How to delete request parameter in aws apigatewayv2 - aws-api-gateway

I am trying to delete a route request parameter in apigatewayv2, aws docs requires the following arguments to fulfill deletion request:
apigatewayv2 delete-route-request-parameter
--api-id <value>
--request-parameter-key <value>
--route-id <value>
I am not sure what AWS meant with request-parameter-key, I've tried the following with no success.
aws apigatewayv2 delete-route-request-parameter --api-id red6c408c5 --route-id i09lhet --request-parameter-key '"integration.request.header.authorization": "route.request.body.payload.authorization"'
I got:
An error occurred (NotFoundException) when calling the DeleteRouteRequestParameter operation: Invalid request parameter specified
request parameter key I would like to delete is first in the RequestParameters object from the following :
"ConnectionType": "INTERNET",
"ContentHandlingStrategy": "CONVERT_TO_TEXT",
"IntegrationId": "40w4rqd",
"IntegrationMethod": "POST",
"IntegrationType": "HTTP_PROXY",
"IntegrationUri": "https://***/chat/api/v1/live/sync-contacts/results",
"PassthroughBehavior": "WHEN_NO_MATCH",
"PayloadFormatVersion": "1.0",
"RequestParameters": {
//=>> deleting this "integration.request.header.cognito_token": "route.request.body.payload.authorization",
"integration.request.header.domainName": "context.domainName",
"integration.request.header.connectionid": "context.connectionId"
"TimeoutInMillis": 29000
is there a specific way to represent particular request parameter to be deleted?


K6 Get reqeust result in error against specific endpoint URL

I am new to K6 and is trying to use the tool to perform a Get request by verifying an API.
When the script is executed I get a warning that terminates the scrip. As far as my understanding is that this error is somewhat related to Go (if I have understood it correctly).
The result that I want to achieve is to be able to execute the Get request to the endpoint URL, but would appreciate any kind of feedback if I have done any incorrectly or should try an other approach.
import http from "k6/http";
import { check } from "k6";
export default function () {
var url =
var headerParam = {
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
const response = http.get(url, headerParam);
check(response, {
"Response status reciving a 200 response ": (r) => r.status === 200,
let body = JSON.parse(response.body);
WARN[0000] Request Failed error="Get \"\": x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs or temporarily enable Common Name matching with GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0"
Changing URL endpoint:
If i change the URL endpoint (mockup url) like below, there will be no errors:
var url = "";
Updated solution to run this locally:
In order to run this locally i had to add the certification and key:
export let options = {
tlsAuth: [
cert: open(`${__ENV.Certificate}`),
key: open(`${__ENV.Key}`),
In addition populate the execute command with --insecure-skip-tls-verify
k6 run -e Certificate=/home/cert/example_certification.crt -e Key=/home/cert/certification/example_key.key -e example.js --insecure-skip-tls-verify
k6 is written in Go, and the latest versions of Go have a breaking change in how they handle X.509 certificates:
As it says in the error message, you can temporarily allow the old behavior by setting a GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0 environment variable, but that will likely stop working in a few months with Go 1.17. Using the insecureSkipTLSVerify k6 option might also work, I haven't checked, but as the name implies, that stops any TLS verification and is insecure.
So the real solution is to re-generate your server-side certificate properly.

Jfrog REST API Jenkins Groovy status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found

I have a Groovy script which is run in the Jenkins script console. The script uses the JFrog Rest API to run some queries. One of which returns: status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found
$ curl -X GET -H "X-JFrog-Art-Api:APIKey"
"properties" : { ... },
"uri" : ""
$ wget --header="X-JFrog-Art-Api:APIKey"
--2020-01-14 13:12:16--
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Jenkins Groovy
def restClient = new RESTClient('')
restClient.headers['X-JFrog-Art-Api'] = 'APIKey'
println(restClient.get(path: '/OU/api/storage/test-repository/docker-log-gen/1.12/manifest.json?properties', requestContentType: 'text/plain') ) status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found
Other rest calls (api/docker) are made prior to this one in the script and return successfully. I am unable to identify a cause for this response, as shown the command-line calls return the expected JSON.
Please help.
The part after the first question mark is not the URI path component.
println(restClient.get(path: '/OU/api/storage/test-repository/docker-log-gen/1.12/manifest.json', query: ['properties': ''] , requestContentType: 'text/plain').data.text )
"properties" : { ... },
"uri" : ""

resource type error while trying to use cloudformation

I tried to use the exact same example provided in the user guide mentioned below. It works from console but fails to create stack using client.
I got an error while trying to execute the following:
"Resources": {
"AthenaNamedQuery": {
"Type": "AWS::Athena::NamedQuery",
"Properties": {
"Database": "swfnetadata",
"Description": "A query that selects all aggregated data",
"Name": "MostExpensiveWorkflow",
"QueryString": "SELECT workflowname, AVG(activitytaskstarted) AS AverageWorkflow FROM swfmetadata WHERE year='17' AND GROUP BY workflowname ORDER BY AverageWorkflow DESC LIMIT 10"
Is the "create-stack" parameter of cloudformation correct?
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name dnd --template-body file://final.json
Why am I getting a resource type error like this?
An error occurred (ValidationError) when calling the CreateStack operation: Template format error: Unrecognized resource types: [AWS::Athena::NamedQuery]
It worked when I updated my CLI version as suggested in the comment. This issue is now closed.

Mobile Service App Tablecontroller Post

I can't seem to be able to post data using a TableController via postman.
I receive the following error:
{"message":"An error has occurred.","exceptionMessage":"Multiple actions were found that match the request: \r\nPostPerson on type CEVault.Backend.NetStandard.Controllers.Mobile.PersonController\r\nSetDomainManager on type CEVault.Backend.NetStandard.Controllers.Mobile.PersonController\r\nSetContext on type CEVault.Backend.NetStandard.Controllers.Mobile.PersonController\r\nSetContext on type CEVault.Backend.NetStandard.Controllers.Mobile.PersonController","exceptionType":"System.InvalidOperationException","stackTrace":" at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ApiControllerActionSelector.ActionSelectorCacheItem.SelectAction(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)\r\n at System.Web.Http.Controllers.ApiControllerActionSelector.SelectAction(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)\r\n at System.Web.Http.ApiController.ExecuteAsync(HttpControllerContext controllerContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)\r\n at System.Web.Http.Dispatcher.HttpControllerDispatcher.d__1.MoveNext()"}
Looks like the server can't find the route. However all other actions/verbs work just fine (Patch, delete, get).
IN postman this is the code:
POST /tables/person HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:43689
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 62bb9475-2b24-024a-b434-c9ddec0bcd9c
"deleted": false,
"id": "81FEF95A-2B61-4CE6-B9F7-FEBD572DADD1",
"avatar": "",
"notes": null,
"lastName": "Trumpet",
"middleName": "Ignacio",
"firstName": "Donald",
"userId": "81FEF95A-2B61-4CE6-B9F7-FEBD572DA876"
Any help is appreciated.
{"message":"An error has occurred.","exceptionMessage":"Multiple actions were found that match the request: \r\nPostPerson on type CEVault.Backend.NetStandard.Controllers.Mobile.PersonController\r\nSetDomainManager on type CEVault.Backend.NetStandard.Controllers.Mobile.PersonController\r\nSetContext on type CEVault.Backend.NetStandard.Controllers.Mobile.PersonController\r\nSetContext on type CEVault.Backend.NetStandard.Controllers.Mobile.PersonController","exceptionType":"System.InvalidOperationException",
According to your error message, I assumed that there are some actions (PostPerson, SetDomainManager,SetContext) in your PersonController.cs which could both match your posted request.
Per my understanding, if you have some internal methods which are used to handle your business logic, you could mark them as protected or private instead of public. Or you could leverage RouteAttribute (e.g. [Route("tables/TodoItem")]) to mark your actions for attribute-based routing. When using RouteAttribute, you need to enable it by adding the following code in the ConfigureMobileApp method of your Startup.MobileApp.cs:
For more details, you could follow Adrian Hall's blog.

Apiary Error when invoking API

I get the following error on ApiaryWe are sorry, but the API call failed.
My host is defined as
data urn [models/v2/files/{urn}/data{?guid}]
urn (required, string, ttt) urn.
guid (optional, string,067e6162-3b6f-4ae2-a171-2470b63dfe02)...filter by guid.
Response 200 (application/vnd.api+json)
"version": "1.0",
When i invoke this , i get error . Any inputs
I have edited your API Blueprint as follows:
# Test API
This is a test API
## data urn [/models/v2/files/{urn}/data{?guid}]
+ Parameters
+ urn: `ttt` (required, string) - design urn
+ guid: `067e6162-3b6f-4ae2-a171-2470b63dfe02` (optional, string) - filter by guid
### test [GET]
+ Response 200 (application/vnd.api+json)
"version": "1.0"
You can find tutorials here:
Also not sure what you mean "invoke" the API - are you calling the mock server or are you hitting your own server through Apiary.
Happy to help further via the support option in Apiary itself or email us on support [at]