emacs not working properly on ubuntu 2004 - emacs

I reinstall emacs28 on ubuntu 2004,and success. But run emacs in bsh, the windows as follows:
I have delete .emacs.d directory from user home before reinstall emacs. I use spacemacs configuration.
What's the problem? Thank you reply!


Strange vscode issue in WSL

I've been trying to set up the vscode code . shortcut to work in WSL. Following the instructions from the vscode website, I reinstalled vscode in windows, reinstalled the Remote-Wsl extension, made sure it was in my System Path, and tried running code . in the WSL linux distro terminal. I get the message instructing me to install it on the windows side, and asking me if I want to continue. I hit yes, but it doesn't create the code server folder in my home directory. Typing code . again does the same thing.
Does anyone know why this may be?
This is the output text:
To use Visual Studio Code with the Windows Subsystem for Linux, please install Visual Studio Code in Windows and uninstall the Linux version in WSL. You can then use the code command in a WSL terminal just as you would in a normal command prompt.
Do you want to continue anyway? [y/N]
The error message isn't just pointing out that you need to install the Windows version, but it indicates that you have the Linux version installed in WSL and should remove it.
From that, it sounds like at some point you may have installed the Linux version of VSCode in WSL, and that one is taking priority. You'll need to uninstall it in order to run the Windows version of VSCode with the "Remote - WSL" extension.
You don't mention what distribution you are running, but if it is Ubuntu, try:
sudo apt remove code # or
sudo apt remove code-insiders
Also see the uninstall doc from Microsoft.

Removing emacs prelude package

I installed prelude with curl before realizing that the OSX version of emacs is too old for prelude. Now I can't find any documentation on how to remove it and I'm hesitant to just start deleting files in my emacs folder that have the word 'prelude' in them. Is there a command to remove this?
The simplest way is to ask prelude where it is installed. Try this (even if emacs does not fully load all prelude):
ESC-x describe-variable prelude-dir
It will tell you where prelude is being loaded from.
I use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and solved this problem this morning. Here what I do:
cd home/yourusrname
find .emacs and .emacs.d, if not. press Cril + h.
You will also see 2 files named like .emacs-pre-prelude.. and .emacs- pre-prelude.tgz .These are your .emacs and .emacs.d before you install prelude.
del .emacs and .emacs.d
rename .emacs-pre-prelude as .emacs
tar .emacs.d-pre-prelude.tgz find the .emacs.d in it and mv it to your /home/yourusrname/. restart emacs.

Uninstall Spacemacs

I'm trying to install Emacs via Homebrew. Having done this and aliased to my apps folder, I found that when I ran Emacs it came up Spacemacs. I did them remember the system had Spacemacs installed a few years ago. So, I uninstalled Emacs, removed the emacs folders. Now, Homebrew shows no installation of Emacs. However, when I run emacs in the terminal, I still get Spacemacs.
How do I completely remove Spacemacs so I can install "vanilla" Emacs?
I thought I'd look at where Spacemacs is installed and did a "whereis emacs", but nothing but the prompt was returned.
Remove or rename ~/emacs.d folder. Spacemacs is not a different emacs, it's a different way of initializing emacs. The initialization files are in ~/emacs.d.
I realised that Spacemacs was a layer of Emacs. I needed to delete the .spacemacs folder in my user directory. Once done Emacs showed up as vanilla.
To completely remove emacs, I also searched for "emacs" and it found some folders in various bin directories. Once all of this was removed my system was ready for a vanilla emacs installation.
First, check where your emacs loads its configurations. Probably from ~/.emacs.d.
Then, remove the folder or just rename it.
Finally, restart emacs
As of spacemacs, there is another file named .spacemacs, it usually dwells in your home folder. If you remove/rename ~/.emacs.d and do nothing about .spacemacs,emacs will not read .spacemacs.

elpy with Winpython: how to configure?

I'm trying to setup elpy for emacs on my windows system, on which I'm using Winpython 3.4.3.
I have installed all the dependencies such as rope, flake8, etc... using pip. When I type M-x elpy-config in emacs, I get "Neither easy_install nor pip found".
If I run (executable-find "python") then I get the correct path to my Winpython installation.
What might be the problem?
On Windows 7 with Emacs 24.5 and Python 2.7 it worked for me to include the actual directory containing pip (Scripts) in the exec-path; using M-x customize-variable exec-path. Apparently, including just the directory of the python executable was not enough.

Emacs: where is better have the executable file?

After many changes on my Debian Jessie, when I launch the command emacs I receive an error libgnutls.so.26 : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
If I launch instead the command emacs24 everything is allright.
I have emacs in /usr/local/bin
I have emacs24 in /usr/bin.
So, for now I created an alias to launch emacs24 as emacs, but i don't like and, for example, i have to change the git setting to open the default ide cause emacs is not availlable yet.
The question is where is the correct position of the command ? I have to change my PATH ?
Consider that libgnutls.so.26 is not installable from apt.
Thanks for any suggest or advice.
This is very strange, because a simple sudo dnf install emacs should suffice (I use fedora, so you probably use apt-get instead of dnf). Maybe it is best to just reinstall emacs (backup your .emacs to be safe) using apt-get? Anyhow, in fedora the emacs executable is located at /usr/bin/emacs (which is also the one used in the terminal when you use the emacs command).