Is there any way to connect MongoDb server to power Bi cloud? - mongodb

I need a work around how to connect MongoDB ( running on a server ) with powerBI server directly without powerBI desktop intervention.
Previously, I did it like connect mongodb ( local ) with powerBI desktop via ODBC, then publish to powerBI server. But once the mongoDb server is in another server then I don't have any idea how to do it.
Can anyone give me any idea/solution, please?

Mongo is an ODBC data source for Power BI, and all ODBC data sources require a Power BI Gateway to refresh from the Power BI Service.


How to fetch data from Postgres db behind firewall for power bi report

I am having my data on Postgres DB on Azure behind the firewall. Because of firewall it is not possible to import data in Power bi. I want to publish the report on Any suggestion how this can be done?
There are some major steps when importing the data into Power BI from Azure Database for PostgreSQL.
Install the ODBC driver
You have to add a rule to the firewall (inbound rule).
Refer for more detailed explanation.

MongoDB ODBC configuration for MongoDB BI Connector

I’m trying to setup MongoDB BI Connector to use it for Tableau. I have already running mongosqld and it is connecting successfully from windows cmd to aws documentdb, but when I try to setup MongoDB ODBC Data Source it shows Connection failed [MongoDB][ODBC 1.4(w) Driver] can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘xxxxx’. The same error is when trying unicode or ansi. It is also not working connecting directly from Tableau Desktop using MongoDB BI Connector. Same error message. I'm using port 3307. Perhaps anyone has had the same issue and can advise how to solve it?

MongoDB connection with Power BI

I have this mongoDB (a SaSS in IBM Cloud) and on this cloud i also have an instance of another noSQL DB, cloudant db.
We were able to connect the cloudant DB on Power BI using only an URL such as "<DATABASE_NAME>/_design/<DESIGN_DOC_NAME>/_view/<VIEW_NAME>" and "WEB" connection option on PowerBI.
My question is, and i didn't find any info or documentation related to this matter: on MongoDB, there is a way to achieve this kind of connection, using only a uri to a specific view rather than the ODBC connection?
If not, is there any other alternative to connect with this resource on IBM instead of ODBC?
Install mongosqld from :
Run mongosqld
Now you can connect to the mongodb instance with read access using mysql/mariadb client or drivers.
NOTE: As mentioned this only has read access, so you can execute all the select queries.
I don't think so if PowerBI doesn't support it already. The MongoDB BI Connector isn't installed in IBM Cloud Databases for MongoDB.

Connecting to Mongodb Database from Power BI

We have Mongodb has database, hosted with Redhat servers.
Our clients need access to our database via Power BI, we have shared IP address database username, password and port number. But still they are not able access the database.
We need to know that is it possible to connect the Mongodb with Power BI permanently or is there other way that we need to fallow.

connecting amazon redshift server from tableau server

I have installed Tableau server in my PC. I am trying to connect Amazon Redshift server from tableau server directly like connecting redshift from tableau desktop. I am not found any options for it. Is it possible? and i am using tableau server trail version. Thanks.
Tableau Server is used to store published data connections and workbooks created in Tableau Desktop. Whilst it is possible to edit an existing data connections, it is not possible to create a brand-new data connection on Tableau Server.
When publishing a workbook or data connection that uses Amazon Redshift, make sure that the appropriate driver is installed on the Tableau Server machine (Tableau Support drivers page)