LootLocker - How to show local rank - unity3d

In my game, I am able to show the GlobalRank, however, I would also like to show the position of a player in Ranking according to the global results.
So in the bottom line, there should be the local (on this device) results.
Basically, on the left bottom corner, I want to get the RANK from the LootLocker, but I am struggling to get the rank...
IEnumerator ShowScores()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
LootLockerSDKManager.GetScoreList(ID, maxScores, (response) =>
if (response.success)
LootLockerLeaderboardMember[] scores = response.items;
for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)
playerNames[i].text = (scores[i].member_id +"");
playerScores[i].text = (scores[i].score +"");
playerRank[i].text = (scores[i].rank + "");
//Rank of the localPlayer
Rank.text = (scores["here_Should_Be_This_Player_ID"].rank + "");
// Entries[i].text = (scores[i].rank + ". " + scores[i].score + ". " + scores[i].member_id);
if (scores.Length < maxScores)
for (int i = scores.Length; i < maxScores; i++)
// Entries[i].text = (i + 1).ToString() + ". none";

Fixed it with the LootLocker support team
Step 1 - load LootLocker and get the resonse
Step 2 - load the rank and get the resonse2
Step 3 - use the "Response2.rank from the LootLocker
Rank.text = (response2.rank + "");
string playerIdentifier = "PlayerNameRecordOnThisDevice";
LootLockerSDKManager.StartSession(playerIdentifier, (response) =>
if (response.success)
Debug.Log("session with LootLocker started");
Debug.Log("failed to start sessions" + response.Error);
LootLockerSDKManager.GetMemberRank(ID, playerIdentifier, (response2) =>
if (response2.statusCode == 200)
Debug.Log("GetMemberRank Successful");
Debug.Log("GetMemberRank failed: " + response2.Error);
Rank.text = (response2.rank + "");
}); ```


Firebase fetch inside for loop not working properly

In my project, I took data from the android accessibility stream in a headless background function turned them into an array and split them into chunks for firebase limits, and used a for loop to iterate over them and check in firebase. Sometimes this is not working, especially since I can see the associability service runner but showing data from a bit ago. I think this happens when the user is offline and tried to fetch data from firebase. Can you please have a look at this code and tell me what the issue is and How I should solve it?
N.B: I changed some variable names for privacy purposes. There are no issues with them.
FlutterAccessibilityService.accessStream.listen((event) {
if (event.capturedText != null &&
event.capturedText != "" &&
isCold) {
text = event.capturedText!.toLowerCase();
List textList = getArray(text);
final sharedItems = getSimilarArray(fbtag, textList, sensitivity);
final sharedLocalItems =
getSimilarLocalArray(fbtag, textList, sensitivity);
final sharedAbsItems = getAbsLocalArray(fbtag, textList);
final sharedItemWithLastEval =
getSimilarArray(lastEvaluatedText, textList, sensitivity);
if (text != lastEventText &&
(sharedItemWithLastEval.length == 0 ||
lastEvaluatedText[0] == "first")) {
print("called related content");
print("bg currant text: " +
text.toString() +
" sensitivity: " +
sensitivity.toString() +
" minimumAbsMatch: " +
minimumAbsMatch.toString() +
" shared local items: " +
sharedLocalItems.toString() +
" shared abs items: " +
sharedAbsItems.toString() +
" shared items: " +
sharedItems.toString() +
" last : " +
lastEventText +
" last eval text: " +
lastEvaluatedText.toString() +
" Cold: " +
print("captured text: " + text.toString());
//GetRelatedContent(fbtag, event.capturedText);
if (sharedLocalItems.length >= accuracy &&
sharedAbsItems.length >= minimumAbsMatch) {
print("main called");
List result = [];
lastEvaluatedText = sharedItems;
List chunkedList = chunking(sharedItems);
for (int i = 0; i < chunkedList.length; i++) {
.where('keyWords', arrayContainsAny: chunkedList[i])
.then((value) {
for (int i = 0; i < value.docs.length; i++) {
print("result: " + result.toString());
if (i == chunkedList.length - 1) {
if (result.isNotEmpty) {
print("final result: " +
result[HighestMatchingIndex(sharedItems, result)[0]]
print('result length called' +
' result: ' +
if (HighestMatchingIndex(sharedItems, result)[1] >=
accuracy) {
print('overlay called');
isCold = false;
Timer(Duration(seconds: 60), () {
print("Cold down");
isCold = true;
var FinalResult = result[
HighestMatchingIndex(sharedItems, result)[0]];
if (FinalResult['availableCountry']
.contains(country) &&
.contains(r)) {
print("all passed");
String l = FinalResult[r]
[country] ??
String o =
ShowAlert(l, o, r);
lastEventText = text;

Canvas not updating after camera used (Android / Ionic)

I am trying to draw a scaled photo onto a canvas. However, the canvas will not update after I use the camera object to take the photo. Here's my camera code:
public openCamera() {
// do we have permission to access the camera?
result => console.log('openCamera > has camera permission: ', result.hasPermission),
err => this.androidPermissions.requestPermission(this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.CAMERA)
this.androidPermissions.requestPermissions([this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.CAMERA, this.androidPermissions.PERMISSION.GET_ACCOUNTS]);
const options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 100,
correctOrientation: true,
destinationType: this.camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI,
encodingType: this.camera.EncodingType.JPEG,
mediaType: this.camera.MediaType.PICTURE
let file_ext: string = null;
if (options.encodingType == EncodingType.JPEG) {
file_ext = "jpg";
console.log("openCamera > file_ext: ", file_ext);
else if (options.encodingType == EncodingType.PNG) {
file_ext = "png";
console.log("openCamera > file_ext: ", file_ext);
else {
this.presentAlert("Warning", "Unsupported image encoding type.");
// photo already taken?
if (this.photo == null) {
this.photo = new Photo();
this.photo.id = Guid.create().toString();
this.photo.file_extension = file_ext;
// image filename: image_id.jpg
const dt: Date = new Date();
let dt_day: string = dt.getDate().toString();
dt_day = dt_day.length == 1 ? "0" + dt_day : dt_day;
let dt_month: string = (dt.getMonth() + 1).toString();
dt_month = dt_month.length == 1 ? "0" + dt_month : dt_month;
const dt_string: string = dt_day + "/" +
dt_month + "/" +
dt.getFullYear() + ", " +
dt.getHours() + ":" +
dt.getMinutes() + ":" +
dt.getSeconds() + "." +
if (this.photo.id == null || this.photo.id == '' || this.photo.id.length == 0) {
this.presentAlert("Error", "image id not set");
else if (this.user.id == null || this.user.id == Guid.EMPTY || this.user.id == '' || this.user.id.length == 0) {
this.presentAlert("Error", "user.id not set");
else if (dt_string == null || dt_string == '' || dt_string.length == 0) {
this.presentAlert("Error", "dt_string not set");
this.photo.taken = dt_string;
const fileName: string = this.photo.id + ".jpg";
this.camera.getPicture(options).then((imageData) => {
// delete previous image
.then((path) => {
let imagePath = path.substr(0, path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
let imageName = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, path.length);
this.file.moveFile(imagePath, imageName, this.file.dataDirectory, fileName)
.then(newFile => {
this.ngZone.run(() => this.info = "Tap 'Upload' to upload photo");
.then(() => this.updateCanvas());
.catch(err => {
console.log("openCamera: ", err);
.catch((err) => {
console.log("openCamera: ", err);
.catch((err) => {
console.log("openCamera: ", err);
In the process of debugging this, I wrote a method to check that the photo actually exists after the camera has saved the image:
public exists() {
try {
this.file.listDir(this.file.dataDirectory, '')
.then(files => {
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (files[i].name.includes(this.photo.id)) {
files[i].getMetadata((metadata) => {
this.presentAlert("image found", "filename: " + files[i].name + ", size: " + metadata.size + " bytes")
.then(() => this.updateCanvas());
catch { }
And I noticed that displaying an ionic alert before calling updateCanvas causes the photo to be correctly displayed onto the canvas. Does anyone know what the issue might be here?
Also, not sure if relevant, but I am using cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 4.1.1
I managed to solve this - the problem was the device itself. I tested on another phone and my canvas code worked perfectly. Uninstalling my app and reinstalling it did not resolve the issue, but a factory reset did. The device in question is an Honor 10 Lite. Not sure how this could have happened, maybe the device's WebView became corrupt somehow?

