Get polymorphic model with spring boot, mongodb and kotlin - mongodb

I am saving a polymorphic model using mongoDB, and the data is saved perfectly, for example.
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY, property = "type", visible = true)
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = B::class, name = "test_a"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = C::class, name = "test_b")
data class Base(
val list:List<A>? = null
open class A(
val type: String? = null
data class B : A(
val value: String? = null
data class C : A(
val values: List<String>? = null
the data is reflected in the database as follows
"type": "type a",
"value": "test"
"type": "type b",
"values": [
"test 1",
"test 2"
but when i try to get the data from mongo db it returns it but without the attributes of child classes B and C.
"type": "type a"
"type": "type b"
I am getting the data using mongoRepository with this annotation.
#Query("{'id' : ?0 }")
fun findById(#Param("id") id: String): Base?
Do you know what could be happening?


Extracting list from avro record and converting to new record

I am trying to extract the following avro record
"StateName": "Alabama",
"Capital": "Montgomery",
"Counties": [{
"CountyName": "Baldwin",
"CountyPopulation": 200000,
"Cities": [{
"CityName": "Daphne",
"CityPopulation": 20000
"CityName": "Foley",
"CityPopulation": 14000
}, {
"CountyName": "Calhoun",
"CountyPopulation": 100000,
"Cities": [{
"CityName": "Anniston",
"CityPopulation": 23000
"CityName": "Glencoe",
"CityPopulation": 5000
and modify them and create new individual record like this(Extract each county and create new records based on county like this)
"StateName": "Alabama",
"Capital": "Montgomery",
"CountyName": "Baldwin",
"CountyPopulation": 200000,
"Cities": [{
"CityName": "Daphne",
"CityPopulation": 20000
"CityName": "Foley",
"CityPopulation": 14000
I am trying to extract the records using the json4s. Taken the reference from
val StateName = avroRecord.get("StateName").asInstanceOf[Utf8].toString
val Capital = avroRecord.get("Capital").asInstanceOf[Utf8].toString
val CountyArray = avroRecord.get("Counties").toString
val jsonData = parse(CountyArray, useBigDecimalForDouble = true)
val CountyList = jsonData match {
case JArray(_) =>
case JObject(_) =>
Custom serializer
implicit val formats: Formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) + new TestSerializer
class TestSerializer extends CustomSerializer[CountyArrayRecord](format => (
{ case jsonObj: JObject =>
val countyName = (jsonObj \ "CountyName").extract[String]
val countyPopulation = (jsonObj \ "CountyPopulation").extract[Int]
val cities = (jsonObj \ "Cities").extract[List[GenericRecord]]
CountyArrayRecord(countyName, countyPopulation, cities)
Once extracted trying to create list new records using avro4s.Taken reference from this
val returnList = { CountyListRecord =>
val record = FinalCountyRecord (StateName, Capital, CountyListRecord.CountyName, CountyListRecord.CountyPopulation, CountyListRecord.Cities)
val format = RecordFormat[FinalCountyRecord]
But this does not seem to work since county list has another list(Cities) inside.

How to parse list of dictionaries as string in scala?

I am trying to parse list of dictionaries(which is in string) inside scala. Basically i want to build another list so that i can traverse through the list using a for loop.
When i have one single list of dictionaries it works fine.
class CC[T] { def unapply(a:Any):Option[T] = Some(a.asInstanceOf[T]) }
object M extends CC[Map[String, Any]]
object A extends CC[List[Any]] //for s3
object I extends CC[Double]
object S extends CC[String]
object E extends CC[String]
object F extends CC[String]
object G extends CC[Map[String, Any]]
val jsonString =
"index": 1,
"source": "a",
"name": "v",
"s3": [{
"path": "s3://1",
"bucket": "p",
"key": "r"
val result = for {
Some(M(map)) <- List(JSON.parseFull(jsonString))
//L(text) = map("text")
//M(texts) <- text
I(index) = map("index")
S(source) = map("source")
N(name) = map("name")
G(s3data) <- s3q
F(path) = s3data("path")
} yield {
But when i aded another list, it gives error stating "java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.collection.immutable.$colon$colon cannot be cast to scala.collection.immutable.Map"
class CC[T] { def unapply(a:Any):Option[T] = Some(a.asInstanceOf[T]) }
object M extends CC[Map[String, Any]]
object A extends CC[List[Any]] //for s3
object I extends CC[Double]
object S extends CC[String]
object E extends CC[String]
object F extends CC[String]
object G extends CC[Map[String, Any]]
val jsonString =
"index": 1,
"source": "a",
"name": "v",
"s3": [{
"path": "s3://1",
"bucket": "p",
"key": "r"
"index": 1,
"source": "a",
"name": "v",
"s3": [{
"path": "s3://1",
"bucket": "p",
"key": "r"
val result = for {
Some(M(map)) <- List(JSON.parseFull(jsonString))
//L(text) = map("text")
//M(texts) <- text
I(index) = map("index")
S(source) = map("source")
N(name) = map("name")
G(s3data) <- s3q
F(path) = s3data("path")
} yield {

