MCNP output folder name - simulation

In the Mcnp simulation, the output files were produced by adding letters such as c, p, o to the end of the original file's name.
Recently, it automatically generates output filenames like outr, outs, outt. That is, while the original file name was "sample", the output file name was "sampleo","sampler", but now it is called "outr" regardless of the original file name. How can I revert this situation?


Copy Each '.txt' File into respective date folder Based on Date in Filename using data factory

I have to copy files from source folder to target folder both are in the same storage account(ADL). The files in the source folder are of in .txt format and have date appended in the file name,
(20221201 and 20221202 is date in file name , date format: yyyymmdd)
I have to create a pipeline that will sort and store files in the folders in ADL's in this hierarchy
ex: adl/2022/12/01/RAINBOW.IND.EXPORT.20221201.WIFI.NETWORK.SCHOOL.txt
even if we have multiple files on same date in file name based on that date in file name it has to create year(YYYY) folder and in year(YYYY) folder it should create month(MM) folder and in month(MM) folder it should create date(DD) folder like above example. Each File should copy into respective yyyy and respective mm and respective date folder.
What I have done:
In Get Metadata - Given argument to extract **childitems**
For each activity that contains a Copy activity.
In Copy activity source wildcard path is given as *.txt
for sink took concat expression using split and substring functions
Please check the screenshots of all activities and expressions
but this pipeline is creating the folders based on date in file name (like adl/2022/12/01)
but problem is it was copying all files into all date(DD) folders
(like adl/2022/12/01/RAINBOW.IND.EXPORT.20221201.WIFI.NETWORK.SCHOOL.txt
1.[GET META to extract child items](
2.[Giving GET META output to FOREACH](
3.[Inside FOREACH using COPY ](
4.[Source Data Set](
5.[Sink Data Set]( Expression used in Data Set in Folder Path '#concat('adl','/'dataset().FolderName)
6.[Took parameter for Sink](
7.[Sink in copy activity ](
Expression used in sink for dynamic folders using split and substring function
**OUTPUT for this pipeline**
**Required Output is**
(i.e each file should copy to respective date folders only even if we have multiple files in same date, they should copy to date folders based on date in file name)
I have reproduced the above and got same result when I followed the steps that you have given.
Copy activity did like this because, in source or sink you did not gave #item().name(file name for that particular iteration) and you have given *.txt in the wildcard path of source in copy activity.
It means for every iteration(for every file name) it copies all .txt files from source into that particular target folder(same happened for you).
To avoid this,
Give #item().name in source wild card file name
It means we are giving only one that iteration file name in the source for the copy.
Keep the wildcard file name in source as it is(*.txt) and create a sink dataset parameter for file name.
and give #item().name to it in copy activity sink.
You can do any of the above and if you want you can do both at a time. I have checked all the 3 scenarios like
1.#item().name in wild card sink file name.
2. #item().name in dataset file name by keeping wildcard path same.
3. combining both 1 and 2(#item().name in wild card file name and in sink dataset parameter).
All are working fine and giving desired result.

How to rename a file inside a zip file without extracting it using Matlab commands

I have a bunch of zip folders that I have to extract and read the data (stored in a unique file). The problem is some of these folders have two files by any kind of error (instead of 1) with the same name. When I use the Matlab command "unzip", one of the files is overwrited by the other. The problem is these two files are not the same: one of them has the information I need, and the other one is almost empty. So I would like to rename these two files to file_a and file_b, extract them, and once both are extracted, keep only the larger one.
Do you know if there is any way to rename files inside a zip?
I made a function which will modify the filenames inside the zip file so they can be uncompressed seemlessly.
The function locate the file names in the zip file and change the first letter of each file it encounter with a sequence "A, B, C, D, etc ...".
function differentiateFileNames(zipFilename)
%% get the filenames contained in the zip file
filenames = getZipFileNames(zipFilename) ;
nFiles = numel(filenames) ;
%% Find the positions of the file name fields
% read the full file as a string
str = fileread(zipFilename) ;
% if all filenames are identical, we only need to search for the first name
% in our list
idx = strfind( str , filenames{1} ) ;
%% group indices by physical file
% Each filename appears twice in the zip file:
% ex for 2 files: file1 ... file2 ... file1 ...file2
idx = reshape(idx,nFiles,2)-1 ;
%% Now modify each filename
% (replace the first character of each filename)
fid = fopen(zipFilename,'r+') ;
for k=1:nFiles
char2write = uint8('A'+(k-1)) ; % will be: A, B, C, D, ect ...
fseek(fid,idx(k,1),'bof') ;
fwrite(fid,char2write,'uint8') ;
fseek(fid,idx(k,2),'bof') ;
fwrite(fid,char2write,'uint8') ;
fclose(fid) ;
function filenames = getZipFileNames(zipFilename)
% Create a Java file of the ZIP filename.
zipJavaFile =;
% Create a Java ZipFile and validate it.
zipFile =;
% Extract the entries from the ZipFile.
entries = zipFile.getEntries;
catch exception
if ~isempty(zipFile)
error(message('MATLAB:unzip:invalidZipFile', zipFilename));
cleanUpObject = onCleanup(#()zipFile.close);
k = 0 ;
filenames = cell('') ;
while entries.hasMoreElements
filenames{k,1} = char(entries.nextElement.getName) ;
Be aware that this script assumes that all the files have a similar name in the zip file. When it locate the file names position it only check versus the first file name found.
The sub function getZipFileNames is just a rip off of parts of the unzip.m, with only the necessary content to be able to read the file names contained in the zip file.
For testing:
I made a zip file containing 2 files:
New Text Document1.txt
New Text Document2.txt
I modified the file names inside the zip file with a hex editor, in order to have:
New Text Document1.txt
New Text Document1.txt
so both files have the same name in the archive. If I try to unzip that file, as you described I only get one file in output (the last file overwrite the other).
If I run differentiateFileNames(zipFilename), then unzip the file, I get 2 files in the output directory:
Aew Text Document1.txt
Bew Text Document1.txt
I know it can look a bit cryptic, but it insures the files are diferentiated. If you want, as an exercise, it wouldn't take much to extend the script to directly unzip the files, find out the largest one, delete the other, then rename the file left with the proper original name.

