Is it possible to implement IValidateSetValuesGenerator for script parameter validation? - powershell

In the example in the powershell documentation you need to implement a class, like:
Class SoundNames : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator { ... }
But, how can you do this in a script based cmdlet? (See "Parameters in scripts" in about_Scripts).
In a script cmdlet the first line must be param( ... ).
Unless "SoundNames" is already defined, then it fails with Unable to find type [SoundNames]
If this type is already defined in the powershell session, this works ... but I'd like a stand-alone script that doesn't require the user do something first to define this type (e.g. dot-sourcing some other file).
I want to define a parameter that accepts only *.txt filenames (for existing files in a specific directory).

You can't do this in a (stand-alone) script, for the reason you state yourself:
The param block (possibly preceded by a [CmdletBinding()] attribute, must be at the very start of the file (leaving using statements aside).
This precludes defining a custom class that implements the IValidateSetValuesGenerator interface for use in your param block.
To work around this limitation, use a [ValidateScript()] attribute:
if (-not (Get-Item -ErrorAction Ignore "$_.txt")) {
throw "$_ is not the (base) name of a *.txt file in the current dir."
return $true
[string] $FileName
Note that this doesn't give you tab-completion the way that IValidateSetValuesGenerator-based validation would automatically give you.
To also provide tab-completion, additionally use an [ArgumentCompleter()] attribute:
if (-not (Get-Item -ErrorAction Ignore "$_.txt")) {
throw "$_ is not the (base) name of a *.txt file in the current dir."
return $true
param($cmd, $param, $wordToComplete)
(Get-Item "$wordToComplete*.txt").BaseName
[string] $FileName


Using ValidateSet with functions or List

I'm trying to do something like this.
The Get-SomeOtherParameter returns a system.Array type list from a database.
I don't want to hardcode my ValidateSet in case the list changes overTime in the database
function Get-SomeItems {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateSet('abc', 'def', 'ghi')]
To complement Start-Automating's helpful answer by spelling out the [ValidateScript({ ... }] and [ArgumentCompleter({ ... }) approaches:
# Function that returns the valid values for the -filter parameter below.
function Get-ValidFilterValues {
# Sample, hard-coded values. This is where your database lookup would happen.
'foo', 'bar'
function Get-SomeItems {
param (
$validValues = Get-ValidFilterValues
if ($_ -in $validValues) { return $true } # OK
throw "'$_' is not a valid value. Use one of the following: '$($validValues -join ', ')'"
param($cmd, $param, $wordToComplete)
(Get-ValidFilterValues) -like "$wordToComplete*"
[ValidateSet('abc', 'def', 'ghi')]
$filter, $filter2 # sample output.
A simpler PowerShell (Core) 7+ alternative is to implement validation via a custom class that implements the System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator interface, which automatically also provides tab-completion:
# Custom class that implements the IValidateSetValuesGenerator interface
# in order to return the valid values for the -filter parameter below.
class ValidFilterValues : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
[string[]] GetValidValues() {
# Sample, hard-coded values. This is where your database lookup would happen.
return 'foo', 'bar'
function Get-SomeItems {
param (
[ValidateSet([ValidFilterValues])] # Pass the custom class defined above.
[ValidateSet('abc', 'def', 'ghi')]
$filter, $filter2 # sample output.
There's two aspects to what you're trying to do:
Making sure the parameter validation is correct
Making the PowerShell experience around it "good" (aka supporting tab completion).
Parameter Validation :
As you might have already noticed [ValidateSet] is a hard-coded list. It's not really possible to soft code this (it is possible to dynamically build your script every time using some other modules, lemme know if you want more of an explainer for this).
To make the Validation work without [ValidateSet], I'd suggest [ValidateScript({})]. [ValidateScript] will run whatever script is in ValidateScript to ensure the script is valid. If the [ValidateScript()] throws, the user will see that message when they pass an invalid value in.
Tab-Completion :
To make it feel easy, you'll also want to add support for tab completion.
This is fairly straightforward using the [ArgumentCompleter] attribute.
Here's an example copied / pasted from a module called LightScript
param ( $commandName,
$fakeBoundParameters )
$effectNames = #(Get-NanoLeaf -ListEffectName |
Select-Object -Unique)
if ($wordToComplete) {
$toComplete = $wordToComplete -replace "^'" -replace "'$"
return #($effectNames -like "$toComplete*" -replace '^', "'" -replace '$',"'")
} else {
return #($effectNames -replace '^', "'" -replace '$',"'")
This ArgumentCompleter does a few things:
Calls some other command to get a list of effects
If $wordToComplete was passed, finds all potential completions (while stripping off whitespace and enclosing in quotes)
If $WordToComplete was not passed, puts each potential completion in quotes
Basically, all you should need to change are the command names / variables to make this work.
Hope this Helps

PowerShell -Confirm only once per function call

I'm obviously trying to do something wrong, so hoping someone can help since it seems easy and it is probably an easy mistake. Basically I am writing a little script to create new folders and I want to include -Confirm, but I want it to basically ask ONCE if the user wants to continue, instead of asking for each nested folder that is created.
Here's what I have so far
function Create-NewFolderStructure{
param (
$LiteralPath = (Get-Location),
$inputFile = "zChildDirectoryNames.txt"
process {
$here = $LiteralPath
$directories = Get-Content -LiteralPath "$($here)\$($inputFile)"
If (-not (Test-Path -Path "$($here)\$($NewFolderName)")){
$directories | ForEach-Object {New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "$($here)\$($NewFolderName)" -Name $_}
Else {
Write-Host "A $($NewFolderName) folder already exists"
end {
The issue is that if I use -Confirm when calling my function, or directly at New-Item - I end up getting the confirmation prompt for every single 'child folder' that is being created. Even with the first prompt, saying "Yes to all" doesn't suppress future prompts
In order to consume the user's answer to the confirmation prompt, you have to actually ask them!
You can do so by calling $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue():
function Create-NewFolderStructure {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
$LiteralPath = (Get-Location),
$inputFile = "zChildDirectoryNames.txt",
process {
if(-not $Force){
$yesToAll = $false
$noToAll = $false
if($PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Do you want to go ahead and create new directory '${NewFolderName}'?", "Danger!", [ref]$yesToAll, [ref]$noToAll)){
$Force = $true
# Replace with actual directory creation logic here,
# pass `-Force` or `-Confirm:$false` to New-Item to suppress its own confirmation prompt
Write-Host "Creating new folder ${NewFolderName}" -ForegroundColor Red
Now, if the user presses [A] ("Yes To All"), we'll remember it by setting $Force to true, which will skip any subsequent calls to ShouldContinue():
PS ~> "folder 1","folder 2"|Create-NewFolderStructure
Do you want to go ahead and create new directory 'folder 1'?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): A
Creating new folder folder 1
Creating new folder folder 2
PS ~>
I'd strongly suggest reading through this deep dive to better understand the SupportsShouldProcess facility: Everything you wanted to know about ShouldProcess
Mathias R. Jessen's helpful answer provides an alternative to using the common -Confirm parameter, via a slightly different mechanism based on a custom -Force switch that inverts the logic of your own attempt (prompt is shown by default, can be skipped with -Force).
If you want to make your -Confirm-based approach work:
Call .ShouldProcess() yourself at the start of the process block, which presents the familiar confirmation prompt, ...
... and, if the method returns $true - indicating that the use confirmed - perform the desired operations after setting a local copy of the $ConfirmPreference preference variable to 'None', so as to prevent the cmdlets involved in your operations to each prompt as well.
function New-FolderStructure {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
[string] $NewFolderName,
[string] $LiteralPath = $PWD,
[string] $InputFile = "zChildDirectoryNames.txt"
# This block is called once, before pipeline processing begins.
begin {
$directories = Get-Content -LiteralPath "$LiteralPath\$InputFile"
# This block is called once if parameter $NewFolderName is bound
# by an *argument* and once for each input string if bound via the *pipeline*.
process {
# If -Confirm was passed, this will prompt for confirmation
# and return `$true` if the user confirms.
# Otherwise `$true` is automatically returned, which also happens
# if '[A] Yes to All' was chosen for a previous input string.
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($NewFolderName)) {
# Prevent the cmdlets called below from *also* prompting for confirmation.
# Note: This creates a *local copy* of the $ConfirmPreference
# preference variable.
$ConfirmPreference = 'None'
If (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath "$LiteralPath\$NewFolderName")) {
$directories | ForEach-Object { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$LiteralPath\$NewFolderName" -Name $_ }
Else {
Write-Host "A $NewFolderName folder already exists"
I've changed your function's name from Create-NewFolderStructure to New-FolderStructure to comply with PowerShell's naming conventions, using the approved "verb" New and streamlined the code in a number of ways.
ValueFromPipeline was added as a property to the $NewFolderName parameter so as to support passing multiple values via the pipeline (e.g.
'foo', 'bar' | New-FolderStructure -Confirm)
Note that the process block is then called for each input string, and will also prompt for each, unless you respond with [A] Yes to All); PowerShell remembers this choice between process calls and makes .ShouldProcess() automatically return $true in subsequent calls; similarly, responding to [L] No to All automatically returns $false in subsequent calls.
The need to set $ConfirmPreference to 'None' stems from the fact that PowerShell automatically translates the caller's use of -Confirm into a function-local $ConfirmPreference variable with value 'Low', which makes all cmdlets that support -Confirm act as if -Confirm had been passed.
.ShouldProcess() does not pick up in-function changes to the value of this $ConfirmPreference copy, so it is OK to set it to 'None', without affecting the prompt logic of subsequent process invocations.

What is the proper way to define a dynamic ValidateSet in a PowerShell script?

I have a PowerShell 7.1 helper script that I use to copy projects from subversion to my local device. I'd like to make this script easier for me to use by enabling PowerShell to auto-complete parameters into this script. After some research, it looks like I can implement an interface to provide valid parameters via a ValidateSet.
Based on Microsoft's documentation, I attempted to do this like so:
param (
#Other params
Class ProjectNames : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
[string[]] GetValidValues() {
# logic to return projects here.
When I run this, it does not auto-complete and I get the following error:
❯ Copy-ProjectFromSubversion.ps1 my-project
InvalidOperation: C:\OneDrive\Powershell-Scripts\Copy-ProjectFromSubversion.ps1:4
Line |
4 | [ValidateSet([ProjectNames])]
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Unable to find type [ProjectNames].
This makes sense since the class isn't defined until after the parameters. So I moved the class above the parameters. Obviously this is a syntax error. So how do I do this? Is it not possible in a simple PowerShell script?
Indeed, you've hit a catch-22: for the parameter declaration to work during the script-parsing phase, class [ProjectNames] must already be defined, yet you're not allowed to place the class definition before the parameter declaration.
The closest approximation of your intent using a stand-alone script file (.ps1) is to use the ValidateScript attribute instead:
param (
{ $_ -in (Get-ChildItem -Directory).Name },
ErrorMessage = 'Please specify the name of a subdirectory in the current directory.'
[String] $ProjectName # ...
[ValidateScript] does not and cannot provide tab-completion: the script block, { ... }, providing the validation is only expected to return a Boolean, and there's no guarantee that a discrete set of values is even involved.
Similarly, you can't reference the dynamically generated set of valid values (as generated inside the script block) in the ErrorMessage property value.
The only way around these limitations would be to duplicate that part of the script block that calculates the valid values, but that can become a maintenance headache.
To get tab-completion you'll have to duplicate the relevant part of the code in an [ArgumentCompleter] attribute:
param (
{ $_ -in (Get-ChildItem -Directory).Name },
ErrorMessage = 'Please specify the name of a subdirectory in the current directory.'
param($cmd, $param, $wordToComplete)
# This is the duplicated part of the code in the [ValidateScipt] attribute.
[array] $validValues = (Get-ChildItem -Directory).Name
$validValues -like "$wordToComplete*"
[String] $ProjectName # ...

How to check command-line parameter from a PowerShell module?

Is there a way to check if a command-line parameter was specified for a PowerShell script from a module (.psm1 file)? I do not need the value, just have to know if the parameter was specified. The $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey method does not seem to work.
function Test-ScriptParameter {
param ()
# This does not work (always returns false):
return $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MyParam')
Export-ModuleMember -Function *
param (
$MyParam= "Default"
$path = Join-Path (Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath -Parent) 'TestParam.psm1'
Import-Module $path -ErrorAction Stop -Force
This must return false:
This must return true:
PS>.\TestParam.psq -MyParam ""
This must return true:
PS>.\TestParam.ps1 -MyParam "Runtime"
It cannot be done like you are thinking about it. The PSBoundParameters variable is native to the cmdlet's execution and as such depends on the param block of the cmdlet's definition. So in your case, the Test-ScriptParameter is checking if it was invoked with the parameter MyParam but since it doesn't specify it, then it will be always false.
To achieve what I believe you want, you need to create a function that checks into a hash structure like the PSBoundParameters for a specific key. The key needs to be provided by name. But then a simple $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('MyParam') wherever you need it should suffice.
The problem with your code is that you are checking the $PSBoundParameters value of the Function itself, which has no parameters.
You could make the function work by sending the $PSBoundParameters variable from the script in to the function via a differently named parameter.
For example:
function Test-ScriptParameter ($BoundParameters) {
return $BoundParameters.ContainsKey('MyParam')
Export-ModuleMember -Function *
param (
$MyParam = "Default"
$path = Join-Path (Split-Path -Path $PSCommandPath -Parent) 'TestParam.psm1'
Import-Module $path -ErrorAction Stop -Force
Test-ScriptParameter $PSBoundParameters

