Query for jsonb. How select by value from jsonb? [duplicate] - postgresql

This question already has answers here:
JSONB in where clause postgres
(2 answers)
how to query array of nested json in postgresql
(2 answers)
Closed 3 months ago.
I have a postrgresql table with jsonb products column:
| products |
| --------------------------------------------------- |
| [{"id": "eaaca8bc-c8a0-45f7-9698-d4fc701d2e5a", "#type": "#game", "extId": "da32af17-fa03-4a62-bd04-f026d04d16e9"}, {"id": "5fc5de21-9cb7-4bd3-a723-7936bfef7cde", "#type": "#book", "extId": "c945f005-2d37-491c-8ba9-9da2709a3aab"}, {"id": "892fe85c-d7d6-4815-8dec-1720b644205a", "#type": "#sport", "extId": "c252dcba-2a14-4e75-90db-29ccac2499d2"}] |
| [{"id": "gh6d86ls-wj8o-39r4-2694-1720b644205a", "#type": "#game", "extId": "da32af17-fa03-4a62-bd04-f026d04d16e9"}] |
| |
| [{"id": "892fe85c-d7d6-4815-8dec-1720b644205a", "#type": "#sport", "extId": "c252dcba-2a14-4e75-90db-29ccac2499d2"}] |
Example of pretty json from products column:
"id": "eaaca8bc-c8a0-45f7-9698-d4fc701d2e5a",
"#type": "#game",
"extId": "da32af17-fa03-4a62-bd04-f026d04d16e9"
"id": "5fc5de21-9cb7-4bd3-a723-7936bfef7cde",
"#type": "#book",
"extId": "c945f005-2d37-491c-8ba9-9da2709a3aab"
How can I select all rows, where "#type" equals "#game" and "extId" equals da32af17-fa03-4a62-bd04-f026d04d16e9?

You can use the contains operator #>
select *
from the_table
where products #> '[{"#type": "#game", "extId": "da32af17-fa03-4a62-bd04-f026d04d16e9"}]


Postgres expand array of object (jsonb)

I have a postgres table in which I want to expand a jsonb column.
The table (called runs) has each participant as a single row, with the jsonb column holding their experiment data.
id |data |
id1|[{}, {}] |
id2|[{}, {}, {}] |
The jsonb column is always an array with an unknown number of objects, where each object has an unknown number of arbitrary keys.
"rt": 3698,
"phase": "questionnaire",
"question": 1
"rt": 3698,
"phase": "forced-choice",
"choice": 0,
"options": ["red", "blue"]
I would like to either (1) expand the jsonb column so each object is a row:
id |rt | phase | question | choice | options |
---|------| ------------- | -------- | ------ | -------------- |
id1| 3698 | questionnaire | 1 | | |
id1| 5467 | choice | | 0 | ["red", "blue] |
OR (2) map the other columns in the row to the jsonb array (here the "id" key):
"id": "id1",
"rt": 3698,
"phase": "questionnaire",
"question": 1
"id": "id1",
"rt": 3698,
"phase": "forced-choice",
"choice": 0,
"options": ["red", "blue"]
The fact that the number of objects, the number of keys per object, and the keys themselves are unknown a priori is really stumping me on how to accomplish this. Maybe something like this, but this isn't right...
SELECT id, x.*
jsonb_populate_recordset(null:runs_table, data) x
PostgreSQL has a many JSON functions. Firstly you must extract keys and values from 'JSONB'. After then you can get the type of values using Postgres jsonb_typeof(jsonb) function. I wrote two samples for you:
-- sample 1
select *
from jsonb_array_elements(
"id": "id1",
"rt": 3698,
"phase": "questionnaire",
"question": 1
"id": "id1",
"rt": 3698,
"phase": "forced-choice",
"choice": 0,
"options": ["red", "blue"]
) t1 (json_data)
cross join jsonb_each(t1.json_data) t2(js_key, js_value)
where jsonb_typeof(t2.js_value::jsonb) = 'array'
-- sample 2
select *
from jsonb_array_elements(
"id": "id1",
"rt": 3698,
"phase": "questionnaire",
"question": 1
"id": "id1",
"rt": 3698,
"phase": "forced-choice",
"choice": 0,
"options": ["red", "blue"]
) t1 (json_data)
where jsonb_typeof((t1.json_data->'options')::jsonb) = 'array'
Sample 1: This Query will extract all keys and values from JSONB and after then will be set filtering for showing only array type of values.
Sample 2: Use this query if you know which keys can be array types.

Search and update a JSON array element in Postgres

I have a Jsonb column that store array of elements like the following:
{"id": "11", "name": "John", "age":"25", ..........},
{"id": "22", "name": "Mike", "age":"35", ..........},
{"id": "33", "name": "Tom", "age":"45", ..........},
I want to replace the 2nd object(id=22) with a totally new object. I don't want to update each property one by one because there are many properties and their values all could have changed. I want to just identify the 2nd element and replace the whole object.
I know there is a jsonb_set(). However, to update the 2nd element, I need to know its array index=1 so I can do the following:
jsonb_set(data, '{1}', '{"id": "22", "name": "Don", "age":"55"}',true)
But I couldn't find any way to search and get that index. Can someone help me out?
One way I can think of is to combine row_number and json_array_elements:
-- test data
create table test (id integer, data jsonb);
insert into test values (1, '[{"id": "22", "name": "Don", "age":"55"}, {"id": "23", "name": "Don2", "age":"55"},{"id": "24", "name": "Don3", "age":"55"}]');
insert into test values (2, '[{"id": "32", "name": "Don", "age":"55"}, {"id": "33", "name": "Don2", "age":"55"},{"id": "34", "name": "Don3", "age":"55"}]');
select subrow, id, row_number() over (partition by id)
from (
select json_array_elements(data) as subrow, id
from test
) as t;
subrow | id | row_number
{"id": "22", "name": "Don", "age":"55"} | 1 | 1
{"id": "23", "name": "Don2", "age":"55"} | 1 | 2
{"id": "24", "name": "Don3", "age":"55"} | 1 | 3
{"id": "32", "name": "Don", "age":"55"} | 2 | 1
{"id": "33", "name": "Don2", "age":"55"} | 2 | 2
{"id": "34", "name": "Don3", "age":"55"} | 2 | 3
-- apparently you can filter what you want from here
select subrow, id, row_number() over (partition by id)
from (
select json_array_elements(data) as subrow, id
from test
) as t
where subrow->>'id' = '23';
In addition, think about your schema design. It may not be the best idea to store your data this way.

Postgres: how to delete duplicate based on field in jsonb column

I have a postgres table with a created_at and data column, where the data column is in jsonb format.
A row is considered duplicated if it has the same value for the id propery in the data column.
The table looks like this
created_at | data
1 2018-03-20 | {"id": "abc", "name": "please"}
2 2018-01-10 | {"id": "sdf", "name": "john" }
3 2018-03-31 | {"id": "lkj", "name": "doe" }
4 2018-02-30 | {"id": "dfg", "name": "apple"}
5 2018-05-24 | {"id": "dfg", "name": "seed" }
6 2018-03-27 | {"id": "23f", "name": "need" }
7 2018-11-14 | {"id": "abc", "name": "help" }
What is an efficient way to remove duplicates in this table? I do want to keep one instance behind
ie. if 5 entries have the same id I want to delete 4 and leave 1 of them in table
In this scenario I want to remove one of the entries with id='abc' and id='dfg'

recursively flatten a nested jsonb in postgres without unknown depth and unknown key fields

How can I recursively flatten a nested jsonb in postgres which I don't know the depth and the field at each depth? (see example below)
A postgressql query to do the flattening would be much apreciated
"xx": "",
"xx": "",
"form": "xxx",
"type": "",
"content_type": "xxx",
"reported_date": ,
"contact": {
"imported_date": "",
"name": "",
"phone": "",
"alternate_phone": "",
"specialization": "",
"type": "",
"reported_date": ,
"parent": {
"_id": "xxx",
"_rev": "xxx",
"parent": "",
"type": "xxx"
I have searched in stack overflow but they only consider jsonb's which have a single depth and the keys are already known before
Example setup:
create table my_table(id int, data jsonb);
insert into my_table values
"type": "a type",
"form": "a form",
"contact": {
"name": "a name",
"phone": "123-456-78",
"type": "contact type",
"parent": {
"id": "444",
"type": "parent type"
The recursive query executes jsonb_each() for every json object found on any level. New key names contain full path from the root:
with recursive flat (id, key, value) as (
select id, key, value
from my_table,
select f.id, concat(f.key, '.', j.key), j.value
from flat f,
jsonb_each(f.value) j
where jsonb_typeof(f.value) = 'object'
select id, jsonb_pretty(jsonb_object_agg(key, value)) as data
from flat
where jsonb_typeof(value) <> 'object'
group by id;
id | data
1 | { +
| "form": "a form", +
| "type": "a type", +
| "contact.name": "a name", +
| "contact.type": "contact type", +
| "contact.phone": "123-456-78", +
| "contact.parent.id": "444", +
| "contact.parent.type": "parent type"+
| }
(1 row)
If you want to get a flat view of this data you can use the function create_jsonb_flat_view() described in this answer Flatten aggregated key/value pairs from a JSONB field?
You need to create a table (or view) with flattened jsonb:
create table my_table_flat as
-- create view my_table_flat as
with recursive flat (id, key, value) as (
-- etc as above
-- but without jsonb_pretty()
Now you can use the function on the table:
select create_jsonb_flat_view('my_table_flat', 'id', 'data');
select * from my_table_flat_view;
id | contact.name | contact.parent.id | contact.parent.type | contact.phone | contact.type | form | type
1 | a name | 444 | parent type | 123-456-78 | contact type | a form | a type
(1 row)
The solution works in Postgres 9.5+, as it uses jsonb function introduced in this version. If your server version is older it is highly recommended to upgrade Postgres anyway to use jsonb efficiently.

PSQL: Find record where JSONB field with array of hashes contains some case insensitive value

I need to find all the records in the PostgreSQL database (9.5) where connections JSONB column with array of hashes containing some information. And this search query must be case-insensitive.
For example column would be [{"type":"email", "value":"john#test.com", "comment": "Test"}, {"type":"skype", "value":"john.b", "comment": "Test2"}]). And I need to find the record, where connections column contains entry with type: "skype" and value "JOHN.B".
# SELECT * FROM contacts;
id | email | connections
1 | asd | [{"type": "email", "value": "john#test.com"}, {"type": "skype", "value": "john.b"}]
How can I do it? Thanks.
WITH t(id,email,connections) AS ( VALUES
{"type": "email", "value": "john#test.com"},
{"type": "skype", "value": "john.b"}
WHERE connections #> '[{"type": "skype"}]'
AND connections #> '[{"value": "john.b"}]';
id | email | connections
1 | test | [{"type": "email", "value": "john#test.com"}, {"type": "skype", "value": "john.b"}]
(1 row)
Here is one method using >#:
where connections #> '{"type":"skype"}' and
connections #> '{"value":"john.b"}')