Matlab load file in path of script

I have a matlab script that wants to load a .mat file that is in a directory fixed relative to the location of the script. The script itself could be in different places relative to the current working directory, so the location of the .mat file is not known relative to it. How do I specify the location of the file to load relative to the script that is executing?
The function mfilename returns the name of the currently running script. This however does not return the full path to the script. You probably want this and so you can specify the 'fullpath' option to return the full path to the actual script itself, including the name of the script.
You just want the actual directory of where the file is, and so first use mfilename to get the full path to the actual file, then use fileparts to actually extract the actual directory of where the file is. fileparts returns the directory of where the file is, the file name itself and the extension. You just want the first output argument and don't care about the other outputs. Once you have this, you can then use the actual directory then append this string with the location of your .mat file:
p = mfilename('fullpath');
[pathstr,~,~] = fileparts(p);
d = fullfile(pathstr, 'path', 'to', 'your', 'file.mat');
fullfile builds a directory string that is OS independent, so for each subdirectory you want to indicate to get to your .mat file, place these as separate input strings up until you reach the file you want. d will contain the full path of your .mat file relative to the currently running script, which you can then use to load accordingly.

How to remove a pattern from filename in Matlab

I'd like to remove '-2' from the filenames looking like this:
So as you may see the names of the files are different and there are different kind of extensions as well. All what I want to do is remove '-2' from all of the filenames. I was trying use this:
pattern = '-2';
replacement = '';
and I got the results in the console, but after many attempts I have no idea how to 'say' to MATLAB switch the filnames in the same location.
#excaza hit it right on the money. You'll have to probe your desired directory for a list of files via dir, then loop through each filename and remove any occurrences of -2, then use movefile to rename the file, and delete to delete the old file.
Something like this comes to mind:
%// Get all files in this directory
d = fullfile('path', 'to', 'folder', 'here');
directory = dir(d);
%// For each file in this directory...
for ii = 1 : numel(directory)
%// Get the relative filename
name = directory(ii).name;
%// Replace any instances of -2 with nothing
name_after = regexprep(name, '-2', '');
%// If the string has changed after this...
if ~strcmpi(name, name_after)
%// Get the absolute path to both the original file and
%// the new file name
fullname = fullfile(directory, name);
fullname_after = fullfile(directory, name_after);
%// Create the new file
movefile(fullname, fullname_after);
%// Delete the old file
The logic behind this is quite simple. First, the string d determines the directory where you want to search for files. fullfile is used to construct your path by parts. The reason why this is important is because this allows the code to be platform agnostic. The delineation to separate between directories is different between operating systems. For example, in Windows the character is \ while on Mac OS and Linux, it's /. I don't know which platform you're running so fullfile is going to be useful here. Simply take each part of your directory and put them in as separate strings into fullfile.
Now, use dir to find all files in this directory of your choice. Replace the /path/to/folder/here with your desired path. Next, we iterate over all of the files. For each file, we get the relative filename. dir contains information about each file, and the field you want that is most important is the name attribute. However, this attribute is relative, which means that only the filename itself, without the full path to where this file is stored is given. After, we use regexprep as you have already done to replace any instances of -2 with nothing.
The next point is important. After we try and change the filename, if the file isn't the same, we need to create a new file by simply copying the old file to a new file of the changed name and we delete the old file. The function fullfile here helps establish absolute paths to where your file is located in the off-chance that are you running this script in a directory that doesn't include the files you're looking for.
We use fullfile to find the absolute paths to both the old and new file, use movefile to create the new file and delete to delete the old file.

uigetfile not pulling entire file name

I'm using uigetfile to upload my data. I've time stamped my data with a date. So a file I want to upload looks like Data-Dec01_11/45/35.txt The problem is uigetfile reads till the first "/" and then assumes that that is the end of the file name. Thus it pulls the file name Data-Dec01_11. But of course when I load that file it doesn't exist. How do I force uigetfile to pull the entire file name?
You cannot use slashes or backslashes in your file names, as they can be mistaken with the file separator, as in your case.
You can use ´regexpr´ to rename your files so they do not contain illegal characters, as explained in this trhead.
I copy here the code they suggest for your convenience (I've just added a slash and a backslash to the example string so you can see the results):
% these characters are allowed
legalchars = 'a-zA-Z0-9\-\ \_\.' ;
% illegal filename
A = 'Some#charac\ters$are(not&allowed/.txt'
% replace every other character with an underscore
B = regexprep(A,['[^' legalchars ']'],'_')