How to call an array in stored procedure? - postgresql

May I know on how to call an array in stored procedure? I tried to enclosed it with a bracket to put the column_name that need to be insert in the new table.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE data_versioning_nonull(new_table_name VARCHAR(100),column_name VARCHAR(100)[], current_table_name VARCHAR(100))
language plpgsql
as $$
EXECUTE ('CREATE TABLE ' || quote_ident(new_table_name) || ' AS SELECT ' || quote_ident(column_name) || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(current_table_name));
END $$;
CALL data_versioning_nonull('sales_2019_sample', ['orderid', 'product', 'address'], 'sales_2019');

Using execute format() lets you replace all the quote_ident() with %I placeholders in a single text instead of a series of concatenated snippets. %1$I lets you re-use the first argument.
It's best if you use ARRAY['a','b','c']::VARCHAR(100)[] to explicitly make it an array of your desired type. '{"a","b","c"}'::VARCHAR(100)[] works too.
You'll need to convert the array into a list of columns some other way, because when cast to text, it'll get curly braces which are not allowed in the column list syntax. Demo
It's not a good practice to introduce random limitations - PostgreSQL doesn't limit identifier lengths to 100 characters, so you don't have to either. The default limit is 63 bytes, so you can go way, way longer than 100 characters (demo). You can switch that data type to a regular text. Interestingly, exceeding specified varchar length would just convert it to unlimited varchar, making it just syntax noise.
DBFiddle online demo
CREATE TABLE sales_2019(orderid INT,product INT,address INT);
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE data_versioning_nonull(
new_table_name TEXT,
column_names TEXT[],
current_table_name TEXT)
LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
list_of_columns_as_quoted_identifiers TEXT;
SELECT string_agg(quote_ident(name),',')
INTO list_of_columns_as_quoted_identifiers
FROM unnest(column_names) name;
EXECUTE format('CREATE TABLE %1$I.%2$I AS SELECT %3$s FROM %1$I.%4$I',
END $$;
CALL data_versioning_nonull(
ARRAY['orderid', 'product', 'address']::text[],
Schema awareness: currently the procedure creates the new table in the default schema, based on a table in that same default schema - above I made it explicit, but that's what it would do without the current_schema() calls anyway. You could add new_table_schema and current_table_schema parameters and if most of the time you don't expect them to be used, you can hide them behind procedure overloads for convenience, using current_schema() to keep the implicit behaviour. Demo

First, change your stored procedure to convert selected columns from array to csv like this.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE data_versioning_nonull(new_table_name VARCHAR(100),column_name VARCHAR(100)[], current_table_name VARCHAR(100))
language plpgsql
as $$
EXECUTE ('CREATE TABLE ' || quote_ident(new_table_name) || ' AS SELECT ' || array_to_string(column_name, ',') || ' FROM ' || quote_ident(current_table_name));
END $$;
Then call it as:
CALL data_versioning_nonull('sales_2019_sample', '{"orderid", "product", "address"}', 'sales_2019');


Deleting a row with dynamic SQL in a procedure

How to delete a row in a stored procedure in PostgreSQL with dynamic table and column names?
delete_word will be the one that should be deleted.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE delete_row(tablename VARCHAR(255),columnname VARCHAR(255), delete_word VARCHAR(255))
language plpgsql
as $$
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM ' || quote_ident(tablename) || ' WHERE ' || columnname || ' = ' || quote_ident(delete_word);
END $$;
CALL delete_row('sales_2019','orderid', 'Order ID');
Handling dynamic SQL properly:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE delete_row(tablename text, columnname text, delete_word text)
_sql text := format('DELETE FROM %I WHERE %I = $1', $1, $2);
-- RAISE NOTICE '%', _sql; -- debug first?!
USING delete_word;
CALL delete_row('sales_2019', 'orderid', 'Order ID');
Format specifier for integer variables in format() for EXECUTE?
Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter
How to use variable as table name in plpgsql
Dynamic SQL with format() and EXECUTE is only needed if table and column name must indeed be variable. The answer is a proof of concept for more complex tasks. A simple command like in the example, I would rather just concatenate and execute as plain SQL.
Also using data type text for arguments. varchar(255) does not do anything useful there, and generally tends to be a misunderstanding carried over from other RDBMS. See:
Refactor foreign key to fields

Loop over NEW Record

Writing an audit trigger. Inside the postgresql function I'm trying todo:
'INSERT INTO ' || able_name || ' (' || columns || ') VALUES ' || NEW || ';'
When NEW is turned into string, varchar variables will not have quotes around them. This will cause the insert to fail. Easier would be to turn all the column values of NEW into varchar values, and postgres would automatically cast them into right values - when INSERT is executed.
Can I loop over the NEW record without turning it into json?
Looking around, I couldn't find good resource explaining how to work with Postgres Record type.
If your target table's structure is identical to the new structure, you don't really need to iterate over the columns.
Something like this will work:
create function audit_trigger()
returns trigger
l_columns text;
l_table_name text;
-- this builds the name of the target table dynamicall
l_table_name := tg_table_name||'_audit';
execute format('insert into %I select ($1).*', l_table_name) using new;
return new;
language plpgsql;
Even if you don't want to store the changed data as a JSONB column, you can still use JSON functions to iterate over the columns of the new record if think you need it nevertheless.
The following will store the list of column names of the new record in the variable l_columns:
select string_agg(quote_ident(col), ',')
into l_columns
from jsonb_each_text(to_jsonb(new)) as t(col, val);

How to execute a dynamic query in PostgreSQL?

