The results of GA4 queries in Biguery are not same on the same GA platform displayed - google-analytics-4

After tracking on Firebase and integrate it with Google Analytics 4. And then storage data to Bigquery.
But I can not query data of GA4 table to the results same as GA4 platform.
GA4 display:
GA4 platform
Bigquery results:
Query GA4 schema
I need to query data of GA4 table to the results same as GA4 platform. How? Please help me


Creating a report with GA4 data API and using segments

I understand that GA4 data API does not support segments yet. I read that you can imitate a segment using audiences. In my code, I create a new dimension 'audienceName', however, it only returns 'All users' audience. How can I select the audience I manually created in GA4 UI with the criterias needed for my query to show me the data I want ?

Custom GA data costs = Analytics API column missing?

I am trying to use custom cost data (from PLA, price comparison sites), I already upload data on daily basis, it shows up in GA. However, It does not work as expected on API side - as I need to use this cost data for custom reporting, using ga:adCost return cost data only for Google Ads, nothing else. As I have checked, there is no other cost column in dimensions or metrics....
I import cost data using APIs
However, on the API side, when I want to use that data as a source for data export, the only ,,cost,, related colum is adCost - but only Google Ads costs as a traffic source are returned
I would expect all traffic sources to have ga:adCost (or ga:cost?) in API as well, however, only Google Ads have that. I suppose that ga:ad* is related to GAds connection data only and custom data imported are to passed to Analytics API and/or there is no metric for that data...
Am i doing wrong API calls to get traffic source / medium & cost data, or custom imported data are not able to get back via API?
Is there a solution? Thanks!

Equivalent dimensions for ga:adContent and ga:keyword in the Google Analytics Data API (GA4)

We currently rely on using UTM parameters (utm_source, utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content) for our Universal Analytics integration with the Google Analytics Core Reporting API and Multi-Channel Funnels APIs.
Are there plans to support UTM tags in GA4 properties and the Google Analytics Data API? I do see sessionSource, sessionMedium, and firstUserCampaignName listed in the dimensions list, which suggests utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign can still be used. Is there an equivalent dimension for utm_content (ga:adContent in the Core Reporting API and mcf:adwordsAdContent in the MCF API) or utm_term (ga:keyword or mcf:keyword)?
There seem to be no equivalent dimensions for ga:keyword or ga:adContent in the Google Analytics Data API. I will try to find out more about this and update this question once I have more information.
The Google Analytics Team

How to access report data in a "App + Web" google analytics property using The Google Analytics Reporting API v4?

I have a Web+App google analytics property, and I need to access report data using The Google Analytics Reporting API v4. In the docs, the field viewId is required to build a ReportRequest object. But, in the new google analytics Web+App feature, you cannot create a view from the property.
For GA4 Properties, you need to use the Google Analytics Data API v1. See the devsite:
App + Web Properties were recently renamed to GA4 Properties. See the blog post:
The Google Analytics Reporting API v4 ( accepts numeric view identifiers in report requests. GA4 Properties do not have views, and there is not a way to create views in those properties.
Unfortunately Reporting API v4 doesn't support App+Web properties for the exact reason you stated - the API only understands view ID's and not property ID's.
Looking at the documentation, it's noted there that it doesn't support your setup, however, they do have a tester program that allows you to test and provide feedback when it comes to new reporting features for properties like the one you use.

Ibm analytics user logging data to DashDB, then sent to Watson Analytics

My name is Cristian and my task is to implement IBM Bluemix Analytics into an app (which was succesfull, since I get the data shown on my analytics service), then how do I transfer this data for every user into DashDB, and then into Watson Analytics?
Cristian Sandu
To answer the latter half of your question, you can import it into Watson Analytics via these steps
You'll need a 'Professional' level subscription to access the 'Create a new Connection' page (what you get with the 30 day free trial).
Watson Analytics allows you to create multiple data connection and select particular data from columns and add it to a single database.
You can not only do that, you can shape the data before you import, so if different connections have a variety of data arrangements, it helps you streamline into the same format.
Quick procedure is mentioned here in the IBM Watson Analytics Knowledgebase
And yes, you will not get these feature in the LITE version of Watson Analytics.