Related Transaction ID's - paypal

I'm looking for a way to see which Transaction ID's are related to each other.
Just to clarify what I mean, when you search in your account in the Activity overview for a certain ID, it shows all related ID's as well. I want this relationship to be visible in a downloadable form (.csv/.xlsx/.pdf).
Perhaps with the help of API this could be achieved?
As far as I can see, there is no report available (for download) that shows relationships.

In the account go to Activity -> Reports -> All Reports -> Activity Download (live, sandbox)
Select Transaction Type: All transactions, and the desired date range.
"Create Report" and download when finished.
There are two columns with IDs, "Transaction ID" and "Reference Txn ID". There is also a "Type" column.


Optimize Reads or Insert

Our company has a mongodb collection of millions merchants and billions of products.
A merchant can choose to go hidden after which their products shouldn't be visible to the public.
I am wondering the best way to implement this:
I could update all the products of the user to have a hidden status.
I could update the merchant to have a hidden status and read the status of the merchant for every product request to know if to show or not.
What has been your experiences if you have encountered this dilemma or what would you suggest is the best engineering approach.
Since it's the merchant who's going hidden and not individual products, you should put the status on the merchant.
So option 2 in your question.
If you haven't yet implemented 'hidden' in your db, add it to your table as NULLable with a default of FALSE. Then in your query to find products of visible merchants, you can just put where NOT merchant.hidden OR merchant.hidden IS NULL. That way, when you add it to your db, you don't need to update it for the millions of others merchants who are non-hidden.
Often Mongo design depends on how you are going to access the data.
if you select a merchant then their products put the hidden field in the merchant.
If you select a sub set of products independent of the merchant you will need it in the product table.

In QBO's v3 API (IPP), do all shipping lines map to the same account?

When I query an invoice that contains a shipping line, I get:
"DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
"Amount": 25.0,
"SalesItemLineDetail": {
"ItemRef": {
It looks like in the UI, in Advanced Settings, a shipping account can be selected by a user. What's not immediately clear is if I go in and change it, will all previous transactions that used shipping change to that account too? Or will only new shipping transactions from that point forward hit the new account? That, obviously, will impact the usefulness of the item ID provided by the Invoice query response.
Thank you!
As a reference, a Read on the company's Preferences object includes this information:
"AllowShipping": true,
"DefaultShippingAccount": "277",
I guess it's not immediately clear to me if the item that maps to this income account is generated by the system or was created by the user, but it probably doesn't matter. The real question is whether changes to it propagate to prior transactions.
Ok, so I tested this in one of my company files- I see that shipping line in txns does not refer to any accountref and there is no way of knowing to which account this amount is posted.
However, when I changed the default ship account to something else then Company pref query result shows the new account details.
I will have to check with the QBO product team on this one to find our if all existing txns are also impacted or not.
EDIT: Existing txns are not impacted by changing shipping account.

How to get customer id KUNNR of current Launchpad user?

