Styling Outline in react-pdf - tableofcontents

Is there a way to style the outline of the react-pdf module, according to the documentation, the Outline component has the props className, but I don't know how to use it, thanks in advance

if you pass a classname to it you can target it after with css.
import "../styles.css";
export function ExampleeComponent() {
return (<Outline className="custom-outline" />);
.custom-outline { color red; }


Using a Vue3 component as a Leaflet popup

This previous SO question shows how we can use a Vue2 component as the content of a LeafletJS popup. I've been unable to get this working with Vue3.
Extracting the relevant section of my code, I have:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import L, { type Content } from 'leaflet'
import type { FeatureCollection, Feature } from 'geojson'
import LeafletPopup from '#/components/LeafletPopup.vue'
// This ref will be matched by Vue to the element with the same ref name
const popupDialogElement = ref(null)
function addFeaturePopup(feature:Feature, layer:L.GeoJSON) {
if (popupDialogElement?.value !== null) {
const content:Content = popupDialogElement.value as HTMLElement
layer.bindPopup(() => content.$el)
<div class="map-container">
<section id="map">
<leaflet-popup ref="popupDialogElement" v-show="false">
This does produce a popup when I click on the map, but it has no content.
If, instead, I change line 14 to:
layer.bindPopup(() => content.$el.innerHTML)
then I do get a popup with the HTML markup I expect, but unsurprisingly I lose all of the Vue behaviours I need (event handling, etc).
Inspecting the addFeaturePopup function in the JS debugger, the content does seem to be an instance of HTMLElement, so I'm not sure why it's not working to pass it to Leaflet's bindPopup method. I assume this has something to do with how Vue3 handles references, but as yet I can't see a way around it.
Update 2022-06-09
As requested, here's the console.log output: I've put it in a gist as it's quite long
So just to document the solution I ended up using, I needed to add an additional style rule in addition to the general skeleton outlined in the question:
.leaflet-popup-content >* {
display: block !important;
This overrides the display:none that is attached to the DOM node by v-show=false. It would be nice not to need the !important, but I wasn't able to make the rule selective enough in my experiments.

Ionic - Problem using two way binding to change a style. As example I am using background-color

I think I have a very basic problem but I can't resolve it. So what I am trying to do is to implement a button in Ionic that when pressed change the style of a style. To keep it simple for now I try and change the background color of a div. However, it does not work neither does it give an error. (I use console page of browser to view changes, look for errors etc)
The code in the page is
Some Button
The code in the is
setStyle(value: string): void {
console.log('read More Works');
this.aColor = '#yellow';
console.log('read More still Works');
and that is it. Clicking on 'Some Button' button does not do anything except the logging but I am pretty sure it is not two way binding that is the issue as I tried just using for example trying with just some text as being the 'variable' I want to change and that worked fine.
I do appreciate any help :(
You can use pre defined CSS styles for that. Something like this:
#somediv {
&.initial-style {
background: #000;
&.dinamic-style {
background: #fff;
<div id="somediv" [class]="apply_styles ? 'dinamic-style' : 'initial-style'">
styles applied: {{ apply_styles }}
<ion-button (click)="changeStyle()">Change Style</ion-button>
apply_styles: boolean = false;
changeStyle() {
this.apply_styles = !this.apply_styles;
Of course this is very simple. But I hope it can put you in the right direction.

Material-UI: "The key provided to the classes property is not implemented"

I am using the withStyles() HOC to override some MUI component styles, theme and breakpoints.
There is obviously something I do not understand here as I keep getting errors such as this one:
Warning: Material-UI: the key tab provided to the classes property
is not implemented in Items.
You can only override one of the following:
Example code:
I have a <List /> component and its child <Items />.
My intention is to apply the styles in the demo.js file only to the <List /> component, and the styles in the demoChild.js to the <Items /> Component.
I would really appreciate an explanation of what I'm doing wrong, and maybe a solution?
Note: I have found other posts with the same error, but they seem to have something different to my example.
The warnings are caused by this line in your demo.js file:
<Items {...this.props} items={items} />
You're spreading all of List's props down into your Items. One of these props is classes, containing all of the CSS classes you define in demo.js. Since those are intended for List, they include CSS classes that are implemented by List but not Items. Since Items is receiving this prop, it's reading it as you trying to override classes that aren't available and warning you about it.
You can fix this problem by spreading only the unused props:
// Use other to capture only the props you're not using in List
const { classes, headerIsHidden, ...other } = this.props;
// Then spread only those unused props
<Items {...other} items={items} /
Then, you won't be spreading classes object into Items, so you won't get any warnings about classes that aren't implemented.
In my case, I want to reuse multiple styles in different files, so I wrote a helper function:
import { withStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles'
// Fixed: material-ui "The key provided to the classes property is not implemented"
const withMultipleStyles = (...params) => {
return withStyles((theme) => {
var styles = {}
for (var len = params.length, key = 0; key < len; key++) {
styles = Object.assign(styles, params[key](theme));
return styles
export default withMultipleStyles
import React from 'react'
import compose from 'recompose/compose'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { style1, style2, withMultipleStyles } from '../../styles'
class your_class_name_here extends React.Component {
// your implementation
export default compose(
withMultipleStyles(style1, style2),
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)

Create an instance of a React class from a string

I have a string which contains a name of the Class (this is coming from a json file). This string tells my Template Class which layout / template to use for the data (also in json). The issue is my layout is not displaying.
//a template or layout.
var Home = React.createClass({
render () {
return (
<div>Home layout</div>
var Template = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var Tag = this.props.template; //this is the name of the class eg. 'Home'
return (
<Tag />
I don't get any errors but I also don't see the layout / Home Class. I've checked the props.template and this logs the correct info. Also, I can see the home element in the DOM. However it looks like this:
<div id='template-holder>
If I change following line to:
var Tag = Home;
//this works but it's not dynamic!
Any ideas, how I can fix this? I'm sure it's either simple fix or I'm doing something stupid. Help would be appreciated. Apologies if this has already been asked (I couldn't find it).
This will not work:
var Home = React.createClass({ ... });
var Component = "Home";
React.render(<Component />, ...);
However, this will:
var Home = React.createClass({ ... });
var Component = Home;
React.render(<Component />, ...);
So you simply need to find a way to map between the string "Home" and the component class Home. A simple object will work as a basic registry, and you can build from there if you need more features.
var components = {
"Home": Home,
"Other": OtherComponent
var Component = components[this.props.template];
No need to manually map your classes to a dictionary, or "registry", as in Michelle's answer. A wildcard import statement is already a dictionary!
import * as widgets from 'widgets';
const Type = widgets[this.props.template];
<Type />
You can make it work with multiple modules by merging all the dictionaries into one:
import * as widgets from 'widgets';
import * as widgets2 from 'widgets2';
const registry = Object.assign({}, widgets, widgets2);
const widget = registry[this.props.template];
I would totally do this to get dynamic dispatch of react components. In fact I think I am in a bunch of projects.
I had the same problem, and found out the solution by myself. I don't know if is the "best pratice" but it works and I'm using it currently in my solution.
You can simply make use of the "evil" eval function to dynamically create an instance of a react component. Something like:
function createComponent(componentName, props, children){
var component = React.createElement(eval(componentName), props, children);
return component;
Then, just call it where you want:
var homeComponent = createComponent('Home', [props], [...children]);
If it fits your needs, maybe you can consider something like this.
Hope it helps.
I wanted to know how to create React classes dynamically from a JSON spec loaded from a database and so I did some experimenting and figured it out. My basic idea was that I wanted to define a React app through a GUI instead of typing in code in a text editor.
This is compatible with React 16.3.2. Note React.createClass has been moved into its own module.
Here's condensed version of the essential parts:
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server'
import createReactClass from 'create-react-class'
const spec = {
// getDefaultProps
// getInitialState
// propTypes: { ... }
render () {
return React.createElement('div', null, 'Some text to render')
const component = createReactClass(spec)
const factory = React.createFactory(component)
const instance = factory({ /* props */ })
const str = ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(instance)
You can see a more complete example here:
Here is the way it will work from a string content without embedding your components as statically linked code into your package, as others have suggested.
import React from 'react';
import { Button } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import createReactClass from 'create-react-class';
export default class Demo extends React.Component {
render() {
const s = "return { render() { return rce('div', null, rce(components['Button'], {content: this.props.propA}), rce(components['Button'], {content: 'hardcoded content'})); } }"
const createComponentSpec = new Function("rce", "components", s);
const componentSpec = createComponentSpec(React.createElement, { "Button": Button });
const component = React.createElement(createReactClass(componentSpec), { propA: "content from property" }, null);
return (
The React class specification is in string s. Note the following:
rce stands for React.createElement and given as a first param when callingcreateComponentSpec.
components is a dictionary of extra component types and given as a second param when callingcreateComponentSpec. This is done so that you can provide components with clashing names.
For example string Button can be resolved to standard HTML button, or button from Semantic UI.
You can easily generate content for s by using as described in Essentially, the string can't contain JSX stuff, and has to be plain JavaScript. That's what BabelJS is doing by translating JSX into JavaScript.
All you need to do is replace React.createElement with rce, and resolve external components via components dictionary (if you don't use external components, that you can skip the dictionary stuff).
Here is equivalent what in the code above. The same <div> with two Semantic UI Buttons in it.
JSX render() code:
function render() {
return (
<Button content={this.props.propA}/>
<Button content='hardcoded content'/>
BabelJS translates it into:
function render() {
return React.createElement("div", null, React.createElement(Button, {
content: this.props.propA
}), React.createElement(Button, {
content: "hardcoded content"
And you do replacement as outlined above:
render() { return rce('div', null, rce(components['Button'], {content: this.props.propA}), rce(components['Button'], {content: 'hardcoded content'})); }
Calling createComponentSpec function will create a spec for React class.
Which then converted into actual React class with createReactClass.
And then brought to life with React.createElement.
All you need to do is return it from main component render func.
When you use JSX you can either render HTML tags (strings) or React components (classes).
When you do var Tag = Home, it works because the JSX compiler transforms it to:
var Template = React.createElement(Tag, {});
with the variable Tag in the same scope and being a React class.
var Tag = Home = React.createClass({
render () {
return (
<div>Home layout</div>
When you do
var Tag = this.props.template; // example: Tag = "aClassName"
you are doing
var Template = React.createElement("aClassName", null);
But "aClassName" is not a valid HTML tag.
Look here

How to style GWT DataGrid dynamically

I am implementing multiple themes in our GWT applications.
The problem is when a DataGrid is constructed, I can't find a way to change the style resource that has been passed to it. Does anybody know how to solve the problem. Or on every theme change, do we have to reconstruct the grid?
Any other new idea to solve the problem (having multiple themes on these widgets) is appreciated.
You could use uibinder.
At this page,
search for the section
Programmatic access to inline Styles
However, you need to be familiar with uibinder.
I was able to do this using -
cellTable.setRowStyles(new RowStyles>() {
public String getStyleNames(Map<String, String> row, int rowIndex) {
if (rowIndex % 2 == 0) {
return "cellTableEvenRow";
} else {
return "cellTableOddRow";
Since, I had to provide the user 3 color themes, I used 3 style sheets for each color and specified the below style with different colors in each style sheet.
.cellTableEvenRow {
background: #fffff !important;
.cellTableOddRow {
background: #E9FDE4 !important;
Hope it helps!