how to use qutip in visual studio code? - visual-studio-code

I am a beginner of QuTip (a library of python?) user. I have already installed my qutip in my environment by conda. I can execute simple program in jupyter book but not in VScode. How can I do it in VScode?
What I tried:
import qutip
However the result shows:
AttributeError: partially initialized module 'qutip' has no attribute 'about' (most likely due to a circular import)
I tried executing it by Jupyter book and Anaconda prompt and they work. So why or how can I use it in Visual Studio code?
Note: I open Anaconda prompt, go into my python environment which I install qutip and execute above script.
Note2: I followed the installation steps here:
Note3: In visual studio code, I use command line to call my python environment which I installed qutip (I have set Path variable when I installed Anaconda) and execute above scripts.


Intellisense autocomplete not working for wsl in vscode

I've been setting up vscode as an IDE for python development. I use windows subsystem for linux with my python packages installed through anaconda there.
My problem is that auto completion does not work as expected. For examples, outside of wsl if I am using the numpy package I can get autocompletion:
Autocomplete outside of wsl
However, inside of wsl autocomplete does not find numpy.linalg (as in example above):
Autocomplete inside wsl
Thanks in advance!
edit: I am currently using wsl1 if that information is relavent!
As mentioned by #Adriana Hernández you need to install the extensions inside WSL too.
The VSCode WSL docs are covering these here
In short if you go to the extensions tab, you shall see Python marked with "Install in WSL...". Once clicked install and reloaded, it should work.
If not you likely need to pick another interpreter (likely the one from your venv.)
hit Ctrl+Shift+P then
Python: Select interpreter
then select the desired python interpreter (most likely the one in your venv which has all the packages)
What works for me is creating a venv, activating then launching VSCode from WSL with code .
On the first time you will need to install your extensions to WSL, but then it should be good to go.

Can I run VSCODE in a text-only Linux terminal window similar to the way I run VIM?

I am working on a linux machine my work can benefit from VSCODE.
When I install and try to run VSCODE on an Ubuntu machine, I get this error:
root#ca012294dcc1:/tmp# code --user-data-dir /tmp
To use Visual Studio Code with the Windows Subsystem for Linux, please install Visual Studio Code in Windows and uninstall the Linux version in WSL. You can then use the `code` command in a WSL terminal just as you would in a normal command prompt.
Do you want to continue anyway? [y/N] y
To no longer see this prompt, start Visual Studio Code with the environment variable DONT_PROMPT_WSL_INSTALL defined.
/usr/share/code/bin/../code: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
WSL is out of scope. This is not a WSL senario
Remote SSH is out of scope. I know I can connect over SSH with Visual Studio Code. But I like to replace something like VIM with code
There is no Linux GUI available. Only text mode.
Is what I am trying to do possible?

PATH variable in Visual Studio Code different from Terminal on Mac

The PATH variable in the integrated Terminal in Visual Studio Code is different from the one in the Terminal app. How can I change it?
I'm using the Intel Distribution for Python from Intel oneAPI and I have both the script called and the conda initialize code in my .zshrc. In Mac Terminal I can properly activate conda environments. However, in the integrated Terminal in VSC, the /usr/bin folder is listed before the conda folders, so the system Python interpreted is called.
EDIT: I initially thought that the Intel Distribution for Python had something to do with it, but the same issue occurs with a regular Anaconda distribution.
It looks like that the problem is that Visual Studio Code inherits the PATH from Terminal but somehow it rearranges the order of the folder, and this confuses the Anaconda activation script. Since I couldn't find a solution, I implemented a workaround by adding the following lines to my .zshrc, right after the Anaconda initialization script:
# Workaround for Visual Studio Code integrated terminal
if [[ -v VSCODE_GIT_IPC_HANDLE ]]; then
conda deactivate
conda activate
I am not 100% sure the right behaviour as I don't use a Mac but you might try launching VS Code from the terminal which has the right environment.
Make sure that code is in your PATH with
Then ensure that all the VScode sessions are closed on your machine and launch it via code from the terminal.

Wrong Python interpreter being used by VS Code

I am on Ubuntu 20.04 and have both Python2 and Python3 installed natively. I have also installed Python through miniforge, a variant of miniconda. In VSCode I have both the MS Python extension and Pylance installed.
I use the miniforge python for my coding. This works perfectly fine in PyCharm.
However in VSCode, when I try to execute the same file I get errors. After investigating it seems that VSCode is picking native Python2 - even though I have the miniforge Python selected. In this picture it can be seen that the status bar at the bottom states Python interpreter selected is Python3. But the output window shows that the python interpreter is Python2.
A more confusing thing is when I use VSCode for Jupyter notebook files then it picks up the interpreter correctly and I have no issues.
I have checked both User and Workspace settings, and they all point to Python3. How can I fix this for standard .py files?
I prefer VSCode to PyCharm, but will need to use PyCharm till this is resolved.
It seems that your system console cannot see python3. You need to put the python3 in the PATH variable, before python2. Like:
Also, make sure that the environment containing python3 is activated before command prompt appears. It can be done in bash_profile by adding a line like
conda activate my_env_with_python3
Try changing the settings "Python:Python path", "Python:default interpreter path" and "Python:conda path" also.
I have just bumped into something similar. The Run code option resulted in the file being run with the default interpreter instead of the venv-based one with necessary packages installed.
The fix was simply to use "Run python file" instead:
The run-code behavior must be customizable, something is mentioned e.g. here: Run Code vs Run Python File in Terminal for VSCODE but I didn't bother.

Can't import plotly in Notebook in Visual Studio Code

I'm trying to create graphs using plotly for the first time. Since I'm currently using Visual Studio Code for my coding (either python scripts or notebooks), I'm currently trying to use plotly in VSC.
I've installed everything from the plotly getting started page (conda installed plotly, notebook, ipywidgets and even jupyter) but I'm still getiing an error when importing.
The thing is, when I've tried importing plotly in a python file in VSC, it's running well. I've also tried running it in a Jupyter Notebook and it's also running.
import as px
I'm pretty sure that I've installed everything in the correct environment and I'm using the same environment all throughout.
What do I need to run plotly in a notebook in VSC?
It seems like your python versions/pip versions are different (especially if you're using an env). In Visual studio Code, you can bring up a simple terminal directing to the directory of your project (or env). Just click Terminal > New terminal. This will bring up a terminal (like CMD or terminal) at the bottom of the screen.
From then you can check the version of Pip and python for either your system globally, or the version install in your env. As long as your env is activated, then it will check the versions for the env, not your system.
For macOS:
To show all python installations of your system:
which -a python
To get the version for python 3 (which is what you should be on):
python3 --version
To get the version for pip:
pip -v
For windows:
python3 --version
pip -v
If the versions are incorrect then you can either install the right version of pip in your env or change python paths. First option is recommended.
If you are using macOS. Entering the command which -a python will show a very old Python 2.X version. Do not tamper with this or it's path as it is needed by macOS to run.