I am writing a custom Fiori to access sales data from an SAP ERP backend system using a Gateway.
The use case is "customer logs in launchpad, opens Fiori app and sees all his/hers sales items based on the customer id". The customer id is stored in kna1-kunnr and has to be included in a select on the vbak table in SAP. Nothing fancy.
Now I ask myself: how do I get the customer id / kunnr? What do I get at all from the currently logged in user? When debugging my Gateway project code, is it actually the name stored in sy-uname or can I get something better?
How should I continue to get the customer id / kunnr? Are there some function modules like GET_CUSTOMER_ID_OF_USER to call in the SAP ERP?
Or are the actually other / better ways to get the sales documets for one user?
Thank you for your answers so far. I am going to check the default Fiori implementations to get some inside. But, since we are already here, I want to specify my question a little bit more:
Giving I create an OData model in my Component.js like that:
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("[...]/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_MYODATA_SRV/",
false, "user", "password" );
user and password are supposed to be the ones currently entered as user credentials in the Fiori Launchpad. How can I access those? Are there some SAPUI5 api like getCurrentUser or getCurrentSession ? Do I actually have to do this user check?
You are correct that to identify all of the sales orders for a customer you need to read them from VBAK (or use BAPI_SALESORDER_GETLIST, etc).
The relationship between logged in user and customer is not something that's the same in every SAP ECC system. You may find that the logged in user is the same as the customer number, but with a prefix - for example, logged in user C12345678 for customer 0012345678. Or there may be some other type of relationship that's store in a custom field on the customer master itself. The best option is to check with the person responsible for the configuration in Sales and Distribution. Only then can you know how to determine the customer for a logged in customer user.
Answering your question
Now I ask myself: how do I get the customer id / kunnr? What do I get at all from the currently logged in user?
It is done on backend with standard customizing, not via OData methods like you intend to do it.
Mikael gave you the rough idea, but didn't finished it so I will give a more comprehensive answer.
We need to differentiate between front-end and back-end authorizations, for Fiori app functioning you need to types of roles/authorizations:
The SAP Fiori roles that define which Fiori apps are displayed to the user
Launchpad authorizations
General OData authorizations
Trusted RFC back-end connectivity authorizations
Back-end authorizations and roles which contain authorizations to display the related business data
This concept is depicted on this figure:
The assignment of the front-end is described here and is out of scope now. Now we are focusing on bullet 2.
Every Fiori app has its role model and one should follow the implementation given in app description. Let's consider how it is done based on Sales Order creation app (F0018) sample:
OData service that returns business-data is SRA017_SALESORDER_CREATE_SRV, so to run it one needs frontend role SAP_SD_BCR_FIELDSALESREP_X1 and backend role SAP_SD_SO_CRE_APP
Also app description give us the following prerequisits:
Before implementing the Create Sales Order app, you must ensure the following:
That an employee master record is created with the following attributes:
If you have implemented SAP ERP HCM and maintained employees in the HCM personnel records, ensure that the employee personnel record has the infotype Communication, with a subtype of System User Name (SY-UNAME) (Infotype 0105, Subtype 0001).
If you have not implemented SAP ERP HCM, implement the Sales and Distribution configuration around Use Sales Employees with HR (Tcode: PULT). This IMG setting copies the appropriate HCM tables from the 000 Client and allows the setup of the employee record with the Infotype Communication and a Subtype of System User Name (SY-UNAME) (Infotype 0105, Subtype 0001).
It associates the USERID of the employee with the personnel number assigned as a partner function sales employee in the customer master.
After implementing the above customer SAP user id will be bound to his employee ID (PERNR), and his employee ID consequently will be bound to partner function in XD02.
And that's not all, what comes next?
THe following order parameters should be maintained in in SIMGH tcode in order customer to see his orders and can create the new ones.
Call transaction SIMGH to open the Create Sales Orders node and configure user information in Customizing activity Define Configuration Parameters using the parameters listed below. For more information, see the documentation available for the Customizing activity.
Document Type (DOCTYPE)
By default, the app uses the standard order document type (technical key TA resp. OR). Changing this to something other than a sales order may significantly impact the functionality of the application.
Order Period (ORDPERIOD)
This defines how many days into the past sales orders are retrieved. The suggested value is 30 days.
Search Period (SEAPERIOD)
This defines how many days into the past a search must look for sales orders that match the search criteria. The suggested value is 90 days.
This defines which partner role in the customer master is used for the ship-to party. The suggested value is WE.
This defines which partner role in the customer master is used for the forwarding agent. The suggested value is SP.
and even that's not all
App description gives the following BADIs to implement in order to enable such linking
Implement the following BAdIs:
Customer Association to Employee
You can use this BAdI to associate employees with specific customers.
Only after all the above steps the customer will be able to order and/or view his sales items.
The moral: always check the app description thoroughly because the role model varies per-app.
Have a look at the standard Fiori applications. For example, in Create Sales Order, there is a BADI provided to implement the relation you are looking for (but for an employee to a customer). In the standard setup, the partner functions of the customer master is used to map what customers are visible to an employee.
Most likely, you have a similar setup already in place if your customers actually have user accounts in your system. If could be as a parameter of the user or as a (custom?) partner role.

Could not execute specified command - Not able to add customer record in Quickbooks

We are trying to query Customer Master for "TEST CUSTOMER", But Quickbooks is returning an error saying "The name "[TEST CUSTOMER]" of the list element is already in use."
We tried searching customer master for the above customer, but could not find it in QB. We searched the entire list of customer which includes inactive as well but no luck.
We are using RSSBUS ADO.Net Provider for integration. When we communicated to them, they said, there might me issue with the Company File.
Can you please help us resolve the issue, or tell us the cause of the issue?
QuickBooks has a UNIQUE constraint across the combination of (vendors, customers, employees, "other names").
So, it could be that a vendor or employee already exists with that name.
You might also check to see if the customer is marked inactive (inactive customers don't show up in default queries).

Certain invoices missing from the "All Invoices" API response

We use the Intuit API V2 to import Invoices from QuickBooks Desktop.
At one point we imported a few invoices that no longer show up in the list of "all invoices".
But if we request the invoices "by id" (one at a time) we do get them. They still have an open balance > 0.
Is there a reason why these invoices don't show up in the "all invoices" list? We did request all the pages.
Something that we noticed is that the problematic invoices all have Lines with SalesTaxCodeId 2 and seem to be "Tax returns".
I have answered this question many times on Stackoverflow. You need to review the Sync Activity and Sync Status for any error the object may have encountered while syncing from Intuit to the customer's desktop QuickBooks file.
Objects that encounter an error are flagged and no longer appear in a query unless you set a filter to retrieve errored objects.
Lastly, you should always post your xml requests one for the query all and one for the individual.
For your reference: