QuickFix: How to create a new custom group - quickfix

Would you please advise what is the way to create (Java) custom group. For instance, i need a group consists of three element (2101, 2102, 2103) so that fix message will be:
where 2100 include index of subgroup
QuickFix has similar NewSingleOrder.NoStrategyParameters()


Filter on Custom Fields

We have added 5 custom fields but are unable to find a way to filter based on data in these fields. Anyone any ideas or resolved this?
Custom fields have been added in VSTS using customization under Process settings.
The feature is available in VSTS.
Below is the detail steps to add a custom field and filter query work items based on the custom field (you can compare with your steps):
1. Add a custom field
In the Process page (https://account.visualstudio.com/_admin/_process) -> Processes Tab -> select the inherited process -> select the work item type you want to add a field (such as PBI in the example) -> New field -> specify the field you add (it's newField in the example).
2. Query work items based on the custom field
Go to a project which you are using the inherited process -> Work Hub -> Queries Tab -> specify the custom field to filter the work items.
At this moment there is no support for this on Boards and Backlogs. Queries as described by Marian might be your best bet. There is an open ticket for it. Please vote to (hopefully) prioritize this.

SSRS subquery based on other query

I'd like to make an overview of projects.
This contains some fixed info; table projects joined with some other tables.
Now the report needs to have some subqueries: how many sales per salesman, how many is in transit, inventory, ... and so on.
I have a tablix with grouping on project (as to create an excel with one worksheet per projet).
How would I go about executing a new subquery per project (f.e. select owner, sum(totalprice) from opportunities where project=xxx group by owner)
I know I could achieve this with subreports; but as I will have about 10 subreports, I was hoping I could solve this with extra datasets and some filtering (and thus keep all logic in one file).
What's the best way to achieve this?
I would create a dataset with this query:
select owner, project, sum(totalprice) as totalprice from opportunities group by owner, project
Next, in your tablix where you want to display owner and totalprice info, you will have an expression like this:
=LOOKUP(Fields!<FirstDataSetProjectFieldName>.Value, Fields!project.Value, Fields!owner.Value, "<NewDatasetName>")
The above code will send the value of the project you are searching for, match it with a the same field in your new dataset, then return the requested value from the new dataset. You can obviously do this for totalprice as well.
Check out the documentation for LOOKUP to get a better handle on it but I think this is the solution you are looking for.

How to Display Attribute Group Name in Product Tab Magento 2.1.3

I created an attribute set and attribute groups with attributes in it. In the admin panel the attributes are listed in groups, like i created them. But on the front productpage all the attributes are listed together, without displaying the attribute group name first.
I would like to display the Attribute Group Name on the product page (more information tab), before the attributes in this group. How do i do that?
There is no way to do this by default in Magento 2.
There are a few ways I can think of to acheive this. Perhaps best would be to extend the getAdditionalData() method in /Block/Product/View/Attributes.php so that it adds the attribute group name (or id) to the returned array.
You would then need to create a local copy of Magento_Catalog/templates/product/view/attributes.phtml and iterate the array returned by the modified getAdditionalData() method sorting it according to the group name and then output the data with group name headings.
I'd be interested to hear of other or best practice approaches to this type of relatively simple extended functionality in Magento 2.

JasperReports - How to deal with nested object collection

I'm Java developer for about 2 years but I'm new with Jasper so I need some help, I know how to deal with a simple report with fields coming from a class or entity but now I have to do something harder.
I have these 3 entities:
The group may have a list of function, and a function has a list oc privileges, that is the simplest scenario but a group may have a list of other groups instead of a list of function.
simple example: Group1 -> (Function1 [Privilege1, Privilege2], Function2 [Privilege3, Privilege4] - Group1 got a list with 2 functions each one with 2 privileges.
complex example: Group2 -> (Group1 -> [Function1 {Privilege1, Privilege2}, Function2 {Privilege3, Privilege4}], Group3 -> [FunctionX {Privilege1, Privilege2}, FunctionY... - Group 2 got a list with 2 sub-groups, each sub-group got functions and so on.
To build the report I'm used to send to Jasper just one object, in this case the parent group so I believe I need a way to iterate through its lists but I don't know what is the best approach.
I made some research about groups and sub reports but I couldn't find any situation like that and I can't figure out what is the best for what I need to do.
Some help would be appreciated!
I'm create jasper report as pass one single object as parameter or field.
assume one file structure
com.project.MyClass, we pass object of MyClass
this object is passed as parameter or as datasource whatever you want.
assume myClass is object
if you pass one single object than you must change expression class java.lang.String to com.project.MyClass in jasper.
now you can access your object as $F{myClass }.getMethodName()
you can also use use $F{myClass }.getMethodName().getSubmethodName()
this is 100% working. I use it for my all reports. If you want any help then ask.

What is the purpose of the <group> tag in jrxml files

can anyone explain in very simple words what the <group> tag stands for. I already read this: enter link description here
But I can't get it, I played with reports over three hours but can't get any results.
I have a csv datasource looking like that:
Name | Value
Ab | 123
Ba | wow
Cb | got
De | it
For instance I would like to get only the entry in the value column where the entry in the Name column is "Cb" (would be "got").
Hence, I created a group with: following expression: $F{Name}.compareToIgnoreCase("Cb")
Unfortunately I always get the entire column although I only want one entry.
Do I use the group tag in the right way? Maybe I have misunderstood the intended purpose of this tag.
Any help would be appreciated.
I made a simple example PastBin:minimalcode-jrxml-file using following csv file as datasource:
Here is a screenshot of the design view (ireports 5.5.0):
And here is what I get when I click on preview (in ireports), unfortunately this is not what i want:
Maybe anyone can help.
The purpose of this tag is to "group/unite data based on a specific column value. Let's take for example the classic HR schema. Every Employee is linked with a specific Department. While getting all the employees inside a report, you can "divide" them in groups based on the department on which they are connected (i.e: by creating a group with for the employee.department_id attribute). A simple usage might be creating different tables with employees records for every department. Basically, is the same function as the Group clause in SQL (only that Jasper is aware of these groups and allows you to customize them).
In your case, i'm not quite sure that the expression used is creating a jasper-group. Anyway, what you're trying to do (i mean, getting only that record) can be easily accomplished by a "WHERE" clause inside the report query: WHERE name='Cb'
You don't need group use filter expression: