Material-ui: Can I resize datepicker height? - material-ui

I'm now woking on Material-ui datepicker and I want to make height of datepicker smaller.
I tried giving the "size" prop of TextField or IconButton of a datepicker as "small", but it didn't work the way I intended to. I want to resize the height like sx={{height: '35px'}}, not using the "size" prop. Can anyone help me with this problem?

TextField is made up of different parts.
You need to select the input tag inside it.
<TextField sx={{ "& .MuiInputBase-input": { height: "100px" } }} />
See this for another example.


how to position MUI tooltip dynamically inside a container dynamically so that when the element is near the edge of the container it does not overflow

enter image description here
For example—
in this image when i hover on the button (click) on the left side, the tooltip is going out of the red bordered container.
same thing happens for the right side button.
i want to change the tooltip position dynamically so that it stays inside the container for both the cases.
p.s - new to stackoverflow. If anything is wrong please pardon.
thanks in advance.
<button> click </button>
this is code for the MUI tooltip.i tried to look for props that can help me with this but failed.
You can do this by accessing the PopperProps in the Tooltip component.
The documentation for this is a little buried, but Tooltip has access to all MUI Popper component properties, which contain the popperOptions. Within the API properties definitions for the Popper component, MUI refers you to popper.js docs. These docs will then tell you how you can apply PopperProps to get different behaviors. Check out for further info.
const boundingElement = useRef();
title="Tooltip Tooltip Tooltip Tooltip Tooltip"
popperOptions: {
modifiers: [
name: "preventOverflow",
options: {
boundary: boundingElement.current
<div>Tooltip Hover Div</div>

ZK Hide the Input Field of Datebox

How can I hide the input field of Datebox?
I've tried to set the width to "0px", but the input field still visible.
Do you mean you just want to show the calendar icon?
visibility: hidden;
You can add width:20px to make it smaller.

jquery chosen not showing the selection option in dropdown

When jquery chosen's height is adjusted using the code
.chosen-results {
height: 82px;
It does not calculates the height correctly and when u select options inside it using keyboard, options are not shown. How can I fix it?
1) Click on select box
2) Click Down key multiple times
3) When Val-4 will be highlight, it will not be visible in container
Ok Found the solution I need to set max-height
.chosen-results {
max-height: 82px;

DAY CQ5.4 xtype Dropdown

Day cq5
how do i change the width of a dropdown in cq. Cuerrently it has a fixed width of around 279px, To get a dropdown i specified the type as select and xtype as selection.
The selection widget has a width property that you should be able to set to the width you want. If you haven't already tried that I'd obviously start there...

Styling select menu from inheriting input fields?

Is there a way to inherit the styling of a <select></select> from the input fields within the same <form> tag? Such as width, height, border color, etc?
Figured that I can't do it except adding select in the selector
Thanks guys!