how to create an Expandable Column using ui5-table - sapui5

How can I create an Expandable/Collapsable Columns like accordion using ui5-table? I couldn't find it within sap.ui.table.Table samples or don't even know if other tables supports this.

You could try something like this
Attach to the "columnPress" event of the column to detect a Click on the table column.
In the Event detect, if the expandable column is clicked and toggle a property in the ViewModel
switch the visibility in the the Column Template
<m:Label text="Expand" />
<m:Text text="unexpanded" visible="{= !${viewModel>/IsExpanded}}"/>
<m:HBox visible="{= !!${viewModel>/IsExpanded}}">
<m:Text text="expanded1"/>
<m:Text text="expanded2"/>
<m:Text text="expanded3"/>


Expand input suggestion width

Screenshot of the current width:
I'm trying to expand the suggestion popup above.
Since I want to use it in a FilterBar, the Input fields are small and the Table becomes kind of useless. When trying to change the width with the Inspector, it changes back immediately.
The demo code I'm using is rather simple.
<Input xmlns="sap.m"
<Column popinDisplay="Inline" demandPopin="true">
<Label text="Name"/>
<Column hAlign="Center" popinDisplay="Inline" demandPopin="true" minScreenWidth="Tablet">
<Label text="Product ID"/>
<Column hAlign="Center" popinDisplay="Inline" minScreenWidth="Tablet">
<Label text="Supplier Name"/>
<Column hAlign="End" popinDisplay="Inline" demandPopin="true">
<Label text="Price"/>
<!-- ... -->
Controls extended from sap.m.Input (i.e. including sap.m.MultiInput) have a property called maxSuggestionWidth which will let you have a wider suggestion table than the actual width of your input. Check the property here:
If set, the value of this parameter will control the horizontal size of the suggestion list to display more data. This allows suggestion lists to be wider than the input field if there is enough space available. By default, the suggestion list is always as wide as the input field.
Note: The value will be ignored if the actual width of the input field is larger than the specified parameter value.
I added this property with value 500px (just for testing) and the result is the following (The Input width is 200px):
I think this is what you are looking for ^^ Hope it helps!

TreeTable in SAP UI5 with no child row

Is it possible to have a tree table in SAP UI5 with no child row. But still show the ">" against the parent. On expanding it will show nothing.
Sure, simply don't add any parameters to the binding of your columns.
rows="{ path: '/GroupNodes' }"> <!-- Your binding here -->
<m:Text text="{Grpid}"></m:Text>
Which produces the following:

SAPUI5: ObjectAttribute Wrap Text

I am attempting to display a wrapped long text in an ObjectAttribute in an SAP UI5 application:
<List id="__listObjectAttributes" noDataText="Drop list items here" headerText="Shipping Information" items="{Shipments}">
<ObjectListItem id="__listItemShipments" title="{ShipmentTxt}">
<ObjectAttribute id="__attributeShipmentId" title="Shipment #" text="{Id}"/>
<ObjectAttribute id="__attributeShipmentCode" title="Shipment Code" text="{ShipCd}"/>
<ObjectAttribute id="__attributeShipmentLongText" title="Long Text" text="{LongText}" binding="{ShipmentLongText}"/>
The problem is, when the list is displayed the text is truncated instead of wrapped. I've been looking for ways to wrap the text in an ObjectAttribute, but to no avail.
I have found articles that say both "you can do it" and "you can't do it".
Not possible:
If it is not possible to add this information to an ObjectAttribute, does anyone know a way to display the same information in a list that will accept wrapped text?
#Ran Hassid's answer was correct! Using a CustomListItem in combination with a SimpleForm was the best solution. Here is the code I ended up going with:
<List id="__listObjectAttributes" noDataText="Drop list items here" headerText="Shipping Information" items="{Shipments}">
<CustomListItem id="__listItemShipments">
<form:SimpleForm id="__formShipmentList" editable="true" layout="GridLayout" labelMinWidth="100">
<Label id="__labelShipmentId" text="Id"/>
<Text id="__textShipmentId" text="{Id}"/>
<!--Shipment Code-->
<Label id="__labelShipmentCode" text="Shipment Code"/>
<Text id="__textShipmentCode" text="{ShipCd}"/>
<!--Long text-->
<Label id="__labelShipmentLongText" text="LongText"/>
<Text id="__textShipmentLongText" text="{Longtext}" binding="{ShipmentLongText}"/>
Then I added the sap.ui.layout.form to the mvc:View to simplify the code:
<mvc:View xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:semantic="sap.m.semantic" xmlns:form="sap.ui.layout.form" controllerName="shipments.controller.ShipmentDetail">
I think that even if it is possible (I assume via css changes and so on) it is not recommended because it is not part of the ObjectAttribute interface. In order to achieve the same effect you can do one of the following:
Use CustomListItem instead of ObjectListItem and inside the content of it wrap a SimpleForm. The simple form layout should be grid layout because you want to position text next to the title in the same row. In the Text control you can put as longest string as you want and also control on the wrapping of it. So your code should look something like that (I didn't use binding but I assume you will know what to do in your code)
<List noDataText="Drop list items here" id="__list0">
<CustomListItem type="Navigation" id="__item1">
<sap.ui.layout.form:SimpleForm xmlns:sap.ui.layout.form="sap.ui.layout.form" xmlns:sap.ui.core="sap.ui.core" editable="true" layout="GridLayout" id="__form0" labelMinWidth="100">
<sap.ui.core:Title text="Title" id="__title0" />
<Label text="Long Text" id="__label1" />
<Text text="Very long text with\nmultiple lines" />
<Label text="Other text" id="__label2" />
<Text text="Some text goes here" />
The second option is to use CustomListItem but with VBOX + HBOX. so you have a VBOX which wrap HBOX's and inside each HBOX you put title next to the text.
I recommend to go with the first approach because it's much more clear and responsive.
Good luck.
I would recommend using basic CSS to solve this issue.
<ObjectAttribute text="{aVeryLongText}" class="objectAttributeWrapper" />
.objectAttributeWrapper * {
white-space: pre-line !important;
word-wrap: break-word !important;
This will even work if there are changes on the sap.m.ObjectAttribute Interface, since this CSS-Selector grabs all children of the element which we assigned the CSS class to.
Speaking from my experience this was a quick and stable solution. I had to extend a legacy app, where replacing the whole control would result in me needing to rewrite a whole controller.
Works like a charm and didnt break since 1.71.50