I am trying to execute the following dynamic sql, but I could not figure out how to do it:
DROP FUNCTION f_mycross(text, text);
RETURNS TABLE ("registration_id" integer, '
|| (SELECT string_agg(DISTINCT pivot_headers, ',' order by pivot_headers)
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT '"' || qid::text || '" text' AS pivot_headers
FROM answers) x)
|| ') AS ''$libdir/tablefunc'',''crosstab_hash'' LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT;')
I am relatively new to PostgreSQL.
Like a_horse commented, EXECUTE is not an SQL command. It's a PL/pgSQL command and can only be used in a function body or DO statement using this procedural language. Like:
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f_mycross(text, text);
RETURNS TABLE (registration_id integer, '
|| string_agg(pivot_header || ' text', ', ')
|| $$) AS '$libdir/tablefunc', 'crosstab_hash' LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT$$
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT quote_ident(qid::text) AS pivot_header FROM answers ORDER BY 1) x
$do$; -- LANGUAGE plpgsql is the default
I added some improvements and simplified the nested SELECT query.
Major points
Add IF EXISTS to DROP FUNCTION unless you are certain the function exists or you want to raise an exception if it does not.
DISTINCT in the subquery is enough, no need for another DISTINCT in the outer SELECT.
Use quote_ident() to automatically double-quote identifiers where necessary.
No parentheses required around the string we feed to EXECUTE.
Simpler nested quoting with $-quotes.
Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL
We can apply ORDER BY in the subquery, which is typically much faster than adding ORDER BY in the outer aggregate function.

Function to return dynamic set of columns for given table

I have a fields table to store column information for other tables:
CREATE TABLE public.fields (
schema_name varchar(100),
table_name varchar(100),
column_text varchar(100),
column_name varchar(100),
column_type varchar(100) default 'varchar(100)',
column_visible boolean
And I'd like to create a function to fetch data for a specific table.
Just tried sth like this:
create or replace function public.get_table(schema_name text,
table_name text,
active boolean default true)
returns setof record as $$
entity_name text default schema_name || '.' || table_name;
r record;
for r in EXECUTE 'select * from ' || entity_name loop
return next r;
end loop;
language plpgsql;
With this function I have to specify columns when I call it!
select * from public.get_table('public', 'users') as dept(id int, uname text);
I want to pass schema_name and table_name as parameters to function and get record list, according to column_visible field in public.fields table.
Solution for the simple case
As explained in the referenced answers below, you can use registered (row) types, and thus implicitly declare the return type of a polymorphic function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_table(_tbl_type anyelement)
RETURN QUERY EXECUTE format('TABLE %s', pg_typeof(_tbl_type));
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT * FROM public.get_table(NULL::public.users); -- note the syntax!
Returns the complete table (with all user columns).
Wait! How?
Detailed explanation in this related answer, chapter
"Various complete table types":
Refactor a PL/pgSQL function to return the output of various SELECT queries
TABLE foo is just short for SELECT * FROM foo:
Is there a shortcut for SELECT * FROM?
2 steps for completely dynamic return type
But what you are trying to do is strictly impossible in a single SQL command.
I want to pass schema_name and table_name as parameters to function and get record list, according to column_visible field in
public.fields table.
There is no direct way to return an arbitrary selection of columns (return type not known at call time) from a function - or any SQL command. SQL demands to know number, names and types of resulting columns at call time. More in the 2nd chapter of this related answer:
How do I generate a pivoted CROSS JOIN where the resulting table definition is unknown?
There are various workarounds. You could wrap the result in one of the standard document types (json, jsonb, hstore, xml).
Or you generate the query with one function call and execute the result with the next:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.generate_get_table(_schema_name text, _table_name text)
SELECT format('SELECT %s FROM %I.%I'
, string_agg(quote_ident(column_name), ', ')
, schema_name
, table_name)
FROM fields
WHERE column_visible
AND schema_name = _schema_name
AND table_name = _table_name
GROUP BY schema_name, table_name
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;
$func$ LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT public.generate_get_table('public', 'users');
This create a query of the form:
SELECT usr_id, usr FROM public.users;
Execute it in the 2nd step. (You might want to add column numbers and order columns.)
Or append \gexec in psql to execute the return value immediately. See:
How to force evaluation of subquery before joining / pushing down to foreign server
Be sure to defend against SQL injection:
INSERT with dynamic table name in trigger function
Define table and column names as arguments in a plpgsql function?
varchar(100) does not make much sense for identifiers, which are limited to 63 characters in standard Postgres:
Maximum characters in labels (table names, columns etc)
If you understand how the object identifier type regclass works, you might replace schema and table name with a singe regclass column.
I think you just need another query to get the list of columns you want.
Maybe something like (this is untested):
create or replace function public.get_table(_schema_name text, _table_name text, active boolean default true) returns setof record as $$
entity_name text default schema_name || '.' || table_name;
r record;
columns varchar;
-- Get the list of columns
SELECT string_agg(column_name, ', ')
INTO columns
FROM public.fields
WHERE fields.schema_name = _schema_name
AND fields.table_name = _table_name
AND fields.column_visible = TRUE;
-- Return rows from the specified table
RETURN QUERY EXECUTE 'select ' || columns || ' from ' || entity_name;
language plpgsql;
Keep in mind that column/table references may need to be surrounded by double quotes if they have certain characters in them.

