Proper Fault-tolerant/HA setup for KeyDB/Redis in Kubernetes - kubernetes

Sorry for a long post, but I hope it would relieve us from some of clarifying questions. I also added some diagrams to split the wall of text, hope you'll like those.
We are in the process of moving our current solution to local Kubernetes infrastructure, and the current thing we investigate is the proper way to setup a KV-store (we've been using Redis for this) in the K8s.
One of the main use-cases for the store is providing processes with exclusive ownership for resources via a simple version of a Distibuted lock pattern, as in (discouraged) pattern here. (More on why we are not using Redlock below).
And once again, we are looking for a way to set it in the K8s, so that details of HA setup are opaque to clients. Ideally, the setup would look like this:
So what is the proper way to setup Redis for this? Here are the options that we considered:
First of all, we discarded Redis cluster, because we don't need sharding of keyspace. Our keyspace is rather small.
Next, we discarded Redis Sentinel setup, because with sentinels clients are expected to be able to connect to chosen Redis node, so we would have to expose all nodes. And also will have to provide some identity for each node (like distinct ports, etc) which contradicts with idea of a K8s Service. And even worse, we'll have to check that all (heterogeneous) clients do support Sentinel protocol and properly implement all that fiddling.
Somewhere around here we got out of options for the first time. We thought about using regular Redis replication, but without Sentinel it's unclear how to set things up for fault-tolerance in case of master failure — there seem to be no auto-promotion for replicas, and no (easy) way to tell K8s that master has been changed — except maybe for inventing a custom K8s operator, but we are not that desperate (yet).
So, here we came to idea that Redis may be not very cloud-friendly, and started looking for alternatives. And so we found KeyDB, which has promising additional modes. That's besides impressing performance boost while having 100% compatible API — very impressive!
So here are the options that we considered with KeyDB:
Active replication with just two nodes. This would look like this:
This setup looks very promising at first — simple, clear, and even official KeyDB docs recommend this as a preferred HA setup, superior to Sentinel setup.
But there's a caveat. While the docs advocate this setup to be tolerant to split-brains (because the nodes would catch up one to another after connectivity is re-established), this would ruin our use-case, because two clients would be able to lock same resource id:
And there's no way to tell K8s that one node is OK, and another is unhealthy, because both nodes have lost their replicas.
Well, it's clear that it's impossible to make an even-node setup to be split-brain-tolerant, so next thing we considered was KeyDB 3-node multi-master, which allows each node to be an (active) replica of multiple masters:
Ok, things got more complicated, but it seems that the setup is brain-split proof:
Note that we had to add more stuff here:
health check — to consider a node that lost all its replicas as unhealthy, so K8s load balancer would not route new clients to this node
WAIT 1 command for SET/EXPIRE — to ensure that we are writing to a healthy split (preventing case when client connects to unhealthy node before load balancer learns it's ill).
And this is when a sudden thought struck: what's about consistency?? Both these setups with multiple writable nodes provide no guard against two clients both locking same key on different nodes!
Redis and KeyDB both have asynchronous replication, so there seem to be no warranty that if an (exclusive) SET succeeds as a command, it would not get overwritten by another SET with same key issued on another master a split-second later.
Adding WAITs does not help here, because it only covers spreading information from master to replicas, and seem to have no affect on these overlapping waves of overwrites spreading from multiple masters.
Okay now, this is actually the Distributed Lock problem, and both Redis and KeyDB provide the same answer — use the Redlock algorithm. But it seem to be quite too complex:
It requires client to communicate with multiple nodes explicitly (and we'd like to not do that)
These nodes are to be independent. Which is rather bad, because we are using Redis/KeyDB not only for this locking case, and we'd still like to have a reasonably fault-tolerant setup, not 5 separate nodes.
So, what options do we have? Both Redlock explanations do start from a single-node version, which is OK, if the node will never die and is always available. And while it's surely not the case, but we are willing to accept the problems that are explained in the section "Why failover-based implementations are not enough" — because we believe failovers would be quite rare, and we think that we fall under this clause:
Sometimes it is perfectly fine that under special circumstances, like during a failure, multiple clients can hold the lock at the same time. If this is the case, you can use your replication based solution.
So, having said all of this, let me finally get to the question: how do I setup a fault-tolerant "replication-based solution" of KeyDB to work in Kubernetes, and having a single write node most of the time?
If it's a regular 'single master, multiple replicas' setup (without 'auto'), what mechanism would assure promoting replica in case of master failure, and what mechanism would tell Kubernetes that master node has changed? And how? By re-assigning labels on pods?
Also, what would restore a previously dead master node in such a way that it would not become a master again, but a replica of a substitute master?
Do we need some K8s operator for this? (Those that I found were not smart enough to do this).
Or if it's multi-master active replication from KeyDB (like in my last picture above), I'd still need to use something instead of LoadBalanced K8s Service, to route all clients to a single node at time, and then again — to use some mechanism to switch this 'actual master' role in case of failure.
And this is where I'd like to ask for your help!
I've found frustratingly little info on the topic. And it does not seem that many people have such problems that we face. What are we doing wrong? How do you cope with Redis in the cloud?