Representing a product to store in mongo using ReactiveMongo library

I am trying to model a product for my mongodb collection "products".
So it looks like this:
"_id": "abc123",
"sku": "sku123",
"name": "some product name",
"description": "this is a description",
"specifications": {
"name" : "name1",
"metadata": [
{"name1": "value1"},
{"name2": "value2"},
So my case classes would look like:
case class Product(
id: String,
sku: String,
name: String,
description: String,
specifications: Specification
case class Specification(
name: String,
metadata: Metadata
case class Metadata(
kvp: Map[String, String]
So now I will have to create handlers for each type Product, Specification and Metadata so when data is read/written to mongo it will perform the correct data mapping?
How will I map the Metadata case class, a little confused?
As indicated in the documentation, the Reader/Writer can be simply generated most of the time.
import reactivemongo.api.bson._
// Add in Metadata companion object to be in default implicit scope
implicit val metadataHandler: BSONDocumentHandler[Metadata] = Macros.handler
// Add in Specification companion object to be in default implicit scope
implicit val specHandler: BSONDocumentHandler[Specification] = Macros.handler
// Add in Product companion object to be in default implicit scope
implicit val productHandler: BSONDocumentHandler[Product] = Macros.handler
Then any function using the BSON Reader/Writer typeclasses will accept Product/Specification/Metadata:
id = "X",
sku = "Y",
name = "Z",
description = "...",
specifications = Specification(
name = "Lorem",
metadata = Metadata(Map("foo" -> "bar"))))).foreach { doc: BSONDocument =>
println(BSONDocument pretty doc)
/* {
'id': 'X',
'sku': 'Y',
'name': 'Z',
'description': '...',
'specifications': {
'name': 'Lorem',
'metadata': {
'kvp': {
'foo': 'bar'
} */

creating settings of index using elastic4s

I have some class:
class SomeClass(val client: ElasticClient, val config: Config, val configName: String)(implicit val ec: ExecutionContext)
extends ElasticSearchRepositoryWrapper[AnotherClass]{
override def mapping: Option[MappingDefinition] = Some(
BasicField("order", "long"),
I'm creating an index with repository.createIndexIfNotExists() using this mapping.
Now I must create ngram_analyzer in my index settings:
"settings": {
"index": {
"analysis": {
"analyzer": {
"ngram_analyzer": {
"filter": [
"tokenizer": "my_tokenizer"
"tokenizer": {
"my_tokenizer": {
"token_chars": [
"min_gram": "3",
"type": "ngram",
"max_gram": "3"
How can I do that using elastic4s?
OK. A lot of functions of createIndexIfNotExists() were deprecated. So, I used CreateIndexRequest where I put my analyzer:
CreateIndexRequest(repository.indexName, analysis = Option(ngramAnalyzer), mapping = repository.mapping)
And I initialized my analyzer like this:
val ngramAnalyzer = Analysis(
name = "ngram_analyzer",
tokenizer = "ngram",
charFilters = Nil,
tokenFilters = List("lowercase")

Create custom json definition in play scala

I'm new to Scala and I'm learning Scala and Play Framework:
I'm trying to dynamically create a Json with play/scala starting from a sequence of data named "tables" by using Map(...), List(...) and Json.toJson(...).
My result should be like the code resultCustomJsonData shown below
var resultCustomJsonData = [
text: "Parent 1",
nodes: [
text: "Child 1",
nodes: [
text: "Grandchild 1"
text: "Grandchild 2"
text: "Child 2"
text: "Parent 2"
text: "Parent 3"
text: "Parent 4"
text: "Parent 5"
my scala code is this below:
val customJsonData = Json.toJson( { t => {
"text" ->, "icon" -> "fa fa-cube", "nodes" -> List (
Map( "text" -> "properties" )
but i'm getting this error:
No Json serializer found for type Seq[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,]]. Try to implement an implicit Writes or Format for this type.
Here is a way to do it without using temporary Map:
import play.api.libs.json.Json
val customJsonData = Json.toJson( { t =>
"text" ->,
"icon" -> "fa fa-cube",
"nodes" -> Json.arr(Json.obj("text" -> "properties"))
I think you should try implement custom serializer/writer. Check here.
For example:
implicit val userWrites = new Writes[User] {
def writes(user: User) = Json.obj(
"id" ->,
"email" ->,
"firstName" -> user.firstName,
"lastName" -> user.lastName