Aws ECS Fargate enforce readonlyfilesystem - amazon-ecs

I need to enforce on ECS Fargate services 'readonlyrootFileSystem' to reduce Security hub vulnerabilities.
I thought it was an easy task by just setting it true in the task definition.
But it backfired as the service does not deploy because the commands in the dockerfile are not executed because they do not have access to folders and also this is incompatible with ssm execute commands, so I won't be able to get inside the container.
I managed to set the readonlyrootFileSystem To true and have my service back on by mounting a volume. To do I mounted a tmp volume that is used by the container to install dependencies at start and a data volume to store data (updates).
So now according to the documentation the security hub vulnerability should be fixed as the rule needs that variable not be False but still security hub is flagging the task as non complaint.
---More update---
the task definition of my service spins also a datadog image for monitoring. That also needs to have its filesystem as readonly to satisfy security hub.
Here I cannot solve as above because datadog agent needs access to /etc/ folder and if I mount a volume there I will lose files and the service wont' start.
is there a way out of this?
Any ideas?

In case someone stumbles into this.
The solution (or workaround, call it as you please), was to set readonlyrootFileSystem True for both container and sidecard (datadog in this case) and use bind mounts.
The rules for monitoring ECS using datadog can be found here
The bind mount that you need to add for your service depend on how you have setup your dockerfile.
in my case it was about adding a volume for downloading data.
Moreover since with readonly FS ECS exec (SSM) does not work, if you want this you also have to add mounts: if added two mounts in /var/lib/amazon and /var/log/amazon. This will allow to have ssm (docker exec basically into your container)
As for datadog, I just needed to fix the mounts so that the agent could work. In my case, since it was again a custom image, I mounted a volume on /etc/datadog-agent.
happy days!


Discover AWS ECS cluster association from running container (self managed cluster)

I'm working with ECS with self managed EC2 based clusters. We have 1 cluster for each env, dev/stage/prod
I'm struggling to have my containers in ECS be aware of what cluster / environment they start in so that on task start up time they can properly configure themselves without having to bake the env specific config into the images.
It would be really easy if there was some command to run inside the container that could return the cluster name. It seems like that should be easy. I can think of a few sub optimal ways to do this. get the container/host IP and look up the instance. Try to grab /etc/ecs/ecs.config from the host instance etc...
It seems like there should be a better way. my google skills are failing... thx!
The ECS Task Metadata endpoint, available at ${ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4}/task within any ECS task, will return the cluster name, among other things.
Alternatively, if you were using an IaC tool such as Terraform or CloudFormation to build your ECS tasks, it would be trivial to inject the cluster name as an environment variable in the tasks.
Mark B's answer is better but before I got that I found this solution:
Add ECS_ENABLE_CONTAINER_METADATA=true to the /etc/ecs/ecs.config file on the ec2 host and you will have access to the ecs.config file as well as having the file available as and env var. See:
[Ecs Container Metadata File][1]
I think Mark's answer is better b/c this solution involves editing the userdata script for the host instances

How can a file inside a pod be copied to the outside?

I have an audit pod, which has logic to generate a report file. Currently, this file is present in the pod itself. I have only one pod having only one replica.
I know, I can run kubectl cp to copy those files from my pod. This command has to be executed on the Kubernetes node itself, but the task is to copy the file from the pod itself due to many restrictions.
I cannot use a Persistent Volume due to restrictions. I checked the Kubernetes API, but couldn't find anything by which I can do a copy.
Is there another way to copy that file out of the pod?
This is a community wiki answer posted to sum up the whole scenario and for better visibility. Feel free to edit and expand on it.
Taking under consideration all the mentioned restrictions:
not supposed to use the Kubernetes volumes
no cloud storage
pod names not accessible to your user
no sidecar containers
the only workaround for your use case is the one you currently use:
the dynamic PV with the annotations."": keep
use PVCs and explicitly mention the user to not to delete the
If any one has a better idea. Feel free to contribute.