Dynamic number of replicas in a Kubernetes cron-job

I've been looking for days for a way to set-up a cron-job with a dynamic number of jobs.
I've read all these solutions and it seems that, in order to initialise a dynamic number of jobs, I need to do it manually with a script and a job template, but I need it to be automatic.
A bit of context:
I have a database / message queue / whatever can store "items"
I would like to start a job (so a single replica of a container) every 5 minutes to process each item
So, let's say there is a Kafka topic / a db table / a folder containing 5 records / rows / files, I would like Kubernetes to start 5 replicas of the job (with the cron-job) automatically. After 5 minutes, there will be 2 items, so Kubernetes will just start 2 replicas.
The most feasible solution seems to be using a static number of pods and make them process multiple items, but I feel like there is a better way to accomplish my desire keeping it inside Kubernetes that I can't figure due to my lack of experience. 🤔
What would you do to solve this problem?
P.S. Sorry for my English.
There are two ways I can think of:
Using a CronJob that is parallelised (1 work-item/pod or 1+ work-items/pod). This is what you're trying to achieve. Somewhat.
Using a data processing application. This I believe is the recommended approach.
Why and Why Not CronJobs
For (1), there are a few things that I would like to mention. There is no upside to having multiple Job/CronJob items when you are trying to perform the same operation from all of them. You think you are getting parllelism, but not really, you are only increasing management overhead. If your workload grows too large (which it will) there will be too many Job objects in the cluster and the API server will be slowed down drastically.
Job and CronJob items are only for stand-alone work items that need to be performed regularly. They are house-keeping tasks. So, selecting CronJobs for data processing is a very bad idea. Even if you run a parallelized set of pods (as provided here and here in the docs like you mentioned), even then, it would be best suited to have a single Job that handles all the pods that are working on the same work-item. So, you should not be thinking of "scaling Jobs" in those terms. Instead, think of scaling Pods. So, if you really want to move ahead with utilizing the Job and CronJob mechanisms, go ahead, the MessageQueue based design is your best bet. And you will have to reinvent a lot of wheels to get it to work (read below why that is the case).
Recommended Solution
For (2), I only say this since I see you are trying to perform data processing and doing this with a one-off mechanism like a Job will not be a good idea (Jobs are basically stateless, since they perform an operation that can be repeated simply without any repercussions). Say you start a pod, it fails processing, how will other pods know that this item was not processed successfully? What if the pod dies, the Job cannot keep track of the items in your data store, since the Job is not aware of the nature of the work you're performing. Therefore, it is natural for you to pursue a solution where the system components are specifically designed for data processing.
You will want to look into a system that can understand the nature of your data, how to keep track of the processing queues that have been finished successfully, how to restart a new Pod with the same item as input, from the Pod that just crashed etc. This is a lot of application/use-case specific functionality that is best served through the means of an operator or a CustomResource and a controller. And obviously, since this is not a new problem, there is a ton of solutions out there that can perform this the best way for you.
The best course of action would be to have that system in place, deployed with the means of a Deployment pattern, where auto-scaling would be enabled and you will achieve real parallelism that will also be best suited for data processing batch jobs.
And remember, when we talk about scaling in Kubernetes, it is always the pods that scale, not containers, not deployments, not services. Always Pods. That is because at the bottom of the chain, there is always a Pod somewhere that is working on something be it a Job that owns it, or a Deployment or a Service a DaemonSet or whatever. And it is obviously a bad idea to have multiple application containers in a Pod due to so many reasons. (side-car and adapter patterns are just helpers, they don't run the application).
Perhaps this blog that discusses data processing in Kubernetes can help.

Kubernetes : Disadvantages of an all Master cluster

Hy !!
I was wondering if it could be possible to replicate an VMWare architecture in Kubernetes.
What I mean by that :
In place of having the Control-Panel always separated from the Worker Nodes, I would like to put them all together, at the end we would obtain a cluster of Master Nodes on which we can schedule applications. For now I'm using kata-container with containerd as such all applications are deployed in 'mini' VMs so there isn't the 'escape from the container' problem. The management of the Cluster would be done trough a special interface (eth0 1Gb). The users would be able to communicate with the apps that are deployed within the cluster trough another interface (eth1 10Gb). I would use Keepalived and HAProxy to elect my 'Main Master' and load balance the traffic.
The question might be 'why would you do that ?'. Well to assure High Availability at all time and reduce the management overhead, in place of having 2 sets of "entities" to manage (the control-plane and the worker nodes) simply reduce it to one, as such there won't be any problems such as 'I don't have more than 50% of my masters online so there won't be a leader elect', so now I would have to either eliminate master nodes from my cluster until the percentage of online master nodes > 50%, that would ask for technical intervention and as fast as possible which might result in human errors etc..
Another positive point would be the scaling, in place of having 2 parts of the cluster that I would need to scale (masters and workers) there would be only one, I would need to add another master/worker to the cluster and that's it. All the management traffic would be redirected to the Main Master that uses a Virtual IP (VIP) and in case of an overcharge the request would be redirected to another Node.
In the end I would have something resembling to this :
Photo - Architecture VMWare-like
I try to find disadvantages to this kind of architecture, I know that there would be etcd traffic on each Node but how impactful is it ? I know that there will be wasted resources for the Pods of the control-plane on each node, but knowing that these pods (except etcd) wont do much beside waiting, how impactful would it be ? Having each Node being capable to take the Master role there won't be any down time. Right now if my control-plane (3 masters) go down I have to reboot them or find the solution as fast as possible before there's a problem with one of the apps that turn on the worker Nodes.
The topology I'm using right now resembles the following :
Architecture basic Kubernetes
I'm new to kuberentes so the question might be seen as stupid but I would really like to know the advantages/disadvantages between the two and understand why it wouldn't be a good idea.
Thanks a lot for any help !! :slightly_smiling_face:
There are two reasons for keeping control planes on their own. The big one is that you only want a small number of etcd nodes, usually 3 or 5 and that's usually the bounding factor on the size of the control plane. You usually want the ability to scale worker nodes independently from that. The second issue is Etcd is very sensitive to IOPS brownouts and can get bad cascade failures if the machine runs low on IOPS.
And given that you are doing things on top of VMWare anyway, the overhead of managing 3 vs 6 VMs is not generally a difference in kind. This seems like a false savings in the long run.

Is there any service registry without master-cluster/server?

