How to access " Files on system" through Android Emulator...? - android-emulator

I've installed an android emulator to watch videos on pc which are supported on android but not on system...
And I have my files on system, but the emulator can't access the files on system and we can't share files to that emulator through any way...
what's the solution...?
I want access to system files in emulator or a way to share files to that emulator without internet!


available devices and emulators in the Flutter project

I want to run Flutter but the emulation I installed is not available in vs code. When I run the emulator, the emulator comes up, but the program does not run in it, only the programs run in Android Studio run in it.
I suggest you delete your emulator from avd folder and then create one again.
Also, try to run the project after running the emulator in android studio. Completely delete the folder of the installed emulator.
The emulator's folder is generally: USER/USERNAME/.android/avd

Nativescript project running with Visual Studio Emulator

I have a Nativescript application that I'm developing using VS Code and have no issues when I try to run it using the Nativescript launch configurations from the Nativescript extension, when I'm using a real device connected with USB or when I use one of the android-sdk emulators.
Now I need to run Hyper-V on the machine too and those emulators cannot run when hypervisor is on. So I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Android Emulator which runs fine when I launch it manually.
Problem is that the nativescript project doesn't recognize this device either with tns device or adb devices commands and if I try to launch the application from VS Code it tries to launch one of the other emulators, which obviously fails due to the hypervisor/Intel Haax incompatibility.
Did any of you had this problem before and have any solutions you can share?
Microsoft MSDN say :
If the emulator is running, but it does not appear to be connected to ADB or it does not appear in Android tools that make use of ADB (for example, Android Studio or Eclipse), you may need to adjust where the emulator looks for ADB.
The emulator uses a registry key to identify the base location of your Android SDK, and looks for the \platform-tools\adb.exe file under that directory.
Here We Go!! Step By Step ;)
Copy Your ANDROID SDK PATH for me it look like this :
To modify the Android SDK path used by the emulator:
Open Registry Editor by selecting Run from the Start buttons context menu, typing regedit in the dialog box, and choosing OK.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Android SDK Tools in the folder tree on the left.
Note : if Android SDK Tools folder doesn't exist, Create it under WOW6432Node, And open it, And Create a String Value name it Path:)
Modify the Path registry variable to match the path to your Android SDK.
Restart the emulator and you should now be able to see the emulator connected to ADB and associated Android tools.
Now! Open Your Terminal (CMD), and Run ADB command
adb devices -l
YES YES !! The Visual Studio Emulator is running, and connected to ADB!
Now We Want To Create A Demo App (for example FIRSTZAKI) ZAKI is my nickname :p
On Terminal (CMD) :
tns create FIRSTZAKI
Choose Android Platform
tns platform add android
Check if VS EMULATOR is ready!
tns devices
Finally Step (RUN/BUILD) :
tns run android
WOW ... Great :)
AND .. Good Luck ♥ — ZAKI

Can't connect target emulator in webOS TV

I have installed sdk with ide for webOS TV. I have installed emulator and run it before running webOS TV IDE. However doesn't matter how I try I can't connect to emulator devices. I have the following error:
First, you must run the .vbox file (LG_webOS_TV_Emulator) from Emulator installed directory folder.
If you are using windows OS for example, directory
C:webOS_TV_SDK\Emulator\v3.00\ (.vbox) file
then you can connect to emulator
I run into the same problem, cannot connect the emulator into the IDE. So I've tried to skip this step.
First I've exported my project into .ipk file and then using the "menu" button on the emulated remote control, installed it directly via "App Manager". App was working fine this way.
Funnily enough, after this "workaround" the connection error was somehow fixed within the IDE.

How to get Samsung Smart TV Emulator to see my app?

I'm just getting started on Samsung Smart TV development, and so far my first baby step has been a big failure.
I am running Linux, and because I already have Eclipse installed and configured for Android development, I haven't had success in getting the Smart TV SDK installed and working. However, encouraged by How to build & deploy a Samsung SmartTV app without the IDE (e.g: on Linux), I have decided to go forward without it.
I do have the VirtualBox emulator running, however. So right now, I have built a basic app from the example here:
And would like to see if I can just get it to start up on my emulator.
If I understand correctly, I need to take the directory structure of my app (with config.xml, index.html, and the Resources, JavaScript and CSS folders), package it into a .zip, and drop it in the "Apps" folder I have shared with the emulator. But when I do that, if I go to the emulator, refresh it, and hit "Open App", I am presented with an empty App list.
I know that the emulator is seeing the Apps folder, because if I put a subdirectory in it, then that directory shows in the Apps list in the emulator. But it's not showing the .zip file for my app.
I have been scouring the web for any useful information, but all tutorials just say something along the lines of "now test the app in your emulator to make sure it works. Now on to deployment...". Nobody gives any information on how to test the app in the emulator.
Can someone please shine some light on this for me?
Unzip your app in the app folder it should look like this
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\index.html
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\config.xml
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\other files and folders

How to deploy the android application to emulator like Application Deployment of WP7

I have developed the Hello World Android application using Eclipse. I can run the application in the android emulator through this eclipse. But i want to run the apk files using Android emulator without opening the Eclipse(like WP7 xap files are running through Application Deployment Software without opening the VisualStudio). How to do this?
I have used the following procedure.
Procedure to run the apk files in Android Emulator without opening the Eclipse:
Check your installed directory(ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools), whether it has the adb.exe or not).
If not present in this folder, then download the attachment here, extract the zip files. You will get adb files, copy and paste those three files inside tools folder
Run AVD manager from C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk and start the Android Emulator.
Copy and paste the apk file inside the C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools
Go to Start -> Run -> cmd
Type cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\tools”
Type adb install example.apk
After getting success command
Go to Application icon in Android emulator, we can see the your application
Thank you.