How to execute a string result of a stored procedure in postgres

I have created the following stored procedure, which basically receives a name of table, and a prefix. The function then finds all columns that share this prefix and returns as an output a 'select' query command ('myoneliner').
as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mytext (mytable text, myprefix text)
RETURNS text AS $myoneliner$
myoneliner text;
SELECT 'SELECT ' || substr(cols,2,length(cols)-2) ||' FROM '||mytable
INTO myoneliner
SELECT array(
SELECT DISTINCT quote_ident(column_name::text)
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = mytable
AND column_name LIKE myprefix||'%'
order by quote_ident
)::text cols
) sub;
RETURN myoneliner;
$myoneliner$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
select mytext('dkj_p_k27ac','enri');
As a result of running this stored procedure and the 'select' that is following it, I get the following output at the Data Output window (all within one cell, named "mytext text"):
'SELECT enrich_d_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_lr_dkj_p_k27ac,enrich_r_dkj_p_k27ac
FROM dkj_p_k27ac'
I would like to basically be able to take the output command line that I received as an output and execute it. In other words, I would like to be able and execute the output of my stored procedure.
How can I do so?
I tried the following:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION mytext (mytable text, myprefix text)
smalltext text;
myoneliner text;
SELECT 'SELECT ' || substr(cols,2,length(cols)-2) ||' FROM '||mytable
INTO myoneliner
SELECT array(
SELECT DISTINCT quote_ident(column_name::text)
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = mytable
AND column_name LIKE myprefix||'%'
order by quote_ident
)::text cols
) sub;
raise notice '%','my additional text '||smalltext;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Call function:
SELECT * from mytext('dkj_p_k27ac','enri');
But I'm getting the following error message, could you please advise what should I change in order for it to execute?:
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
LINE 26: SELECT * from mytext('dkj_p_k27ac','enri');
********** Error **********
ERROR: a column definition list is required for functions returning "record"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 728
Your first problem was solved by using dynamic SQL with EXECUTE like Craig advised.
But the rabbit hole goes deeper:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myresult(mytable text, myprefix text)
smalltext text;
myoneliner text;
SELECT INTO myoneliner
|| string_agg(quote_ident(column_name::text), ',' ORDER BY column_name)
|| ' FROM ' || quote_ident(mytable)
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = mytable
AND column_name LIKE myprefix||'%'
AND table_schema = 'public'; -- schema name; might be another param
smalltext := lower(myoneliner); -- nonsense
RAISE NOTICE 'My additional text: %', myoneliner;
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
Major points
Don't cast the whole statement to lower case. Column names might be double-quoted with upper case letters, which are case-sensitive in this case (no pun intended).
You don't need DISTINCT in the query on information_schema.columns. Column names are unique per table.
You do need to specify the schema, though (or use another way to single out one schema), or you might be mixing column names from multiple tables of the same name in multiple schemas, resulting in nonsense.
You must sanitize all identifiers in dynamic code - including table names: quote_ident(mytable). Be aware that your text parameter to the function is case sensitive! The query on information_schema.columns requires that, too.
I untangled your whole construct to build the list of column names with string_agg() instead of the array constructor. Related answer:
Update multiple columns that start with a specific string
The assignment operator in plpgsql is :=.
Simplified syntax of RAISE NOTICE.
Core problem impossible to solve
All of this still doesn't solve your main problem: SQL demands a definition of the columns to be returned. You can circumvent this by returning anonymous records like you tried. But that's just postponing the inevitable. Now you have to provide a column definition list at call time, just like your error message tells you. But you just don't know which columns are going to be returned. Catch 22.
Your call would work like this:
FROM myresult('dkj_p_k27ac','enri') AS f (
enrich_d_dkj_p_k27ac text -- replace with actual column types
, enrich_lr_dkj_p_k27ac text
, enrich_r_dkj_p_k27ac text);
But you don't know number, names (optional) and data types of returned columns, not at creation time of the function and not even at call time. It's impossible to do exactly that in a single call. You need two separate queries to the database.
You could return all columns of any given table dynamically with a function using polymorphic types, because there is a well defined type for the whole table. Last chapter of this related answer:
Refactor a PL/pgSQL function to return the output of various SELECT queries