I recently started to learn more about service registries and their usage in distributed architecture.
All the applications providing service registries that I found (etcd, Consul, or Zookeeper) are based on the same model: a master-server/cluster with leader election.
Correct me if I'm wrong but... doesn't this make the architecture less reliable ? In the sense that the master cluster brings a point-of-failure. To circumvent this we could always make a bigger cluster but it's more costly and/or less-performance effective.
My questions here are:
as all these service registries elect a leader — wouldn't it be possible to do the same without specifying the machines that form the master cluster but rather let them discover themselves through broadcasting and elect a leader or a leading group ?
does a service registry without master-server/cluster exists ?
and if not, what are the current limitations that prevent us from doing this ?
All of those services are based on one whitepaper - Google Chubby( The idea is to have fast and consistent configuration storage for distributed systems. To get there you need to eliminate a single point of failure. How you can do that? You introduce multiple machines storing the same data and also replicate the data. But in that case, considering unreliable network between those machines, how do you make sure that the data is consistent among nodes? You choose one of the nodes from the cluster to be Leader(using distributed leader election algorithm), if nodes have inconsistent values between them, it's a leaders job to pick the "correct" one. It looks like we've returned to a "single point of failure" situation, but in reality if the leader fails, the rest of the cluster just votes and promotes a new leader. So Leader role in those systems is NOT to be a Single point of truth, but rather a Single point of decision making

What are best practices for kubernetes geo distributed cluster?

What is the best practice to get Geo distributed cluster with asynchronous network channels ?
I suspect I would need to have some "load balancer" which should redirect connections "within" it's own DC, do you know anything like this already in place?
Second question, should we use one HA cluster or create dedicated cluster for each of the DC ?
The assumption of the kubernetes development team is that cross-cluster federation will be the best way to handle cross-zone workloads. The tooling for this is easy to imagine, but has not emerged yet. You can (on your own) set up regional or global load-balancers and direct traffic to different clusters based on things like GeoIP.
You should look into Byzantine Clients. My team is currently working on a solution for erasure coded storage in asynchronous network that prevents some problems caused by faulty clients, but it relies on correct clients to establish a consistent state across the servers.
The network consists of a set of servers {P1, ...., Pn} and a set of clients {C1, ..., Cn}, which are all PTIM with running time bounded by a polynomial in a given securty parameter. Servers and clients together are parties. Theres an adversary, which is a PITM with running time boundded by a polynoil. Servers nd clients are controlled by adversary. In this case, theyre calld corruptd, othrwise, theyre called honest. An adversary that contrls up to t servers is called t-limited.
If protecting innocent clients from getting inconsistent values is a priority, then you should go ne, but from the pointview of a client, problems caused by faulty clients don't really hurt the system.

reliability: Master/slave pattern is doomed?

More and more of the noSQL databases that are in the spotlight uses the master/slave pattern to provide "availability", but what it does (at least from my perspective) is creating the weak link in a chain that will break anytime. - Master goes down, slaves stops to function.
It's a great way to handle big amounts of data and to even out reads/writes, but seen in an availability perspective? Not so much...
I understand from some noSQL's that the slaves can be changed to be a master easily, but doing this would be a headache to handle in most applications. Right?
So how do you people take care of this sort of stuff? How does master/slave-databases work in the real world?
This is a fairly generalized question; can you specify what data stores you're specifically talking about?
I've been working with MongoDB, and it handles this very gracefully; every member in a "replica set" (basically, a master-slave cluster) is eligible to become the master. On connecting to a replica set, the set will tell the connecting client about every member in the set. If the master in the set goes offline, the slaves will automatically elect a new master, and the client (since it has a list of all nodes in the set) will try new nodes until it connects; the node it connects to will inform the client about the new master, and the client switches its connection over. This allows for fully transparent master/slave failover without any changes in your application.
This is obviously fine for single connections, but what about restarts? The MongoDB driver handles this as well; it can accept a list of nodes to try connecting to, and will try them in serial until it finds one to connect to. Once it connects, it will ask the node who its master is, and forward the connection there.
The net result is that if you have a replica set established, you can effectively just not worry that any single node exploding will take you offline.