Github Search API for searching code using a repository name - github

I am using Github search APIs of enterprise version (https://{{GitBaseInternalURL}}/api/v3) in my code.
I am able to search the code using the endpoint below:
"code_search_url": "https://{{GitBaseInternalURL}}/api/v3/search/code?q={query}{&page,per_page,sort,order}"
However I want to search the code based on the given repository name.
I have searched a lot of content online and I could not find any suitable endpoint for my use case.
Can anybody help me find the right endpoint for my purpose?


How to get a github usesr top laguages used using a github api

is there and way to get a users most used languages just like github gives us
like this:
using GitHub API
Apprently not, if I interpret correctly the anuraghazra/github-readme-stats/src/fetchers/top-languages-fetcher.js#fetchTopLanguages() function used to get those stats.
It has to iterate on all repositories, and get languages from each one.

Is there a way to find a list of agents in a zip code with the zillow api

if you go to , An option exists to search for agents by zip code. Can this be using a zillow api. I could not find an obvious answer in the docs,

show diff on word documents

I'm designing a web application that will enable users to upload docx documents and will the show the diff between each revision.
I don't know how to approach the problem. Is it a bitmap, how do I decode the doc to show changes. Do Microsoft has an API I can use to simply send 2 word docs, and it will return the changes between the two?
I also have the same question on google docs. I think with google drive it's simpler. Saw this API
If anyone has done something similar or has an example to some similar app, I would be grateful.
Have you looked at Word's Compare tool? See under Review|Compare. Word's API also support the compare tool's automation (e.g. via VBA).
To use Word's API, you'll need to automate Word. For the details of the method, see:
See also:

Is there some search engine SDK or API that I can use for local search?

I have many documents located on my disk and I want to build a search engine to search through them.
I know Google Desktop Search or Bing Desktop Search could do that. But I want to know if there's some SDK/API to do that so I can do some customization.
What I want to achieve, is that I can provide a document and the local search engine will return all the documents similar to it.
In general there are Lucene and Solr that can help to solve search related needs in Java (I guess you are using Java based on the tag GWT).
But I don't know how to do a search by example with these tools. I think you have to extract the relevant information of the document to construct a search based on it.

Github API V3 Search Repo issues

I'm trying to get 3 repos with highest numbers of stars in given language. I have 3 issues with it:
search is using legacy pagination style and per_page does not seem to work
language parameter is also not respected, I get php, java etc
i'm sorting by start but in result i get detailed repo info with everything
but stars count...
curl ""
First of all, per_page isn't listed as an accepted parameter. With that in mind, it could be invalidating the rest of your parameters being sent. If removing that does in fact fix the issue, you should contact GitHub support directly. If in fact you do this, be sure to include "API" in the topic so it gets routed directly to the API team so you can get your answer faster.
i'm sorting by start but in result i get detailed repo info with everything but stars count.
The legacy API (as you already noted this was) returned old style (v2) Repository information. If you want information about the stars you'll have to make a direct call to /repos/:user/:repo after you find the repositories you want.