Passing an argument to a powershell script to be used for the Test-Path -include option?

this is my first time asking a question so bear with me. I am teaching myself powershell by writing a few basic maintenance scripts. My question is in regard to a clean up script I am writing which accepts arguments to determine the target directory and files to delete.
The Problem:
The script accepts an optional argument for a list of file extensions to look for when processing the deletion of files. I am trying to test for the existence of the files prior to actually running the delete. I use test-path with the –include parameter to run the check within a ValidateScript block. It works if I pass in a single file extension or no file extensions, however when I try to pass in more than one file extension it fails.
I have tried using the following variations on the code inside the script:
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $targetDirChk -include $_ })]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $targetDirChk -include "$_" })]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $targetDirChk -include ‘$_’ })]
For each of the above possibilities I have run the script from the command line using the following variations for the multi extension file list:
& G:\batch\DeleteFilesByDate.ps1 30 G:\log *.log,*.ext
& G:\batch\DeleteFilesByDate.ps1 30 G:\log “*.log, *.ext”
& G:\batch\DeleteFilesByDate.ps1 30 G:\log ‘*.log, *.ext’
Example of the error message:
chkParams : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'includeList'. The " Test-Path $targetDirChk -include "$_" " validation script for the argument with value "*.log, *.ext" did not return true. Determine why the validation script failed and then try the command again.
At G:\batch\DeleteFilesByDate.ps1:81 char:10
+ chkParams <<<< #args
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [chkParams], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,chkParams
The full script is below. I have not yet added the actual code to delete files, because I am still working on accepting and validating the arguments passed in.
I have searched google and stackoverflow but I have not found a solution to this particular problem. I assume I am either doing something wrong with the code, or there is a better way to accomplish what I want to do.
I should mention that I also tried running the test-path with multiple file extensions outside of the script with no problems:
PS G:\batch\powershell> test-path G:\log\* -include *.log
PS G:\batch\powershell> test-path G:\log\* -include *.log, *.ext
# Check that the proper number of arguments have been supplied and if not provide usage statement.
# The first two arguments are required and the third is optional.
if ($args.Length -lt 2 -or $args.Length -gt 3 ){
#Get the name of the script currently executing.
$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$ScriptInstruction = #"
usage: $ScriptName <Number of Days> <Directory> [File Extensions]
This script deletes files from a given directory based on the file date.
Required Paramaters:
<Number of Days>:
This is an integer representing the number of days worth of files
that should be kept. Anything older than <Number of Days> will be deleted.
This is the full path to the target folder.
Optional Paramaters:
[File Extensions]
This is the set of file extensions that will be targeted for processing.
If nothing is passed all files will be processed.
write-output $ScriptInstruction
#Function to validate arguments passed in.
function chkParams()
HelpMessage="Enter a valid number of days between 1 and 999")]
#Ensure the value passed is between 1 and 999.
HelpMessage="Enter a valid target directory.")]
#Check that the target directory exists.
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})]
HelpMessage="Enter the list of file extensions.")]
#If the parameter is passed, check that files with the passed extension(s) exist.
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $targetDirChk -include "$_" })]
#If no extensions are passed check to see if any files exist in the directory.
if (! $includeList ){
$testResult = Test-path $targetDirChk
if (! $testResult ){
write-output "No files found in $targetDirectory"
if ($args[1].EndsWith('\')){
$targetDirChk = $args[1] + '*'
} else {
$targetDirChk = $args[1] + '\*'
chkParams #args
-Include on Test-Path is a string[]. You probably want to mirror that definition:
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path $targetDirChk -include $_ })]
And drop the "" from there because they will force the argument to be a string and thus trying to match a file that looks like `foo.log blah.ext.
You also have to either put parentheses around that argument when calling the function or remove the space.