Filament php Toggle - boolean

How I can use toogle for insert data( 0 1) to database?
I couldn't find this question's answer from Google in two days.
I write code as above but it doesn't work. It works as button but not change data on database.

I found the answer. Just need to add 'is_active' to $fillable in Model:
protected $fillable = [


Undefined array key "relation_type"

Im having some issues with a backpack project im doing.
What im trying to do change the way the PermissionsManager displays the check boxes when editing a user.
I have managed to create the custom CRUD files and i know that these files are working as i can edit some of the basic fields to add additional user fields.
The code im using to add the relationship is..
[ // relationship
'name' => 'permission', // the method on your model that defines the relationship
'type' => "relationship",
// 'label' => "Category",
// 'attribute' => "title", // attribute on model that is shown to user
// 'placeholder' => "Select a category", // placeholder for the select2 input
The error i get then i try to access the page is..
Undefined array key "relation_type"
Any ideas on what might be causing this?
I think you are getting that error because the relationship name is permissions (plural) and not permission (singular).
Let me know if that's the case.

Localize records and update with DataHandler

It is possible to localize records by using the "localize" command of the DataHandler
$cmd[self::TABLE_NAME] = [
uid_of_the_original_record => [
'localize' => language_uid,
$this->dataHandler->start([], $cmd);
This correctly adds a translated record to the DB, but with the copied strings of the original record. How is it possible to edit the properties of the localized record? By using the update command afterwards? If so, how do I get the uid of the added localization?
You can actually create localizations using the data map instead:
$data[self::TABLE_NAME] = [
'NEW123' => [
'sys_language_uid' => <language-uid>,
'l10n_parent' => <original-record-uid>, // Optionally also l10n_source
// Other fields
$this->dataHandler->start($data, []);
This way you can directly set other fields when creating a localization.
Currently it's not possible to run localize and put the translated content in there at the same time.
There are two options I can see:
Get all translated elements (by the original UID you have) and set the translated content in each of them afterwards
Hook into processCmdmap_postProcess or processCmdmap_afterFinish and put the translated content into it
I had the same issue with an importer and used option 1.

Extbase "findBy" with multiple parameters

I got an extension in which i want to include some filters, i know figured out that i can filter the results that are shown of my listAction() by using findBy.
I tested it and it worked like this:
$cars = $this->carRepository->findByCarid("1");
$this->view->assign('cars', $cars);
My problem now is i need to filter the result with more than one Parameter, what if i want to add findByColor("blue") so it gives me all cars wit hid 1 and color blue? What solution does extbase have for that kind of search queries? i can`t find anything good or understandable in the documentation.
You have to extend you repository and code this functionality on your own. Extbase offers you a simple but powerful API to do so.
class whatEverYourRepositoryIsCalled extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Repository {
public function findByFilter($carId, $color) {
// Create empty query = select * from table
$query = $this->createQuery();
// Add query options
return $query->matching(
// ALL conditions have to be met (AND)
// table column carId must be euqal to $carId
$query->equals('carId', $carId),
// table column color must be euqal to $color
$query->equals('color', $color)
This is a quite simple approach to your problem. In a real world scenario I would probably use an array of filter criteria to do the filtering like array('carId' => 1, 'color' => 'blue'). Inside of findByFilter() those values would be extracted and added to the query.
The key is to build the desired query. A quite comprehensive explanation of how to do that can be found at Unfortunately it's not completely up to date but the part about constructing queries is still valid.

Laravel: When creating a record with relations, cannot insert foreign key into table

I am following this exercise of an "intermediate task list" from Laravel 5.2 documentations and have some difficulty understanding how this piece of code works.
'name' => $request->name,
Question 1
Specifically, I am confused at the relation between the user() and tasks() methods. Why and how exactly can we make the user() and tasks() methods available from the $request object?
Question 2
I created a similar app and has Person and Country models. I want to pass the country_id input from a dropdown list, but I can't get the database updated, using the following code.
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'name' => 'required|max:255',
'country_id' => 'required|max:3',
'name' => $request->name,
'country_id' => $request->country_id,
return redirect('/people');
Why is it that the country_id cannot be saved to the table? I tried changing the user() to country() but the error message says, "class Country" was not found. But why is the 'user()' in the tutorial available then? I am baffled.
The user() method of request is available if the user making the request is authenticated.
Since it uses User model it can also fetch the related model. For tasks() to work Task relationship must be defined in user model.
For country_id to be created(mass assigned) ensure its included in $fillable property of the People model
$fillable = ['country_id']
Please read Eloquent model relationship section in Laravel documentation.

Laravel and Eloquent: Specifying columns in when retrieving related items

This is a followup post to: Laravel 4 and Eloquent: retrieving all records and all related records
The solution given works great:
$artists = Artist::with('instruments')->get();
return \View::make('artists')->withArtists($artists);
It also works with just:
$artists = Artist::get();
Now I'm trying to specify the exact columns to return for both tables. I've tried using select() in both the statement above and in my Class, like this:
$artists = Artist::select('firstname', 'lastname', '')->get();
$artists = Artist::with(array('instruments' => function($query) {
(as suggested here and while this doesn't throw an error, it also doesn't limit the columns to only those specified)
or in Artist.php:
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Instrument')->select(['name']);
How would I go about getting just the firstname and lastname column from the artists table and the name column from instruments table?
Not sure what I was thinking. I think working on this so long got me cross-eyed.
Anyhow, I looked into this a lot more and searched for answers and finally posted an issue on GitHub.
The bottom line is this is not possible as of Laravel v4.1.
This solved it:
public function instruments() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Instrument', 'id');
Note that I changed this to a hasMany from a belongsToMany which makes more sense to me as a musicians (or Artist) would have many Instruments they play and an Instrument could belong to many Artists (which I also alluded to in my previous questions referenced above). I also had to specify 'id' column in my model which tells the ORM that matches That part confuses me a bit because I thought the order for hasMany was foreign_key, primary_key, but maybe I'm thinking about it backwards. If someone can explain that a bit more I'd appreciate it.
Anyhow, the second part of the solution...
In ArtistsController.php, I did this:
$artists = Artist::with(array(
'instruments' => function($q) {
$q->select('', 'name');
)->get(array('id', 'firstname', 'lastname'));
That gives me exactly what I want which is a collection of Artists that contains only the firstname and lastname columns from the artists table and the name column for each of the instruments they play from the instruments.
$artists = Artist::with(array('instruments' => function ($query) {
$query->select('id', 'name');
}))->get('id', 'firstname', 'lastname');