Anylogic Parameter Variation Experiment output to Excel - simulation

I'm trying to use parameter variation experiment of Anylogic and export the result "loss" of each run to the corresponding position in the Excel table. However, only a few of the results are successfully exported to the table. The related code and result are shown below.
enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description here
I am looking for where it went wrong. Thanks!

You did not share the code that is writing the results to Excel which might be the reason for the problem. However, another possibility is that you have to turn off allowing parallel evaluations under Advanced.


Chart is not visible in Parameter Variation Experiment page in AnyLogic

I created the parameter variation experiment to observe the changes in model outcome by changing specific parameter "ContactRateInfectious" values. Once I set the parameter values and Create default UI, no chart appeared. The image of my experiment page is given below.
I was expecting to see a chart that looked like this:
Let me know how can I achieve this.
Thank you.
You open the AnyLogic example models
You search for "Parameter Variation"
You open the first model you find (hint: it is called "Bass diffusion")
You copy the chart over
You figure out how they fill the chart from the model runs (see the Param-Var experiment properties in the example model)
You adapt it to your model
Done :)

PyQGIS: change expression for datadefined symbology

I have a QGIS project that displays calculation results on a map. There are several vector layers, each with >100 calculated fields. The way the data should be visualised is very similar for all these layers/fields. I try to write a script that duplicates a template layer, and changes the expressions for the symbology according to the selected fieldname.
Below is a screenshot of the properties I try to access (if I were to change them using the UI).
How do I access/change the expressions of the line width and line offset of a graduated symbology in PyQGIS?
In case someone else runs into this issue.
I solved it using a workaround. I saved the style of the source layer to a qml-file, for the duplicated layers I create a temporary copy of the qml-file, do a search-and-replace on the qml-file and apply this to the new layer using
Hope this helps:

Error during model startup root: Could not setup the parameter: because of: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException:

Currently I am running a model that's read values from Excel spread sheet. The delay value in second linked to parameter which obtain the value from excel sheet 1.
The link between the excel and parameters are working. Moreover, running the model without parameter seems to be working. Can anyone point out what is the error and how can I solve it?
Extra variables was introduced in excel sheet which code trying to assign it to blocks. I have deleted the unwanted variables from Excel sheet and it worked.

Selection problems after Bio Format Importer, czi and zvi Files, ImageJ

Hello I'm using ImageJ to analyse -czi and -zvi files. I'm using an automatic selection with "create selection" or "analyze particle"s. It's working well when openening/importing the files with ImageJ. But when I try to use the Bio-Format importer Plugin with the same pictures, it's not working. Not my intended ROIS are selected but the background or even nothing. With using the plugin something about the parameters of the picture changes and I don't know what it is or how to undo it. Does somebody has an idea?
One of the Solutions I realised is a Change of scale. My original files use pixels, whereas the BioFormat importer converts the scale into microns.
Analyze--> Set Scale... --> Click to remove scale or changing the scale solves one part of the problem.
For a macro following code restores the scale:
run("Set Scale...", "distance=0 known=0 pixel=1 unit=pixel");
Still somethng about the colour values changes, I can't find, create selection is still not working properly.

Stacking Filters Weka Explorer

Hi I'm new to Weka and using the explorer to try to do some text classification.
I have a training set which I have tested using the "word to string vector filter" and an "attribute selection" filter. However I want to be able to test the classifier on unseen data and so have tried using the "supplied test set option". After reading around I realise that the word to string vector filter has to be applied at the same time to both sets so I have used the "Filtered Classifier" option and proceeded to do this. However I cannot seem to apply the Attribute Selection filter as well??
If I am going about this the wrong way please let me know? Or if there is an option to apply or stack multiple filters when classifying that'd be great. Cheers
You have to chain filters (StringToWordVector and AttributeSelection) using MultiFilter, they behave as a single filter you can put into a FilteredClassifier. Check a detailed tutorial at Text Mining in WEKA Revisited: Selecting Attributes by Chaining Filters.