I want to rename some columns in a dataframe that I'm providing in a Seq.
I'm using below method:
def prefixColumns(dataframe: DataFrame, columnPrefix: String, cols: Seq[String]) : DataFrame = {
for (column <- dataframe.columns){
dataframe.withColumnRenamed(column, columnPrefix + "_" + column)
and calling
prefix(products, "products", Seq(col1,col2,col3,col4))
It is only renaming col4 as products_col4 and other columns are left as is.
Can someone suggest me a way to do this in scala?
I want to rename only the columns provided in the Seq and other columns of dataframe as is.
Your function does not rename anything because withColumnRenamed does not transform the object it is called on. It returns a new object with the column renamed. Let's check that:
Seq("id", "id2")
val cols = Seq("id", "id2")
val df = spark.range(1).select('id, 'id as "x", 'id as "id2", 'id as "id3")
| id| x|id2|id3|
| 0| 0| 0| 0|
prefixColumns(df, "X", col).show()
| id| x|id2|id3|
| 0| 0| 0| 0|
But you can adjust your function a little bit to make it work:
def prefixColumns(dataframe: DataFrame, columnPrefix: String, cols: Seq[String]) : DataFrame = {
var result = dataframe
for (column <- dataframe.columns){
// we assign the renamed df to the result variable
result = result.withColumnRenamed(column, columnPrefix + "_" + column)
prefixColumns(df, "X", col).show()
|X_id| x|X_id2|id3|
| 0| 0| 0| 0|
NB: another way at it is to use select like this. No for loops:
dataframe.select( dataframe.columns.map(c =>
if(cols contains c) col(c).alias(columnPrefix + "_" + c) else col(c)
) : _*)
My code is using monotonically_increasing_id function is scala
val df = List(("oleg"), ("maxim")).toDF("first_name")
.withColumn("row_id", monotonically_increasing_id)
I want to mock it in my unit test so that it returns integers 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
In my spark-shell it returns the desired result.
scala> df.show
| oleg| 0|
| maxim| 1|
But in my scala applications the results are different.
How can I mock column functions?
Mocking such a function so that it produces a sequence is not simple. Indeed, spark is a parallel computing engine and accessing the data in sequence is therefore complicated.
Here is a solution you could try.
Let's define a function that zips a dataframe:
def zip(df : DataFrame, name : String) = {
df.withColumn(name, monotonically_increasing_id)
Then let's rewrite the function we want to test using this zip function by default:
def fun(df : DataFrame,
zipFun : (DataFrame, String) => DataFrame = zip) : DataFrame = {
zipFun(df, "id_row")
// let 's see what it does
| id| id_row|
| 0| 0|
| 1| 1|
| 2|8589934592|
| 3|8589934593|
| 4|8589934594|
It's the same as before, let's write a new function that uses zipWithIndex from the RDD API. It's a bit tedious because we have to go back and forth between the two APIs.
def zip2(df : DataFrame, name : String) = {
val rdd = df.rdd.zipWithIndex
.map{ case (row, i) => Row.fromSeq(row.toSeq :+ i) }
val newSchema = df.schema.add(StructField(name, LongType, false))
df.sparkSession.createDataFrame(rdd, newSchema)
fun(spark.range(5).toDF, zip2)
| id|id_row|
| 0| 0|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 2|
| 3| 3|
| 4| 4|
You can adapt zip2, for instance multiplying i by 2, to get what you want.
Based on answer from #Oli I came up with the following workaround:
val df = List(("oleg"), ("maxim")).toDF("first_name")
.withColumn("row_id", monotonically_increasing_id)
.withColumn("test_id", row_number().over(Window.orderBy("row_id")))
It solves my problem but I'm still interested in mocking column functions.
I mock my spark functions with this code :
val s = typedLit[Timestamp](Timestamp.valueOf("2021-05-07 15:00:46.394"))
implicit val ds = DefaultAnswer(CALLS_REAL_METHODS)
withObjectMocked[functions.type] {
// spark logic
I have the following RDD:
Col1 Col2
"abc" "123a"
"def" "783b"
"abc "674b"
"xyz" "123a"
"abc" "783b"
I need the following output where each item in each column is converted into a unique key.
for example : abc->1,def->2,xyz->3
Col1 Col2
1 1
2 2
1 3
3 1
1 2
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In this case, you can rely on the hashCode of the string. The hashcode will be the same if the input and datatype is same. Try this.