sapui5 coordinate plotting

A question regarding below process. I have a table maintained in blue box. Sample table maintenance and expected output.
How could I render the coordinates to a clickable table/grid like what is shown in red box. Which SAPUI5 control able to achieve this objective? The X will be the lot id which will be maintained in the table and it shall have an event triggered to show the detail information when user click on the cell. Some lot will have single cell and some will need to merge cell(Note: if the coordinate is not maintained, it shall leaves blank to that cell and is non-clickable).
Does this requirment able to achive using sapui5 for fiori app?
There are several ways to achieve this, but not all of them offer the complete set of functionality that you describe.
The first way that comes into mind is to use a sap.m.Table with the "mergeDuplicates" properties set on the columns. Example (working fiddle here):
<Column mergeDuplicates="true">
<header><Label text="1" /></header>
<Column mergeDuplicates="true">
<header><Label text="2" /></header>
<Column mergeDuplicates="true">
<header><Label text="3" /></header>
<Button text="A"/>
<Button text="B"/>
<Button text="X"/>
<Button text="A"/>
<Button text="C"/>
<Button text="C"/>
<Button text="A"/>
<Button text="C"/>
<Button text="C"/>
The main downside of this is that you cannot merge cells across columns (i.e. in this example, you would get cell "C" twice: once for the second column and once for the third).
Another version is to use the sap.ui.layout.Grid. This has mostly the same limitation (that you can only merge "cells" in a single direction) and also has the added limitation that:
The Grid control is a layout which positions its child controls in a 12 column flow layout.
Lastly, you could use a sap.ui.commons.layout.MatrixLayout (which is deprecated btw, but no "full" replacement was provided). This actually can be used to model your problem completely. Example (working fiddle here):
<layout:MatrixLayout class="matrix">
<layout:MatrixLayoutRow height="4em">
<layout:MatrixLayoutCell padding="None" rowSpan="3">
<Button text="A" width="100%"/>
<layout:MatrixLayoutCell padding="None">
<Button text="B" width="100%"/>
<layout:MatrixLayoutCell padding="None">
<Button text="X" width="100%"/>
<layout:MatrixLayoutRow height="4em">
<layout:MatrixLayoutCell padding="None" colSpan="2" rowSpan="2" >
<Button text="C" width="100%"/>
<layout:MatrixLayoutRow height="4em">
But as you see, it is slightly more complicated and may need some CSS fiddling.

zk - Empty column for a scrollbar on a grid

It's my first time working on zk and i have this guideline.
There is an empty column on the far right that fills the empty space between the last column and the right edge of the Grid. When the content is loaded the scroll should appear inside that column.
Is it possible to do this? do you have any suggestion?
Something like this fiddle if your run it under zk 7.0.2 or 7.0.3?
If link dies this is the code :
<window border="normal" title="hello" >
<grid height="300px">
<column label="Chat Message" sort="auto" />
<column label="By" sort="auto" />
<rows id="rows">
<zk forEach="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10">
<label value="Message ${each}"/>
<label value="By User ${each}"/>