaf: true }
{ text: 'Soda', leaf: true }
text: 'Snacks',
items: [
{ text: 'Nuts', leaf: true },
{ text: 'Pretzels', leaf: true },
{ text: 'Wasabi Peas', leaf: true }

Sencha Touch 2 and floating, flexing panels

I'm having a problem with Sencha Touch 2 and vbox flexing. Here is my code for the Panel (modified for simplicity, real Panel is much more intricate but this is what it boils down to):
Ext.define('risbergska2.view.Test', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
xtype: 'test',
config: {
title: 'Test',
iconCls: 'home',
items: [
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
items: [
xtype: 'container',
flex: 2,
style: 'background-color: #f90;'
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
style: 'background-color: #9f0;'
xtype: 'container',
flex: 1,
style: 'background-color: #0f9;'
xtype: 'container',
flex: 2,
style: 'background-color: #90f;'
And here is my Main.js:
Ext.define("risbergska2.view.Main", {
extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',
requires: [
config: {
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
items: [
xtype: 'homeloggedinview'
xtype: 'myview'
xtype: 'programview'
xtype: 'socialview'
xtype: 'aboutview'
xtype: 'test'
My app.js:
name: 'risbergska2',
requires: [
views: ['Main', 'HomeLoggedIn', 'My', 'Program', 'Social', 'About', 'Test'],
launch: function() {
// Destroy the #appLoadingIndicator element
// Initialize the main view
onUpdated: function() {
"Application Update",
"This application has just successfully been updated to the latest version. Reload now?",
function(buttonId) {
if (buttonId === 'yes') {
If I run this code and go to the Test-panel, nothing is showing. I want it to show (in the test case) four different containers with four different colors in them, the top one and the bottom one being twice the vertical size of the middle ones.
Is this not the way to get that result? Where have I gone wrong?
Set layout : 'fit' for risbergska2.view.Test
Ext.define('risbergska2.view.Test', {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
xtype: 'test',
config: {
title: 'Test',
iconCls: 'home',
layout : 'fit',
items: [
xtype: 'container',
layout: 'vbox',
items: [

CKEditor and VideoEmbed plugin

Can anybody tell me how can I use embedMedia plugin in ckeditor? I am using drupal 6 and WYSIWYG editor. I have added the folder into plugin folder. And added a line on config.js,
config.extraPlugins += (config.extraPlugins? ',MediaEmbed':
But I have not seen the option on my configuration. Am I doing anything wrong?
Thanks in advance
You need to add it to your config.toolbar_XXX setting in order to have it appear.
Look in your config.js file for something like:
The standard full toolbar config looks like this:
config.toolbar_Full =
{ name: 'document', items : [ 'Source','-','Save','NewPage','DocProps','Preview','Print','-','Templates' ] },
{ name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Cut','Copy','Paste','PasteText','PasteFromWord','-','Undo','Redo' ] },
{ name: 'editing', items : [ 'Find','Replace','-','SelectAll','-','SpellChecker', 'Scayt' ] },
{ name: 'forms', items : [ 'Form', 'Checkbox', 'Radio', 'TextField', 'Textarea', 'Select', 'Button', 'ImageButton',
'HiddenField' ] },
{ name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','Subscript','Superscript','-','RemoveFormat' ] },
{ name: 'paragraph', items : [ 'NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Outdent','Indent','-','Blockquote','CreateDiv','-
','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock','-','BidiLtr','BidiRtl' ] },
{ name: 'links', items : [ 'Link','Unlink','Anchor' ] },
{ name: 'insert', items : [ 'Image','Flash','Table','HorizontalRule','Smiley','SpecialChar','PageBreak','Iframe' ] },
{ name: 'styles', items : [ 'Styles','Format','Font','FontSize' ] },
{ name: 'colors', items : [ 'TextColor','BGColor' ] },
{ name: 'tools', items : [ 'Maximize', 'ShowBlocks','-','About' ] }
You would need to add an entry for your plugin in the spot you want the button to appear. Check the plugin readme to see what the button should be called.
If you don't see this in your config.js file, you can add it there and insert the name of the button for the embedmedia plugin. It looks like the name of the button is "MediaEmbed", try adding it next to one of the current buttons (add 'MediaEmbed') and it should be visible in the toobar.
It might be helpful to take a look at the CKEditor docs to gain a better understanding of how the toolbar is customized:
CKEditor Toolbar