JavaScript - Hangman - Logic Issue

I'm trying to get my Hangman game to check if the letter is found in the word, but as of now it's checking if that letter is found in every character of the word. It won't allow me to guess again after the first guess.
var WordArray = ["apple", "word", "quiz"];
var currentWord = "";
var wrongCounter = 0;
var bodyPartCounter = 0;
var Guess = "";
//Welcome Screen Code
onEvent("letsGoBtn", "click", function () {
function generateWord() {
currentWord = WordArray[randomNumber(0,2)];
function setUpScreenElements(){
for (var i = 0; i < currentWord.length; i++) {
showElement("letterArea" + [i]);
var showCorrectHint = "hintWord" + currentWord;
//Guessing Code
onEvent("submitBtn", "click", function () {
Guess = getText("guessInputTxt");
console.log("The guess for " + currentWord + " is: " + Guess);
function checkGuess() {
for (var i = 0; i < currentWord.length; i++) {
if (Guess == currentWord.charAt([i])) {
setText("letterArea" + [i], Guess);
console.log("Correctly guessed letter is: " + currentWord.charAt([i]));
else {
console.log("wrongCounter for " + currentWord + " is: " + wrongCounter);
if (wrongCounter == currentWord.length) {
showElement("wrongGuessImg" + bodyPartCounter);
setText("livesLeftNumber", (6-bodyPartCounter));
if (bodyPartCounter === 6) {
function resetGuessInput () {
setText("guessInputTxt", " ");
Guess = " ";
wrongCounter = 0;
//Game Over Screen and Play Again Button
onEvent("playAgainBtn", "click", function () {
hideElement("hintWord" + currentWord);
for (var i = 0; i <currentWord.length; i++) {
setText("letterArea" + [i], " ");
for (var j = 1; j < 7; j++) {
hideElement("wrongGuessImg" + [j]);
bodyPartCounter = 0;
wrongCounter = 0;
setText("livesLeftNumber", "6");
//Victory Screen
onEvent("goHomeBtn", "click", function() {
I've attached the code, as well as, included the link to see the app in action.
Here's a link to the app
Thanks in advance!
The checkGuess function needs to first determine where the letter appears in the word (or not), and then update the board one time, instead of updating it for each character:
function checkGuess() {
var foundAtIndex = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < currentWord.length; i++) {
if (Guess == currentWord.charAt([i])) {
foundAtIndex = i;
if (foundAtIndex >= 0) {
setText("letterArea" + [foundAtIndex], Guess);
// etc...
Luckily, Javascript provides a nice IndexOf function for strings, so you can remove the loop entirely and condense that first part into:
var foundAtIndex = currentWord.indexOf(Guess);

How do you append text in CodeMirror

I know you use
to set one value but how do you append in CodeMirror?
Use replaceRange. For example editor.replaceRange(myString, CodeMirror.Pos(editor.lastLine())). Re-setting the entire editor is needlessly expensive.
Here is a little script I wrote to add code to any editor (in Joomla):
function addCodeToEditor(code_string, editor_id, merge, merge_target){
if (Joomla.editors.instances.hasOwnProperty(editor_id)) {
var old_code_string = Joomla.editors.instances[editor_id].getValue();
if (merge && old_code_string.length > 0) {
// make sure not to load the same string twice
if (old_code_string.indexOf(code_string) == -1) {
if ('prepend' === merge_target) {
var _string = code_string + "\n\n" + old_code_string;
} else if (merge_target && 'append' !== merge_target) {
var old_code_array = old_code_string.split(merge_target);
if (old_code_array.length > 1) {
var _string = old_code_array.shift() + "\n\n" + code_string + "\n\n" + merge_target + old_code_array.join(merge_target);
} else {
var _string = code_string + "\n\n" + merge_target + old_code_array.join('');
} else {
var _string = old_code_string + "\n\n" + code_string;
return true;
} else {
return true;
} else {
var old_code_string = jQuery('textarea#'+editor_id).val();
if (merge && old_code_string.length > 0) {
// make sure not to load the same string twice
if (old_code_string.indexOf(code_string) == -1) {
if ('prepend' === merge_target) {
var _string = code_string + "\n\n" + old_code_string;
} else if (merge_target && 'append' !== merge_target) {
var old_code_array = old_code_string.split(merge_target);
if (old_code_array.length > 1) {
var _string = old_code_array.shift() + "\n\n" + code_string + "\n\n" + merge_target + old_code_array.join(merge_target);
} else {
var _string = code_string + "\n\n" + merge_target + old_code_array.join('');
} else {
var _string = old_code_string + "\n\n" + code_string;
return true;
} else {
return true;
return false;
The advantage it this script is you can work with multiple editors on the page.

Use currentLocation along with a business search in bing map API

I was currently at this site which shows how to implement business search using the bing map api. But what I am trying to implement is, first the map should get your current location and search for type of business nearby, let's say Restaurant or Check Cashing place.
My current page has the current location working but now how I implement the FindNearBy function with my page?
P.s. I want the search to already take place for the user without having to enter a search text, so the map should load up with current location and right next to it should list all or maybe the closest 5 restaurant nearby.
Not with Bing Maps...you need the Bing Phonebook API to do this.
I can get you part of the way there. The below example combines the use of both the Bing Maps API and the Bing Phonebook API) I just submitted a similar question about how to find the type of business, however...I'm not sure there's a wayto do this :/ (Below example searches for all Starbucks in the area ...of course, some HTML integration is required.
var _map;
var _appId;
$(document).ready(function () {
if (Modernizr.geolocation) {
else {
$.post("Home/GetBingMapsKey", { "func": "GetBingMapsKey" }, function (data) {
// Create a Bing map
_map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"),
{ credentials: data }); //, mapTypeId: Microsoft.Maps.MapTypeId.ordnanceSurvey
// Get the current position from the browser
if (!navigator.geolocation) {
$("#results").html("This browser doesn't support geolocation, please enter an address");
else {
$.post("Home/GetBingKey", { "func": "GetBingKey" }, function (data) {
_appId = data;
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onPositionReady, onError);
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(Search, onError);
function onPositionReady(position) {
// Apply the position to the map
var location = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(position.coords.latitude,
_map.setView({ zoom: 18, center: location });
// Add a pushpin to the map representing the current location
var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(location);
function onError(err) {
switch (err.code) {
case 0:
alert("Unknown error :(");
case 1:
alert("Location services are unavailable per your request.");
case 2:
alert("Location data is unavailable.");
case 3:
alert("The location request has timed out. Please contact support if you continue to experience issues.");
function Search(position) {
// note a bunch of this code uses the example code from
// Microsoft for the Phonebook API
var requestStr = "http://api.bing.net/json.aspx?"
// Common request fields (required)
+ "AppId=" + _appId
+ "&Query=starbucks"
+ "&Sources=Phonebook"
// Common request fields (optional)
+ "&Version=2.2"
+ "&Market=en-us"
+ "&UILanguage=en"
+ "&Latitude=" + position.coords.latitude
+ "&Longitude=" + position.coords.longitude
+ "&Radius=100.0"
+ "&Options=EnableHighlighting"
// Phonebook-specific request fields (optional)
// Phonebook.Count max val is 25
+ "&Phonebook.Count=25"
+ "&Phonebook.Offset=0"
// YP = Commercial Entity, WP = Residential
+ "&Phonebook.FileType=YP"
+ "&Phonebook.SortBy=Distance"
// JSON-specific request fields (optional)
+ "&JsonType=callback"
+ "&JsonCallback=?";
$.getJSON(requestStr, function (data) {
function FormatBingQuery(appId, latitude ) {
function SearchCompleted(response) {
var errors = response.SearchResponse.Errors;
if (errors != null) {
// There are errors in the response. Display error details.
else {
// There were no errors in the response. Display the
// Phonebook results.
function DisplayResults(response) {
var output = document.getElementById("output");
var resultsHeader = document.createElement("h4");
var resultsList = document.createElement("ul");
var results = response.SearchResponse.Phonebook.Results;
// Display the results header.
resultsHeader.innerHTML = "Bing API Version "
+ response.SearchResponse.Version
+ "<br />Phonebook results for "
+ response.SearchResponse.Query.SearchTerms
+ "<br />Displaying "
+ (response.SearchResponse.Phonebook.Offset + 1)
+ " to "
+ (response.SearchResponse.Phonebook.Offset + results.length)
+ " of "
+ response.SearchResponse.Phonebook.Total
+ " results<br />";
// Display the Phonebook results.
var resultsListItem = null;
var resultStr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; ++i) {
resultsListItem = document.createElement("li");
//loc is specific to my C# object
var loc = new Array();
loc[0] = results[i].Longitude;
loc[1] = results[i].Latitude;
var address = {
AddressLine1: results[i].Address,
City: results[i].City,
State: results[i].StateOrProvince,
PostalCode: results[i].PostalCode,
Latitude: results[i].Latitude,
Longitude: results[i].Longitude,
Country: results[i].CountryOrRegion,
ID: results[i].UniqueId
//this part is specific to my project to return the
//address results so I can store them (since my
//implementation is a demonstration of how to
//use the MongoDB geoNear() functionality
url: "/Home/AddAddressToCollection",
type: 'post',
data: JSON.stringify(address),
contentType: 'application/json',
dataType: 'json'
resultStr = results[i].Business
+ "<br />"
+ results[i].Address
+ "<br />"
+ results[i].City
+ ", "
+ results[i].StateOrProvince
+ "<br />"
+ results[i].PhoneNumber
+ "<br />Average Rating: "
+ results[i].UserRating
+ "<br /><br />";
// Replace highlighting characters with strong tags.
resultsListItem.innerHTML = ReplaceHighlightingCharacters(
function ReplaceHighlightingCharacters(text, beginStr, endStr) {
// Replace all occurrences of U+E000 (begin highlighting) with
// beginStr. Replace all occurrences of U+E001 (end highlighting)
// with endStr.
var regexBegin = new RegExp("\uE000", "g");
var regexEnd = new RegExp("\uE001", "g");
return text.replace(regexBegin, beginStr).replace(regexEnd, endStr);
function DisplayErrors(errors) {
var output = document.getElementById("output");
var errorsHeader = document.createElement("h4");
var errorsList = document.createElement("ul");
// Iterate over the list of errors and display error details.
errorsHeader.innerHTML = "Errors:";
var errorsListItem = null;
for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; ++i) {
errorsListItem = document.createElement("li");
errorsListItem.innerHTML = "";
for (var errorDetail in errors[i]) {
errorsListItem.innerHTML += errorDetail
+ ": "
+ errors[i][errorDetail]
+ "<br />";
errorsListItem.innerHTML += "<br />";
// Bonus: In case you want to provide directions
// for how to get to a selected entity
// _map.getCredentials(function (credentials) {
// $.getJSON('http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/V1/Routes/driving?' + 'wp.0=' + lat1 + ',' + lon1 + '&wp.1=' + lat2 + ',' + lon2 + '&distanceUnit=mi&optmz=distance&key=' + credentials + '&jsonp=?&s=1',
// function (result) {
// if (result.resourceSets[0].estimatedTotal > 0) {
// var distance = result.resourceSets[0].resources[0].travelDistance;
// }
// else {
// $("#results").html("Oops! It appears one or more of the addresses you entered are incorrect. :( ");
// }
// });
// });
//Tie into a function that shows an input field
//for use as a fallback in case cannot use HTML5 geoLocation
//$(document).ready(function () {
// $("#btnFindLocation").click(function () {
// //check user has entered something first
// if ($("#txtAddress").val().length > 0) {
// //send location query to bing maps REST api
// _map.getCredentials(function (credentials) {
// $.getJSON('http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations?query=' + $("#txtAddress").val() + '&key=' + credentials + '&jsonp=?&s=1',
// function (result) {
// if (result.resourceSets[0].estimatedTotal > 0) {
// var loc = result.resourceSets[0].resources[0].point.coordinates;
// $("#lat").val(loc[0]);
// $("#lon").val(loc[1]);
// var location = new Microsoft.Maps.Location(loc[0],
// loc[1]);
// _map.setView({ zoom: 18, center: location });
// // Add a pushpin to the map representing the current location
// var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(location);
// _map.entities.push(pin);
// }
// else {
// $("#results").html("sorry that address cannot be found");
// }
// });
// });
// }
// else {
// $("#results").html("please enter an address");
// }
// });