How to mimic Docker ability to pre-populate a volume from a container directory with Kubernetes

I am migrating my previous deployment made with docker-compose to Kubernetes.
In my previous deployment, some containers do have some data made at build time in some paths and these paths are mounted in persistent volumes.
Therefore, as the Docker volume documentation states,the persistent volume (not a bind mount) will be pre-populated with the container directory content.
I'd like to achieve this behavior with Kubernetes and its persistent volumes, How can I do ? Do I need to add some kind of logic using scripts in order to copy my container's files to the mounted path when data is not present the first time the container starts ?
Possibly related question: Kubernetes mount volume on existing directory with files inside the container
I think your options are
ConfigMap (are "some data" configuration files?)
Init containers (as mentioned)
CSI Volume Cloning (clone combining an init or your first app container)
there used to be a gitRepo; deprecated in favour of init containers where you can clone your config and data from
HostPath volume mount is an option too
An NFS volume is probably a very reasonable option and similar from an approach point of view to your Docker Volumes
Storage type: NFS, iscsi, awsElasticBlockStore, gcePersistentDisk and others can be pre-populated. There are constraints. NFS probably the most flexible for sharing bits & bytes.
The subPath might be of interest too depending on your use case and
PodPreset might help in streamlining the op across the fleet of your pods

Is it possible to add/modify kubernetes container spec based on clusterwide setting

I have a kubernetes-based application that uses an operator to build and deploy containers in pods. Sometimes I'd like to run containers in privileged mode to enable performance tracing, but since I'm not deploying the pod/containers directly from a manifest, I cannot simply add privileged mode and the debugfs filesystem mount.
That leaves me to fork the operator code, change where it builds the container spec, and redeploy with the modified operator. Doable, but awkward.
So my question is, is it possible to impose additional attributes to be added to container specs based on some clusterwide setting, either before pods are deployed by the operator? Or to modify the container spec after deployment? I tried that with kubectl edit pod mypod, but that didn't work.
This is on a physical cluster installed with kubespray.
There are three things to consider:
Your operator can create a controller (e.g. Deployment) instead of Pod, which allows modifications in the Pod Spec area, thus triggering Deployment's rollout (see rolling update strategy).
Use MutatingAdmissionWebhook
so before creating the Pod, its manifest would be modified/overwritten on the fly.
More info regarding MutatingAdmissionWebhook can be found here and here.
A workaround solution in a form of modifying the supply spec -> swapping the pod-a.
More about this was discussed here.
Please let me know if any of the above helped.

Does Kubernetes provide a colocated Job container?

I wonder how would one implement a colocated auxiliary container in a Pod within a Deployment which does not provide a service but rather a job/batch workload?
Background of my questions is, that I want to deploy a scalable service at which each instance needs configuration after its start. This configuration is done via a HTTP POST to its local colocated service instance. I've implemented a auxiliary container for this in order to benefit from the feature of colocation. So the auxiliary container always knows which instance needs to be configured.
Problem is, that the restartPolicy needs to be defined at the Pod level. I am looking for something like restart policy always for the service and a different restart policy onFailurefor the configuration job.
I know that k8s provides the Job resource for such workloads. But is there an option to colocate those jobs to Pods?
Furthermore I've stumbled across the so called init containers which might be defined via annotations. But these suffer the drawback, that k8s ensures that the actual Pod is only started after the init container did run. So for my very scenario it seems unsuitable.
As I understand you need your service running to configure it.
Your solution is workable and you can set restartPolicy: always you just need a way to tell your one off configuration container that it already ran. You could create and attach an emptyDir volume to your configuration container, create a file on it to mark your configuration successful and check for this file from your process. After your initialization you enter sleep in a loop. The downside is that some resources will be taken up by that container too.
Or you can just add an extra process in the same container and do the configuration (maybe with the file mentioned above as a guard to avoid configuring twice). So write a simple shell script like this and run it instead of your main process:
[ -f /mnt/guard-vol/stamp ] && exit 0
/opt/my-config-process parameters && touch /mnt/guard-vol/stamp
) &
exec /opt/my-main-process "$#"
Alternatively you could implement a separate pod that queries the kubernetes API for pods of your service with label configured=false. Configure it and remove the label with the API. You should also modify your Service to select configured=true pods.