scala> "abc".hashCode
res23: Int = 96354
scala> "xyz".hashCode
res24: Int = 119193
scala> val df = Seq(("abc","123a"),
| ("def","783b"),
| ("abc","674b"),
| ("xyz","123a"),
| ("abc","783b")).toDF("col1","col2")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [col1: string, col2: string]
scala> def hashc(x:String):Int =
| return x.hashCode
hashc: (x: String)Int
scala> val myudf = udf(hashc(_:String):Int)
myudf: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction = UserDefinedFunction(<function1>,IntegerType,Some(List(StringType)))
scala> df.select(myudf('col1), myudf('col2)).show
| 96354| 1509487|
| 99333| 1694000|
| 96354| 1663279|
| 119193| 1509487|
| 96354| 1694000|
If you must map your columns into natural numbers starting from 1, one approach would be to apply zipWithIndex to the individual columns, add 1 to the index (as zipWithIndex always starts from 0), convert indvidual RDDs to DataFrames, and finally join the converted DataFrames for the index keys:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(
("abc", "123a"),
("def", "783b"),
("abc", "674b"),
("xyz", "123a"),
("abc", "783b")
val df1 = rdd.map(_._1).distinct.zipWithIndex.
map(r => (r._1, r._2 + 1)).
toDF("col1", "c1key")
val df2 = rdd.map(_._2).distinct.zipWithIndex.
map(r => (r._1, r._2 + 1)).
toDF("col2", "c2key")
val dfJoined = rdd.toDF("col1", "col2").
join(df1, Seq("col1")).
join(df2, Seq("col2"))
// +----+----+-----+-----+
// |col2|col1|c1key|c2key|
// +----+----+-----+-----+
// |783b| abc| 2| 1|
// |783b| def| 3| 1|
// |123a| xyz| 1| 2|
// |123a| abc| 2| 2|
// |674b| abc| 2| 3|
select($"c1key".as("col1"), $"c2key".as("col2")).
// +----+----+
// |col1|col2|
// +----+----+
// | 2| 1|
// | 3| 1|
// | 1| 2|
// | 2| 2|
// | 2| 3|
// +----+----+
Note that if you're okay with having the keys start from 0, the step of map(r => (r._1, r._2 + 1)) can be skipped in generating df1 and df2.
I've got this DataFrame
val for_df = Seq((5,7,"5k-7k"),(4,8,"4k-8k"),(6,12,"6k-2k")).toDF("min","max","salary")
I want to convert 5k-7k to 5,6,7 and 4k-8k to 4,5,6,7,8.
Original DataFrame:
Desired DataFrame
case(min,max,salary) =>
(min,max,salary.split("-").flatMap(x => {
for(i <- 0 to x.length-1) yield (i)
you need to create a UDF to expand the limits. The following UDF will convert convert 5k-7k to 5,6,7 and 4k-8k to 4,5,6,7,8 and so on
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val inputDF = sc.parallelize(List((5,7,"5k-7k"),(4,8,"4k-8k"),(6,12,"6k-12k"))).toDF("min","max","salary")
val extendUDF = udf((str: String) => {
val nums = str.replace("k","").split("-").map(_.toInt)
(nums(0) to nums(1)).toList.mkString(",")
val output = inputDF.withColumn("salary_level", extendUDF($"salary"))
scala> output.show
|min|max|salary| salary_level|
| 5| 7| 5k-7k| 5,6,7|
| 4| 8| 4k-8k| 4,5,6,7,8|
| 6| 12|6k-12k|6,7,8,9,10,11,12|
You can easily do this with a udf.
// The following defines a udf in spark which create a list as per your requirement.
val makeRangeLists = udf( (min: Int, max: Int) => List.range(min, max+1) )
val input = sc.parallelize(List((5,7,"5k-7k"),
// Create a new column using the UDF and pass the max and min columns.
input.withColumn("salary_level", makeRangeLists($"min", $"max")).show
Here one quick option with an UDF
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions
val toSalary = functions.udf((value: String) => {
val array = value.filterNot(_ == 'k').split("-").map(_.trim.toInt).sorted
val (startSalary, endSalary) = (array.headOption, array.tail.headOption)
(startSalary, endSalary) match {
case (Some(s), Some(e)) => (s to e).toList.mkString(",")
case _ => ""
for_df.withColumn("salary_level", toSalary($"salary")).drop("salary")
| 5| 7| 5k-7k|
| 4| 8| 4k-8k|
| 6| 12| 6k-2k|
| 5| 7| 5,6,7|
| 4| 8| 4,5,6,7,8|
| 6| 12| 2,3,4,5,6|
First you remove the k and split your string by the dash. Then you get the start and endSalary and perform a range beetwen them.
I want to take each row of a dataframe which has 1 million rows and generate 1000 rows from each row of it by taking a cross product with a list having 1000 entries thereby generating a dataframe with 1 billion rows. What is the best approach to do it efficiently.
I have tried with broadcasting the list and then using it while mapping each row of the dataframe. But this seems to be taking too much time.
val mappedrdd = validationDataFrames.map(x => {
val cutoffList : List[String] = cutoffListBroadcast.value
val arrayTruthTableVal = arrayTruthTableBroadcast.value
var listBufferRow: ListBuffer[Row] = new ListBuffer()
for(cutOff <- cutoffList){
val conversion = x.get(0).asInstanceOf[Int]
val probability = x.get(1).asInstanceOf[Double]
var columnName : StringBuffer = new StringBuffer
columnName = columnName.append(conversion)
if(probability > cutOff.toDouble){
columnName = columnName.append("_").append("1")
columnName = columnName.append("_").append("0")
val index:Int = arrayTruthTableVal.indexOf(columnName.toString)
var listBuffer : ListBuffer[String] = new ListBuffer()
listBuffer :+= cutOff
for(i <- 1 to 4){
if((index + 1) == i) listBuffer :+= "1" else listBuffer :+= "0"
val row = Row.fromSeq(listBuffer)
listBufferRow = listBufferRow :+ row
Depending on your spark version you can do:
Spark 2.1.0
Add the list as a column and explode. A simplified example:
val df = spark.range(5)
val exploded = df.withColumn("a",lit(List(1,2,3).toArray)).withColumn("a", explode($"a"))
| id| a|
| 0| 1|
| 0| 2|
| 0| 3|
| 1| 1|
| 1| 2|
| 1| 3|
| 2| 1|
| 2| 2|
| 2| 3|
| 3| 1|
| 3| 2|
| 3| 3|
| 4| 1|
| 4| 2|
| 4| 3|
For timing you can do:
def time[R](block: => R): Long = {
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis()
block // call-by-name
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis()
t1 - t0
time(spark.range(1000000).withColumn("a",lit((0 until 1000).toArray)).withColumn("a", explode($"a")).count())
took 5.41 seconds on a 16 core computer with plenty of memory configured with default parallelism of 60.
< Spark 2.1.0
You can define a simple UDF.
val xx = (0 until 1000).toArray.toSeq // replace with your list but turn it to seq
val ff = udf(() => {xx})
time(spark.range(1000000).withColumn("a",ff()).withColumn("a", explode($"a")).count())
Took on the same server as above 8.25 seconds
I am trying to take my input data:
4 blah 2
2 3
56 foo 3
And add a column to the end based on whether B is empty or not:
4 blah 2 1
2 3 0
56 foo 3 1
I can do this easily by registering the input dataframe as a temp table, then typing up a SQL query.
But I'd really like to know how to do this with just Scala methods and not having to type out a SQL query within Scala.
I've tried .withColumn, but I can't get that to do what I want.
Try withColumn with the function when as follows:
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._ // for `toDF` and $""
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ // for `when`
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq((4, "blah", 2), (2, "", 3), (56, "foo", 3), (100, null, 5)))
.toDF("A", "B", "C")
val newDf = df.withColumn("D", when($"B".isNull or $"B" === "", 0).otherwise(1))
newDf.show() shows
| A| B| C| D|
| 4|blah| 2| 1|
| 2| | 3| 0|
| 56| foo| 3| 1|
|100|null| 5| 0|
I added the (100, null, 5) row for testing the isNull case.
I tried this code with Spark 1.6.0 but as commented in the code of when, it works on the versions after 1.4.0.
My bad, I had missed one part of the question.
Best, cleanest way is to use a UDF.
Explanation within the code.
// create some example data...BY DataFrame
// note, third record has an empty string
case class Stuff(a:String,b:Int)
val d= sc.parallelize(Seq( ("a",1),("b",2),
("",3) ,("d",4)).map { x => Stuff(x._1,x._2) }).toDF
// now the good stuff.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
// function that returns 0 is string empty
val func = udf( (s:String) => if(s.isEmpty) 0 else 1 )
// create new dataframe with added column named "notempty"
val r = d.select( $"a", $"b", func($"a").as("notempty") )
scala> r.show
| a| b|notempty|
| a| 1| 1111|
| b| 2| 1111|
| | 3| 0|
| d| 4| 1111|
How about something like this?
val newDF = df.filter($"B" === "").take(1) match {
case Array() => df
case _ => df.withColumn("D", $"B" === "")
Using take(1) should have a minimal hit