How we use whereInMultiple in laravel - eloquent

I want to use this as:


Add node CATEGORIES to vcard with perl module "vCard::AddressBook"

I do not find a possibility to add nodes like CATEGORIES or ORG to a vcard object when using the perl module vCard::AddressBook (
The output should look like this:
When I use the following code:
use vCard::AddressBook;
my $address_book = vCard::AddressBook->new();
my $vcard = $address_book->add_vcard;
$vcard->categories(['Cat_01']); ## DOES NOT WORK
my $file = $address_book->as_file('file.vcf');
I get the following error:
Can't locate object method "categories" via package "vCard" at line 6.
What is the best way to get other nodes like CATEGORIES in my vcard file?
BTW: RFC6350 defines it...
There is which seems to be more compliant with RFC6350:
use Text::vCard::Precisely;
my $vcard = Text::vCard::Precisely->new( version => '4.0' );
$vcard->categories([qw/Cat_01 Cat_02 Cat_03/]);
print $vcard->as_string();

How can I use Bigbluebutton on laravel for create meeting, join meeting

Using composer require bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton-api-php in my laravel project, used bigbluebutton, also set for BBB_SERVER_BASE_URL, BBB_SECURITY_SALT, but not able to create meetings.
$meetingParams = new CreateMeetingParameters($request->meetingId,
$meetingParams = new CreateMeetingParameters($request->meetingId, $request->meetingName);
I need proper code to create meetings in laravel, using bigbluebutton.
use this package for laravel bigbluebutton
'meetingID' => 'tamku',
'meetingName' => 'test meeting',
'attendeePW' => 'attendee',
'moderatorPW' => 'moderator'

Zend Expressive Route with optional parameter

I want use a route to get the complete collection and, if available, a filtered collection.
so my route:
$app->get("/companies", \App\Handler\CompanyPageHandler::class, 'companies');
My Handler for this route:
use App\Entity\Company;
use App\Entity\ExposeableCollection;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
class CompanyPageHandler extends AbstractHandler
public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
$categories = new ExposeableCollection();
foreach (['test', 'test1', 'test3'] as $name) {
$category = new Company();
return $this->publish($categories);
When getting this route /companies, i get the expected collection
So now i change the route
$app->get("/companies[/:search]", \App\Handler\CompanyPageHandler::class, 'companies');
It's all fine when i'm browsing to /companies.
But if i try the optional parameter /companies/test1 then i got an error
Cannot GET http://localhost:8080/companies/test1
my composer require section:
"require": {
"php": "^7.1",
"zendframework/zend-component-installer": "^2.1.1",
"zendframework/zend-config-aggregator": "^1.0",
"zendframework/zend-diactoros": "^1.7.1 || ^2.0",
"zendframework/zend-expressive": "^3.0.1",
"zendframework/zend-expressive-helpers": "^5.0",
"zendframework/zend-stdlib": "^3.1",
"zendframework/zend-servicemanager": "^3.3",
"zendframework/zend-expressive-fastroute": "^3.0"
In Zend Framework 2 and Symfony4 this route definition works fine. So im confused.
Why my optional parameter doesn't work?
That's because you are using router and correct syntax would be:
$app->get("/companies[/{search}]", \App\Handler\CompanyPageHandler::class, 'companies');
or be more strict and validate search param something like this:
$app->get("/companies[/{search:[\w\d]+}]", \App\Handler\CompanyPageHandler::class, 'companies');

Mongodb '$where' query using javascript regex

I am trying to reproduce the REPLACE function in sql on mongodb.
My collection 'log' has this data in the 'text' field.
[01]ABC0007[0d0a]BB BABLOXC[0d0a]067989 PLPXBNS[0d0a02]BBR OIC002 L5U0/P AMD KAP 041800 T1200AND 2+00[0d0a0b03]
All I'm trying to do is remove the '[..]' using regex (javascript) and use contains('PLPXBNSBBR') like this so that the expression return true per the javadocs in mongo documentation.
This query below successfully works and returns the matching rows.
db.log.find({"$where":"return this.message.replace(new RegExp('0d0a02'),'').contains('PLPXBNS[]BBR') "});
However, I would need to remove the '[..]' and match like this PLPXBNSBBR.
These are the ones I tried unsuccessfully
db.log.find({"$where" : " return this.message.replace( new
RegExp('\[.*?\]', 'g'), '' ).contains('PLPXBNSBBR') " });
db.log.find({"$where" : " return this.message.replace( new
RegExp('/[(.*?)]', 'g'), '' ).contains('PLPXBNSBBR') " });
db.log.find({"$where" : " return this.message.replace( new
RegExp('//[.*//]'), '' ).contains('PLPXBNSBBR') " });
db.log.find({"$where" : " return this.message.replace( new
RegExp('[.*?]'), '' ).contains('PLPXBNSBBR') " });
From the earlier discussion it appears that if I can pass the pattern as /[[^]]+]/g, it should strip the [..] but it is not doing that and not returning the matching rows.
Okay, I was able to use chaining replace successfully to get my desired results.

Zend framework dojo select dojo.byid exception Object #<HTMLTableElement> has no method 'attr'

I'm trying to get the selected value of my select.
The select element is renderd by Zend Framework Forms I set the attribute
'data-dojo-type' to'dijit/form/Select'
and try to access it with:
require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
ServerID = dojo.byId('ElementID').attr('value');
Chrome keeps tellinge me:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLTableElement> has no method 'attr'
Greetings clemo.
I think this should be
ServerID = dojo.attr('ElementID', 'value');